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83.67% New Hero in DxD / Chapter 41: Chapter39

Chapter 41: Chapter39

It was a whole day until the process was complete. Mittelt, who had to watch over Soma during that time period, was very much bored by the end since there was nothing to do. The skin was able to hold the growing muscle mass and, by the time it was complete and Soma opened his eyes, Mittelt wanted to vent her grievances.

Soma said for her to not leave for even a second, so she could not go up to the kitchen to grab some food or even go to the toilet. She felt sticky, sweaty, hungry, needing to use the bathroom, and was thirsty as well.

She opened her eyes to speak, only to not be able to say anything as Soma flexed his muscles a bit to feel the changes, and his shorts, which were already straining to be in place due to his increase in volume everywhere, was ripped apart then and there.

Yep, seeing Soma's now very ripped and sculpted body that followed the ideals of a perfectionist like DaVinci (who helped him in designing what he should change and how, she had experience in making perfectly new bodies so designing the changes and how they would interact was a piece of cake for that genius and Soma would rather not look like a random monster if his changes were done haphazardly), it could only have a single end result possible.

Yep, now Mittelt was REALLY thirsty. She WAS a fallen angel, after all. A creature inclined to sin and lust as naturally as a devil was.

As for Soma, he ignored the hungry gazes of the fallen and instead was flexing his muscles to sense if everything was as expected.

"It is about as good as I expected. And I somehow feel stronger than I anticipated, maybe it is due to this being the age of the Gods and Touki. I should do some extra tests, but first." Soma then took out Aria and swung it around a few times before smiling. "Good, with my new strength I no longer need to use Jacob Limbs to wield you."

Of course, in combat, he would most likely still use that technique, but if even his base strength now was enough to wield this heavy sword, the power of his strikes now would be all the higher when using it and he should be able to withstand his stronger moves' backlashes without much issue.

Soma was about to put Aria away when Mittelt spoke up.

"What the hell is that sword?" She said in shock. This shock was to be understandable considering she hasn't seen Aria before and the sword's light and holy aura, even if extremely contained, was very powerful and, if even with casual swings it was possible to create powerful wind sounds and almost even slashes, then that blade was decidedly formidable. It was so much so that she could focus her mind in that holy sword, not in the other one shown to her.

"This? I made it a while back, my own sword. It is still on the weak side, but in time it should become much stronger." Soma said and Mittelt looked at him as if he was a lunatic.

She had seen plenty of holy swords over the years and she was confident that this sword Soma made was, at the very least, equal to some of the more powerful ones like Durandal and Galantine.

Shacking her head and, once again, putting that under the same list she put most of Soma's weirdness into, Mittelt instead spoke up.

"Whatever, anyway I am leaving. I have better things to do than staying here looking you flex for no reason." Even if a part of her protested against this argument being a lie.

Regardless, she soon left and Soma thought for a bit, he had just finished a big step forward on his way to becoming a hero as he wished, now he wanted to take at least a small break and ask Serafal if she find out the location of an evil dragon or something.

He estimated he was at least about as strong as Sairaorg now even if he didn't use his equipment, reinforcement, Touki, magic, assassination techniques, or Jacob Limbs. If he went all out, well, he was not that scared or fearful of someone on the level of Serafal anymore.

Cautious? Yes. Scared to the point of running away at the thought of a direct conflict and not even trying to fight? Not really, no.

It was a considerable jump in power, now he only had to focus on finishing preparing his new eyes when in regards to body changes and the extra arm he had to prepare for one of his Zabanya skills, but that is more a bonus instead of a direct power level upgrade considering how strong Soma is now. No, his focus now was slightly different.

That being, his secret project, which was a gigantic headache by now.

Soma grumbled in irritation at the thought of said project since it still infuriated him. He was still trying to figure out how his giant golem could change overnight to be the size of a human and start generating skin of all things. It made no freaking sense as he still remembers every single step of the process, including the use of that lump of meat formerly known as Georg and the several materials that were 'donated' to him by the three factions.

And yet, it was changing and that was that. He could only wonder what the fuck was the final result and hope it would be good.

Thinking about it again, Soma decided to go check what was going on with his golem one final time before going to find a place to relax, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to relax. He had checked it before the procedure, but 30 hours had passed since and Soma was curious.

What he found when he got inside the pocket dimension utterly shocked Soma.



In the living room of Soma's house Aya's mother, Momoko, was just finishing cleaning the floor when she heard someone touching the doorbell. Stretching slightly she inspected herself in the mirror before going to open the door up.

