In the forest far from humans, there lies an old house near the riverbank, carrying a magical and mysterious power.
There live a mysterious race, called the Truvians-- the animal shapeshifters. No one knows the origin of the race. They are even in the ancient scriptures. Although known as a myth, people will never know they're real until they will discover it.
They begin to ascend a thousands of years ago, same as the other magical races, into the hidden island-- Maggelland.
Before the great flood, and by their ability to shapeshift as a form of an animal, they entered the Arc of Noah, and only the Truvian race survived.
Sadly, the hidden island was destroyed by the great flood, and they need to live in the forest far away from humans.
The oaths of the race is to preserve and protect nature from the invaders of the forest known as the Mortallians-- the Humans. The Mortallians did not invade the forest before, but the prophecy tells it will, so up until now, they're living peacefully with Princess Zephaniah.
Zephaniah, born from the twigs of sakura, the gift of Mother Nature to the Truvians to help them with their oaths. Mother Nature then gives a simple mission to the Truvians-- to let Zephaniah know the world.
From now on, Zephaniah's journey will begin.
YES. It's short, but for the next chapters I will be posting, I will make sure it will long enough for you to understand the story. Yep, thanks for checking this story!