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60% Naruto uzumaki in marvel universe 2.0 / Chapter 18:  In Deep

Chapter 18:  In Deep

February had come and gone as the Uzumaki Clan is now passing through the middle of March in Boston. The winter season had ceased as the weather approaches the spring season, much to Kuroka and Medusa's relief since they did not like the rain or snow at all. Naruto was pleased with himself about his stability of both his home life and hero business, but he also imagined how things would be difficult if his wives weren't supportive as they are now.

Speaking of his wives, they were out shopping in Boston's farmer market for fresh produce since their garden needs more time to bloom and it was nice to get out of the Homestead every now and then.

It was also fun to notice the stares from other men, both single and married, as they walked through the market. "They're so obvious with their staring." Kuroka winked at a single man who passed by and glanced at her butt. "Good thing I'm already taken."

Medusa nudged Kuroka with her elbow, chastising the Nekomata for her flirting even though the latter reassured the priestess of her faith to their husband. "Honestly, Kuroka, one of these days Naruto will punish you." Kuroka opened her mouth for a rebuttal but Medusa cut her off. "And no, it's not because you're better than all of us combined with your mouth."

The guys within earshot stared at Kuroka with widened eyes and slight blush around their cheeks. Both girls stopped their small arguments when Rhea and Saeko glared at them for making a scene in a public place. Ashla and Masaki giggled at their moms' reactions before their attention was drawn to the multitude of people passing them by, wondering like the babies they are.

"Kuroka, Medusa, can you get the produce please?" Rhea asked as they nodded and left for the produce section. "Saeko, are you coming with me to get the meat?"

Saeko smiled at the goddess. "Of course, plus I know the twins will get upset if you're not around. You're their favorite aunt after all."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

Rhea and Saeko strolled around with the meat section for prime cow meat. The distracted Uzumaki wives looked around the section until the twins' stroller was brushed up by a fellow shopper, causing Ashla's toy—a figurine of his father's heroic persona—to fall out of the boy's hand. The oldest twin soon cried as he tried to reach for his toy until a foreign hand picked it up and gave it to him while ceasing the cries.

"Oh~ You're so cute." The stranger observed before her eyes looked at Misaki who stared at her. "Your sister has beautiful eyes." She looked at Saeko after the latter saw her picking up the toy and giving it back to her son. "How old?"

"They just turned one this past winter." Saeko answered as she observed the girl who was roughly around Naruto's age.

"Aren't you young to have children?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"What about their father?"

"He's at home, tending to chores and whatnot." Saeko hummed contentedly. "Sometimes I wonder what I'd do if he wasn't around."

"Sounds like quite a guy."

"He is. Your accent…where?"


"Sightseeing our city?" Saeko asked while Rhea negotiated the price for the meat with the cashier.

"You could say that but I'm also looking for someone."


"…I don't want to say but he saved my life."

Saeko pondered about the kind of man whom the stranger searched for. "I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name."

"Lara…Lara Croft." She was then stunned by Rhea's beauty after she came behind Saeko. "Oh wow."

Rhea tilted her head at Lara's words. "Thank you but I must admit that you are quite the stunning beauty yourself. You will grow to be a very beautiful woman." Lara brushed her hair past her ear out of embarrassment by the goddess. "Will you join us for lunch?"

"Really?" Lara asked out of surprise. "We just met."

"Of course." Rhea smiled at the younger girl. "If the children like you then you're fine with me."

Lara looked at her watch before she nodded and accepted their lunch invite. "Sure." They were soon caught up by Kuroka and Medusa whose combined beauty stunned Lara once more while they in turn were surprised by the archeologist's natural graceful features.


Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Ground

Forested Massachusetts, United States of America

Naruto stood in the middle of the cove as he focused on his chakra through the seawater. His eyes opened and he began to perform kata of the Furinji Style moves. The water churned and 'swished' after each of his movements before it solidified into various shapes like a car, subway and plane. With a raised brow, Naruto shifted his movements to hard but slow strikes and movements as the earth shifted this time and cracked under the power.

Then he felt it once more: the power given to him by Poseidon. Naruto saw his arms and legs glow bright blue, indicating his usage of the power which he dubbed 'Earthshaker' after one of Poseidon's many titles. It was rather getting annoying since this power would activate randomly though that might have something to do with his lack of training with Earthshaker.

"Okay then. Let's start with something easy to familiarize myself." Naruto pondered which element he should start. "Wind of course! Duh!" He bonked himself on the head as he focused on the calm breeze around the Homestead. His arms moved slowly in a kata of Rhea's Baguazhang while the movements were seemingly defensive as it appears from outside view. Then Naruto swiped his right arm in a vertical chop and that was when he felt the wind become stronger followed by the rumblings of trees and the cracking of the earth. "Do I dare look?"

The ninja opened his eyes and cringed by the result of his first session with Earthshaker. The trees were torn from their roots and the ground cracked under the weight of each fell tree for about an entire acre or more from Naruto could see.

"I'm so dead." Naruto said knowingly while he felt a wash of immense exhaustion not unlike Sage Mode's time limit. "Why every time?" He asked before focusing on the Earthshaker until the godly feeling went away from his body. "I need a place where I can train this thing freely without damaging our home."

"It's not a big deal." The Jinchuriki looked to his side where his Tailed Beast partner laid around near the port as he snacked on a watermelon. "After all, one of your wives is the goddess of fertility and earth. She can fix this place up."

"The fact remains is that I don't want destroy our home time and time again." Naruto barked back. "It's been a while since we talked." The last time they spoke was after Yamatai when Naruto informed Kurama that they still need another six months before leaving the dimension. That was three months ago and the Tailed Beast did not say a word to him or Ashura for that matter.

"Being cramped in your body without talking really puts a damper on my personality."

"You have a personality? That's new to me."

"Ignoring that comment and changing the subject, there's something that have been bugging me recently." Kurama remarked as Naruto sat seiza in front of him. "Why haven't you accepted Captain America's invitation to join the Avengers?"

Naruto answered right away. "Simple: my family."

"You sure it's nothing else?"

"Nope." He looked at the sky with his partner. "As you know, I grew up without my parents but I had their love." Naruto shifted his gaze at the fox beast. "I want to be there for my family as much as I can, especially the kids. Being with the Avengers like in January took an entire day and when I came home, I saw the relief of my family as they saw me."

