"Ye Rim is not arrogant, Oppa. She just has her sense of self-respect!" Eun Ha exclaimed, feeling light after a few sips of soju. 'Or shots…' She didn't usually drink, and didn't have much resistance to alcohol. She joined Dae Won for a few drinks at the bar a few blocks from her apartment, about an hour ago_ and she already knew she should stop drinking or would need to be piggybacked back home. Also, now that she knew the magical power was inside her, not in her magic wand, she was afraid of losing control _just as it happened when the Hunter tested her powers.
"She's right about that. I just think I need help convincing her to get a contract," the MP sounded conciliatory. "Maybe Ye Rim-ssi acts this way due to her previous bad experiences in the industry, as she mentioned having gone through. But though I don't have any power to hire or contract her or anything, I think I can... introduce her to people who will take good care of her."
Today, 11th November, would be the date of the our girls' birthday, if they're real!
So congratulations, Eun Ha and Ye Rim!
Spend your birthday together wherever you are!
Commemorating this fact, I'm publishing two chapters today.