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Author: The_AshlehQueen

© WebNovel



Anne feared her husband's reaction getting home back. She knew she can't risk telling him about losing her job. So, she decided to keep this news a secret and hope to find a solution.

But losing her job and savings right after another cornered Anne to a decision that made her question her sanity. It was only for a night. So, She said yes to an offer to sell herself for a night.

Little did she knew no one comes out of his world without his permission...

Note: Do not copy any part of the story in part or full. The story has very mature and disturbing parts at times and isn't advisable for under 18.

This part has the background of the protagonist. You can dig right into the story from the first chapter. Swipe up. Or know the backstory first.

Anne's life so far...

Anne, 24 has been married to Tyler for six years now but knew him for all her life. He always lived next to her parents' apartment.

She always wondered why her parents didn't love like Tyler's. What her little mind could never comprehend was her parents were not married and battling the addiction. She was seven years old when she first saw cops at her doorstep. Her father died when she was eight and lost her mother at the age of ten.

Tyler's parents Abigail and Victor always loved Anne. Not only this, but Anne was used to eating at their place since she was very small. It didn't come as surprise to anyone when Abigail and Victor adopted her.

Anne always loved how peaceful it was at Tyler's place. But living here makes her see what she always ignored. It wasn't peaceful because they were a perfect couple. It was peaceful because unlike her mother Abigail never argued to her husband, Victor, who was a security guard at a local hospital.

Abigail would babysit in the morning and always came home before Victor returns. Anne was always mesmerized by Abigail's beauty. Her green eyes and blond hair with a petite figure was everything she didn't have while she had black hair with brown orbs. Something everyone around her had.

Tyler was famous in school for his looks and mostly she was known as his adopted sister. She considered him as a brother until he stole her first kiss. She was thirteen at the time and he was two years older. Knowing that Tyler was interested in someone like her sure did something to her but she wasn't sure how Abigail and Victor would respond to this.

Tyler wasn't into getting to college and dropped out of high school when he was sixteen. Though everyone knew he wasn't a bright student Victor was mad. And, Abigail having a blue eye in the morning was the proof he considered Abigail responsible for Tyler's failure.

Anne still can't recall exactly when Abigail and Victor started quoting her and Tyler as a couple but she can remember her being sixteen and all of them talking about Tyler and her getting married.

Tyler started driving a truck and rented out her parents' apartment.

Victor and Abigail were seemed happiest on their wedding day. Anne knew if a man spends a lot on you he is a keeper. She was told this by Abigail and her friend Carla. And, Tyler used to spend his all earnings on her. The day she kissed him on the wedding day was like her all fantasies of having her own perfect family coming true.

Somehow, she knew she was better than her parents, and that day when she turned to Mrs. Baldin she knew she had done it.

Tyler always wanted her to be independent so she soon started working as an assistant for a psychologist. She too didn't go to college. It seemed pointless. Having Tyler and becoming a full-time housewife like Abigail was all she wanted. So, their place was set as Victor and Abigail by default. She handed over all her earnings to Tyler because she knew they had to save for kids.

But two years after being disappointed they decided to seek medical treatment. Anne was disheartened knowing Tyler couldn't be a father but decided to keep it a secret and took the fault on her. Carla, her friend was the only person she shared this news to who too encouraged her to keep her silence.

Tyler wasn't his old self anymore. Knowing they can't have kids, Victor and Abigail backed Anne knowing such reports can't be true anyway.

Tyler had no way out. But he started coming less at home. He stopped taking Anne's money and didn't spend any of his earnings to keep the place going. Instead, he started going to casinos and met a man named Albert.

Anne hated this one name a lot. Tyler started staying at home but their home also became a second place for Albert who was a criminal, a drug addict, and a wife-beater. His two-year-old son was always sick. Tyler started spending at his kid and even Anne's money was given to Albert so his family can stay good.

Anne tried to resist but it made Tyler more violent. Abigail and Victor were of the view that their son was doing a good deed and she should adjust until they can't have their own kids.

Just thinking about that man whore Albert was enough to make her go for artificial insemination. A suggestion her friend Carla always gave her. But five thousand dollars were a huge amount and took her three years to save the money because Tyler used to give her too little to run the place. She even had to hide her raise from Tyler. Her 24th birthday went without a word from Tyler. But she wasn't sad. She knew all of it will change in a matter of days now. But the last thing she saw coming her way was…losing her job.

Damien's life so far...

Damien 25, does the smuggling for drugs in the cover of his casino chains as long as he can recall. Only a little is known about him. And, the rumors that go about him can make anyone's skin crawl. It is not every day that you get to see him but everyone still knows him.

He doesn't show what he is thinking and who he believes. This is how he has always lived apparently. For him, it was always about survival and having his eyes everywhere.

But it wasn't always the case. He used to have a life where he knew he was safe, where he knew he can depend and where he was…loved.

