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78.57% Necron in the Multiverse / Chapter 10: How to end a Civil War II

Chapter 10: How to end a Civil War II

"Can this news be trusted, Prowl?" Ironhide ever the sceptic asked after he saw the video feed, Prowl managed to hack into.

"Of course it's real. Do you have any idea how hard I had to work for this small piece of information? It took me years to perfect it and I still only got this small piece," Prolw growls. 

Prowl was the Autobot's tactical genius and took it upon himself to gather as much intel as possible, to create the best plans of action in their fights. So after he finally had some minor success, he wasn't going to let Ironhide take this away from him. 

"That's exactly why I'm asking. What are the chances of you getting this information right now? What if it was intentionally leaked?" Ironhide asks.

"That's ridiculous. I managed to figure out an algorithm for Shockwave's servers and got to his data. At least some of it. Through this, I also acquired some other intelligence on the Decepticon's actions and plans in the future. The connection is still open for me. I didn't just get one thing."

"Nevertheless, Ironhide's question is justified. We shall prepare for both eventualities. If the information is true, we will have to prepare anyway. And if it is false, then the Decepticons will plan another ambush for us. In both cases, we have to be prepared," Optimus Prime says. 

His wisdom has led the Autobot through this war. His power and skill are what hold them together against the adversity of the Decepticons. So his decision to prepare for both eventualities was well received and naturally followed without anyone disagreeing. It was, after all, the most logical choice. 

"Are you sure we can handle another fight on the same day as well? We are losing more and more men as time goes on. In a few years, we won't have any of the original brothers and sisters who know what we are fighting for," Ironhide says to Optimus.

"What do you suggest, Ironhide? The fight serves to protect us and the future of Cybertron. If Megatron succeeds, the Universe will have to face a terrible fate."

"I am aware of that. It just doesn't sit right with me, seeing so many Autobots die, while we make no real progress."

"I understand your concern. We can only make one step at a time."

"You're right."

"Let's prepare. This fight is too important."


From the north of Iacon, a small group of Decepticons approached. They were led by a much smaller figure, marches forward, leading the Decepticons. The smaller figure is Hasyn. In his hands, he holds a spear that pulses with green energy and wears something akin to Sepiternal Weave. Sepiternal Weaves are pieces of equipment used by the Necrons, particularly Necron Lords. The Weave is threaded with filaments of phase-hardened amaranthite and adamantium, vastly increasing the hardiness of the wearer.

But the cloak or weave of Hasyn is different from the usual Sepiternal Weave. His shines with a particular darkness and speaks of more secrets and specialties, that only someone with his abilities could create. The rather small, but still impressive group of fighters, approach Iacon, but as Hasyn turns to speak to his men, a shot impacts his back and interrupts him.


The force of the blow is absorbed by the cloak and does absolutely nothing to him, but annoy him. He turns around and sees the Autobots approach. They were waiting for him, but not just him. Ironhide holds his rocket launchers towards Hasyn and his forces threatingly. 

"Oi, tincan. You better leave here, before I make a sieve out of you."

"How ... inconvenient. Very well, take him out," Hasyn says and the Decepticons under his command attack. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, the true force of Decepticons, led once again by Megatron have just been ambushed by Optimus Prime as he was waiting for them. Seeing that Ironhide was having trouble with the advanced tactics and troop deployment of Hasyn, the Prime was about to assist his forces but was interrupted by the arriving Megatron. 

"We meet again, OPTIMUS!!"

"Indeed we do, Megatron."


And for the second time on the same day, the two leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons clash while their forces try to kill one another. 


In Shockwave's basement, the Decepticon observes the proceeding with interest. He was unsure of the intelligence and skill of the anomaly, calling itself Hasyn. But seeing him lead the charge of his troops against the Autobots he can't help but be satisfied with himself. 

"The plan worked. Shockwave serves no cause but his own. Following years of careful work, my influence will be truly galaxy-spanning, and when my machinations reach fruition, the universe will never be the same again. This will speed up my plans by aeons."

"And pray tell, are those plans."


A sudden voice surprises Shockwave and he fires his arm-mounted weapon towards the intruder. 


As the dust settles, the figure which reveals itself ... is Hasyn. If Shockwave had emotions or eyelids, they would widen and he would be ... shocked. But he has neither, so he is merely confused as he had clearly seen Hasyn on his surveillance just now.

"How are you here? I clearly saw you fighting in the battle."

"Ah, a Necron never reveals his tricks."

"Necron. Is that what you are?"

