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80.99% Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories / Chapter 196: Chapter 15: The Cherry Blossom

Chapter 196: Chapter 15: The Cherry Blossom

Kejōrō and Kubinashi smiled warmly at the girl and gestured for her to sit with them. Anyone could tell she needed company. The three of them gave polite introductions and small talk before, falling into a peaceful silence. It did not take long for Kejōrō to break it.

"What's on your mind blossom girl?" Kejōrō was never rude but, also didn't conform to regular social standards unless necessary. Plus she knew informality is what was needed here.

"Excuse me?" Sakura stuttered, being put off balance by the brazenness. While Kubinashi silently laughed. Kejōrō simply blinked at her.

"You obviously need to talk, so talk."

"I just wanted to find out what could happen to my husband." Said Sakura, unconvincingly.

"Possibly, but there was something else on that mind of yours first, that has had you totally confused and even upset." Kejōrō is and always has been insightful about people. Sakura looked surprised.

"I had just come from a conversation with my friend Ino about Sasuke and his recent actions has caused me to question, well everything." Stated Sakura in a sad and confused tone, as if she was exhausted down to her bones.

"Ah, yes I had heard about the offer he made our dear sweet commander at the meeting. That must have been quite the shock to you, not to mention insulting. Tell me something how does Sasuke normally treat you?" Kejōrō already figured that answer out for herself, but its time that Sakura did as well, the blinders have started lifting, now its time to rip them off.

"Sasuke just has difficulty showing his emotions and no marriage is easy. I just know that he loves me even if he doesn't express it." Stated Sakura trying to convince herself more than anything. Kejōrō however, just looked at her knowingly.

"So it's normal for him to make an offer to impregnate other women, even married ones, even before he gave his own wife, a child of their own?" Sakura looked at the woman gaping and befuddled. Yes, she knew exactly what Kejōrō was speaking of, she was surprised that the woman knew about that particular incident. But that wasn't the reason Sakura was without a response. No, it was simply that Sakura didn't know what she could possibly say to that, and in all honesty, she didn't wish to actually know the answer to that question. Sakura was fully aware that it was Sasuke that prevent them from conceding a child nor did she know or understand why that was. In truth, Sakura desperately wanted a child. She saw many mother's and families with their children and it made her jealous, she couldn't even do the midwife shifts at the hospital because it left her feeling bitter and miserable.

"I'm also assuming that your love of Sasuke makes you a better person, it makes you more understanding of others and their needs, more respectful of others because of your position, he helps to calm you reign in your temper and helps you in your duties as a clan matriarch." Kejōrō was being ironic and slightly sarcastic with her wording. She knew that the Uchiha did none of those things and that his treatment and relationship with Sakura actually brought the worse out in her and she could tell that Sakura did as well deep down. Sakura herself did not know how to answer that question either mostly because Sasuke did none of those things. What duties was she even talking about? But the comment on respect, manners and her temper made her flinch rather than make her angry. The look Kejōrō gave her when bringing those topics up where direct indicators that she was speaking of her behaviour in Tsukigakure. Sakura knew her behaviour was abhorrent and was extremely embarrassed in hindsight. She also admitted to herself that it wasn't just due to Sasuke that she treated the two that way. It was also due to her jealousy of Ruka and Naruto that sparked the way she spoke to both, seeing the dobe, loser, idiot etc have not only a loving and successful marriage but four children. Not one but four, when Sakura herself didn't even have a single one despite being married to Sasuke for nearly seven years.

"Sakura, I'm going to hit you with a few home truths that you will not like. Your 'love' of Sasuke is simple over the top fangirl-ism. You had no true idea what love really was during your admiration of him. Sasuke is rather obviously not in love with you and you are fooling yourself because you don't want to admit it. My guess is that dear mummy or daddy pushed you into perusing him and were ecstatic when you married him, whether the village, its people and its ninja liked him, cared for him, or he was married to you or not. You in all your misery deny all of the obvious facts in front of you because you don't want to believe you gave everything up friendships, training opportunities, your dreams, for a man who doesn't love you or wants you." Kejōrō spoke bluntly and honestly as possible, knowing that until Sakura heard it from someone from the outside of it all, she would continue to close her eyes and cover her ears to the truth of it.

The more Kejōrō spoke the more Sakura reflected and considered and she didn't like what she saw. She acknowledged that Kejōrō was right and that caused her more pain then she thought it would. It was true she gave up a lot for Sasuke only to be treated badly in return. She wanted family she could love and support, she wanted to become a good healer and she wanted to succeed. All things Sasuke prevented her from doing. Sasuke wouldn't let her hang out with her former friends because they were 'beneath the Uchiha' or become a doctor because she needed to be a good housewife. He also stated that she needed to treat everyone as below her because he and his clan have a reputation to uphold. It was her mother who was on the civilian council that put her name forward to marry Sasuke even though she had at the time been dating someone else. A part of her desperately wanted to deny all of it and stick her head into the sand. However, Sakura knew she couldn't do that to herself anymore.

