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23.55% Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories / Chapter 57: Chapter 3: Pre-Exam Events

Chapter 57: Chapter 3: Pre-Exam Events

Naruto was in his office sitting down and updating his logbook as he smiled to himself. He had just went and made a house call to a young boy no older than five years old who had traveled by himself for several days to find him. His mother had fallen ill, and the doctor they had was not sure exactly what was wrong with her. He had tried to do what he could, but it wasn't good enough and he had told the boy that she was most likely going to die. And as to be expected from such a young child when they hear such grave news, the boy cried over the fact that he would lose his only parent since his father had died in a mine collapse a year earlier.

One of the other patients in the clinic had off handedly mentioned Naruto as the miracle maker that the world knew his as and how he could easily heal her if he was here to do so. The boy heard what the man had to say and was immediately out the door and soon the town itself in search of Naruto. But even though the town he hailed from was not that far from the Spring Capital, it was just that he was young and had a terrible sense of direction so it took longer than it should. The boy had finally gotten the proper directions from an elderly man who himself was heading to meet Naruto for some medical help and so he finally made it to his intended destination with the man's help.

Once there, Naruto helped the elderly man first, who was having back issues that were quite easy to fix. Once the man was healthy and gone, he asked the boy about what exactly he needed. The boy explained that his mother was sick and the doctor was unsure as to why and so could not heal her from what ailed her. The kid opened his bag and dumped out a few rocks that were shining blue as payment since he believed that they were valuable and he had nothing else to offer up as payment. Naruto took one in his hand and quickly conjured up a lead container to put them in. He asked the kid where he had gotten the rocks, which the boy explained that they were mined in the tunnels that his father worked in no too long ago.

Naruto explained to the young boy that the rocks were glowing because of radioactivity, and they were most likely the reason that his mother was sick. The shinobi world was unaware of such things, and to be quite honest Naruto was glad about it since if they somehow managed to find a means to weaponize it as people had done long ago according to Faust, the world would literally be set on fire since they would be used by one village or another to obliterate another. He saw that the boy was confused by that word, so he explained that the rocks were poisonous in the sense that being around it made you sick in a manner that doctors could not heal. He had seen the looks of worry on the boy's face, but had quelled his fear by telling the boy that he had the means to heal her, and went to go and get what he needed to heal her.

Once all essentials were gathered, he piggybacked the boy back to his home since he was faster as well as had a better sense of direction entirely. Once he got there, he told the boy to remain out of the house, and to remain so no matter what he heard. The boy had nodded his head in understanding. Naruto had to decontaminate her of the radiation before he could operate on her in his operating room. He injected her with the serum to begin the process after warning her that it would hurt like hell. Once the medicine entered her body, she began to scream out in pain as she felt like her body was bathed in liquid magma. Her screams echoed through the town, which caused many people to come to her aid, but the boy was there to stop them from entering on the orders of Naruto himself. The medicine essentially made the radiation that had seeped deep into her body crawl to the surface. From their Naruto was able to simply drain it out.

Once she was fully decontaminated, he took her into the operating room and once there he was able to remove as well as replace the damaged tissue on the organs within her. In no time at all she was healthy and ready to continue living like she had never been sick to begin with. Once healed, he gave her two weeks' worth of medicine to help her fully recover from any lingering effects. She had been thankful for him helping her, but was concerned since she had no money to pay for his services. Naruto was infamously known as one who made his patients pay in either cash or their lives, and she unfortunately did not have the cash.

Naruto simply smirked at her and told her not to worry since he was not charging her for this. She asked him why, and he told her simply that he had lost his mother when he was five years old and was alone in the world. He didn't want the boy to suffer the same fate so he had healed her, but he warned her that he had a reputation to uphold so tell people that she paid him or else he would be back. As he left, he told the boy that his mother would be okay, but before he left he asked for the rest of the shiny rocks so as to dispose of them properly so no one else got hurt. It took a bit, but the boy gave him all the rocks and thanked him for helping his mother.

Naruto took the rocks and used his powers to grind them into a fine powder. For quite some time he had been working on a poison for an opponent he would face in the future. And while many would think that it was Minato he made it for, it was not since it was intended for another opponent entirely. He was missing the one piece to perfect it, and the radioactive stones had been just the thing to finish his deadly concoction. And now that it was completed, he put it in a special syringe and placed it in a special container that he then put into the freezer so as to preserve it.

Once he finished up his little side project, he had returned home, and as such events had caught up to the present…

Naruto had been waiting patiently for the reply from the Tsuchikage, and he was not disappointed in his long wait since the note finally came. Onoki had agreed to his terms, and requested that he arrive in Iwa as soon as possible so that they could speak about the plans for the upcoming Chunin exam they would be helping with. Naruto smiled as he told Yuna to mind the place and to let people know he was going to be gone for a while. He then pulled out a small stack of bills so that she could buy what she needed in his absence. Then he went home and told Haku that they were heading out to Iwa, and as he announced that he conjured up the door to his operating room as per usual and they walked through it. They stayed in the operating room for a few minutes, which wasn't really necessary at all since it only took fifteen seconds for him to summon another door. Haku simply took this moment to kiss him passionately while they were alone, but in the end they stopped and stepped through the door that opened up not too far from Iwa itself.

