I run away from all the clutter and buzz of the hallways . Everyone opening their lockers , shuffling their books for the next class and talking to their friend , other than Yonkers who isn't to be seen my other friends aren't here today.
I open the door to the girls bathroom and and go into a cubicle and close the Lid of the toilet and just sit . My heavy breathing still at bay and shivers still making my hands quiver . I start crying I feel broken inside , people don't get how much it hurts when weird things happen to you , sometimes you just don't understand what's happening and then you can't tell anyone it is all bottled up inside of you and it continues to build , mine has been building since I was a child.
The hot tears just flow down my cheeks , what I would give to just be normal like everyone else . To have a boyfriend , to go out on dates , to have lunch and dinner just like everyone else . I don't get that all I get is home then come to school and back home , jeez my mom doesn't even let me after dark like I'm some wild animal that's going to go savage and eat the population of the Civils.
Tenkan must think I'm so crazy , I scraped his hands with my nails , all he did was merely groan in distaste . He was right girls die for a chance to be with him , but I would never admit I secretly also wanted to be with him . He would just take advantage of me if I gave him the time of day just like every other girl . I don't understand why girls drop their skirts for him what is so tempting about his ... Well you get the point .
I hear the girls outside the stall talking "Wilderinks is way over his head Tenkan is mine and only mine how dare he partner him up with that fatty brat with screws on her head " I cower and hold my bag a little tighter , maxima's voice rings out and her entourage burst out into a fit of giggles .
"Tenkan is Tenkan maxima he loves it when they drop their skirts " there is no giggles on that "Listen here !!! They may drop their skirts but Tenkan always comes back to me " I wish that one day Tenkan goes so far away from you will suffer a brain hemorrhage . I focus all my energy on the next thought , I hope the weather just turns dull after school and the ground cracks open and swallows maxima up . What a relief that would be on the high school female population but even then I won't get Tenkan. Whether I go left nothing is right and even if I go the right way nothing will be left . Tenkan will want only one thing my hot snatch box . I wipe up my face I hear the door open and shut , a dead silence pours through, the girls room is clear . I go out I guess it's time to pull the big girl pants up and face the world.
I never see him after that throughout the day . I guess he is keeping his distance , good its better careful than than to be sorry, who knows next time I might scratch his face. Yikes I sound like a bad kitty. "Tink tink tinker toe " I roll my eyes Yonkers approaching footsteps . I have just walked out a few meters from the school's big black monumental gates , everyone is in rush to get home , believe me I understand their pain . Today afternoon is very unusually cold. "How on earth are you not freezing I have frozen feet " he looks at me I smile his cheeks is so pink , I guess it's from all that running to catch up with me once again .
"It's called socks dude , maybe yours is to thin Yonker " he looks down at his shoes "guess what happened today" so this makes me smile, Yonker here , only Lord knows why, but he has a major crush on the high school slut maxima.
"Maxima gave you kiss" I say to him but that was by far the last thing she would do , but these days even the things that seemed to crazy to be true was becoming a daily occurrence , so this could easily happen. I did mention maxima can ride anything she feels rideable ,so if best friend Yonker here was in the right place at the right time then he could get score lucky .
"No she didn't , well not yet but she was so hot , she was like Yonker donker , my dumbo dumb please do my maths homework I was like ..." Lost for words , I give a glance to him only to find him starring in space and probably re living the memory again.
"So you only heard Yonker donker do my maths homework but you didn't hear dumbo dumb" I break his spell , maxima is honestly mean , Yonker is a kind and nice person who sees the good in everyone oh my poor Yonker what will become of you .
"It's doesn't make a difference she knows who I am " I sigh and retort back "she knows you has the nerd who will always have her maths homework done Yonker ...." Before I can tell him it does make difference that sometimes we like people who don't like us back , I understand that how much a small glance or interaction with them can mean like the who universe aligning into your favour but it's far from the truth , isn't it or is it that I'm just depressed .
"No no you don't know her like I do renyaka , maxima isn't all that bad believe me " I huff and keep ahead if younker had told me strawberries had the ability of growing on the moon I would believe him , but asking me to believe that maxima is not a bad person I guess my whole head of hair would turn grey and still I would have trouble believing that , it's just absurd .
" I got partenered with Tenkan on a math project , Wilderinks is out of his mind , that idiot was playing with my hair like it was springs And you know what he called me TINY can you believe that Yonker . Me . He called me TINY!!"
Yonker burst out laughing at me , yeah yeah very funny . "W..what hehehe it's like so funny " I glare at him and he stops laughing " oh come on you are Tiny " I turned too look at him beyond shocked he also thinks I'm tiny . My face saddens and I start walking away with my head down , I can hear his footstep's running behind me .
"Oh come on my tinker tink don't be sad , I didn't mean it like that .... Okay okay here have my chocalate and lighten your mood" what he is giving chocalate , I smile and snatched the bar out of his hand I guess I can be sad and angry at him after I eat the chocolate , I'm telling you opportunities like this don't come by often I must grab this while I can, I mean I must eat while I can , oh who cares it's chocalate .
We walk together , maxima and Tenkan are on the other side of us and everyone is walking home in their own cliques .
A cold icey drop of water falls on my face followed by another and then another until it is pouring frost that now understand how Yonkers feet must be feeling, the clouds gather tightly together and they become so dark , the wind blows so harshly that it forces me to stumble a few steps back. I grab Yonkers hand to steer me right "hold on to me tink" the rain breaks out and the wind pushes so heavily .
There's a loud thump of a sound , a tree has fallen. The heavy wind has everyone in huddled together in their cliques and they walk briskly as possible and quickly . The clouds starts to bang together and lighting bolts strikes all over it would have been okay , but it flies all around us through the groups of people and the trees. It causes immense fear in everyone and also myself.
The lightening strikes heavy and the wind starts to blow in circles around us all forming a mild tornado my skirt flies in all directions suddenly another bolt of white lightning flashes and the ground splits and cracks open wide "Aaarrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh" a scream from the other side , Maxima falls inside the crack but grabs on tips of the cracked road"" she barely screams , it strikes to me that I wanted this , I had thought this earlier today in the toilet stall , but I hadn't really meant it , I was just angry .
"Ssssssssss" a loud hissing sound comes ringing through the crowd and then shrieks of fear "aaarrrrrhhhhh" I look to see a animal , no not a animal because they look more civil it's the same creature from my dreams , it's has the body of a tiger the same structure but it's tail is about two meters long , it doesn't have ears it's whole body is hairless it's a gold colour and slick like snake skin , it's on all fours it has paw like feature but it's claws is like 12 inches long and they are blue in colour , it's eyes has black and white strips it's has a green tongue that is so gross it's like a serpent tongue and it's teeth is like needles what like a 100 on both upper and. Lower parts of the mouth , it claws it's way to maxima and then suddenly a bolder hits it's head and the attention is on Tenkan and his friends who are trying to help maxima by distracting this creature.
Oh I'm so sick of this secret secret dreamy confusing life.
Why can't things just be normal I feel angry so bloody angry I just want this thing to go away and leave us all alone .
The clouds bang and I see a white light to hit in the crack I move away from yonker and force my energy I feel a course through my veins , it's not something I can explain it just happens . The lightening that blinds everyone causing them to cover their eyes , the lightning can be controlled by something that makes up lightening and right now when no one is looking the lightening is coming out from me , from my eyes .
please let me in the comments what you think about the story . it would nice to know.