Damien was five years old and loved to play baseball or wait for his dad who was a mechanical engineer. His parents worked in a factory but he knew that they didn't belong to Malaysia. People used to call them foreigners.

But one day, he saw his parents packing in a hurry. He couldn't make what scared them but knew they had to leave the place in a few seconds. His dad secured him in the back seat before starting the engine of their car. He was busy playing with his maze card when his father pulled the car all of a sudden and he huffed on losing the game. But the moment he heard gun's blazing and glass breaking he couldn't help but cry out to his parents for help.

He cried harder looking at the blood at her parents' clothes and shouted when a man in a black jacket appeared to open the door for him. He saw the barrel of the gun but when it didn't go off he looked at the person holding him.

"Be a man, Damien. Stop crying," Damien hiccupped and looked at his parents before passing out,

Waking up in a huge room Damien saw a woman with white hair looking at him with concern. The woman introduced herself as his grandmother. He stopped shivering when that woman hugged him. He was told that his father took him away after his mother Maria died.

Maria Devonte was the only daughter of the Devonte family and the only sister of eight brothers. A huge picture of Maria Devonte hanged on the wall in his room. But he couldn't see the mother in her. For him, his mother was the woman who died in the car.

His grandma took care of him for a month before convincing him to come out. His room was bigger than his previous apartment but the room had all the things that belonged to Maria. The house was so grand that for a second he wondered if it was a home. He saw many people on the dining table but the moment he located the killer among the persons sitting he ran to his room.

He didn't eat for a day. He wanted his parents to come and take him away. But it never happened. Instead, that gruff old man appeared and threw him to the wall. He was threatened to never skip the meal or make his grandmother worried for him.

Three months passed and he came to know a little bit about his uncles by observing them behind his grandma's leg. Many stayed in this palace-like mansion that was called Grande or the mansions that were nearby. His uncles had twenty-two kids cumulatively. All of the kids were trained for their very specific responsibility they will carry out in the future. Among all those kids, sixteen-year-old Xavier who was the eldest son of his eldest uncle was the prince of the family.

Damien had only seen him once or twice. Every kid in the home knew for what they will be in the future except Damien.

After a month, Xavier cut his birthday cake and the whole city was invited to bring gifts. Damien planned to stay unnoticed like all the other times but fate outplayed him. All the eyes went to him when he was gifted to Xavier as his faithful dog. No other kid in the house has such a status. He couldn't see what was so wrong with him. He refused to be called this and even threw his juice at Xavier.

Xavier didn't say a word but in the night threw him in the same cell with his pet lion. It only took three minutes for Damien to accept his fate.

On Xavier's order, Damien was removed from the family tree and was sent to live in Georgia from where they used to smuggle the drugs in the cover of casinos. From the first day, he only hears people crying for their lives in the basement. Damien was eight years old when he was given the tattoo that says Xavier's dog. He didn't cry or protest. He had seen the worst things and knew everything in the world is ruled by PAIN. And, he was getting good at it.

Xavier was the only name he had in his brain. No other kid in the family was raised this way. They were taught with interest and never asked to leave their home at five but he wasn't considered a family's kid anymore. Everyone only mentioned him a dog and believed all kinds of rumors about him. It was said he had taken more than a thousand lives.

Xavier got married and had two sons. It was a coincidence that his twins had the birthday on the same day as Damien. Every family member was gathered to celebrate the kids turning one while Damien now fifteen was sent to rescue a small boat coming to deliver the drugs.

After the party ended Xavier called him at midnight. He reached at Grande without thinking about what it could be. He had stopped doing it a long time ago. Getting into the basement he met Xavier after six months.

Damien didn't have to wait for much and was ordered to kill the people who were bound inside.

Getting in he found his grandfather with four of his uncles. Xavier's father was included too. He didn't hurry and took his time to load his gun. Damien knew they won't ask for his mercy and rest is history.

The next morning, Xavier was found dead. The world was there to see how Xavier's father was there to do the last rituals with a heavy heart. Damien was adopted by Xavier's father on the same day and he was taken back to the Grande.

No family member could ever get their mind wrap around how it all could happen. A huge share of the family was convinced of not having him as their heir. He was not brought up to be a leader but a merciless rabid dog.

It is been told that Xavier's wife who ran away with her kids was killed by Damien and kids were taken back to Grande. Everyone was left feeling sorry for the kids who had to follow Damien to Georgia.

Unlike Xavier when he turned eighteen there were no proposals for him. He killed the family of the first proposal ever presented to him.

It was said that all the girls who had dated him in the past died in mysterious ways. Not used to living in the family he lives most of his time at the same place he had been living in Georgia, the infamous torture cell behind the doors of casinos.

Xavier's kids followed him too. But they lived in the mansion Xavier had built not so far from the torture cell. His kids were getting trained to be lawyers and in turn politicians.

He knows no one around him loves him but he makes sure that they fear him. And, for this thing alone he will not think twice to take a life.

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