She smiled slightly at the image she saw, she was always quite pretty but during her abusive marriage and too much work, she had lost any sort of drive regarding her looks and got very ragged. Now that she was living a much more relaxed and was experiencing a healthier lifestyle, her beauty had returned and she smiled.

She had soft brown hair, grayish-blue eyes, a small mouth, and soft and feminine features that made her be the 'Madona' of her college when she went to school.

Momoko then thought of her daughter who had a different color of hair and eyes as she got them from her father, but the rest of her features were just like her own even if she couldn't see them before. Now that Aya was getting healthier and stronger she was growing all the more like Momoko herself and, as a mother, Momoko thought fondly if she would grow to be like her in the future in terms of looks.

'No, she will be even better. And she won't make the same mistakes I did in terms of partners, I won't let her suffer if I can avoid it no matter what.' Momoko thought before moving a strand of unruly hair to behind her ear and going to the door.

Momoko was not quite the 'maid' of the house, but with everyone else having their respective work and Aya not being around to help her, Momoko had to take care of all the matters of the house alone. It was hard work, that is for sure.

Opening the door Momoko saw a woman with long wavy white hair and very pretty blue eyes similar to Soma, even if not anywhere as sharp by comparison. Momoko recognized her instantly as she had seen her a few times before, even if it was not a normal occurrence.

"Hello, I am Momo Hanakai, Soma's cousin. Is he around? I would like to talk to him about some important family matters." The Hanakai heiress said, projecting more confidence than what she truly felt considering what she came to talk about.

"I will ask if he is available now, would you like to wait inside instead of out here in the sun?" Momoko asked, feeling the heat on the outside of the house.

Soma had made sure to add the temperature control feature in the house so it was always rather fresh and cool, but outside of the house, it was easily 39° celsius so Momoko decided to offer for Momo to wait inside.

The young heiress felt relief at the offer, not wanting to intrude in the house without an invite, but she felt herself melting under this sun.

Screw whoever says otherwise, global warning existed and it was a gigantic bitch.

Entering the house Momo felt the usual pressure she felt whenever she came visit, her devilish instincts screaming at her run to run away since the whole place felt like a gigantic death trap to her thanks to the holy aura around.

She ignored this, of course, knowing that this was just the bounded field Soma had prepared. It was still shocking, no matter how many times she experienced this place.

Entering the house Momo sat in the living room as Momoko went to call Soma and see if he could answer.

It took around twenty minutes for Soma to show up... not having remembered putting on clothes since he was still too concerned about what he saw in his personal continent. Besides, this was his own house so if he wanted to walk 'hanging it around', then he would do just that.

Momo, who heard Soma entering the room, turned to him with a smile only to freeze upon seeing Soma. Her eyes wandering more than she wanted, analyzing and engraving what she was seeing more than she would have liked or ever admitted. A few moments later words were spilled out of her mouth, in part automatically and in part forced despite what some treacherous parts of her brain tried to say.

"... Big." She said, looking at the 'third leg' of Soma before covering her eyes with her hands, averting her gaze, and speaking. "G-Go put on some clothes, you perv."

Soma, however, was still lost in thoughts about what he had seen as he ignored Momo's words, just going to the couch, sitting down, putting a hand under his chin in thought as he continued thinking seriously.

In the end, Momo had to send a blast of water at Soma for him to 'wake up' and realize the problem with the whole situation. It was good that Soma had put on the Bounded Field's 'code' that Momo was not to be seen as a threat unless killing intent was detected or if any magical influence to the mind was detected, otherwise her 'attack' would result in something rather tragic.

After Soma went to get some new clothes on he realized he might need to remake his wardrobe since his build now increased thanks to the change in his muscle mass, his previous clothes being very tight and uncomfortable.

"Oh well, I guess I can put that on the list of stuff for me to do later today." Soma thought to himself, putting on the only suitable clothing he had that was comfortable enough for him to relax in.

Going back to the living room Soma was still bare-chested and was only using simple black shorts that were very light and were only until above the knees. This was his house anyway and the only 'visitor' here was his Momo, so there were no problems as far as he was concerned. He had to always be fully geared when outside these gates, so at least in his own house he would rather wear less.

When he got back and Momo saw him dressed like that she felt that this at least was better than naked.

They both sat as Aya's mom approached. Seeing her approaching Soma couldn't help but ask.