The guards on duty at the front gate saw the door appear and smiled since they knew who exactly it was that had made it appear in the first place. Naruto had a standing agreement with Onoki which was simply to never use the door to infiltrate the village and he had free passage into the village whenever he wanted as long as he used the front door to do so. And to this day Naruto had done as asked since in all honesty he had no need to sneak into the village at all. He was not a spy for anyone since he was a neutral party in the politics of the world, being a doctor instead of a shinobi to any village. He only ever came to the villages to heal people incapable of coming to him as well as to buy medicinal ingredients.

Naruto walked towards the guards as he twirled his cane in his hand, where he then handed one of them the scroll given to him and continued to walk towards the Kage's office. Along the way he waved at the people who saw him as he walked towards his destination. A few people asked for his medical help, which he said he would but as per usual it would cost them. But eventually he and Haku made it to their destination, where they saw Onoki smoking on a pipe. Naruto had prescribed his some medicinal herbs that were meant to be smoked so as to calm and relax the one who smoked them. This helped him to relax his body as well as clear his mind so as to think clearly and not stress himself so as to screw up his back again.

"Hello gramps," said Naruto as he walked into the room. He used his wires to pull out two chairs which he as well as Haku sat down on.

"Hello Naruto," said Onoki as he tapped the ashes of his pipe into a small tray that he used to collect them. He was far too calm to respond to the 'gramps' remark since Naruto always made it towards him. Naruto respected him to listen to his rules when in the village and that was good enough for him. Plus the herbs he smoked made it nearly impossible to feel anger for a while after he smoked them, so there was that too.

"So we are here as requested," said Naruto with a smile. He had always respected Onoki since he had first met the man since he was willing to put himself in harm's way to protect his family. He already lost his children and so he took it upon himself to raise their daughter as best he can so she could grow strong and defeat anyone who would come after her in the future. "So where is our 'squad mate' at right now?"

"Ah," said Onoki with a smirk, "she should be here shortly. I had one of my men tell her to come here not too long ago."

And as if right on cue, Kurotsuchi walked into the room, fully dressed in Genin shinobi gear as well as a pack filled with essentials for the trip to Konoha.

"I'm here and ready to go," said Kurotsuchi, who was giddy inside over the fact that she would be traveling with her crush and made plans to make a move on him during the trip. If all went as planned she would acquire him as a boyfriend, and nothing would stop her. "Has Akatsuchi gotten packed yet? I don't see him here ready to go."

"Well about that…" started Onoki with a bit of a nervous chuckle. He had never gotten around to explaining that Naruto was in a relationship so her plans to try and snag him into one for herself were not possible. "He will not be accompanying you for these Chunin exams."

"So who is our third member," asked Kurotsuchi with a raised eyebrow. She had already known that their third member was being replaced by Naruto, which didn't bother her so much, but to hear that the second one was being replaced as well came as a surprise.

"Hello there," said Haku as she stood up and faced her before she politely bowed, "My name is Haku Momochi."

"Nice to meet you Haku," said Kurotsuchi with a smile as she bowed as well. Now while on the outside she seemed happy about this, on the inside she was absolutely livid. The plan was to try and seduce Naruto on the way to Konoha, and it would have been easy since the third person was supposed to be a male and now it was not. For all she knew this bitch was trying to make a move on her man and she would be damned if she let this pretty little bitch get what was hers!

Haku saw the rage that was in her eyes as she made an educated guess on why exactly they had that in the first place. She knew that Kurotsuchi was in love with her boyfriend and was probably planning on trying to seduce him on this trip. Haku could only smirk as she saw this since Naruto was already her boyfriend and this bitch could deal with it.

"So now that you ladies have gotten acquainted as such," said Naruto as he clapped his hands together and stood up from his seat, "I am going to spend the day healing people while I am in town."

"Shouldn't we be heading out towards Konoha," asked Kurotsuchi in confusion. She was unaware of his ability to conjure doors so as to fast travel all over the elemental countries. People knew he had such an ability, since he was not hiding it from people. He just didn't tell everyone he met and the only people who knew he was able to do so were his patients. "If we wish to make it in time we need to leave by tonight."

"Not really," said Naruto, "since I can easily get us there in about fifteen minutes."

"How?" asked Kurotsuchi with a look of shock on her face since she had only ever known one person who could do something like that, and Naruto was not Minato Namikaze so he was not capable of teleporting as far as she knew.

"I have my ways," said Naruto with a shrug, "gramps there knows how I can. So it's a bit surprising that you don't know about it. But you'll just have to wait until tomorrow for that. So gramps, is the usual room available?"

"I have notified the hotel in advance so they know that you are coming." Said Onoki with a smile. Every time Naruto came to Iwa, he stayed in the same room so that people knew where to find him while there. It wasn't their best room, but Naruto didn't really care for that kind of thing. He had grown up poor so the room he was able to reserve was good enough for him. Even thought there was a single bed Naruto was used to sleeping with Haku so it was not a problem.

"Good," said Naruto with a goofy grin. "Now if you will excuse me, I have some money to make and people to help while I'm here. So let's meet up at the front gate at nine in the morning. That way we can eat breakfast before we head out towards Konoha." And as he said that, he walked out of the room to do as he said. Haku followed suit since she was going to do a bit of shopping while here since she had not been in one of the major villages in her lifetime and thought to take the opportunity to shop around while here.