"A family man I see. Honestly, I think you made the right choice, Naruto, but that thing with Kang also exposed your Ninjutsu. No doubt S.H.I.E.L.D. will come after you and they'll be relentless if their director was a hint."

"Not just them, Kurama. I'll bet a lot of people have their eyes on us these days."

"And when they come, we'll smash them."

"Is Hulk influencing you now, Kurama?"

"Maybe…Maybe not."

"Okay then." Naruto sat up and walked back to the seawater. "Want to help me control Earthshaker in a spar?"

A gleeful expression overcame Kurama's maw as he grew to the size of the Aquila. "Did you have to ask?"

"Let's do it then." Naruto responded as he felt the rush of godly power while his body glowed in a cyan color before charging at Kurama.


(Two Days Later)

Patronus flipped over a powerline during his daily patrol in Boston but he was also looking for something or rather someone. Imagine his surprise when his wives told him about Lara Croft in the city and since then, he had been searching for her but no luck so far. His search ended prematurely when his wrist computer 'beeped' and alerted him of an incoming message from his technical support.

"Hey, Sky. What's the word?" He asked after rolling up his right sleeve and pressed the 'Accept' button, showing Sky's face on the device.

-"Good all things considering."-

"Do I dare ask why?"

-"Oh, it's nothing major like saving the entire world from a time traveling conqueror with the Avengers."-

Patronus groaned as he knew she was going to bring it up. "Sky…"

-"I mean I'm just technical support with above-average hacking skills and technical saavy but you-"-

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry about not bringing you in to help us out. I'll be sure to do it next time." Patronus looked to the side. "If there is a next time." He whispered under his breath.

-"What was that?"-

"Nothing. Is that all you wanted to say or is there actually something else you wanted to discuss with me?"

-"Yeah, the museum called for you again."-


-"They didn't say."-

"At least it's a change of pace." Patronus mused while Skye shrugged her shoulders. After ending the video link, the hero made his way to the museum.


Boston Museum of Art & Antiquities


Patronus did not expect this at all…well somewhat actually. Luckily, they were in a private room so nobody saw the palm-to-face action just now. "I take it you're somewhat upset."

"No, but I wanted to do that ever since that Tokyo airport."

"I see. You feel better?"


"That's good. It's great to see you again, Lara." Patronus greeted sincerely.

Lara nodded in agreement with a soft smile. "You too."

"How are the others?" Naruto asked after he pulled out a chair for Lara, which she took before sitting down himself.

"They're fine. All fine." Lara responded. "Sam is helping her dad in his company, Jonah got his own cooking show and Ross met his daughter for the first time."

"That's good. Are they living together?" Lara nodded. "Great for Ross." Patronus said until he noticed the slight pout on Lara's face. "What's with that look?"

"No 'Thanks' for the gift? How rude of you especially since it's a one of a kind."

"What gift?"

"Think back around Christmas Eve."

Patronus assumed a thinking posture with his fingers underneath his chin while Lara sat in her seat with an expected expression. It finally hit the ninja about the painting he received from the archeologist who discovered it. "The Battle of Anghiari painting. That was you who gave it to me?"


"I'm gonna ask the obvious: why? That painting made your career and you owned it." Patronus stated. "Unless you had a reason for it." The British young woman shook her head as she attempted to play it off. "Okay, now you got me curious. What's up?"



"I need your help with something." Lara finally relented before she took something out of her leather jacket and placed it on the table. "I found this at the same time with the painting. I was wondering you would know what it is."

Naruto took the object which was circular in design with a raised top in the center. Images adorned the relic as a lone figure seemed to battle hordes of creatures in the ocean while Greek lettering etched behind the four images. "From the looks of it, the relic details of a sea battle between a hero and a monster."

"I got that part." Lara answered in monotone.

"Well, excuse me." Patronus answered hotly. "The Greek dialogue is ancient obviously but it makes references to Poseidia or better known as-"

"Atlantis." Lara interrupted excitedly. "Sorry, but I already read the gylphs."

Patronus raised his arms in indignation. "So, what do you need my help for?"

"Protection." Lara answered under her breath as Naruto's head lifted in realization.

"There we go. Then why not just say that?"

"It's been a while, you know?"

"Okay, that was a lame excuse but I accept." Patronus informed the archeologist, much to her hidden happiness. "When do we leave?"

"Now." Lara rolled up her sleeve, revealing a device with a green light in the center. "We're ready."

Naruto coughed loudly to get her attention. "Who was that?"

"You'll see."

The two associates disappeared in a mist of green warping lights around their bodies just before the curator entered the room with his hopes of asking for the Battle of Anghiari painting back for his museum suddenly dashed as he assumed that they left without a word.


Hudson River, Manhattan

New York City, New York

"Oh shit!"

"You got that right!" Naruto shouted in surprise. After arriving back in one of New York's ports, the duo found themselves on the platform where a monstrous sea creature partially submerged and when it attacked them, Patronus had carried Lara in his arms as he jumped high in the air. "So, I take it you didn't know they were on call."

"No." Lara answered meekly as her carrier landed near the amassed citizens who stood behind the officers of NYPD. "What are you doing?" She asked after Patronus placed her down and walked towards the monster. "You're not actually going to fight that thing?"

Patronus glanced at her with a 'are you serious' expression. "It's sort of in the job description, Lara. Stay there." He approached the landed ship that was clearly the monster's work and saw the one responsible for the whole incident. "Who are you, pal?"

It was a light tanned man with gold braces around his wrists and slick black hair as his facial features looked narrow and his ears were pointy. He wore nothing but red and black trousers while a three-pronged gold spear was gripped tightly in his hand. "I answer to no one, land dweller."

"You just did, pal." Patronus remarked, much to the hostile figure's irritation. "Do you have a name at least?"

"I am Namor, king of the lost city Atlantis and I have come to warn all land dwellers: stay away from the seas!"

"The seas are not yours alone." Patronus countered as the New Yorkers cheered the hero's worlds until he silenced them with the one finger; the good one. "Both Humans and Atlanteans are off-springs of Earth."

