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2.77% Necromancer In The Harry Potter World (Break) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Council of gods
Necromancer In The Harry Potter World (Break) Necromancer In The Harry Potter World (Break) original

Necromancer In The Harry Potter World (Break)

Author: stay_at_home_pig

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Council of gods

My name is Shawn, and I have been kidnapped, or at least I think so.

I don't remember how it happened, all I know is that I fell asleep after an awfully tiring day of work, and woke up in this grand luxurious hall, with hundreds of people surrounding me.

In front of me were 2 people, staring at me seriously. One male and one female

I was freaking out, I mean who goes asleep expecting to wake up being surrounded by hundreds of people and 2 imposing looking people seemingly seating on thrones.

Everyone was currently mumbling and pointing at me, and I still did not know what was going on.

"Now can all irrelevant people shut up" said the man with a wave of his hand.

Immediately all sound was seemingly cut off.

I started to stare at the man becoming extremely vary.

After all I am just a normal guy, what the man did was like magic.

I mustered up my courage and asked " sorry, where am I? I don't remember coming to this place, why did you bring me here?"

The man's face turned into an expression of pure rage and was about to say something when the women beat him to the chase, "you have been summoned from the mortal realm to this place, and I hope you will stay silent until I tell you a few things"

"My name is Tonja, the Goddess Of Autumn, while this is my brother Gundis, the God Of Magic. You, mortal named Shawn have been tasked by the council of gods to assist us in saving one of our dimensions." She says as she looks towards me with a serious gaze.

"The world you will be going to is a place you are already familiar with, known as the Harry Potter universe and..." and before she could finish, I stupidly cut her off.

"I'm sorry but I do not want to do this task, I am not going to say I am not a fan of Harry Potter but I am also not a person who is a huge Potterhead so if you can send me off I will be on my way."

I suddenly feel immense heat emanating from Gundis, while he stood up, it seemed as if time was slowing down, he walked in front of me and grabbed my head while saying.

"A mortal should know his place. As a god is speaking, you shut up. We have done you a favor by allowing you to be in our presence and you dare cut my sister off." I felt what could only be explained as killing intent as he raised raised my head.

Soon I felt as if my brain and skull where melting, and could barely breath.

'What an idiot I am, they are gods, I should have just shut the hell up'


After what felt like eternity to me, he let me go.

" Cough cough, as I was saying, a devil has accidently, tricked us council of gods and went down to the mortal realm, by using a delay spell, and a reincarnation spell, he patiently waited for 1000 years and tricked us gods when we were off guard and sent his soul down to the mortal realm, while he will not gain his memories, he will still have unbelievable power, and it's up to you who has been selected to go save that realm."

At this point, a lot of things where in my mind like 'fuck, the bastard was gonna kill me' and 'so I need to kill a devil, which even the gods cannot'

By seeing my expression and seeming to have understood my thoughts Tonja said, "You will have aid, in the form of three wishes of your choice, which will allow you to gain power faster. You will be born in the same year as Harry Potter and be born into an entirely new noble house which we created, called the Markus house, and be their heir. With this you will have more resources to get stronger, faster., but due to this their will 100% be a few minor changes, but they won't be too glaring."

She stopped and let me digest the information she just gave.

'That's a good thing, a few whishes and resources, I can become stronger easily, but how can the Harry Potter world exist though, is it like accumulation of faith or something?'

She then continues " The devil has a very careful nature, and that will not change even if he has no memories, his personality should still be the same, dark and calculative, so we can assure you for the first 20 years he will not act as long as you don't seek him out, he will be born the same time as you, and if you wondering, the Harry Potter world has always existed, it is just that the author from earth, has had a few dreams about said world, and wrote the book. Some people are able to do that, so the world already had existed before."

'Ah, this sort of makes sense now. But this is kind off a drag, I didn't actually ask for this, and I am not sure of all of the characters, I only know the plot as I only saw the movie for fun'

As I was thinking of this, Gundis said, " Mortal, your soul is unable to absorb magical energy like the souls of normal wizards thus we have bestowed upon you supreme talent for magic which many will envy. This will help you defeat the devil, and it will be counted as a wish."

After pondering for a moment, I realized that due to this, I will be able yo get stronger way faster, but I am sad that I won't see my current family, maybe in the future somehow.'

After thinking about it for a moment shown said, "For my second wish I want perfect memory and understanding of anything I learn."

Tonja then countered by saying, "That is two wishes, I recommend only using your wish to be able understand magic quickly, as perfect memory can be resolved with Occlumency."

'Easy for you to say, to be able to do that I have to reach the peak of the mind arts!'

"Okay then my second which will be to understand any knowledge quickly, and my last wish will be to be able to communicate with any living beings perfectly."

Gundis seemed surprised for a moment, like my wish was out of his expectations, and then scoffed before saying, "To achieve that you will have to not only know any languages, you also have to be able to manipulate your aura to match the emotion you want to show. It's a half decent wish for a mortlal. Anyway we will now be sending you away."

After that, the two gods stood up and chanted something in a language I never heard of before, and then Tonja said, " Good luck Shawn Markus"


After Shawn was sent away the two gods could be seen arguing.

Gundis shouted " How come father picked a mortal as the heir, he knows that either of us would love to do it."

Tonja said " It doesn't matter father has already picked him, as father said he found him interesting"

Gundis seemed even more mad by this and shouted, " If you find someone interesting you give them a job, NOT THE THRONE. You know how big that responsibility is and I do not think a mere mortal will be able to take care of this job. That devil is something we took centuries to capture, only due to father helping us were we able to win the fights. Even if the devil has no memories he is still a threat. We should go kill him, but why does father block us?"

Tonja then said, " I do think we should kill the devil as well. But since when has father listened to reason. To him the devil is but a slave which escaped, but I do understand his thoughts, and so do you, after all we are his children, the children of Qumir, the God Of Death"

stay_at_home_pig stay_at_home_pig

Hi, author here, i am new at writing so please don't judge me too much. The plot i have in mind is a weird plot which i am trying out, do comment if you have opinions.

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