"I don't like who I've become and you are right I'm not happy, I'm completely miserable. Sasuke isn't the person I thought he was and I don't know what to do about it." Admitted Sakura quietly, her voice was small, head down, it took a lot for her to say it and if Kejōrō didn't have good hearing she wouldn't have heard it at all. Kejōrō just smiled gently.

"The first step forward is the hardest and that step is admitting it to yourself. The second is deciding what to do. Tell me Sakura, do you want to stay married to Sasuke Uchiha?" Sakura's head snapped up at the voice, her eyes went wide seeing Naruto standing there. Unnoticed by Sakura due to her shock, Naruto gave a signal to Kejōrō and Kubinashi indicating he was a shadow clone. Sakura was still fumbling unable to think or speak. Kejōrō just took her hand gently as all three waited patiently for her answer.

Sakura's mouth was frozen, along with her mind. She had no idea how do respond. She automatically squeezed Kejōrō's hand in comfort, she didn't understand why these people cared for what she wanted. Especially after she treated Naruto and his wife so horribly.

"Sakura, if you want to leave Sasuke now, would be the time to do so. You can easily get out of it now as long as you're not pregnant." Naruto paused for Sakura to either no or shake her head. She obviously did the later. "Because you have not had a child yet but he offered to give one to another village. Sasuke inadvertently gave you the right to divorce him. What he did is considered shaming and propositioning. As you the wife has not been given a child despite the ability to have them, Sasuke's offer not only shows the lack of respect he has of you but is legally considered wrong. As his wife, you have the right to leave him on honour grounds." Naruto watched Sakura's reactions closely not wanting to upset her too much but mostly just didn't want to overload her with information. As most people know Naruto spent a majority of his time growing up in the Hokage's office. What people didn't know is that he had read every book in there and used to help the Oldman with his paperwork.

Sakura's mind was working at a hundred miles an hour. Everything involving Sasuke and their ruined marriage running through her mind. She knew mentally and even in her heart that she should divorce Sasuke, but a part of her heart also throbbed in pain at the thought of doing so. She doesn't even know how to even get a divorce from Sasuke without the council, meaning her mother trying to prevent it.

"As a clan matter you only need to go to the Hokage and she will listen to your reason, if she deems it legal and understandable, she will immediacy file and enact it." Naruto somehow managed to read her mind again just like when they were kids. Oh, why did she have to have been so stupid all that time ago! Naruto could have been hers. But she can tell how happy, in love and accepted he is now. Still, she didn't even know if she should leave him, her entire life has been based on Sasuke and when it wasn't Sasuke her mother made her decisions for her. How is she even supposed to do?

"The only person Sakura, that can make a single choice about your life and future is you. No one else ever has that right. So don't think about what others want you to do and make your own choice for your own future. The Original is still at the tower with Ruka they will help you if leaving is what you chose." The Naruto clone stated with certainty while looking at Sakura. Sakura had started crying this point and she didn't even know what at. She was frustrated at simply not knowing what to do or why he'd want to help her after everything.

"Why? Why are you helping? Why do you care? You should be angry with me or hate me after everything. But you're helping… just… why?" She cried out, she really couldn't understand. He head and heart were confused at everything and Naruto wasn't making sense. Nor was Kejōrō helping and comforting her, or Kubinashi keeping a silent vigil while also keeping a compassionate presence. They shouldn't be doing these things for her after how is acted and behaved and yet they were without so much as blinking. It didn't make sense.

"Ruka told The Original about how you acted with our children, how delighted and kind you were, not at all angry at one of them literally knocking into Sasuke. That you questioned her about them and laughed at there antics. I'll honestly say if it hadn't of been for that this conversation wouldn't be happening, but my children have a good judge of character and they liked everyone, except for Sasuke they did not like him in the slightest. My daughter Atsuko even said that your hair was the most beautiful shade of pink, compared it to sakura blossoms. Anyone that can make my child smile or even make Ruka happy, can't be a truly bad person. Not even you." Naruto stated looking directly into Sakura's eyes with a smile. "Now let's see if you can be shot of the man with pink eye." Sakura knew without a doubt that this was the best decision of her life. She nodded with fire in her eyes. It was time to become Sakura Haruno the girl who decided to be a ninja and save lives and remove Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha for good.

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