Namor narrowed his eyes at the hooded stranger. "Then why is it that your kind is harming her and her seas? She has done nothing wrong while your petty wars and technology ravage her so!"

"That may be true, but Humanity is seeing the flaws in their ways and are changing to help our planet and her creatures. The Avengers, Stark, the Fantastic Four…all these people and more are finding ways to help all life."

"That is not enough. For the safety of my home, I leave this warning to you all: stay away from the seas or feel my wrath."

"And if you harm a 'land dweller' as you call them, there won't be anything to stop my wrath."

The tense atmosphere between Patronus and Namor was only associated with the 'snap' of cell phone cameras before it was broken by the ground shaking followed by four new arrivals. "Hey, who's the guy with the hood?" asked someone who sounded like a teenager would say.

The first of the arrived group was a man with black hair that had shades of white by the ears, brown eyes and wore a blue/black one suit with the number '4' on the left breast pocket. The second man had short blonde hair, smug look and blue eyes that were covered with shades. The third member was a taller and larger person with rock-like appearance as the number '4' belt wrapped around his shorts while his blue eyes scanned the damage before his fists cracked under his strength.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S THE FANTASTIC FOUR!" One of the bystanders shouted with glee. "JOHNNY, I WANT YOUR BABY!"

"Wrong guy to ask." Johnny said seriously before sizing up Patronus. "Beat it, will you? New York is our turf."

"Who are you again?"

Cue a face-fault from the cocky member of the Fantastic Four before he managed to recover himself. "Are you kidding me?! Johnny Storm, the Human Torch!"

"Doesn't ring a bell." Patronus shook his head before he noticed the four member who revealed herself after walking from behind the ship. "Who are you?" It was a young woman with short blonde hair that reached her shoulders as her voluptuous figure was hugged by the uniform.

"Susan Storm, Invisible Woman." Sue introduced herself before gesturing to her teammates. "This is Reed Richards AKA Mr. Fantastic, Ben Grimm as the Thing and you just met my annoying brother. I'm sorry to bring you here under these circumstances."

This was news to Patronus as Lara broke the line and approached the heroes. "Ms. Storm, thank you and we understand about this but-" She said before being interrupted.

"You asked the Fantastic Four to help you out?" Patronus felt a little offended by her disguised actions. "I don't see why you need me 'cause you already have a heavy hitter." He pointed at the Thing who felt proud of being the heavy hitter.

Lara stuttered a little. "W-well, you could be their back-up."

"Four isn't enough for you?"

"ENOUGH!" The heroes and Lara looked at a disgruntled Namor who clearly did not like being ignored. "If you do not heed my warnings-"

"Then we face your wrath, we got it." Johnny interrupted as Namor telepathically ordered the sea creature to destroy a nearby restaurant.

The creature raised one of its many tentacles before it swooped at the designated target, much to Namor's pleasure. Until he was surprised when the tentacle stopped inches above the logo. "Why have you stopped?" He raised his trident that glowed purple as his creature was engulfed moments later. "I command you to destroy it!"

"I don't think it would, your Highness." Patronus declared as Namor rested his eyes on him and saw his glowing blue arms reached out at the creature that was now glowing the same shade of color. "Creature, cease your action." The creature obeyed his command and pulled back its appendage. "Now return to your home and family."

The Fantastic Four, Lara, and Namor watched the creature slink back inside, much to the latter's rage as he looked at Patronus. "How could you? No one could override the power of Neptune's Trident!"

"I thought it looked somewhat familiar." Patronus stared at the weapon pointed at him. "I wonder…" His attempted action came to a halt when Namor lunged at Patronus with the trident but the ninja saw it coming and had pushed Lara to Invisible Woman as he blocked the strike with his Pivot Blade, much to Namor's added surprise.

"Your tiny blade should've broke the moment it made contact with-" Namor noticed the gold sheen coming off the blade and compared it with his own weapon's metal. "Your blade…it is made of Adamantine."

"Adamantium? Like that feral Wolverine?" Grimm asked as Reed shook his head.

"No, Ben. Adamantine is the golden metal and sole substance of the Olympian Gods. It is just as indestructible as Adamantium and perhaps more durable than Vibranium." Reed assumed a thinking expression. "Question is where did Patronus get it?"

Johnny looked at his brother-in-law. "You know his name?"

"As should you, Johnny." Reed answered as Patronus and Namor continued their stare-off.

"Answer me: where did you get the metal?"

Patronus shrugged his shoulders, "I found it at the flea market." He lied though Namor was not in the mood for games.

"I can see through your lies!" Namor exclaimed as he attempted to push back Patronus to no avail.

"That's not the behavior worthy of a king." Patronus mused mockingly.

Namor narrowed his eyes until they caught the beauty that is Lara, specifically the glowing section of her jacket. He pointed the trident at her and the relic broke through Lara's jacket as it floated before him. "So, it is you."

"Excuse me?" Lara asked before she was grabbed by a whip of water and pulled in the sea.

"Lara!" Patronus shouted as Namor dived back into the ocean. "Oh no, you don't, fishman!" He followed after the Submariner, leaving behind the Fantastic Four and the citizens behind.

"Did that just happen again?" Ben asked, referring to the time when Namor abducted Sue to be his wife early in their careers. His family nodded in agreement. "Okay then. Let's fire up the submarine."


City of Atlantis

Atlantic Ocean

The day was proving to be tense for the king of Atlantis. After many months of his denizens pleading him to take action against the land dwellers due to past events like the invading Kang some time ago, Namor had left for the land and hoped that his associates, the Fantastic Four, would persuade him to negotiations but that new hero had irritated him to no ends. Perhaps he should not have instigated the matter with his ordering the sea creature to attack as a force of power.

Imagine the Submariner's surprise when he noticed Patronus following him into the deep ocean where its pressure would kill a human instantly. Now they were in a stand-off where most of Atlantis's forces aimed their different but advanced weapons at the intruder while Lara, with an air bubble around her head, floated behind Namor as two guards stayed by her side.

"You are trespassing Atlantean territory." Namor told the disguised ninja. "Leave now or be vaporized."

Patronus narrowed his eyes. "How about you hand back my friend you just took from the land?"

"I cannot do that."

"Then I can't leave." Patronus floated in official Atlantean territory, prompting its natives to fire upon him. "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow."

