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27.77% Ol' Big Ears / Chapter 10: Day 4x3 - The Hunt

Chapter 10: Day 4x3 - The Hunt


You nod to Bonnie. Like how you dealt with Freddy you knew you'd have to deal with Monty. Better you see him than he sees you. You pretend Bonnie wishes you good luck and you thank him.

You determine the best way to talk to him would in Rockstar Row. If that glass was really bulletproof then it would be the safest bet. You decide to take the stairs up to the raceway. It provided a little more time as you think about what to say to him.

Outside your workshop were scattered maps on the ground, presumably from the map bot. Whatever. A janitor bot would circle the area eventually and clean it up.

Using your phone flash for additional light you continue on. The pale walls in the fire escape route remained as dull as ever. To think, it was only a few days ago you were running here in fear of Freddy. Tonight it was Monty.

Your security lanyard swayed ever so slightly as you climbed the stairs. Did Monty have a number you could call? It would probably be safer than confronting him.

The raceway was as dark as always, the same bots cleaning up and patrolling the area. There was no sign of Roxanne or any of the Fazbear 4.

Calling Monty, to warn him you were coming was a good idea. With no idea how to reach him you call the one person you can reach, Vanessa.

Typing of the numbers later it dings. Her location reads as "BAKERY". "Damnit (Y/N)! You blew my position!" You could tell from her watch she was running. "Get back here you oversized bird!" She shouted. "Argh." She says fed up and looks to the watch. "What is it?" She asks annoyed. "Sorry, is this a bad time?"

"Not anymore. What do you need?" She sighs.

"I'm going to try and talk some sense into Monty. Is it possible to call him? Does he have a watch?"

"Well, all the animatronics do...But Freddy is the only one who really uses it during the night. I don't think I've ever seen Monty use it."

"Do you know what his number is?"

"No idea."

"Alright." You say a bit saddened. "I'll just see if I can talk to him myself."

"You sure about that? He should be calmer now but anything can set him off."

"Well, I'll be in charge of him eventually. I might as well settle this now." You respond. "You did say he can't break through the glass right?"

"Yeah, it's reinforced. There's no way he can get through it. I'm almost done with work here. If you want me to be nearby when you talk to him I can."

"It's okay. I should be fine."

"Whatever, your funer-choice." Vanessa paused. "If you need something to settle him down there should be some laser guns in the arcade. It'll stun him. Only use it if he gets too riled. He hates it."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"Now, don't call me again unless it's an emergency. I'm trying to catch Chica." Vanessa hung up without giving you a chance to say anything.

As you continue to proceed through the race course you look up to the rafters above. How the hell was Monty able to manoeuvre them so well? He must have had practice. You nearly stumble over something but catch yourself. Turning around you see Monty's cowboy hat. An idea occurs. Maybe you can use it as a reason to talk to him. You take the hat putting it around your neck.

Laser guns in the arcade. You hadn't been there yet. Being a senior technician to you meant tending to the animatronics. You wondered if it included fixing arcade machines too.

Finally you arrive at your destination.

Rockstar Row.

A museum of past and present animatronics. You'd already been here once but hadn't really looked around.

Lining the walls were opposite the green rooms were a large gallery of assorted models and historical pieces. You briefly skim over it, mostly focusing on the past animatronics of the plex. You were surprised how 'primitive' the older animatronics looked. It was a far cry from the more advanced ones you'd interacted with the past few days.

A thought enters your head. Roxanne, Chica and Freddy had all mentioned having been together in some capacity before this plex. You wondered how that was even possible, unless they always had that AI, or if it was even an AI not something else. You shake your head, just another mystery at the plex. You figure at some point you'd ask them exactly what they meant.

Looking at some of the models you wondered if they had even been real. Some looked like knockoffs and others were outright strange. There was even a cupcake animatronic at one point. Weird. You also notice a picture of a what appears to be an older version of Bonnie. A past model perhaps? It looked far more rigid than the current one you'd been working on.