"Come now, I believe we are now past the wasting time part. None of your tricks will work. If you wish to get out of this situation you will have to fight me. And as long as you don't do that, we have time to converse."

"I am not interested in conversing with something like you."

"And why is that? Do you hold prejudice against a being of metal such as myself? One that functions off of cold hard logic, instead of emotions?"

"You are not like anything I have ever encountered."

"No life is equal ... or death, in my case."

"All life is equal. I merely assign it a quantifiable value - Zero."

"Spoken like a truly young species. You know nothing of what it means to look farther into the future and see the bigger picture."

"And you do? I have been planning for centuries now. My calculations were sound until you arrived. What has your species done that could rival what I have planned?"

"My people shackled the stars and broke mortality when the species you sprang from had barely left the code pools Primus spawned you in. Our wars burned reality, and my dominion is without limit. The ground you tread on is not yours; it is mine."

"Your statement ... is unlogical."

"On the contrary, you are merely unable to calculate it correctly. The moment I stepped on this planet, it was already mine. From the beginning to the end, it has all been calculated by me already."


Shockwave didn't say anything for a while. His mind calculated hundreds of thousands of things right now on how to proceed from here. 

"I am willing to devote myself to your cause. As long as you grant me the honour of following you to where you came from."

"Do you? I wonder. You should know, that I have the ability to detect, broadcast and receive any sort of signal, along any frequency. This includes brainwaves. So your humorous plan is already known to me and I can tell you ... you won't succeed."





The room suddenly erupts into chaos, as Shockwave can't calculate any other option but to attack Hasyn right now. His goal of lying and feeding Hasyn's ego has failed since Hasyn has no ego. His intelligence and the experiences he collected have taught him the weakness resulting from arrogance and ego. So he makes a conscious effort to cull any form of arrogance and ego, that might develop. 

He knows how powerful he is and while his Essence is truly powerful, his augmented intelligence that surpasses any conceivable genius is what makes him truly dangerous. That and his battle experience and seemingly limitless weapons and technology to fight. 

Shockwave shoots his cannon at Hasyn. The cannon is comparable to the power of Megatron's Fusion Cannon, which means it is very powerful. At least in terms of Cybertronians. Comparable to the War in Heaven, it is nothing impressive. 

Hasyn swipes the blasts away with his bare hand. Hidden traps activate and multiple bombs explode, trying to harm Hasyn and pull his attention away from Shockwave. But that is useless since the entire fight was simulated in Hasyn's mind at least a billion times, by the time they started fighting. So when Shockwave attacks, it is met with the best answer. 

Shockwave uses everything he has to harm Hasyn, but nothing works. Finally, he approaches him and uses his superior height to get physical. His strength is at the top of all Decepticons. Not even Megatron is stronger or more durable than Shockwave. 




The blows land on Hasyn's smaller figure, but he doesn't move back one step. The fact that Shockwave wants to fight him physically is ridiculous. He has faced the Nightbringer on his own and while he used technology to help him and disrupt the C'tan, he still fought him 1v1 and came out on top.

And since then, a lot of time has passed, making him only that much more powerful. 

"Allow me to return the force," Hasyn says after Shockwave stops punching. 

With a very light tap, Hasyn's fist touches Shockwave's body. But in that moment, all of the kinetic energy, he absorbed from Shockwave's punches, is returned to him all at once. 


All that kinetic energy is focused on one point, overwhelming all of Shockwave's defences and crushing his stomach, punching a hole through his body. 

The Decepticon folds like a human after receiving a sucker punch and falls to the ground. Shockwave's processing is in shambles as the pain settles. He cannot form any more plans and realises that he is outmatched in all aspects. He looks up and sees Hasyn approach him, he walks up to him and stands in front of his face. 

"Your resistance has been noted. You shall serve a greater purpose."

Hasyn puts his hand on Shockwave's head and starts a very painful process that will wipe most of Shockwave's memories and his personality and leave him with nothing but his intelligence, logical thinking and eternal loyalty, to Hasyn the Relentless and his future Necron Empire. 


On the battlefield, the three-way fight was still going on. The smaller group of Decepticons, led by the clone of Hasyn were not doing very well. Not because they couldn't, but because Hasyn didn't want them to right now. He wanted to be there when the fight was won and the Cybertronian Civil War ended. 

Megatron was still duking it out with Optimus Prime and there was no clear winner to be determined yet. Ironhide was ploughing through the Decepticons on both the enemy sides again, while Devastator did the same to the Autobots. The chaos was perfect and at that moment, Hasyn and a transformed Shockwave appeared on the scene. 