A greatly concerned Lara pulled onto Namor. "Stop it! Leave him alone!" She ordered before the guards pulled her away from their king.

"He made his choice." Namor answered callously. "Now unto-"

"My lord, look!"

To the shock of the Atlanteans and relief of Lara, the dust cleared to reveal a virtually unaffected Patronus floating there with his arms crossed. "So, I take it we do it the hard way then." Patronus shifted his right foot and the ocean floor shook hard enough for the royal guard to lose their balance while Namor and Lara were spared. "And that's just a little of what I can actually do." He said before thinking, "I don't really want to destroy the lost city of Atlantis."

"Patronus, don't do it." Lara pleaded to the hero as Namor looked at her.

"Well, well. This can work to my advantage." The king thought as he called the relic to his hand. "Do you know what this is, land dweller?"

"A relic pertaining to the legends of Atlantis. Its images detailed certain heroes like Perseus and Theseus. What of it?"

Namor twirled the relic between his fingers. "This particular relic plays an important part in Atlantean culture. It is a token for marriage specifically to the royal family."

"Say what now?" Lara asked for clarification.

"And this stunning beauty is to be my wife."

"Oh great." Patronus muttered.

"But…" Namor paused for a brief dramatic touch. "If there is one who challenges the betrothed in question, they are to engage in mortal combat for the bride's hand."

"Say what now?" Patronus said this time.


"This. Is. Amazing." Lara said with awe as she observed her surroundings. Despite being held captive by the Atlantean king, the archeologist in her could not help but be amazed by the architecture of the lost city that is Atlantis. Their technology in terms of weaponry, landscaping, and defensive capabilities are far beyond most on the dryland above except for S.H.I.E.L.D. and other related organizations.

"You could not say that so loud."


Patronus and Lara were taken to the gladiatorial arena of the Atlanteans after their little tense arguments outside the territory. To everyone's confusion, Namor had ordered his subjects not to harm the hooded ninja as the latter had challenged the king for Lara's hand in marriage although that was not his intention nor neither of their knowledge. Originally there was to be a feast before the challenge but Patronus rather insisted to finish it so both he and Lara can return home.

And he was not the only one who felt this way.

"Human scum!"

"You have nerve challenging our king!"

"You'll be dead before the Mooning!"

Both Naruto and Lara raised eyebrows. "Mooning?" The 'bride to be' asked as she was situated in the viewing balcony while flanked by two guards wielding spears.

"It is Atlantean tradition for any royal member who is about to marry, my lady." One of the guards answered albeit with a sneer. "It states that both groom and bride are to consummate their marriage in front of the citizens, to show loyalty and love to Atlantis."

Patronus chuckled a little when Lara looked at him with a 'Help me' expression. "Don't worry, don't worry. This will be over soon." He answered despite the boos. "I hope."

Namor made himself known and silenced his citizens with a raised arm. "Atlanteans, many of you have cried to me about the surface world's callous disregard to the seas and us!" His people muttered in agreement with their king. "I have heard your pleas and swam to the surface dwellers with warnings of Atlantis's wrath should they not agree with my terms but one positive outcome has come from my venture." He gestured his arm at Lara. "I have found my bride!"

"I would like to drown now." Lara thought internally over the loud applause.

"But one challenger has protested my betrothed and challenged me for her hand!" Cue the boos and jeers from the Atlanteans as they threw objects at Patronus who let them hit him since he could not feel anything with the pelt except that last one to the head. "As per the Atlantean Royal Family tradition, I have heeded his challenge and shall face him in mortal combat for the lovely Lara's hand."

"She's not a trophy, Namor." Patronus voiced his discontent about Lara being treated as such. "I'm going to enjoy beating that notion into you." He ignored the jeers from the Atlanteans until they were silenced from his glare even though his expression could not be seen due to his hood.

"To command such silence from my people…this is no ordinary human." A small smirk tugged the corner of his mouth as Namor swam from the perch and floated in the arena before Patronus. "Shall we begin?" He asked as he twirled Neptune's Trident before blocking Patronus's sword strike. "Eager I see."

"You have no idea."

Namor shoved Patronus away and thrusted his spear at the ninja, but the latter parried the strike by altering its path away from his body then counter-thrusted at the Submariner. Namor swam backwards to dodge the attack but still ended up being wounded from the counter-attack, much to his chagrin. "I see now."

Naruto did not answer verbally before he assumed the Soresu stance except his blade is pointed vertically close his right flank.

"Then I shall get serious as well."


Namor channeled his energy through his spear and the three prongs glowed red before firing a blast of energy that is the same color. Patronus simply deflected the blast above the arena to avoid harming the Atlanteans and Lara. The Submariner continued to fire blasts at the Shinobi who deflected each one while he moved casually to the Atlantean.

"Doton: Shindo!" Naruto thought as he shifted his right foot on the arena floor, cracking it in the process.

The Atlanteans cried out in surprise when their home started to shake rapidly while Lara held onto her seat as Namor stabbed the Trident into the ground and fired a green energy this time. Another tremor shook within the arena this time before it burst open and out came the same creature who attacked him back on the surface.

"This guy again?" Lara asked to herself.

Unlike last time, the creature attacked Naruto who sheathed Kogitsune in favor of grabbing hold of the extended limb. "Here we go!" He spun around with his captive, causing a whirlpool to form in the arena as the Atlanteans stared in shock at the display of power before them. "Say goodbye!" Shouted the senjutsu-enhanced Naruto as he let go of the creature.

Namor stared his fellow sea creature hurled out of the city of Atlantis as did Lara before their eyes returned to Naruto whom was approaching the king with his Hidden Blades out. "This…is interesting." Namor smirked as he held the Trident of Neptune high above his head. "It's been a while since I had a challenge!"

"Then I'll be your last in a while." Patronus turned his left Hidden Blade to the Pivot Blade as he was about to Shunshine behind Namor and end the battle there.

Until a loud explosion shook the arena, ending the battle as all people in the arena looked for the source and saw a building fall in time to show the origin. The citizens of Atlantis did not panic like anyone would in normal circumstances but instead swam to the center of their city to defend it from invaders who dare to interrupt their king's fight.

