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14.28% novel¿lincoln? / Chapter 2: Episode 1

Chapter 2: Episode 1


6 years ago

We were in the courtyard of a very spacious house, somewhat damaged by its hosts. Blood stained the backyard grass, flower petals stained red from the blood of someone being accused.

An albino received blow after blow and the only thing he could do was deflect and defend himself. Although he was never strong in the field of battle, he had considerable resistance to pain. For that alone he was still standing.

The spectators were his family, some had faces of sanctification and others of serious ones, they showed that the abuse they were giving him was completely justified, for his family it was just. There was only one who just looked away and cried helplessly at not being able to change things.

Although the albino's screams and groans of pain were not only silent for the neighbors, but for their own parents, who only looked seriously at this.

In the middle of the courtyard, as if it were a clandestine battle ring, the albino, Lincoln Loud, was brutally beaten by his sister, Lynn Loud.

_ For Lynn, please ... I beg you _ Lincoln complained, while it was already difficult for him to get up due to the injuries he had; a pair of teeth pulled out into fists, a bruised face and purple from the blows, his ribs about to break, his arms totally purple from the very hard blows that he tried to defend himself.

_ No damn rat, again your damn bad luck is attacking the family, you made me lose my game which was very important for my future_ Lynn Loud spoke; she was furious about missing out on a scholarship opportunity for her efforts, but her brother's bad luck messed it all up, again.

_ I didn't do anything Lynn, I wasn't even present! _ The albino steeled herself and yelled at her sister in the last. Big mistake since she only got more enraged.

_ End this quickly Lynn, we have to fix the Lincoln mess, again _ Lola Loud; a possible 4 or 6 year old girl, blonde and very pretty, but with a character that left much to be desired.

_ I'm done with this plague _ the chestnuts I declare.

"this is not my fault"

"it is not"

"They just want to hold me accountable for their failures"


"Damn, damn, damn"

Something internally in the young Lincoln Loud, broke, something that bound him to defend himself against it, that kept him from telling the authorities, that made all the blows and insults go by, that was his love.

_ DAMN! _ The scream scared the entire Loud family, it made the parents tense, their son had never yelled at them like that. This was something new, something unheard of.

Lynn Loud, was surprised when her blow had been deflected upwards by the palms of her brother, with the surprise and shock of the scream she was careless enough not to be able to defend herself or avoid the blow that was coming towards her.

The albino combined all her strength in one blow, intuitively she had deflected a blow that would surely have knocked her out. With some movements that he had learned in a comic. I can imitate a very effective technique; Bending down slightly, just enough to be completely straight and in a stable position, making use of her left leg she dragged it forward and with the same hand, she connected a big blow with her closed fist to the body of the sternum.

The blow was tremendously strong, so much so that it sent the chestnut flying backwards, who fell to the ground never to get up again.

But the attack did not end there, Lincoln ran against his family, to end his destiny, today there would be two exits, one where he died and another where they did.

The albino's first target was his father, who didn't have time to raise his fists to fight back. A blow that was covered in crimson color broke his nose. Falling to the ground, Mr. Loud did not expect what was coming.

_ DIE, DIE, DIE ... _ Lincoln began to hit without stopping his father felt his muscles begin to tear the man's face. And all he did was continue. Blood splattered onto Lincoln's face but it still continued. But not for long because two people went to stop killing his "father".

_ Stop son! / Dad! _ Rita Loud, ran to stop this madness, with tears in her eyes, she only went to stop her son, accompanied by her first-born, Lori Loud, who was only more concerned about what could happen if she did not stop her brother. This was getting out of hand.

Lincoln again alone with his survival instincts; He leapt up into the air and then raised both legs to the opposite sides. Kicking the faces of his mother and daughter. The force had been so great that none of them could stand up again.

_ Lincoln don't do it! / Wretch! / Mom! _ Lola Loud, Luan Loud, Luna Loud, they were not left behind when they saw how their mother and sister were beaten. Running wanting to break her brother's bones, they went to kill.