Shockwave's look had changed and he looked like a large Necron in his current form. Hasyn had transformed him from the ground up and made him an absolutely loyal servant to his cause. He was ruthless in the extermination of his enemies. Shockwave's height had been reduced slightly. When the portal appeared and the two stepped out of it, it caught the attention of all combatants on the battlefield. 

"The battle has been going as you predicted, my Lord. Estimated outcome, total domination and takeover under 1.29 hours," the voice of Shockwave sounded through the field. 

"Not bad, but you're calculations are still off. Make that 0.82 hours."

"I apologise for the miscalculations."

Hasyn stepped forward and appeared on a few Cybertronian corpses. In his hand appeared a spear, that pulsated with power unlike anything that this reality had ever seen. The spear looked like it could pierce reality itself and cut through time and space as well as dimensions with ease. 

"My name is Hasyn the Relentless, Phaeron of the Prakasri Dynasty and future King of the Necron race. I have come here to this reality, for two purposes. One I have already achieved and the other is not far off, the total domination of this planet and its race. You may choose to fight me, to fight for your life or your planet, but it won't matter. I will gladly cull the Cybertronian herd and show you the truth of my words. 

Now, all those who are loyal to me, stand up. It is time to reveal yourselves and fight those who still delude themselves with false hope of unification and peace."

After Hasyn said those words, all over the battlefield Decepticons as well as Autobots started to nod their heads and start to attack their brethren. 




It was chaos. Those who they thought were their closest friends suddenly turned on them and began to fight against them. The surprise moment was effective and powerful. The Autobots and the Decepticons were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. 

In the centre of the battlefield, Optimus Prime and Megatron agreed to a ceasefire temporarily and faced the approaching Hasyn. Their figures towered over the Necron but still, they were but half the size of the Krorks, Hasyn had fought during the War in Heaven. 

"You two were always meant to be defeated by me," Hasyn says as he walks forward. 

"You will pay for trying to take what is mine, anomaly!" Megatron says. 

"The abhorrent act of turning my men against each other will be met with my strongest resistance. I won't allow a tyrant to take control of the home I love so much," Optimus Prime gets into a fighting position. 

Both of them jump into the fight at the same time. Optimus Prime delivers a series of punches towards Hasyn, while Megatron fires his large cannon. The purple energy shoots towards Hasyn, but he simply dodges the blast, without being impressed. Similarly to what happened with Shockwave, Hasyn blocks the hits of Optimus Prime and sends the force back to him. 


The Prime is hit and flies through the air, falling back. Megatron is still attacking and fires the purple shots at Hasyn. The powerful Phaeron and ruler of the Triarch grabs his Staff of Power and cuts through the energy blasts. The two leaders of their respective Cybertronian factions have never faced someone of Hasyn's calibre. 

The Necrons have such advanced technology and they don't shy away from using it. Their lack of emotions left them with only cold hard logic and that makes them dangerous to face in battle. Nothing the Transformers can do will lead anywhere and the fight is already over. 

The energy of reality shudders as Hasyn swings his spear and forces his two adversaries more and more back. The the moment arrives. Megatron tries to attack Hasyn from his blindspot and reaches out to grab the smaller Necron. Before he can realise what happened, the Staff of Power flashes through time and space and cuts his arm off. 


Hasyn spins his spear and slashes Megatron cleanly across his body, splitting him into two pieces. 

The disbelief is written on Megatrons face as he realises that ... it is over. He has lost, not against Optimus Prime or any other Prime ... but to an anomaly, that wasn't even supposed to be here. 

"NOOOO, Megatron!!" Optimus shouts, but his fate is not better. 

Before he can do anything, an arm impales his chest. Hasyn has grabbed something inside Optimus' chest and is holding it on the other side. 

The Creation Matrix is in Hasyn's hands. 


What is the Creation Matrix?

When Primus created the Transformer race, before entering voluntary systems shutdown, he bestowed upon them a genetic matrix containing his essence and the majority of his power, which could be used to give life to more Transformers so that the race might grow without his direct involvement. Later named the "Creation Matrix", this divine gift took the form of a "Primal Program" encoded in intricate patterns of light within a crystal, which was passed from leader to leader down through the millennia. 


Hasyn showed how to end a civil war ... in a single day. The war which had been going on for a thousand years, was forcefully finished by Hasyn and the entire planet taken under his control. 


That was the first trip to another universe. Tell me how it was and if it was acceptable. We will return to Warhammer 40k after and do a few things before the Great Crusade.

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