So I died huh, well damn. "Hello there", what the, who is speaking to me?
"Let's just say I'm a powerful being." So you can hear my thoughts, well what now?
"Well you may not remember but you did a great service for me in a past life, a service which allowed me to get where I'm at today. For this I will send you to a world of your choosing with whatever wishes you desire as recompense."
Sounds good to me let's get started. I want to go to one piece and for my body make me 7ft tall. Yeah that sounds good, in that world people are like 10ft tall and it's considered normal. I want a greek god body with white medium length hair with a taper fade.
Give me the verdi beard to match and make it white as well. I want to look a little older so make me a 35 year old mature looking man.
Now on to the powers, I want grand master level water bending with all it's sub categories. I also want the All Seeing Eyes Of God.
"Yeah I know I said make any wish but I'm gonna have to limit that one. You can have the heighten visual sense but no past and future sight. You can keep the illusion bit and I will make them indestructible, and that's all I can do for you".
Well fine, now for my gear. I want a navy blue suit and tie with a whit shirt and make them stain proof and indestructible.
I want a limitless inventory and an indestructible navy blue trident that I can summon at will. Throw in a spear art into my mind to mastery level while your at it.
I want absolute mastery over haki and make me unable to age.
"For your observation haki I can only allow you to see 10 min ahead of time, your conquers haki will be limitless. All you have to do is just wish to increase the pressure at will and it will increase indefinitely. Armament haki will be as black a space."
Cool, now I want to be able to share immortality with my wives and to travel with them to other worlds.
"The imortality will only make them stop aging and not give them more power, as for other worlds, you can only choose one other world".
Fuck, then I choose high school dxd and am able to choose the timeline. Also make me a lion kin similar to the nekomatas except a lion instead of an ordinary cat, but make this form only appear when I want it to.
Now can you drop me off in an ally at marineford two years before the story. Oh wait, place the kaze kaze no mi in my inventory, fuck that bitch marie reid.
"OK done, have a good life".
I awoke in some ally and took a moment to grow accustomed to my new body, after a few minutes I head out to the street. Stopping some random marine I ask "excuse me, can you guide me to the head office I wish to join".
The unknown marine happily obliged and now I'm at the reception desk in front of some lady. "Hello can I speak with the fleet admiral, I wish to join".
"If you wish to join fill out this paper and we will get back to you, the fleet admiral is far too busy to speak with a new prospect" she said.
I sighed and just released a bit of my conquer haki but only enough to make the people feel pressured and had it spread to the whole building. Like a pulse to get the higher ups attention. Sure enough, kizaru appears in a flash of light.
"Hello, are you here for a fight?" he asks.
Man this guy is tall as hell, "hello I wish to speak with the leadership here to join"
"Hmmm, well follow me then" he says.
Once we made our way to sengoku's office we enter and I'm greeted with Garp and Sengoku. "I am fleet admiral sengoku, who are you?"
"My name is Nillios Aslotl, I would like to join the marines" I said.
"Then why not fill out the form at the front desk? why cause a scene?" he replies. "Well I wanted to speak with you first as I'm not interested in climbing the ranks and all that. I just want a job that gives me a pretty good life. As for the rank, well, I'm as strong as an admiral so I don't wish to have to bow to weaker individuals and would not settle for any rank lower than vice admiral. If this can't be done then I will simply become a pirate" I say boldly.
Sengoku's frown deepens,"you claim to want to join, at vice admiral rank no less and then claim if it can't be done that you will become a pirate. Those are some bold words, how do I know your as strong as you say? as you've already claimed to wanting to become a pirate whats to stop me from imprisoning you right now? you are outnumbered after all" he replies.
I just smirk and slowly release my conquer haki and increase the pressure. At first they are a bit interseted in my haki levels but as it continues to rise they start to feel the pressure. Then my smile widens and I suddenly make the pressure skyrocket and now they are fighting to stay up and it keeps rising.
"Alright, you've made your point" he said. I release my haki and garp starts laughing. "Hahahahaha, looks like we found someone interesting, I say we take him"
Sengoku glares at garp's comment, "I can't have someone of your power becoming a pirate, very well I will give you the rank of vice admiral. Take this slip and pick a ship and crew" he says while handing me a piece of paper.
After a few formalities I have my officer coat, ship, and crew, all of whom are females by the way. Yeah an all female crew, now I don't really plan to touch them but I would rather be at sea with a bunch of beauties. Once I train them up they will be a force to be recon with.
As a vice admiral I can go where I please but before that I need to train these girls up so I find some island in the new world. Alright ladies, starting today we will be training for two years. And like that the years passed.
My girls are all as strong as captains and they can use armament haki to a decent level. I had to beat the shit out of them for that but it was necessary so I can sit back and relax while they do the work. I don't have any real plans for this world, just have some fun then leave for the next.
Just passing time don’t expect much
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