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40% Nigh Omnipotent In Multiverse / Chapter 2: Chapter 01

Chapter 2: Chapter 01

Within the confines of the boys' locker room, an unexpected force propelled me forward, causing an abrupt collision with the floor. Instinctively, I turned to identify the culprit behind the push.

My glasses tumbled off upon impact, blurring my vision. Hastily retrieving them from the floor, I secured the glasses back onto my face, allowing clarity to return to my sight.

The perpetrator, identified as Danny, possesses golden hair and a robust physique. A notorious figure among the school bullies, he seizes every opportunity, often accompanied by his lackeys, to torment me relentlessly.

His relentless bullying extends to every corner, from the locker room and toilets to the football ground and canteen. Despite the pervasive abuse, the teachers turn a blind eye, seemingly indifferent to his actions, likely due to the influence of his powerful family.

Gwen consistently comes to my rescue, preventing the bullies from inflicting further harm. In these moments, a mix of happiness and frustration engulfs me. The joy stems from knowing she cares, yet frustration lingers as I grapple with the conflicting emotions of being saved by someone I hold dear.

The illusion of happiness shattered when my childhood friend, Harry, asked Gwen on a date—a painful revelation considering my feelings for her. The blow was dealt a week ago when Harry confessed his feelings to Gwen, and she accepted his invitation.

Contemplating a confession to Gwen, I worry that lacking the allure of Spider-Woman might diminish my chances. The thought crosses my mind: possessing Spider-Woman's powers could potentially sway Gwen to accept my feelings.

Scene Change

The relentless pursuit by the police echoes in my ears as I sprint, a familiar scenario in my undercover life. Building trust among gangsters demands a dark toll—I've ended lives to solidify my cover, a stark contrast to the officers I once targeted.

Seven years have elapsed since I embarked on this perilous path, navigating the shadows as an undercover cop. The journey began at 22 when I entered the police academy, and now, at 29, the weight of my double life bears down on me as I race against those sworn to uphold the law.

Within the courtroom's architectural confines, a spectacle unfolds as a senior officer faces trial. The venue teems with individuals from newspaper agencies, police officers, and lawyers.

Amidst the crowd, I harbor a dark agenda—to end the life of the one who has marred my existence. Armed with a new Russian pistol, a recent addition to the underworld's arsenal, capable of penetrating bulletproof vests, I stealthily advance toward my target, avoiding detection amidst the chaos.

In the courtroom, a surprising encounter unfolds as a young figure, around 16 years old, approaches with seemingly similar intentions. Determined to act first, I swiftly draw my handgun and unleash a barrage of shots.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Despite firing six bullets, the resilient target doesn't succumb. The tables turn when he retaliates, discharging his own handgun. As chaos ensues, my weapon is lost amid the crowded courtroom.

Discovering the revolver the kid carried, I fired off a few shots. Most missed the target, but one found its mark, piercing the officer's hand as he shielded himself. The bullet created a hole, a testament to the unintended consequences of that split-second decision. Kill the person who destroyed my dream.

Enraged by the gunshot wound, the officer ordered his constable to apprehend me. The constable, following orders, began a brutal assault.

A blow from the constable's bat struck my head, causing profuse bleeding. The threat of blood loss loomed, raising the grim possibility of my demise.

Scene Change

Awakening to my aunt May's dinner call, I checked the clock—8 o'clock. After a brief trip to the bathroom, I washed my face and descended to the dining area.

Seated at the kitchen table, Aunt May served Uncle Ben first, followed by me and herself. As we gathered for the meal, a moment of gratitude unfolded as we joined in prayer before partaking in the food.

( Some Christians do Pray and thank the lord for Food )

As we began eating, I proceeded slowly, prompting a concerned query from Aunt May.

Aunt May: "Peter, is the food not good?"

Peter: "No, Aunt May, everything's fine. Just taking my time."

"Darn, do people usually sense their impending demise, Aunt May?" I muttered, my somber mood not escaping Uncle Ben's notice.

Uncle Ben: "Peter, did something happen?"

Peter: "No, Uncle Ben, really, it's nothing."

A forced smile accompanied my words, concealing the despair I couldn't share with anyone.

The frustration lingers – does Uncle Ben truly grasp the intricacies of Peter's school life? The ignorance seems astounding. Yet, a memory surfaces from some comics where Peter, pushed beyond his limits, finally confronted his bully, Flash Thompson. The aftermath involved complaints, financial settlements, and Uncle Ben selling various items to cover the costs.

Dinner concludes, with Uncle Ben settling into the drawing room for his favorite TV show. Aunt May begins the arduous task of cleaning dishes, while I retreat to my room, tending to the nightly routine of brushing my teeth.


Spiderman and Superman are both character has lots of common thing. They're both reporter, has secret identity. Always lead to disaster if they reveal their identity. Both had Noble heart, Always Hold back. They're both Hidden genius.

TyrantTron335 TyrantTron335

Can anyone tell me how marvel comics in line by line

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