As they both left, Kurotsuchi groaned to herself since she had gotten up early to pack her stuff she would need, only to find out they weren't even leaving until tomorrow so she had more time than she expected. But the groans quickly turned to growls as her eye twitched at the idea of another woman trying to take what she deemed as hers. She looked at her grandfather with anger in her eyes since he had not told her about the women when the plans for the Chunin exam came up and she was going to be fairly vocal about it…

(Several hours later)

Naruto had done as he said he would do and visited the people who needed medical attention and healed them. Lucky for him there was not anyone who needed major surgery; they just wanted his help since he could heal things that took months to heal from in hours. So once all those who needed help were healed, and the money owed was paid Naruto made his way to the room that the hotel reserved for him.

It was there that he was gifted a sight that he would not soon forget. Haku was there in sexy lingerie as she had waited for him. Apparently she was tired of him not reacting to her subtle advances and was just going to be blunt about it and take what she wanted from him. Plus the fact that she had seen another woman want her boyfriend for herself and she knew that she needed to 'stake her claim' so to speak. So within moments of Naruto entering the room, she latched her lips onto his own. Mere moments after that she had all but figuratily ripped his clothes off his body to get at the part she was lusting after, and when she saw it with her own eyes she was shocked at what she saw. His dick was fairly big and thick as hell, and the mere sight of it made her even wetter than she already was from fingering herself as she waited for him to come back to the room for the night. It was hard to believe one of his size existed, but the man was a miracle worker so he probably enhanced himself using his abilities as well as his medical expertise, and honestly she didn't care if he did since the end results were very satisfying to her.

Naruto had to honestly admit to himself over time that he was fairly oblivious when it came to women. Sure he fell in love with Haku, but his mind was usually thinking about such things like various means to heal people, rare medicinal herbs and where to acquire them as well as their use, and a small part of his mind was consumed in rage against the very people who had ruined his childhood and taken his happiness away in his youth. This did not leave him with a lot of time to think on such things like the pleasures of the flesh, but right now that was all he could think about as Haku slowly, yet very sensually, took off what little she had on before she laid on the bed and beckoned him towards her with a single finger…

While this was happening, Kurotsuchi had snuck into the hotel past the night shift crew, which was easy seeing that there was not many of them. She had come this night in an attempt to make her move on Naruto so that the bitch he came with would back the fuck off of her man once she laid claim to him with her body. Sure she would have liked to have taken this whole relationship slower with dates and getting to know the man before she fucked his brains out, but the variable that was this strange woman forced her hand and she had to make her move now or never. She blushed to herself as she thought about what she was about to do, as a bit of fluids began to leak from her precious place in anticipation. She had bought some skimpy underwear for this very occasion that barely covered anything, and she knew that one look at her fabulous body and Naruto would be hers.

As she finally made it to his room, she took out a lock pick and began to pick the lock to the door since it was late at night and she was not expected at this hour. She was just glad that the woman who came with him was in another room all together and that she herself had been in this room while Naruto was here since he had treated her hear from a few cuts and bruises. But as she finally managed to pick the lock and slowly as well as quietly opened the door, she heard something that sounded like a thud against the wall.

Kurotsuchi quietly walked in and closed the door behind her as she made her way past the sitting room. Turning round I noticed the light coming from the crack around the edges of Jake's bedroom door. She crept across the room as quietly as she possibly could and stood silently outside the door to the bedroom itself. Turning her head she brought her left ear close to the door and listened to what was behind it.

At first she heard nothing, but then a few seconds later there was an unmistakable groan. Kurotsuchi knew that sound all too well; she had been doing enough of them herself over the last few days as she pleasured herself to the thoughts of Naruto becoming hers. Again a few seconds later, she heard the groan sound from within Naruto's room. She listened more intently now since she was truly hoping that she was just hearing things and it was not what it seemed. She could hear heavy breathing and a gentle tap of something on the wall in the room.

A few quiet moments went by, then she heard Haku, whose voice she could easily recognize, in a low deep moaning voice say, "Oh fuck. Eat meeeeee."

Kurotsuchi took a step back from the door as she heard that and felt her heart jump a beat. They were fucking...She was too late…

Creeping back against the door, but being careful not to press against it and alert them that she was there, Kurotsuchi continued to listen to them. Haku continued to breathe so loud that Kurotsuchi could hear every intake and exhale. Her groans of pleasure grew louder and more frequent with every passing second.

"Eat me Naruto."

She pictured the scene behind this door. Her Naruto with his face buried between that young girls legs, his mouth and tongue lapping at her young cunt, probing deep inside it. Haku lying there with her legs open, looking down at Naruto as he sucked and licked her. He should be doing those things to her, not that bitch in the room!

"Oh Naruto...that's so good," she again groaned out in pleasure. This went on for several minutes, all of which made Kurotsuchi blush as she just stood there and listened for reasons that she could not fully understand. The moans kept getting louder and the sounds of breathing even deeper as she just stood there and felt her body get hotter as she continued to just listen.

"Shove your fingers in me Naruto."

Kurotsuchi felt a huge rush of excitement shoot through her whole body for some unknown reason as she listened to Haku telling Naruto what she wanted, then, "OOOOHHHHHHH." It was the kind of groan that only someone in the midst of sex would make a deep hard satisfying sound.

Standing there and finally feeling too hot and bothered from what she was hearing, she let her hands wander under her shirt and then over her breasts and started to pinch on her nipples. Her pussy was getting wet and she was without a doubt getting turned on listening to this.

