After the breakfast the group had. Well, after most of them except for him, who is still stuffing his face elegantly with food along with Kiana Kaslana. The both of them had easily racked up 6 bowls of rice each.
"So, Rex. Why did you join us today?" Theresa asked. Usually, the young man would eat alone in his room last time but now.
"I guess... I just had nothing to do." Wiping his mouth, the young man looked at the cup holding a nice amount of coffee. Ah yes, the drink of the gods that kept him awake. He remembered the mad lads of his einherjar squadron who would literally walk a warzone just to get him a nice cup of coffee.
"Oh? Himeko told me you would like to learn how to use a greatsword." Hearing the principal's statement, the girls were interested immediately.
"I did. I needed to expand my armory." True, he might not have his weapons from before nor was he as skilled, he needed to train. But there was something inside him that says to get drunk.
Yeah, he'll ignore it.
"Do you mind if I use the workshop later? I need to start forging a weapon." Rex looked at his aunt who nodded.
"I don't mind. What weapon will you make?"
"... A great sword," Rex answered while taking his dishes to the sink. "One that can turn to a glaive and has gun barrels. Or I can go full Astartes and have a chain sword."
"As... Tarts?" Kiana asked wondering if she has enough money to buy some desserts,
"Space marines?" Bronya whispered.
"I'll go first, Auntie." The young man went ahead after putting his dishes on the dishwasher.
"Ok! Don't be late."
That was a lie, Rex did not want to go to school, rather he has to train. This younger body of his is not as strong as his old one. Currently dressed in a green hoodie to hide his uniform, the young man approached the archery range. He needed to train this body's muscle memory. And to do that, he needed to buy a bow and arrows.
That's why.
"Welcome! What are you buying?" A morbidly obese man said. "Call me the duke," The duke said with a courteous bow.
"Good morning, I would like to buy a traditional bow," Rex said. Traditional bows were the basis of all bows. "And three arrow quivers." He said.
"Oh? Interesting." The duke said. "While we are out of traditional ones this should be to your liking." Pulling out a beautiful green bow, the duke handed it to the young man.
"Try it." The duke pressed a button and a target appeared on the other side of the room. Putting a quiver on the table, the morbidly obese merchant chuckled.
Taking several arrows and letting the memories of his future past, the young man stored the arrows in his draw hand with some on the hand holding his bow.
Taking to a stance, it was tight and showed experience, the young man drew the swing with minimal effort. 30 Kilograms of draw weight were easily pulled back and the arrow was released, then another one, and another one. 3 arrows were shot in 1 and a half-second with all of them hitting the bullseye before he changed the bow to his right and used his left. It was more awkward and took him 3 seconds with only one hitting a barely-passable bull's eye.
"Well done!" The duke praised as he watched the boy.
My greatest wish? It has always been to roam free and experience the whole world. Now I would add that wherever I go, it simply must be with you! Each day with you is an adventure, and where adventurers go, storytellers must follow!
Rex flinched as he heard a voice out of nowhere.
The Pyro Archon is a wayward, warmongering wretch, and the Geo Archon is a brutish blundering buffoon! How do I know? Because this is written in the epic poems of days gone by!
The hell! Who said that?!
"Dear customer, are you alright?" The duke asked.
"I'm fine. I'll be taking this," Rex showed the duke a black card with a Crozzo family symbol. It was a credit card that allowed him to buy things. It was given to him by his big brother. Speaking of which where is Reve.
Reverre Crozzo, the older brother of Rex Crozzo hummed. He is a general-rank Einherjar, the equivalent of an S-class Valkyrie. Right now, he just finished his paperwork and had his men go home to rest.
Dark eyes glowed red as he set down his pen.
"What is it, Rita?" Reve asked looking to the side. The maid was alone, without weapons. Good, she still didn't find out about the time his men stopped him from peeking at her and Bianka in the bathhouse.
Honestly, he shouldn't have drunk all the wine from the barrel. He was the same age as her.
"Master Reve." Rita greeted with a bow. "I would like to invite you to the party celebrating Master Durandal's promotion."
Oh yeah, Bianka is now an S-rank Valkyrie. Neat! But why him?
"Isn't this supposed to be a private affair?"
"Why, yes. However, the immortal blades and the Legion are quite close due to your partnership with Master Durandal."
"Oh, are those hints of jealousy I hear from you, Rita?" The general asked teasingly while leaning back on his reclining chair after he looked at her to dodge a blade leisurely while putting a leg on top of the other.
"Apologies, I thought I saw a fl-" A knife wished by her neck, near enough to graze her skin but not enough to draw blood.
"I thought I saw a fly," He whispered from behind her, holding her wrist and the shaft of her scythe while leaning into her neck, a pair of fangs glinting ominously along with a pair of red eyes.
"That is no way to act towards a lady and maid master Reve," Rita said with a smile, unbothered by his actions. Only to shiver slightly at the way his tongue traced the graze.
"Oh? Is that so?" The young man huskily asked, leaning towards her ear, hands holding her arm and weapon tightly.
"Indeed. What would your younger brother say, about this?" The maid asked with a smile while looking at him. He towered over by a good few inches. "Imagine knowing that his beloved older brother is a sexual deviant fully intent on seducing his partner's maid." She seductively said, immediately dismissing her weapon and making him twirl her so she can face him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
A chuckle escaped from the young general's lips. Honestly, this woman.
"Me, a sexual deviant? Wasn't it you that got curious on those books during that mission?" He asked while enjoying the slight grip on his shoulders, a warning to not speak more details. "Okay, point taken." Gently removing her arms the young man and the woman walked into a small walk-in bar in the office with Reve pulling out a seat
"Thank you, Master Reve." The maid said with a smile as she sat down and the young man entered the bar and poured a bottle of wine into a pair of wine glasses.
"Enjoy," The general said with a smile before taking a sip of his wine. It was only after he finished with his glass that he felt himself get pulled down in the arms of the maid and his friend in a loving embrace.
"It must be tough, working all alone." She said as she pressed his head gently on her chest for him to hear her heartbeat,
"Yeah," replied the general as he felt her heartbeat, each beat calming him gently. "It's been tough. I barely even got to sleep last night," pink eyes softened at this.
"I see, then please get some sleep in my lap, I'll wake you up an hour before the party."
"Yeah, did you know, Rex bought a bow." The young man whispered, dark eyes falling heavily
"Oh? A bow? No one in St Freya uses one. I wonder how he will learn how to use it."
"No need to... worry." The young man said as he fell asleep while the maid sighed lightly at this. At least he was sleeping now.
"Overseer, this is Rita Rossweisse. I have incapacitated the target."
"Good, now proceed with the plan."
"Sir, it seems like Master Rex has taken up archery.
"Interesting, very well. Continue with the mission." As the call was cut off, a cruel yet beautiful smile appeared on her face.
"I will."
Rex hummed as he looked around. Left, right, up, and down.
There was no denying it.
He was lost!
"Where am I?" He asked only to pause at the sight in front of him, there was a green dragon. It had wings! Several pairs of wings!
A loud roar echoed in the area and he looked at the dragon before he pulled out a piece of cookie.
"Want one?" The young man asked while the dragon looked at him.
"Barbatos." The dragon said and the young man tilted his head.
"But this is a cookie." Looking at the dragon, the young man blinked as he noticed something. He was covered in a white hooded cloak with some sort of blue lines as designs, the hood was down revealing his tanned skin and dark eyes that glowed with a tint of aqua green.
After this, you will be reborn. Today will be your Rebirthday.
Let the wind lead