"Lara!" Patronus retracted his Hidden Blades as he swam to Lara who managed to escape her guards and swam to him, much to their relief. "Take a deep breath."

"Are you serious?"

"Just do it!" Lara complied albeit grudgingly before she and Patronus disappeared in a yellow flash that resembled a lightning strike in the middle of the ocean. It was not long until Patronus returned to the arena without Lara this time and swam to Namor who was surrounded by his guards who waited for his commands. "Whoa, take it easy!" He raised his arms after two of the guards aimed their weapons at him. "I just want to help."

"Hah! First you challenge our king's betrothed and now you want to help? Land dweller scum."

"If I was scum, would I have returned to your home and aid you to defend it?" Patronus asked inquisitively as the Atlanteans muttered while Namor looked at him. "We can put aside the ego later but right now your city is in danger. We need to act quickly."

Namor sighed since the challenger was right; his city and people comes first above all. That is the duty of a king. "Atlantean Guard, secure the citizens." Namor ordered his men before he swam towards the grand hall of Atlantis. "Challenger, with me!"

"It's Patronus by the way." Naruto informed while he followed the Atlantean king. "Any idea who would attack your city?"

"One comes to mind and I thought he was dead the last time we fought."




Grand Hall, Atlantis

Atlantic Ocean

When the duo of Patronus and the Submariner arrived, they saw the grand hall's doors were forced open as their hinges flung open and pulled apart outward with blast marks and strikes consistent with spear and energy weapons. They swam inside the hall where the ninja noticed several unique tapestries that seemed to depict the history of Atlantis whose creation was related to the Trident of Neptune which was wielded by a blue-skinned man with gray hair and beard.

"Is there something important here in the hall?" Patronus asked, only to receive silence from the king. "Seriously the silent treatment now? This isn't the time for secrets kept during an invasion."


"Guess I'll have to find out the other way then."

Namor looked at him for the first time in a while. "What does that mean, land dweller?" Now the treatment was turned onto to him. "Answer me."

Quickly raising a hand to silence, Patronus chastised the king. "Do you want them to know we're here?"

"I think they already know that you are here, Naruto, since invaders usually expect the defenders to come after them." Kurama jested, much to Naruto's irritation. "Just saying, dork."

"I will end you." Patronus whispered under breath as he and Namor swam to the main room where they found a squad of fish-like men with light blue skin and armed with spears and armor around their chest. "Are they Atlanteans?"

Namor nodded. "Yes, the Aquateans as they are called. Atlantis lived in peace with both sides but Aquateans felt they were oppressed and lashed out at my people and tried to usurp the throne for their leader."


"Yes, and I fought him to regain my father's throne. I've always tried to make amends and heal the rift between our people, but there will always be ones who oppose change."

"Unfortunately, that's the truth." Patronus agreed since this was true to a fault.

To his great surprise and disappointment, there is still a lot of hatred in this dimension particularly with the Mutants and Inhumans situation back in the United States. Humans treated them with disgust and horrid attitude about being different. This was the same with the mutants who feel that they should reign over the Humans for their weakness and there was that Magneto character who exemplifies this philosophy. Luckily, there were people like Charles Xavier who lead the X-Men to show the world that mutants are living beings just like Humans.

"You speak of experience."


The duo ceased their discussion in favor of stealth as they took their chosen targets who guarded the room while their master was within to steal whatever was important to invade Atlantis. Namor snuck up behind two men and snaked his arms around their necks before he put pressure on them, instantly knocking them out while Patronus knife-handed one man on the neck and kicked the other hard enough to send him spiraling into the rest of the squad members against the wall.

Patronus and Namor swam in the spiraling staircase in a descending formation until they reached a massive room filled with weapons that the ninja had never seen designs before. It was not only that but their energies were calling out to him as if they resonated with his chakra or something godly.

"Are these artifacts related to Poseidon by any chance?" Patronus asked out of curiosity after a particular artifact glowed slightly brighter when he passed by it too close.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Namor asked before he noticed the artifacts glowing. "That is strange. They never glowed in anyone's presence, not even as I wield Neptune's Trident that grants me a portion of our patron god's power." He looked at Patronus who tried to look inconspicuous from the artifacts reacting to him. "He's hiding something and somehow it is related to Poseidon."

"HURRY UP, YOU SORRY EXCUSES OF ATLANTEANS!" boomed a voice from the other room at the opposite end, prompting the duo of Human and Atlantean to swim faster until they reached their destination. "The invasion forces won't hold out for long, especially with that half-breed Submariner!"

As Naruto took one side and Namor took the other, they looked over their corners and saw the one responsible for the invasion. It was a tall humanoid with contrasting shades of blue and a yellow armor plus a headpiece. His cape fluttered in the water, which confused the ninja but he put that aside for now.

"I take it this is Attuma." Patronus said to Namor who swam at the invading leader like a torpedo. "Oh well, stealth is overplayed in invasions." He channeled the water around him and launched himself at Attuma with Namor as the duo kicked the taller Atlantean straight in the back.

Attuma screamed in surprise as he crashed against a wall while dropping the artifact he searched for. As for his guards, Patronus and Namor quickly disposed of them with the Pivot Blade and the Trident respectively before the king found the artifact and picked it up. It was an odd-looking device with a mechanical eye in the middle and triangular protrusions all around it; both front and back.

"What's so special about that?" Patronus asked, which Namor shook his head.

"None. Lord Poseidon told me vaguely about this artifact but I didn't understand its significance. I still don't but apparently Attuma does."

"And that's bad for us."

"Indeed!" Both combatants perked up in alert as boulder-sized debris were flung their way, forcing them to dodge the projectiles before they were grabbed in the necks by one smug smirking Attuma. "Namor, I see you're holding Neptune's Trident for me. I thank you at least for that." Attuma's features morphed to that of a glare when his gaze shifted at Naruto. "Now, you're inviting Humans into our world as well? How low can you go, half-breed?"

"Like this!" Patronus countered by twisting his body high enough to kick Attuma in the face, forcing the Atlantean to release him and Namor. "Here comes some butt-kicking!" He dashed normally since the water resistance and pressure was nonexistent to him due to the godly power within himself.