After several moments of listening to Haku being pleasured by Naruto's clearly talented fingers and tongue, Kurotsuchi again heard her voice, breathless and low, but it was clear and unmistakable.


Kurotsutchi's eyes widened and without thinking about it, she cupped both her hands around her breasts and squashed them together. She listened intently as the creaking of the bed and noise of them moving around wafted from the room even through the closed door.

"You want it hard baby?" Said Naruto.

"Yeah Naruto, fuck my little pussy hard. Show me how much of a man you really are."

"Oh yeah...I will babe."

"Yeah. Do it good, fill me up with your big cock."

"Oh I love it when you talk like that."

Kurotsuchi just stood there listening to the pair of them as Haku took Naruto inside her. Within seconds her groans had turned into muffled screams. Clearly either Haku or Naruto had their hands over her mouth, muffling the cries of pleasure that threatened to get out.


"Oh yeah baby...take my cock," Naruto moaned out.

Kurotsutchi's mind went crazy listening to the sounds from behind that door. Naruto was right now between that girl's legs, pushing that huge cock, which she could only imagine just how gif it was in her mind, inside her, filling her young pussy with his enormous fucker. Her pussy was on fire and she had to reach her hands under her clothes and started playing with her wet cunt. The sounds from within the room grew louder and harder by the second. She could hear their bodies slapping together, the sound of the bed knocking rhythmically against the wall. Haku clearly had her mouth still covered but the screams of pleasure just grew more intense even with her mouth covered.

Occasionally Kurotsuchi would hear Naruto quietly say something to her like 'Oh fuck your pussy is so tight baby,' Or 'Take my cock deep.' The loud slapping noises just grew louder and the pace of their fucking was clearly intense by this point. The knocking of the bed on the wall got quicker as Naruto fucked Haku harder. If she was able to hear this clearly from the door that was on the opposite end of the bedroom, she could only wonder what someone in the next hotel room over was hearing and could only hope that there was no one there at the moment to complain about it.

Outside the closed door Kurotsuchi was becoming a wreck. She was half bent over with her hand probing deep up her now sopping wet pussy. She had to hold her other hand over her mouth to try to stop any noises from escaping. Her heart beat raced and her breathing had become very irregular. She felt light headed, as though she was floating along on a cloud. In her mind she was imagining what was happening in that room. Naruto banging his whole cock inside that girl's pussy, giving her the damn good fucking that Kurotsuchi was now so very desperate for.

"Gonna cum baby. Where do you want it?"

"Cum inside me. Fill me up so that I can feel you inside me all night."

Kurotsuchi heard Naruto groan out, coupled with the sounds of the furious slapping of bodies as his thrust got faster as he was close to finishing. And just as quickly as the rapid thrusts started, they just abruptly stopped as she heard Haku moan as her pussy was filled like she wanted to be.

"ohhhhhhhhh fuccccckkkkk."

She pounded her fingers up her pussy, hard and fast, as she listened to Naruto moaning in ecstasy, shooting his load from his balls into the bitch who stole her man. She wondered if he had just fired his spunk over Haku or if he had blown his entire load inside her. She felt her legs get very weak and could feel her pussy contracting around her fingers. Her insides filled with her juices and she practically gushed a puddle onto the floor. Inside the room the sounds of heavy breathing continued and she could still make out Haku's muffled groans as Naruto continued to pound into her. At this point Kurotsuchi was not able to stand this anymore and quietly made her way out of the hotel room since if she stayed any more than she would break the door down and essentially have her way with Naruto no matter what that bitch Haku said or even did. And even though Haku had gotten Naruto to sleep with her first, she would still win his heart one way or another, since she had a few tricks up her sleeve…

(The next morning)

Naruto and Haku were already at the front gate of Iwa when Onoki and his granddaughter arrived themselves. Kurotsutchi's eye twitched as she saw Haku practically glowing as she stood there with a smile on her face since she was in a fairly good mood today.

"So where is the person who will play the part of our 'jonin instructor'" said Naruto, while air quoting that last bit.

"Well my initial idea was to have Han or Roshi do it," said Onoki with a sigh since it had been his first idea but recent events had made him think otherwise, "but I don't trust those in Konoha to not already know of their status as Jinchuriki and try and capture them while there. I am not going to just hand over what villages kill people for so easily."

Now while the world thought that Iwa was a village that hated their jinchuriki like they were made to believe, that was the furthest thing from the truth. Their so called hatred for both Han and Roshi was an elaborate cover story, the likes that had fooled the rest of the villages. They made it seem this way so that those who tried to offer them a 'better' life were tricked and captured so that they would know just who were the ones to send them in the first place so to eliminate the threat at its source. And so far this tactic had worked as the two of them stuck to themselves and had gotten strong in as they trained in isolation to sell the lie of hatred to others.

"So who is our chaperone?" asked Naruto with a raised eyebrow.

"That would be Eagle here," said Onoki as a masked ANBU appeared next to them and politely bowed.

"Hey Brian," said Naruto casually which made Onoki look shocked since an ANBU's identity were kept secret to all but their commander and the Kage of their respective village. So to hear someone who didn't even live in the village know one of their identities was a bit unsettling.

"How do you know who this man is," asked Onoki in all seriousness since he hoped that this was not going to become a major issue in the future.