Instead of being scared, Lincoln ran towards them. He just wanted to exterminate with this.

The trio of sisters when they saw that their brother came towards them with a look that only saw death. They got scared and tried to withdraw but again it was late.

Lincoln only dyed his fists more by breaking the muzzle of the one who was posing as funny, destroying most of his teeth along with his bracket that damaged the knuckles of his fists. With his head he hit the part of the nose to the metal, leaving her unconscious and lola had not been saved since the albino kicked her in her ribs like an animal, but instead of falling to the ground, he shot towards a couple of fences of the garden. Fainting her from the pain and serious internal injuries she had.

Lincoln glanced at his next target, only for his heart to run dry. He began to cry and his tears mixed with the blood on his face, giving the impression that he was crying blood. I watch his sister Leni trembling with fear, crying just like him, with her hands clutching her ears so as not to listen. And his eyes closed to see no more.

At his side was his other sister, who was the only one who gave him moral support in his situation. With fear in her eyes, looking at him like he was a monster, which she knew it was but not at the same time. Taking a step to comfort her, she stepped back, then I understand that she had lost the only person who truly loved her.

Lincoln Loud looked up at the sky, completely blue. He knows that he no longer had anyone. With that in mind it didn't matter where to be. Turning around, he only observed his sister, Lucy, who was crying too and although her bangs denied visibility to her eyes, he already had a suspicion of how she was observing him. I walk to the side of her and slowly she said.

_ It is your turn to take care of Lily, do not fail_ Lincoln said in a low voice, so that only she could hear.

Without further ado, he headed towards nothingness, without a fixed destination, nor the love he would have received.

And when he was in a place separated from all human absence, he began to cry because of how unfair it was, because he simply did not look at his mistake, because this had to happen.

The albino fell to the ground to cry, as he never would have ever done.


The albino woke up agitated from his bed. His tears had been real and he was crying. He wiped his tears away and sighed. His past still affected him.

Observing the time, the albino realized that it was very early, got up and went to bathe, he was a little sweaty from restless sleep. He was refreshed by the water and was able to calm down. It was still early so he decided to go to his living room to watch TV.

When I go down the hall I see the photos marked on the wall, most of them were of him and his daughter, a few were of him and his deceased wife. He smiled for it, he knew it was in his heart and his memories in his mind. And I would cherish them for eternity.

Arriving in his living room, he sat on his furniture, relaxed and then turned on the device. He spent a while watching some cartoons that he liked to watch as a child. But he hadn't noticed hands approaching his face from behind.

With zero visibility the albino just laughed a little.

_ Who I am? _ A delicate but funny voice asked. This person covered the albino's eyes so that he could not see.

_ U, let me think about it, are you Barney is a dinosaur? _ Lincoln asked falsely pretending not to know who the person was asking.

_no, try again, come on I know you can, a hint, is the person you love the most in the world _ she said very confident that now the albino will know his identity.

_ Ah, Ban the neighbor's dog_ Lincoln joked again.

_ Than?! Like you love Ban more than me, dad! And to begin with, he is not a person! _ Little Leah said a little annoyed and pouting.

Lincoln now with his eyes uncovered, he just laughed. And I caress his daughter's hair.

_ It's just a joke daughter, you are the person I love the most _ Lincoln said, clarifying so that his daughter would forgive him for his joke.

_ Seriously, am I what you love the most in the whole world? _ Leah asked shyly.

_ Well, Ban, he's almost on par with you _ Lincoln said, thinking of the neighbor's dog.

_ father! _ Leah got angry and jumped on her father to hit his chest.

Lincoln just defended himself while laughing at the way he played with his daughter _ just kidding, kidding, you are my special person and never forget it _ Lincoln hugged his daughter. And she just laughed a little. Together a huge happiness.

_ What do you think if we play video games _ the albino proposed to her daughter.

_ Yes, Mario bros! _ she said happily. While the albino only reached a few drawers to take out the console and the game, it was a moment they will always remember. A father and daughter moment.

But for Lincoln it was, a family moment.

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