Attuma regained his footing and lashed out with a straight punch. Patronus met with his own as a shockwave boomed from their fists and caused the water to recede a bit. "Human! You have surprising strength to match my own; the only ones capable of such feat is the Hulk and that Thunder God."

"Hulk and Thor?" Patronus smiled within his hood. "Good thing I'm the third person!" He countered Attuma's elbow strike with his own elbow strike before the Atlantean drew his sword and slashed at him as Patronus clashed with Kogitsune. "And you know another thing about me, Attuma?"

"And what's that?"

"I can bring the heat!" As soon as Naruto said those words, Kogitsune's blade suddenly enveloped in blue flames as bubbles formed from the contact between fire and water, much to Attuma's displeasure. "Can't take it?" He shoved his opponent back before swinging his blade and unleashing a wave of blue flames at the Atlantean.

"Flames in water?! You miscreant!" Attuma raised his blade to block the flame wave before it pushed him back by the force while being burned at the same time by the incredible heat. "What magic is this?!"

Naruto recalled from his talk with Inari Okami that blue flames are the hottest type of all to his knowledge. It can burn even in underwater although one must be careful with the marine life should he ever find himself in combat in the particular region. "Shoot, the Atlanteans!" Intense flames can also boil organic beings if it was hot enough.

Seeing the surface dweller cancel the flames from his sword, Attuma smirked arrogantly as he redirected the wave of flames away from him. "Your compassion for Namor's people will be your undoing, surface dweller!" He exclaimed as his body launched forward at the ninja with great speed due to being underwater.

Atlanteans are faster and stronger than Humans by 100 times fold…so why is it this Human is able to fight on par with him? Attuma swung his sword faster and stronger to throw Patronus off his game but the latter remained vigilant as he simply parried and blocked his strikes like a master swordsman he is with similar speed and strength.

"What's the matter, Attuma? Surprised that a Human can match your strength?" Naruto taunted as he clashed blades with the Atlantean warlord.

"Not the word I was looking for, Human, as I will emerge victorious!"

Patronus smiled in the darkness of his hood. "Good thing I'm not alone then." He tucked in his legs before extending them out for a drop-kick to Attuma's stomach. "Your turn!"

"My pleasure!" Namor shouted as he batted his nemesis with Neptune's Trident through a pillar and a wall back into the relic room. "Attuma, your life shall end today!" He torpedoed through the hole and thrust with his spear which was countered by Attuma's blade, but his charge continued as he pushed the warlord back continously.

"Cursed half-breed! You're a mistake that stained the glory of Atlantis the moment your parents met." Attuma decried, angering Namor as he picked up the pace before pushing back Attuma and thrusting his spear squarely at his chest. "Fool!" He grabbed one of the prongs before they reached his torso, pulled the weapon and Namor towards him, and punched the Submariner hard through several walls. "Now I possess the Trident of Neptune!"

"Not today!" A different voice cried out, attracting attention from the combatants as a rock-covered Ben Grimm smashed through a wall and punched Attuma in the face while he was sent flying against a wall. "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!" The Thing said his signature catch-phrase as he slammed his fist into the opposite open palm.

"My kind of party!" Patronus raised a thumbs-up to the Thing who responded with his own before the duo dashed at Attuma and clashed with him fist-to-fist.

The rest of the Fantastic Four were adorned with special slim-fitting underwater suits created by Reed Richards since their first tangle with Namor the Submariner when he abducted Susan Storm to take her as his wife. Luckily, they stopped the 'wedding' and since then, they were uneasy associates with Namor who wanted to bridge his world to the surface albeit slowly.

"Does he have a mask or something?" Johnny asked out of curiosity as he pointed at Patronus who clotheslined Attuma to the ground after Thing kicked him towards his path.

"Less talking, Johnny." Invisible Woman said to her younger brother. "Let's contain him and force his army to surrender."

Mr. Fantastic had a device in his hands with several blips of two different colors; the red blips were Attuma's forces while the blue colors were Namor's Atlantean guards. From the looks of it, Attuma's forces were decreasing based on the disappearance of blips from the device's image projector.

"Looks like things are winding do-" Richards was cut off as Grimm slammed into him after being thrown by Attuma. "Crap."

Invisible Woman glared at the warlord. "No one hurts my husband!" She raised her hands and created a force field around Attuma, cutting him off from the seawater. "This is going to hurt you…a lot." She curled her fingers as her force field began to shrink at the same time.

"Nice, Invisible Woman. Keep him in there until-"

"I break free?!" Attuma twirled Neptune's Trident before thrusting it, easily shattering the force field as he regained his full strength from the water. "Your pathetic powers are no match for me!"

Patronus Shunshined in front of Attuma with his signature sphere of chakra in hand albeit the larger version. "How about this? Oodama Rasengan!" The explosion and force behind the impact shook the room while the water was blown away as the Fantastic Four and Namor braced themselves for the debris thrown at them.

"Behind me!" Invisible Woman exclaimed as she summoned a force field around her family and uneasy ally while debris broke against the protection. "What power."

"And I have a feeling there's more to come." Mr. Fantastic observed as the dust settled and gave them a sight to see where Patronus stood in front of the massive hole in the hall where Attuma was sent launched backwards to outside.

After sheathing his blade on his back, Patronus raised his forearms to block a power crimson beam before he was slammed through another wall. The Fantastic Four and Namor looked back and saw Attuma walking back into the room with no sign of injury from Patronus's energy sphere.

"Weak magic that Human wields." Attuma sneered as he looked at the opponents. "Just like the rest of his kind."

The debris and rubble that covered the hero exploded from Patronus's exertion as he rose up and flexed his arms to get feeling back into them. "That was something." He mentioned before observing the lack of wounds on Attuma's chest. "Wow, you're tough."

"Then let me show how powerful I really am!" Attuma dematerialized out of existence, surprising the Humans as he reappeared behind Patronus and punched the latter squarely in the back of the head before grabbing his leg and slamming the ninja into the ground several times. "Taste defeat!" Attuma slammed Patronus against the wall near him before he thrusted Neptune's Trident at his chest.


Invisible Woman nodded as she knew what her husband ordered and produced a force field shield in front of Patronus just before the spear broke through. Attuma's smirk fell when his spear hit nothing but the wall as Patronus had slipped underneath and quickly double-kicked him from the ground through the wall into the relic room.