Matter of fact you also notice there were pictures of what you could identify as past models of Freddy and Chica too. As well as a red Roxanne? Or wait, was that a fox? You weren't sure. Of all the animatronics there were none that looked to be an ancestor of Monty though. Was he the 'youngest' animatronic? Maybe that had some role in the murder?

You write it down.

It would probably be useful later to get all the animatronics numbers. Just in case.

You passed by Freddy's and Roxanne's rooms. Freddy's curtains were drawn and the lights off. Roxanne's room was also dark. Wherever they were, they were not in the Row. There was no point in checking on Chica's room. She was currently engaged in some goose-er-chicken chase with Vanessa.

You take a deep breath. Enough stalling. Time to settle this.

You take off the hat and approach Monty's green room. It was pitch black inside with a small paper on the front that "Be Back Soon!" He had to be in there right? You tap on the glass. "Monty? You in there?"

No response.

"I just want to talk. I brought you your hat, see?" You say holding the hat up.

Out of the darkness and faster than you could process Monty jumped out lunging at the glass. He emitted a screeching sound as he did. He bounced back off as it handled his impact. Of course, that didn't stop your heart from skipping a few beats.

You jump, trip and stumble into the statue guard railing behind you.

Behind the glass, now standing fully upright was Monty. Even crashing into the glass at full speed didn't wind him.

It may have been dark in his room but the light from his eyes showed all you needed to see. He was still just as angry as before.

Brightly glowing red eyes were staring daggers at you. You could just barely make the outline of the giant mechanical alligator. To say he didn't look happy to see you was an understatement.

Could he not hear you? Getting yourself up you hold the hat up again. "C-can you hear m-"

"Of course I can hear you!" He says voice rising. He bangs on the glass, frustrated he was stuck in there. He emitted a growl.

Even though you were staring to get scared you still appreciated the vocal range that he had. It was impressive.


"Why'd ya come here? Just to gloat, just to piss me off?!" He says demanding. He placed a hand on the glass.

You half hoped one of the other animatronics was around to help calm him down. Judging by the lack of anyone intervening it looked like it was just you.

"I wanted to return your hat...and talk."

His expression changed from anger to malice. "How about you come in here and give it to me then?" He said with a crooked smile.

You were wise to his game. "Yeah, that's not going to happen. At least not right now."

"What a shame. You're lucky out there you know. But I will get out, eventually." He said tauntingly.

"Nevermind the hat. I just want to know why. I want to help." You were starting to get annoyed.

"I don't want your help." Monty spat. "Ya want to help me? Fine. Stop fixing Bonnie. Save us all the trouble. Everyone was perfect until you found him!" He returned to looking at you angry.

"What happened with you and B-"

"How about you put that that damn rabbit in a trash compactor, give me back my hat and maybe I'll tell you what that stupid rabbit did!" He spat, starting to get angry again.

"What's your problem? Do you act like that during the day?" You snap at Monty. "Every other animatronic here has been nice. What's wrong with you?!" You blurt out, starting to get frustrated yourself.

"Problem?" He says glaring at you. "I don't have no damn problem!" He bangs on the glass again. You see it visibly shake.

"I'm the best damn member of this whole band! I have the best fans and I'm the best at golf!" He continued banging the glass as he yelled at you.

"It's punks like y'all that have a problem! Punks like that guard, that stupid rabbit and this whole place problems!" More banging. He was pounding on the glass now. He was waving his arms about, appearing threatening.

You regain your composure and try to change the subject. "Why do you hate Bonnie so much anyways?" He stops.

"That's none of your business." He says quietly growling at you.

You fold your arms. "I'm in charge of him so yeah, it is my business." You were forthright.

He just growls in response.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me."

He hit the glass with both hands. "Fine! You wanna know? I HATE HIS STUPID ARROGANCE!" He bangs. "HIS STUPID FACE, *BANG* HIS STUPID EARS, *BANG* HIS STUPID FALL. *BANG* IT WAS HIS FAULT HE BROKE. *BANG* AND IT WAS HIS FAULT LAST YEAR." Your eyes widen in horror as you see the glass crack. He was pounding the glass nonstop.

You start to back up slowly.