"Simple," said Naruto with a shrug of his shoulders, "he was one of my patients here in the past. I have an eidetic memory when it comes to all my patients. I can't afford to forget a face in my line of business since the medicine I prescribe to a lot of people is something that I alone know how to make. I plan to teach others such things in the future, but that's another thing altogether."

"So how many of my ANBU members do you know the identities of?"

"Honestly," said Naruto as he thought hard about it, "I have no idea. It's not like they tell me that they are one, I just recognize the body type, hair, and skin color to identify them. You don't have to worry about me divulging such things since I am no shinobi, I'm just a doctor and I keep confidentiality quite seriously since I have a reputation to uphold. I respect the rules of the places I go, but I personally don't care for politics and stay out of such things since I am essentially a nomadic doctor who helps all who are willing to pay me for my services."

"Well as long as that remains true then I have no problem," said Onoki as he breathed a sigh of relief. "So now please keep my granddaughter safe from those who will most likely try and kidnap her."

"It shouldn't be a problem," said Naruto with a bit of a chuckle, "when those who would even attempt to do such a thing hear that the infamous Surgeon of Death is in the village, well their eyes will all be on me and I expect no less than three attempts to either convince me to join their village or just straight up kidnapping. Kurotsuchi will be safe as long as I am around."

"Of that do you give your word," asked Onoki with a smirk.

"You have my word gramps," said Naruto with a smirk on his own face, "you know me all too well to cast any doubt on the matter."

"That I do indeed," said Onoki, "so you should be on your way."

"You still haven't explained how we are going to get to Konoha so quickly," said Kurotsuchi since she was still wondering how they were going to get there. "It takes at least three days of running to get to the village, and we are a day late in leaving."

"Well we will simply walk through this door," said Naruto as a door materialized out of thin air in front of them. Out of the group only Kurotsuchi was surprised by this since she had never seen this ability before. "Once through, we only need to wait about fifteen minutes and then I can summon another one near Konoha since I have been there before."

"So you mean to tell me that you have a means of teleporting long distances like Minato from Konoha is capable of?"

"In a way yes," said Naruto with a quick shrug of his shoulders since he had heard this before from a few other people who had seen him use this ability, "but while he is able to teleport fast and kill people with his Hirashin jutsu, I am only able to transport people into my operating room and then to anywhere I have been before. Sure I have the advantage of not needing seals of any sort like he does, but my ability needs a bit of time to recharge between uses so it's not really a thing that I use to fight people with."

"Oh," was all she could say since it made perfect sense to her once it was explained like that.

"This ability is mainly to get those hurt to my personal operating room, so it's no surprise that there is a bit of a drawback on its use. Most operations take about twenty minutes anyway so I don't see it as a problem of any sort."

"Okay," said Kurotsuchi with a sigh, "you made your point already so there is no need to continue explaining it to me."

"Well then," said Naruto who pulled the door open and held it for them all to enter, "shall we be on our way?"

The group all entered the operating room through the doorway, and once inside the door vanished from site leaving Onoki standing there with a smile on his face since he knew that his granddaughter was in safe hands…

(1 hour later – Konoha)

Minato was sitting in his office as he had just finished up speaking to the various shinobi who would be in charge of security for the duration of the Chunin Exam. He had just finished up all the proper paperwork that went with it and was just about to head out to do some last minute training with his daughter when one of his shinobi rushed into the room right as he stood up to leave it.

"Lord Hokage," said the man as he kneeled in front of Minato, "I come bearing news."

"Speak," said Minato since he was genuinely curious as to what the man had to say.

"The Surgeon of Death has entered the village."

This news caused Minato's eyes to widen in surprise. For quite some time he had given his shinobi the order to try and convince said Surgeon to join their village through either brute force or convincing. All the other villages were doing so, or at least they were the last time he checked. So he didn't feel in the wrong ordering his shinobi to do such a thing. He had Danzo try and capture him with the ROOT forces he let the man use in the shadows, but even they failed to capture the man. Minato truly wondered if that was one of the main reasons that Naruto never came to Konoha for business as he did the other villages, but he was unsure of that.

Now that the little brat was in his village, he would do all that he could to make him stay since the abilities to heal diseases deemed incurable as well as a bloodline that was so rare that Naruto was the only one to have it was not a thing he would allow to slip through his fingers. And as he dismissed the shinobi from his room, he used his intercom to have his secretary call in a specific shinobi for his plan…


Naruto had separated himself from the other three people in his squad shortly upon entering the village and was at the moment walking down the street to find a specific store he hoped was still here from his youth since if it wasn't he would have to find another to get what he wanted. As Naruto walked calmly down the main street, the memories of this place flooded his mind and unfortunately his memories were about 95 percent bad. While on the outside he appeared to be having a good day as he twirled his cane, on the inside he was seething as the rage built up within him.

One day, one day soon, he would make those who ruined his childhood pay for what they have done…

But eventually he found the store he was looking for, which happened to be a florist store. He went inside and had to suppress even more rage as he saw one of those on his ever -lasting shit list manning the counter…


This bitch had screwed with him in his youth in such a way that affected him until he was nine years old. She used her family's signature jutsu to enter his mind and screw with it in a way he could not defend against. Her mental attacks caused him nightmares of Ino's making that horrified him, but his mother had always been there to pull him from the darkness of his own mind. When she died there was no such help, and Naruto struggled to keep his sanity until the day he left. It was thanks to Faust that medicine was made to help him clear his mind when he was nine so that he could finally have a good night's rest other than the usual nightmares that haunted him. He was finally able to dream of the good times he had with his mother, and it helped drive him forward to excel in his abilities.