The warlord growled in frustration before he was pressed into the ground by the Thing's barrage of punches into his back. "Don't forget about me!" Ben exclaimed as he continued his punching.

"Get off of me!" Attuma stood up as the Thing quickly held him into a full nelson to restrain his movements. "You pesky Humans think this will stop me?!"

"No…" Mr. Fantastic answered as his body stretched like gum and wrapped around Attuma's legs to further the restraint. "But this will! Sue, his head!"

"On it." Sue raised her hands up and moved them around in a circular gesture as a small force field bubble formed around Attuma's head and neck to cut off the water supply. "That should do it."

Three of the Fantastic team and Attuma struggled against each other's bonds but the latter was beginning to break through, much to Sue's surprise. "It must be the seawater. He's not completely covered." Reed informed as he struggled to restrain the warlord's legs. "Sue, extend the force field around his body."

"I think not!" Attuma threw his trident at Invisible Woman before it broke through the force field. "Die, Human!"

"Sue!" Reed exclaimed with worry in his voice.

Invisible Woman gasped before she created several shields in front of her to slow the projectile as it easily penetrated them until a gloved hand halted its speed. When she saw that it was Patronus who saved her, the wife of Reed sighed in relief. "Thank you for the save."

"No problem." Patronus answered before he stabbed the three-pronged spear into the ground. "Now I got to kick this Atlantean's ass!"

Attuma growled at the incoming Human and flexed his muscles enough to break the Thing's full nelson hold as he grabbed Richards's face and began to crush it with pressure, forcing him to release his legs. "You want to fight me again?!" He threw Mr. Fantastic at the Thing hard enough to send them crashing through several walls to outside the Grand Hall. "I accept your challenge!"

Both declared combatants reeled back their fists as they approached each other until their ranges crossed and exchanged blows straight to the faces. A sharp shockwave shook the Grand Hall violently as the ceiling began to fall apart as part of the aftereffects. The repeated blows that Patronus and Attuma exchanged upon each other certainly did not help the rapidly weakening structure.

"What's the matter, Human?" Attuma taunted after feeling his opponent's fists hit him some parts of his part that he did not understand and as a result, Patronus was getting hit faster than he could counter attack. This did not stop the Atlantean to put more strength into his punches, resulting in more blows as Patronus was being pushed back. "You cannot overwhelm me in my territory!"

His last punch was blocked squarely in Patronus's palm as the latter chuckled loudly. "Finally."

"What do you mean by-" Attuma was caught by the intense pain that shot throughout his body as he stepped back away from Patronus. "What's happening?!"

Patronus chuckled as his plan was coming into fruition. His strikes were not wild compared to Attuma's but precise and heavy against specific parts of his body: the vital points. Although, he was worried since the anatomy and physiology of Humans and Atlantean was different, which was why Naruto was in Sage Mode before the second round of fist-to-fist to compensate for his strength since Attuma was still stronger than him.

"My turn!" Patronus slammed his fists into the vital points in Attuma's stomach, sending natural energy through his body as he does so. "How does it feel?!" He kneed the Atlantean several times in the stomach, followed by dual palm strikes to the ears. "Shockwave of Forgetfulness!"

Even Attuma's ears ringed from the Senjutsu-enhanced attacks as Patronus continued his combination of attacks inspired by Kenichi, his fellow disciple under Hayato Furinji.

"Rekka Sajinbaku!" A fast spinning punch of Karate to Attuma's face followed by a low kick to the back of the leg. "Ti Lan!" Patronus was not finished with his Senjutsu assault. "Ma Style: Rasetsuki!" He struck after gradually decreasing the movements of his hands in a horizontal and downward as they made contact on Attuma's chest while the latter felt his skin was being shredded in different directions. "Kosaka Slash!" He unleashed a powerful downward slash on Attuma that left a blinding flame wound from the shoulder to the abdominals.

Attuma held his bleeding torso and felt the sensation that had not happened to him in a long time. "You wretched Human! I'll kill you!" He lashed out with a sloppy haymaker, which was what Naruto wanted all along since his combination was not done yet.

Patronus grabbed the stretched-out arm before he placed it around the back of his neck and tripped Attuma with a leg sweep, forcing the both of them to the ground with the Atlantean taking the brunt of the counter-attack. "Sumokudori!" A brief debris cloud emerged from the Jujutsu technique as both combatants quickly rose up with Patronus in a safe distance for his final attack as the ninja lowered his arms into a guardless stance.

"I will block this one, you fool. Just try!" Attuma summoned all his strength into his bulging arms and legs as he assumed the most basic defensive stance.

"Focus, Naruto. Find it. It is there…all I have to do is…" The ninja's breathing slowed as among Attuma's defense was a small white zone between his left elbow and torso area. "There!" He dashed with greater speed thanks to Sage Mode and launched a vertical kick when he got close to Attuma's weak point. This technique is one of the Furinji Style's 108 Legendary Techniques and focuses all the user's might behind a kick to an opponent's weak spot even they are attacking or defending. It is called, "Korui Nuki!"

"What?!" Attuma exclaimed in shock as his opponent's leg slipped past his elbow guard and hit him squarely into his oblique area, lifting him up from the ground while putting the air out of him.

"Whoa." Thing said as he was impressed by the Ghost of Boston's physical strength as well as the martial arts display. "Not bad, kid. I think I want to fight him next."

"Please don't." The Richards pleaded as their long-time friend waved them down.


All eyes were on Attuma who was throwing a tantrum due to the thought of being bested by a Human and in underwater no less! "I won't stand for this! I will not-"

"Futon: Rasengan."

A howling scream escaped from the Atlantean warlord's mouth after Patronus slammed the completed version of the Rasengan into his chest. Unlike the previous time, the Senjutsu-enhanced wind chakra sphere did the trick as Attuma felt his skin being shredded piece by piece each waking moment and it continued after Patronus released the sphere from his hand.

The ninja and the audience watched the small sphere grow in size as it sent Attuma out of the hall and across the buildings of Atlantis until it burst seconds later at the outermost wall in the northern sector. "And done." Patronus clapped his hands together to get rid of the dust inside his gloves while Sage Mode deactivated moments later.