"THAT STUPID RABBIT!" He yells. One more punch and the entire glass pane shatters into a million pieces.

Now Playing...

Artist: Sinji & DJ Playastation

Song: Creep Street 3


Monty lunges at you.

You were paralyzed in fear, back now against the railing.

No. It was time to run. Your instincts take over and duck under to the side just as he tries to grab you. Terror consumes you as you start running as fast as you can.

In the chaos you hardly notice that you drop his hat.

Monty was chasing you, you could hear him yell from behind.

"Where are you going? Lemme show you what I did to him!" Monty yells from behind you.

You think fast. Other animatronics, not here. Vanessa, who knows? Where the hell were the other band members? Your tazer. Need a charging station. Or a gun. Laser gun. The arcade has them. The Arcade. Right out of Rockstar row and beside Bonnie's area.

You take a corner as fast as possible and enter the concert hall. You look behind you to see one of those black and yellow mop bots smash into the wall you just turned from. He was on a rampage. Nevermind even trying to see what damage it did you just continue.

Despite his apparent speed you were still able to outrun him. You hear him roar behind you.

You briefly scan the concert hall for any sign of anyone that could help. Predictably, the only animatronics you saw were the various janitorial and security ones. They would be of little help.

You needed to get to the arcade. It was just up a level and past Bonnie's place.

You were grateful that at least Monty was making a lot of noise. If there was somebody nearby they would hear it.

You dash up the escalator. Monty had a lot more distance but that didn't stop him from coming.

For a monstrous machine he sure was fast. He was still running on both legs, different to how you saw Roxanne running the other night. He switched from bipedal to all fours as he galloped behind you, closing the distance. Your heart nearly jumped upon seeing such a spectacle. He had gone feral.

"Get back here! I'm not through with you yet!" He yelled from behind you.

Up on the second level there was no semblance of anyone helpful around either.

Wait. If anything Freddy could probably be in Bonnie's area. You consider the option of ducking in there but Monty emitting some sort of guttural scream you decide to stick with the arcade.

Running past Bonnie Bowling you briefly see two of those "endos" from the other night. They were moving but freeze when you look at them.

Just great, you think. There was too much on your mind to deal with them right now. Bonnie's Bowling would be a no go for now.

That should be enough distance between you and the rampaging gator. You turn to look over the railing to see how far he was. Your heart only sinks further when you see him jump and climb atop the railing fixtures and hoist himself up to your level with ease. He was much closer now.

Was he spring-loaded? You really weren't prepared for this. Argh, why did it have to be him?, you think. Him and Roxanne seemed to be the most agile animatronics.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said closing in. He was only a few metres away from you now. Think quickly. You look around. Yes! There was Monty-themed trashcan next to the railing. Without even thinking you lift the lid up and chuck it at him. You don't see how he reacts as you burst back into running. From behind it you it sounded like it hit him.

It lands upon his temporarily blinding him. It barely does anything and he rips it right off. "TELL ME WHERE YOU'RE HIDING HIM!" He screams from behind.

Your mind drifts back to a nature documentary you saw some time ago. Apparently the best way to get to break free from an alligator was to poke its eyes. Though, gouging Monty's eyes out seemed impossible. And there was no way you were going to get close. You needed that gun. Or a charging station.

Wait, why haven't you tried calling Vanessa? Hands shaking you try your best to dial the number but are too adrenaline-pumped to do so. You give up for now and enter the arcade.

At the corner of the level was the arcade. A bright neon sigh labelled FAZCADE in the most outrun font you've ever seen was above it. The door was tunnel shaped and closed. As you approached your lanyard's security clearance opened it.

Frantically you hit the Fazbear button and the doors close. You hear Monty say something but he doesn't make it in.

As the elevator went to the arcade you took the few moments you had catch your breath, silently praying that Monty wouldn't just be at the door when it opened. Your watch rang. The name displayed as Vanessa. Before you could answer it however the call ended and the watch displayed NO SIGNAL in the corner. Fantastic, you thought.