He would make Ino pay for her specific type of pain towards him, and he had the perfect means to do so. So right now he walked up to the counter and ordered a dozen daisies. He paid for his order of flowers without issue since Ino didn't really want to talk since she was having a bad day since her plans to try and get Sasuke to notice her were not going as planned and now she had to mind the family store.

Naruto took the flowers and began to walk towards the cemetery with them in hand. It may seem strange to see that the clan heirs did not recognize him at all from the past, but times had changed him for the better. When he was a child his hair had been long, unkempt, as well as ragged. His clothes were nothing more than patched together rags, and he was not one with a positive attitude since he was constantly put down by the other children who were his age. Now he was the complete opposite of his past self, and he had a much better self-image of himself now as he dressed better and took better care of himself.

Naruto smiled to himself as he neared his destination since he felt like he was at peace. Over the years there had been a deep feeling to return to this village to properly say his goodbyes to his mother proper, but he feared what the village would do with him in the village since he had such an infamous reputation that many villages tried to obtain into their ranks.

He knew very little about his mother personally since he only had so little time with her, but her journal which he kept to this day, seeing that it was the only thing that he had of hers anymore, told him much about her that he never got to ask her. Daisies were her favorite flower, which had pissed off her family since they were the upper crust of the higher ups within Fire Country and only enjoyed the most expensive of things. So to see one of their own like the one of inferior of the flowers pissed them off. Their family was taught from an early age that either you thought the same way as the rest of them or you were punished by the head of the household. Her own childhood had been hard as well since she was in a very abusive family, and it was because she refused to think like them that they were planning to marry her off to a man who was twice her age so that she would at least be useful to them by unifying the families together. So Naruto understood why she ran away to the man who had saved her since in her mind her savior was a better man than that.

What made it worse was the act that the man was a well- known sexist man who had been married a few times before. Yet his wives had all 'mysteriously' disappeared in time before they could tell anyone of the horrors they suffered by his hand. He knew this last part since the man himself had been one of his patients, and Naruto tortured him in his operating room as he made the man admit to all this while under the knife. That man never made it out alive from the table, and while he was a doctor and they took a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, he was the Surgeon of Death and had not done so. He then disposed of the man's entire body as well as his organs. While he would usually keep the organs for future transplants, but he could not in good faith allow so much as a single cell of that filth of a man survive in any sense.

Naruto had finally arrived at his mother's grave, which was the same as it had been all those years ago. All it had was her name and year of death since no one really knew her enough to fill in the blanks.

"Hello mother," said Naruto with a sad smile on his face as he set the daisies on the ground in front of her tombstone. "It's good to see you again after so long. I know I didn't say goodbye to you when I left, and for that I am sorry."

Naruto sat down in front of his mother's grave and began to talk to it. He spoke of his adventures as well as his dreams for the future. He spent three hours there, and they filled his heart with joy as he was finally getting the closure that his spirit so desperately needed. When he was finally done he said one final prayer to her before he got back to his feet.

"I always remember the song you sang to me to calm me down when I had a nightmare," said Naruto as his eyes began to water at the memory of those nights, "and it is only fair that I sing it to you while you sleep as you did for me."

As he stood there, the memories of those nights came to the forefront of his mind. His sleep was troubled in his youth thanks to Ino since she basically injected nightmares into his head that he was forced to suffer through. His mother had been the one to help relax him when she sang the same song her own uncle had sang to her in her own youth with her own nightmares. According to him it was a song that he had heard from his father and so on since the time before the shinobi came to be and the land was in the warring era.

Naruto then began to sing the song that his mother had told him was sung to her by an uncle of hers that passed away when she was fairly young:

Leaves from the vine

Falling so slow

Like fragile tiny shells

Drifting in the foam

Little soldier boy

Come marching home

Brave soldier boy

Comes marching home

It was as he finished the song that he fell to his knees in sadness since he could not contain the tears he was holding back for years anymore. They flowed heavily from his eyes and fell off his face and hit the ground.

"If only I could have saved you," whispered Naruto as his hands tightened into fists and he began to clench his teeth in rage. "I'll make them all pay for what they have done to us. I swear it to you mother, I will make them all pay."

He then got to his feet and wiped the tears from his face. He smiled once more as he took his hat off and placed it to his chest as he bowed towards her grave before he turned away and walked back towards the main part of town. He made his way to the hotel him and the other two were staying in, all the while mentally preparing for the next few days. The exams started in about four days, and he knew how quickly word spread in this village so he was certain that there were people who knew he was here and would flock to him so as to heal them of the various wounds and ailments they had. Plus he just knew that Minato knew he was here since when him and his squad signed in one of the guards had left when they began to walk away so he was obviously reporting to Minato.

But he would deal with that issue when the time came for it since he knew it was going to happen. Now he just wanted to head to the hotel room and rest so as to prepare for tomorrow. As he walked to his hotel room, he bumped into a person he was not expecting.

Sasuke Uchiha…

"Hey," growled Sasuke as he turned to yell at the jackass who dared to bump into him, "apologize! You have just rudely bumped into an Uchiha elite!"

"Uchiha elite huh?" said Naruto with a chuckle since hearing that was fairly humorous to him. He turned around to face Sasuke face to face, "but let's be honest here, you only got that title through process of elimination."