"That was something." Thing said as he and his friends approached Patronus, gaining his attention. "Nice clobbering though you should have left some for me."

"Would you have done the same?"

Thing crossed his arms as he thought about it before he gave his answer. "Nope."

"Thought so." Patronus shared a smile with Ben until the ninja noticed something missing in their numbers. "Where's the…Uh, Flame Boy or something?"

"Johnny?" Susan asked until she, her friend and husband looked around as Johnny was nowhere to be found. "Where is he?"

"Come to think of it, he disappeared sometime during the battle." Reed realized.

They looked around the city and saw Johnny sweet-talking one of the Atlantean women adorned in armor despite their blades pointed at his throats. "Come on, ladies. Put your swords away and I'll show you all a good time, especially you toots." He winked at the woman with red hair who looked away out of embarrassment.

"JOHNNY!" Ben and Patronus shouted in anger as they chased the flirting Human Torch around the city for his leaving them in the dust for a woman.


(Two Hours Later)

Boston, Massachusetts

It was quite a day for Lara Croft since she was worried about her friend after he left to settle the incident at Atlantis. Imagine her great relief when Patronus and the Fantastic Four returned safely with the Human Torch covered in bruises, much to his lady fans' chagrin.

Good byes were exchanged between the two groups with their goal delayed for another time. When Patronus asked Lara about their goal after one Hirashin trip back home, she revealed to him that her studies into her father's notes, the late Richard Croft, had her on the trail to a sacred relic lost to history. When Patronus asked her, Lara responded with three words.

"Not telling you."

"Cliffhanger!" Patronus burst out with his chopsticks pointed at her.

Lara slapped his chopsticks away with her own in an amused way. It was soon after their return to Boston that the unfortunate sign of hunger made itself known in the middle of the street for everyone to hear. For Naruto, it was the opportunity of a lifetime to get someone to enjoy the most delicious meal ever created in the history of the universes.

"Don't let your ramen get cold though." Naruto said somewhat serious. It was about a month ago when he heard a small ramen shop somewhere in Little Japan and spent weeks looking for it but at the end it was worth it. The ramen was good but not as good as Ichiraku's Ramen back in Konoha. Imagine the ninja's surprise when the owners were thrilled to have the city's hero to patron at their shop and offered free ramen to him.

Naruto loved the idea of free ramen, but noticed the shop's outwardly state bordering on decay plus the added information that the owners were about declare bankruptcy. As much as it pained him, Naruto refused the free offer and such action caused Kurama and Ashura to temporarily pull him inside his mind before they slapped him repeatedly to make sure if he was dreaming or someone else entirely. That did not mean that he would not pay the owners a very generous amount that borders above the hundreds value.

"Do you like it?" Lara nodded as she and Patronus ate out of their bowls. "Good thing 'cause I'd throw you off this roof if you said otherwise." The ninja grunted when Lara jabbed his head with her chopsticks. "I was just kidding."

"So am I." Lara jested before she turned her attention at the bag next to her. The last Croft opened the button and saw a tome with glazed bronze and diamonds sorted into its covers. "I'm still amazed you got these." Her bag was full of Atlantean artifacts that the disguised ninja procured from the eponymous underwater city.

Patronus nodded though it was not easy to get them in the beginning. After Attuma and his forces were arrested and sent to jail under the watchful eye of Cleto, the sea monster sent to eat Hesione of Troy centuries ago, Namor gave albeit with great reluctance Patronus gifts to show his gratitude for aiding in the defense of Atlantis. It was also this time that the Submariner decided to cede the other important significant matter to him as well another.

The matter being betrothed to Lara Croft although technically neither of them are married and the engagement was null. Lara was relieved when she heard of this but Naruto sensed a very small hint of solemnness in her voice. He got several artifacts for Lara since she wanted to go to Atlantis but kept one for himself.

It was the odd little device with the strange edges around the very small sphere inside of it. When Patronus asked for the device, Namor steadfastly refused but his cousin, Namorita, persuaded him to do so. There was something odd about the device bordering on technological frontier and Patronus wanted to know if it could aid him and Skye with their patrols.

"Are you pleased?" Patronus asked as Lara nodded with a bright smile. "That's good." He then got to the point. "Lara, seriously, is what you're investigating potentially dangerous?"



"Don't worry about it. I'm taking a break for a while to spend some time with the relics." Lara put the now-empty bowl next to her. "Thank you, really." She assured the hooded hero though the Croft appreciated his concern.

Patronus sighed deeply since he was still not okay about being kept in the dark but must respect her wishes. "Okay then." He pulled something out of his robe and placed it into Lara's hands. "If you're in even the slightest hint of danger…" He paused to think about his next words but decided to be honest. "Or you ever want to talk then either throw or stab this anywhere and I'll be right there for you."

"Thank you." Lara smiled at him as she held the kunai close to her chest. "So, any place worth visiting here?"

"Hang on." Patronus placed Lara around his back after placing the bag and disintegrating the ramen bowls with the combined power of fire and wind. Slightly blushing when Lara's certain assets pressed against his back, Naruto stretched a little before leaping off the roof in a back-flip.

Instead of screaming out of fear, Lara cheered "Whooooo!"


Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts

After three hours with Lara, Patronus dropped her off at the hotel she stayed at before he returned home early, much to his wives' surprise since he usually comes home around six in the evening. It was better for them since he came just in time for dinner. The Uzumaki wives were setting the table when they heard their husband scream in anguish.

"Naruto!" The ladies ran to the master bedroom where they saw Naruto in his pajamas staring at the mirror with anguish in his face…or some form of it. "Oh my gosh!" The women exclaimed in great surprise.

"I know!"

Naruto's face or what's left of it was heavy bruised as his cheeks was heavily swollen while his eyes were barely seen by outside audience. It was strange since he did not feel any pain but the fact remains that Attuma was insanely strong to inflict this much physical damage to him even in Sage Mode.

"This…is something." Saeko hesitated to find the right words to describe the situation.

Kuroka and Medusa snickered at Naruto who felt downtrodden while Rhea comforted him. It certainly did not help when Kurama and Ashura made hilarious jabs at his face.

"Sometimes this job sucks." Naruto thought before images of Black Cat and Lara passed through his mind as a smile etched his lips. "But it certainly has its benefits."

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