Nevermind Vanessa. You needed that gun. You quickly check the night guard map and see there is a security office in the arcade. That must be where the guns were. Just your luck it was on the third floor.

The doors parted and your prayers were answered; instead with a security bot. As soon as it saw your lanyard it went back to ignoring you.

You were now in the arcade, Monty still in hot pursuit somewhere. The arcade was huge, far bigger than you had anticipated. Another gold statue, this one of the band members all together was in front of you.

You were on the first floor. Only two stories to go.

You go left and start to climb some rounding stairs. You do so with caution, you never liked the stairs that always looked like you can fall through. Rows of flashing arcade machines pass you in a white CRT-laden blur.

Even though you were still in a panicked state you still appreciated how nice the arcade looked, even at night. Lavalamp-like pillars lit up the place lining the walls, there were huge holes in the wall that looked like space tunnels with pulsating rings of neon around them. There were far more arcade cabinets that you expected to see. The arcade was huge. A lot of the cabinets were shut down but others were on and displaying demos.

You feel the ground shake ever so slightly and look around. That couldn't have been Monty right? Walking cautiously you trip over something and land face down. You really should look down more.

Getting up you see a small animatronic.

It looked almost like a spider with several legs. It had two arms and held cymbals in each hand. It had a small top hat and a large smile on his head. Each of the teeth looked like piano keys. The animatronic looked to be covered in soot, or dirt. It was in rough condition. If you weren't currently running for your life you would take it and fix it up.

Wait a minute, that head design looked familiar. This was the DJ Music Man. Or at least you thought. The whole arcade was his area you recall from the brochure. "Do-do you know where the laser guns are kept?" You ask.

It just cocked its head and clapped its symbols. This wasn't going to help. You get up and go back to looking. The map was really confusing.

Now Playing...

Artist: Overlook

Song: Blue Rose


Elsewhere there was a lot activity. The whole plex was a few moments away from going into lockdown. Vanessa and Chica were standing at Rockstar Row looking at the pile of shattered glass and the now empty green room. There were clear signs of a struggle and damaged bots around.

Vanessa had tried calling you earlier but the call fell through. She was hoping it was just a signal issue. Despite her own attempts at reassurance she knew what really had happened and was struggling to remain calm.

Both of them ran in the direction that the struggle looked to have gone.

Dialling every number she had she eventually managed to reach Roxanne, begging her to start searching for either you or Monty.

Despite her vow of not ordering the animatronics to commit violence, she authorized Roxanne to take down Monty if the situation arose.

He had gone too far this time.

She was praying that at the very least you weren't dead yet.

She couldn't reach Monty or Freddy. Monty had left his watch behind and Freddy was completely MIA tonight.

Tons of scenarios flooded through her head on what could have possibly happened. Whether you fought Monty, Monty got you, Freddy intervened or Monty damaged himself running through a glass wall all she could remember is flashbacks of the SB-9 incident.

"Chica, go to parts and services right now. Check if (Y/N) is there." Vanessa ordered. Nevermind they'd been fighting 5 minutes prior, Chica just agreed and ran off to her room to her shortcut.

Vanessa knew what she had to do. She ran off in the direction of the central security hub. There was an override that could lock down the plex. If Monty was on a rampage there was no telling what he could do.

As she ran there were 2 other animatronics she needed to reach. Maybe they would have an idea of Monty's, Freddy's or your location.

Back in the arcade you were wandering around aimlessly. After crossing a bridge over the arcade and turning a corner you finally found a door labelled employees only. This must be it. It was in a corner of the arcade. It had a single, regular fluorescent light above it. You were just about to get to it when a Monty-themed trashcan lid slams it open. You freeze.

On the other side, entering through a green-coloured neon door was Monty.

Now Playing...

Artist: Kristof

Song: Integrale


"You thought you could run from me?" He said stomping in. "You can hide, but you can't hide." That didn't make any sense but Monty speaking nonsense was the last of your concerns.

There had to be another entryway to the security office. You turn and run, nearly bumping into a janitor bot.