Sasuke saw Naruto and fell backwards in fear since he remembered what happened the last time they met unexpectedly. His hands went instinctively to where his balls once were, and as he did the memory of the pain inflicted upon his person by the man before him mad him begin to sweat heavily.

"I'm surprised that I bumped into you of all people here. But then again you live in this village so it's not too surprising when you think about it. Yet this presents a perfect opportunity for you believe it or not."

"Wh... what do you want from me?" said Sasuke nervously. For most of his life he had been told that he was elite by many people including his father. Yet when his clan was killed by Itachi he learned that he was not as good as him and he needed to train hard to bridge the gap if he ever wanted to avenge his clan in the future. But then he had face Naruto, who easily beat him, maimed him by removing his balls, and shatter his dreams of avenging his clan by showing him proof of Itachi's demise. Sasuke may be many things, with arrogant as well as narcissistic being on top of the list, but suicidal was not one of those things. He knew that as he was he had no way in hell to defeat Naruto and wasn't going to even try. He already lost his literal balls so he didn't want to lose anything else of his.

"Simply to return to you what I took," said Naruto with a smirk as he whipped out a glass vial in his hand. It was clear, yet filled with a clearish yellow liquid with two oval testicles floating in it.

"What?" said Sasuke in shock since he was not expecting that response.

"Like I said, I want to give these back to you."

"Oh," said Sasuke, since in all honesty he didn't know what to say in this situation.

"But let's back up a bit here," said Naruto with a smile on his face that was not friendly in the slightest, "while I wish to give this to you, these are not free in the slightest. What I hold in my hands is your literal future since without these you will be the last of the Uchiha to exist."

"What do you want," growled Sasuke. He wanted to do nothing more than to take his balls back via force, but he just couldn't risk it with so much on the line.

"To give you the same chance that I did to be great and known throughout the elemental countries," said Naruto as he twirled his can a bit before he slammed it down in front of him and leaned on it with both hands as he smirked at Sasuke. "It may seem hard to believe but I was born from nothing into nothing. I had not a cent to my name and lost my mother when I was five so I had no one to raise me. Yet even with the entire world against me, I fought on and conquered every challenge that came my way. You have done nothing more than coast off of the name of your clan for as a long as you have been alive, and even though they are dead you continue to drag their name through the mud with your actions. So my price, which is non-negotiable by the way, is quite simple. I want everything of value that you clan has. All the money in your accounts, anything of value sold and the cash added to my fee."

"You are insane if you think I am going to pay that!" shouted Sasuke. He was seriously pissed that Naruto had made such a demand of him of all things.

"True," said Naruto as he twirled his cane and held it behind his back with both hands, "but you don't really have a choice in the matter. Look at it this way; you can either be the richest Uchiha in existence, but also the last. Or you can be the poorest one, and rebuild your clan into the way you wish it to be. I don't care which you want since in all fairness I could go either way. Either I get paid or I get to live with the knowledge that I managed to make the Uchiha clan go extinct, and that is quite a claim to make in this world. So pay me what I want and I will restore your testicles back the way they were before I took them."

Sasuke didn't know what to say here, since Naruto was telling the truth about the whole situation.

"But the silver lining to this deal is that you get to keep your clan houses as well as all the jutsu your family has since unlike your clan I don't steal the hard work of others using those eyes of yours."

"You can literally say that when you yourself have stolen my brother's eyes!?"

"Actually I can," said Naruto with a chuckle, "since in all honesty I only use these eyes when I perform surgery since they allow me to see things that the untrained eye is incapable of doing. Sure I stole his eyes, but at least I am using them for a good cause instead of copying others' styles. But to bring this point home, this is a one-time offer, and if you choose not to pay what I demand for your ability to sire the next generation then I will destroy these right here in front of you so that you can watch your family weep at your foolishness."

"And how am I to know that you would do as you said if I pay you?"

"I am appalled sir," said Naruto as he held his chest in mock pain, "I am a doctor, and as such I take my job very seriously. To state otherwise is quite a mistake, and as such I am tempted to say to hell with my offer and destroy your balls here and now."

"WAIT!" shouted Sasuke in worry that Naruto would follow through with his threat, "I'll pay you what you ask."

"So it is a deal then," asked Naruto with a smirk as he held out his hand in an open palm. Fe pulled out a scroll that he unrolled and Sasuke saw that it was blank. Naruto pulled out a small vial of blood that he crushed in his fingers and then placed his bloody hand on it. The blood left his hand and swirled onto the scroll to form a contract that went as stated word for word. "If you agree, then simply sign here."

"Do you have a pen to sign it," asked Sasuke, who fairly freaked out so see a contract made out of the blood of someone.

"Oh yes," said Naruto as he pulled one out, "right here. The contract states the deal as I have said it, but be warned that when the due date comes and payment is not delivered your life is mine to do as I wish. And allow me to paint exactly how that would go. I will once again remove your balls, this time destroying them so there is no chance to get them back. Then I will remove your eyes; slash up your face in a matter that will scar you beyond recognition. Then I will give you the most painful sex change that has ever happened in the history of the operation. You will get to live the rest of your life as an abnormally ugly woman for the rest of your life, and I get to laugh about it since all you had to do was pay what was owed in full."