"Where is Aya-chan? I could swear she would be around and I wanted to talk to her about if she is having any difficulty in regards to Diamond?"

"Last time we talked, Aya told me she was doing well with Diamond. I was happy to hear it since she told me how this helps protect her if any conflict happens. As for where she is, she went out with Kiyoharu to see a movie."

Soma nodded, knowing that Aya and her mother's relationship has been improving for a while now, being even more so after the party as Momoko helped console Aya over what happened. Soma knew they talked a lot that day, but even if he had the full ability to listen in on their conversation while he was home he used the bounded fields to close off the area they were to sound as to let them talk in true privacy.

Soma then turned to Momo.

"So, Momo-chan, what brings you here today? Was it just to see me? Not that I would mind, of course. We do spend far too little time together and I would like to just talk with you sometimes."

Momo, hearing this, spoke up while showing a soft smile.

"I actually came here to talk to you about some things, but I also came personaly mostly so I could see how you are doing. You have been in your house without leaving for so long that I was getting worried even if you kept telling me you were fine when I called or when I asked Aya-chan how you are doing."

"Hehe, sorry about not showing up for a while. After the party and, most importantly, the fight with Sairaorg I've seen how weak I was and decided to dedicate myself to self-improvements. Now that I've finished most of my short-term projects I am at least more confident in myself."

"Uhu, so was that why you decided to walk around like the day you were born around the house?" Momo teased, wanting to see Soma's embarrassed expression.

"Well, not like this was the first time I walk around naked in the house. And, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't we once ran away from our parents when they were trying to dress us up for some party and kept evading all the servants in the house while butt naked?" Soma said and Momo actually looked like she didn't know if she should laugh or cry at the memory.

"I remember that day, you convinced me we had to escape while we were taking a bath together as our mothers had several sets of clothes prepared to test on us for the pictures. We were, what? 4, maybe 5 years old then?" Momo said and Soma thought for a bit before speaking.

"I guess we were four, not fully sure on the age then. But I do remember that it wasn't 'me' that did the convincing. You were the bad influence telling me to escape before they forced us to wear dresses or something."

"Oh please, we both know it was you that was terrified of the looks our mothers gave us while having all those clothes to test in hand, their eyes almost shining at the time. And, let's be honest here, when we were that young we were almost identical twins when it comes to looks. Besides, you looked adorable in a dress." Momo said with a teasing smile.

"... I most certainly did not look good in those demonic breezy apparatus that our mothers made me wear to take pictures with you. There is no evidence of us even looking alike anyway." Soma said, remembering those darker times that were worst for his sense of masculinity than when he had first met Astolfo, D'Eon, and some other 'trap' heroic spirits and ended up having some slight doubts about his preferences.

Thankfully, there were plenty enough sexy females around that Soma never doubted he liked women more and was very much a hot-blooded man.

"I have some pics on my phone if you want to see it, or maybe I should send it to everyone in school so everyone can see how adorable you were when you were young." Momo said and Soma felt pain at this sort of blackmail material in anyone else's hands.

For fucks sake, Soma wanted to establish a reputation that would see him worthy of the Throne of Heroes, not to have it ruined because his mom clearly wanted a daughter when he was born.

"What you want?" Soma gritted out.


"What, do you want, to delete those pictures?" Soma said and Momo put a finger on her chin to think about it for a bit before speaking.

"I won't delete those, so forget about it." She said and Soma really hated that he sucked at hacking, otherwise he would delete those pics for sure. "But I can agree to not show them to anyone... for a price."

"Name it." Soma said.

"A date, this Sunday." Momo said, blushing quite a bit after she said it and regretting not just asking for a foot massage or for him to go fetch them a pot of ice cream to eat while they see a movie.

She was embarrassed for deciding to go through with this foolish idea she has been having a while now, but, in the end, she wanted to see if whatever it was she felt regarding Soma was romantic or just familial. She has had to deal with far too much teasing about it with her friends pointing out things that, had it not been herself, she would agree are signs of more than familial care and love. She was utterly confused with herself and wanted to have certainty of what her emotions were, if she just liked him as a cousin or as a man.

In the end, despite being a devil she was also still just a normal teenager going through the worst of puberty. Not only that, she was a sheltered heiress who had little contact with others, her closeness to Soma being born exactly due to they being the closest of friends growing up.

As such, she could not really understand her own emotions and she wanted to know what exactly it was that she was feeling.

Soma just sighed at her request.