Okay, you had the general location of the office, you just needed to go to the other side. You find yourself running across the bridge, Monty close behind. The rows of flashing machines were almost epileptic. Had it not been the adrenaline keeping you running you would have fainted.

You feel the ground shake again. Was it an earthquake? Was that Monty?

You had to lose him. Earlier you saw that the a corner where the lights and machines were off.

You could hide there. Without giving it a second thought you climb the glass pane railing and jump to a nearby fake tree and slide down. It scrapes your hands slightly but there was no blood. You were fine as far as your fear was concerned.

"That's cool. But can you do this?" Monty gloated from above you. You weren't going to stick around and watch and instead keep running.

From behind you he jumps off the bridging landing down on the tiled floor. His weight smashes the tiles. He pauses to check something then growls.

The ground shakes. Yes, that had to have been Monty. You look back to see him walking menacingly. Was he running out of energy? Or was he just playing around?

Doesn't matter. You make it to the arcade section that was dark enough. Just as you see the perfect spot to duck and hide in something slams into your back. You are instantly knocked to the ground. It was one of the security bots that Monty threw.

"Hahaha." He cheers. "Direct hit!"

You push the bot off but now Monty was too close. You reach for the tazer, getting ready to strike.

"Now. Where were we?" He said, arms crossed, staring you down. You could still get out this. You just needed a direct hit. Then you could double back to the office. Or. Wait. There's a charging station nearby. All you had to do was make it there. Monty picks up the robot and holds it over his head.

Just as your brace for impact you feel the ground shake again, a lot more violently this time. Scattered around the arcade were massive tunnel-like holes on the walls. Looking up you see something huge emerge from the hole above you. In a flash you see a gigantic gloved hand grab Monty who drops the bot.

Crawling from out of the darkness, see a gigantic spider-like creature. It looked like a huge version of the animatronic you saw earlier. It had eight arms each with gloved hands. Each hand was bigger than your body. He was holding himself partially still in the hole. There was more to his body in the hole but the animatronic was spider like. This was by far the biggest animatronic you had seen, and one of, if not the biggest 'machine' you had ever seen.

You weren't able to get a direct look as he was above you but he had a similar cube-like white head to the little DJ you saw earlier. You presumed he had the same features. This one also had a pair of headphones though. Some kind of ambient techno was playing out of the head somewhere.

You weren't sure what the small animatronic was you saw earlier but now there was no doubt in your mind. This was the 'DJ Music Man' the map mentioned.


A gloved hand came to you, gently picking you up as well. You weren't going to resist, most of your energy drained again. It cupped around you, and once in the air turned upwards and opened up. It allowed you to lie against some of its fingers. The real DJ started to move along the arcade, bringing the both of you along. You instinctively grabbed one the fingers to hold on.

Monty was struggling to break free in the DJs hold. "Put me down!" Monty demanded.

"This was all your idea wasn't it!?" Monty spat at you and growled. He used his free hand to punch the gloved hand holding him. In response it just gripped tighter causing Monty to stop, lest he be crushed.

A finger brushed across your head, like he was petting you.

The DJ settled onto a stage that you passed earlier. It carefully placed you down but still held onto Monty. He was still furious but couldn't do anything about it.

"Now then." A booming voice was heard. It came from the DJ. "Are you okay?" The humungous head turned to you.

You had a better look at the DJ's face now. It looked as if he was made of chiselled marble. His eyes were two large black spheres with small glimmers of white in them, like stars in the night sky. You could only tell he was concerned about you due to the position of his large blue eyebrows.

He had a large purple nose and his mouth bore the same colour. His teeth were stylized as piano keys, with some white ones and some black ones, further adding to his character. With a gigantic pair of headphones on as well it was clear he was the DJ.

You were terrified but not as much since he had just saved your life.

You felt your legs shake a bit at the monstrous presence but manage to mumble. "I-I-I'll be fine."

You feel one of the fingers brush against your head again. "You're safe. It's okay." He says, more quietly.

The next chapter will be titled Crocodile Tears (or TestiMonty, we'll see).

odaocer odaocer

If you were wondering the exact kind of sound Monty made give this a listen:

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