In the neon-lit, dystopian future of Cyberpunk, a man named Ethan finds himself reincarnated in the same era as Saburo Arasaka, a powerful corporate magnate. Awakening with fragmented memories of his past life, Ethan realizes that he possesses unique knowledge of the future, including the rise of the infamous Umbrella Corporation in a different timeline.
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Write a reviewAuthor Lordgraf
I’m on chapter 9 or chapter 7 depends on how you look at it and so far I’m really enjoying it (I’m going to write the rest of my review in bullet point form since that’s easiest for me) - Personally I find it difficult to tell the passing of time and in which dimension the story is taking place. - I like the characters but currently it just feels that I’m rereading character descriptions and I think it’ll read better if the characters were delved into more throughout the story. -The story feels a little too fast paced and it feels like the story has already ended even tho it’s only the 7th chapter. -The writing quality is good and I couldn’t see any outstanding grammatical errors -Luckily this story also has stable updates (unlike most Fanfictions on web novel that I’ve read) -I gave it a 3/5 in background since it is using the already existing story of cyberpunk as a base but it can still do with a bit more fleshing out as it still hasn’t been stated why the MC wanted to create the Umbrella Corp to begin with. - Lastly I have a suggestion: Try making flashbacks more obvious so that the timeline isn’t a mess (it can ruin the future of the story since it can be mistaken as foreshadowing) All this is just my opinion so you don’t really need to take it into account in order to enjoy the story.