"You know, you could have just asked and I would have said yes anyway. I have finally finished the basic improvements to my body so I can take a break anyway."

Momo, seeming to relax a lot, reclined on the sofa.

"Good, that is good."

Soma, seeing her reaction, asked.

"Did you come here just to blackmail me into a date, or was there any other reason?"

Momo looked slightly sheepish at how he worded what had just happened, but nodded her head.

"Yeah, I have another reason. I just, hum..."

"Got carried away?" Soma said and Momo nodded.

"Yeah, kinda. Anyway, I came for two reasons besides my own personal reasons. First, Kaichou wants to talk to you about something and asked me to tell you to call her at your earliest convenience. I would advise you to call her earlier thought, she is kinda annoyed after you showed the Kaleidosticks as now Serafal-sama want to have you make matching sticks for herself and Kaichou," Momo said, wincing slightly at that comment.

As someone who had also gotten a Kaleidostick, Jade, Momo was almost forcefully taken by Serafal to her peerage and has seen many, many, many arguments between the Sitri sisters that involved a lot of begging. It was very annoying.

"Fine, I will give her a call later. I will just need to ask my secretary to find me her number." Soma said and Momo raised a brow at this.


"Yeah, as I can't bother with spending time taking care of all scheduling and contacts with the supernatural and the like since, well, I have a lot of more important things to do than spend my time doing that, I put someone to take care of that for me." Soma said, thinking on his secretary.

... Mami was not exactly thrilled with going 'up the ladder' so to say, even if she was slightly glad at the start at the show of confidence when Soma let her be the one responsible for this job. But, in retrospect, the work as a maid, even if she did not do everything a normal maid would and just played as one, was still much, much easier than the work in needing to deal with all the connections and other responsibilities of a secretary. She has been shooting Momoko, who had only to care for the house, many envy-filled gazes after the first time she had to spend four hours straight trying to make a devil noble understand that they are NOT selling Kaleidosticks nor do they want to sell some of Albion's body.

"... Anyway, I also came to give you this." Momo said, giving Soma an envelope.

Opening it Soma saw the paper inside, the 'crest' of the Hanakai family on one side and, in the other, a message.

'Family meeting at 19 June in Rokenjima, be there. If any family member fails to show up they will be kicked out of the family and have to leave family propriety. Signed: Kinzo Hanakai.'

Soma, reading this, felt very, very irritated.

There was still some time until the said meeting, but he had absolutely no desire to go there and see the rest of the family. Most of them were snobby and irritating, he can only say he liked Momo's parents, his mother, and that girl.

... He couldn't quite remember her well, but he still remembers feeling that she was a pitiful person back then.

In all honesty, Soma wanted to just not show up as those family meetings always had far too much drama, but the mention of being kicked out was bad.

The house he lived at was, technically, of the Hanakai family and if he was evicted from it and had to move he would need to set up all the defensive measures again. It was much more work than it was worth it so he might as well go there once and see what was going on. He could ask Riser and other devils to take care of this for him, either by making the house he lived now fully his or something, but he did not want to be in debt with the devils, especially when Serafal still had not given him a full list of locations of evil dragons and other monster's locations.

Oh well, it was not like a family meeting with only normal humans could be that hard and he doubted he would be in any form of danger.

... On the morning of June 20, Soma would curse his big mouth to hell and back because Murphy is a vengeful bitch.



Sorry for a slightly later chapter. Work is a bitch and I cannot assure you that there will be a chapter this Sunday since there is work for college. Regardless, I hope you guys enjoyed and I wonder if anyone can predict what I intend to happen soon during this family meeting and what is this Golem project Soma is working on.

Anyway, now Soma's base form without any reinforcement, equipment, or using magecraft is around the lower end of Ultimate Class and, when he goes all out, he is around Serafal's level as of right now. He went far, from someone who almost died in the hands of Kiba to a versatile Satan class powerhouse, but no one can deny he worked hard for it.

And finally, a final question. I was thinking of Soma using the soul of Jeanne he has in storage to summon Jalter or Jeane Ruler, should I do it? It would only be her since there is a need of the soul of the reincarnated person to be used as a foil for the summon, beside her the only others I can think would be possible to show up are Scatatch (since she is still technically alive) and Musashi (since she is literally jumping around dimensions anyway). Up to you guys really.

Oh, and I started writing the first lemon scene, this one between Rossweisse and Soma. When I publish the next chapter I will post that one as well.

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