"I…I wi…I'll pay," said Sasuke as the color in his face disappeared as he heard what Naruto would do if he didn't pay. He then took the pen offered and signed his name on the line where it was supposed to go. Once he signed, Naruto made it disappear in a slight of hand, and with a click of his fingers made the door to his operating room appear beside them.

"Well then if you would kindly step through this door we can get this whole operation done within fifteen minutes. Then you will have until the end of the Chunin Exams to pay me in full."

And as he stated he replaced Sasuke's balls within fifteen minutes before he sent Sasuke on his way. Naruto continued on his own way back to his hotel room with a smirk on his face as he did. Naruto had done as he had said he would, which was to restore Sasuke's balls back to the way they were before he took them from him back in Wave, and he had done exactly that. What he never mentioned to Sasuke was the simple fact that he was sterile from birth and replacing his balls would not help him sire children in the future. Sure Naruto could have easily fixed it, but he wouldn't on the account of the hell Sasuke put him through as a child.

The asshole had literally used his freshly awakened Sharingan against him and had tested its Genjutsu abilities on him to feel such great sorrow at the loss of his mother that he had taken up a broken piece of glass and nearly killed himself with it. Naruto looked back on that day and still wondered what had broken him free from that illusion so that he still lived, but in all honesty he was just glad to be alive today. Naruto could only laugh at the fact that Sasuke had just signed away his fortune so easily, and the smirk was still on his face as he smacked into someone since he was not paying full attention to where he was going.

"Sorry about that," stated Naruto as he took his hat off and placed it on his chest as he respectfully bowed in apology, "my mind was elsewhere at the moment."

"No problems young man," said the voice of an older male, but then the voice turned to one of a bit of surprise. "Wait a minute; are you the one called the 'Surgeon of Death' throughout the lands?"

"Why yes I am," said Naruto as he placed his hat back on his head, "and you would be…. HOLY SHIT!" Naruto couldn't help but shout that last bit since in all honestly he had not expected to bump into this person out of all people. Standing before him was none other than Jiraiya the Sannin.

"Whoa there kid," said Jiraiya with a bit of a nervous chuckle. He had dealt with fanatical fans of his Icha Icha books in the past, and if this ended up like any of those other times then he would have to make a quick run for it since he was not going to end up tied up in some random guy's basement again. He broke free of course, but dear Kami that day still haunted him still.

"Sorry about that," said Naruto as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly since it was a bit embarrassing to do that, "it's just a surprise to see you of all people here. I am a fan of your book, and if it is not too much to ask would you please sign my copy?"

"Sure thing kid," said Jiraiya with a smirk of his own now adorning his face since he liked to meet his fans who wanted his autograph for his work. He whipped out his pen to sign what he assumed was yet another Icha Icha book, but he stopped cold when he saw what was actually presented. Instead of an Icha Icha book there was a fairly well kept copy of his first book 'The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi'.

"This is my favorite book," said Naruto proudly, "my mother would read it to me every night, and she even named me Naruto after the main character. She said she did so since she knew that I would make a name for myself in the future, and damn was she right about that."

Jiraiya took the book from Naruto's hands and began to cry anime tears. This was his first book he ever wrote, but it never sold well and because of that he went on to write Icha Icha instead which sold far better. To finally meet someone who appreciated his first published book was heart-warming to him. He signed it with a smile on his face, which then Naruto took it back and thanked him for it.

"Thank you very much," said Naruto before he sent the book away, "and as a proper token of my appreciation of this amazing book, I am offering you the one time offer at a major discount of any surgery of your choice that I can perform. I would say free, but materials cost money and I can't get some of them for free."

"Well that is nice of you kid," said Jiraiya, "but I don't really… wait a sec… Hmmm…"

"What is on your mind my good man?" asked Naruto with a grin on his face.

"Well there is one thing I wish to ask about, but I feel kind of embarrassed to ask about it."

"Ah," said Naruto with a chuckle, "I know exactly what it is that you wish for. And there is no need to feel ashamed about it. Many a man has come to me to fix that very problem, and I have done so to all who pay me what is owed. Now I charge my how much I need to enhance it, so just how much do you want it to grow?"

"Wait," asked Jiraiya in surprise since he didn't actually expect Naruto to say he could fix it, "you can make it bigger?"

"Why yes I can," said Naruto with a click of his finger. The door to his operating room once again appeared next to him. "There are a few tests that need to be run to determine the maximum length your body can handle, but the end results are well liked."

"How much will this cost me?"

"Like I said, it depends on the change in length, but you are getting a steep discount so there is no need to fret there. Now follow me and I can perform the few tests needed to get you on your way to pleasing the ladies."

Jiraiya could only cry even more anime tears as he heard those words and made his way through the door as asked…

What neither of them were aware of was that they were being watched by someone from the rooftops…

This person was none other than Kushina Uzumaki herself since the boy peaked her curiosity. Her daughter had told her about what had happened on the bridge in Wave, and how he had called her his sister which made no sense since Naruko was an only child. Kushina had been in agreement in thinking the same way as Minato with the logic of the man just trying to mess with her by saying that. But now the boy was here, and her thoughts changed as she had seen him walking the streets by himself. She saw him go to the grave of a woman who he called his mother and saw as the tears flowed from his eyes.

And the more she observed the boy, the more she could not deny his similarities to Minato in a sense. So soon she would seek the boy out herself and get the answers to these questions that were forming in her head…

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