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83.63% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 92: Chapter 92 Rookie 9

Chapter 92: Chapter 92 Rookie 9

In a flash Naruto appeared in his office with the two teams. They shook a bit from the trip. Naruto walked to his desk and sat looking at them all. He removed some papers from his desk and looked to the others.

"So this is your village", asked Shikamaru.

"That it is, built on the ruins of the Whirlpool Village, home to the Uzumaki clan before their near extinction. Master of the sealing arts, and with incredible longevity", said Naruto.

"They sound powerful", said Choji.

"The Uzumaki swirl is their symbol. They helped Konoha quite a but. The swirl you see on Jonin vests are a reminder for what they have done, so yes I suppose they were powerful. But that is the past, let us speak on the present. And the future", said Naruto.

He looked at the genin before him before explaining everything in the same manner as a client would.

"For the first two days I want you to enjoy yourselves, look around the village. Get a feel for it. Most of the scientists are either my clones or scientists from the Hidden Mist. I will draw up a training program for each of you. Lady Tsunade has given me a record of your capabilities so it won't be difficult. Right now you are in my tower. This is the heart of the village. It houses a massive communications room to contact my squads and the Shinigami if necessary. The Shinigami is the flying skull I left Konoha in. The ship is in the hangar to the south where we also have our barracks, Training grounds, Weapon storage, and the like. Ask for an escort and you may see it. The north is the residential area where my scientists live. It is also where your homes are. This will not be like clan compounds. The district is filled with towers, taller than the hokage tower. Each with hundreds of rooms for everyone. The east is where the factories for building our weapons and technology is. We trade with the Hidden Mist and Wave for our resources. The west is where we keep our generators to power this village as well as store all of our resources. No shops exist in the village, but if needed I can bring you to the Hidden Mist for anything you may need. I recommend not going past the outer walls. Some of the wildlife is quite hostile, but there is no rule against it. Two miles outside the village is a base taken up by the Hidden Mist. If you have ay questions please do not hesitate to ask", said Naruto.

"So we can just explore the village", asked Ino.

"You may, but first the clones will show you to where you will be staying for the time. After that you are free to wander. After you get yourselves situated your training will commence. You get weekends off to recuperate. For the first two days you will train with my soldiers. All or at least most are special shadow clones with seals that make them more durable. I made these new seals myself with help from my top scientist and inventor Herbert West. After the standard training I will give you each specialized training. Attention will be given to you all equally and I will handle your training myself. When I am done with you, everyone in this room will be as strong as a kage, or die trying", said Naruto.

Everyone flinched at his words, more so the last part. Naruto smiled.

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing. Sakura and Sasuke both went through similar methods of training, and I am confidant to say they are nearing jonin level already", said Naruto.

At that more than a few eyebrows rose. Naruto's face then grew hard.

"Now, before you leave there is a few things you need to know. Sasuke and Sakura are on their way here. They know this already, but it is time they saw it. But first to reveal a few things about myself", said Naruto.

He got from his chair and looked to the group. Suddenly a mist of purple energy moved around him. His body began to change. First it turned a grey color. His arms split. Tentacles grew from his back, and eyes showed up on them, as well as his whisker marks opening like eye lids. He floated above the ground as whisker like spikes grew from his jaw. he looked at the shocked faces of his friends.

"What is that", asked Kiba who was visibly shaking.

"This is my Eldritch Form. It gives me mental powers beyond human understanding. Telepathy, telekinesis, and similar powers. It is not chakra, but Psionics", said Naruto.

"Like the Yamanaka clan", asked Ino in a soft voice, still looking at Naruto with her heart racing in fear. Naruto ignored it.

"Yes and no, psionics are not capable of doing everything the Yamanaka clan can, though the reverse is also true. But there are similarities, enough similarities that your training will involve increasing your mental powers, to become very similar to my own. You won't be able to emulate psioics exactly, but we may improve it", said Naruto.

They looked at Naruto's form in slight fear as he shifted back to normal. At that moment Sasuke and Sakura walked in, ignoring Naruto's form. Sasuke seemed tired after having the Zero Tails sealed inside of him. No one said anything for a moment. Then Sakura smiled at Ino.

"Hey Ino, it's good to see you again"

Ino remained silent. Her eyes fixed on Naruto who no longer was in his eldritch form.

"In any event I ask that you all turn to me. It is time you saw the threat of Cthulhu", said Naruto.

With hesitation and reluctance they looked in Naruto's eyes. The world seemed to melt for a moment and they found themselves in the center of Konoha. Though the sky was black and starless, and seemed to move as if it were some living shadow that blanketed the earth. The village itself was on fire and the shinobi and civilians were fighting amongst themselves. Some eating each other. They watched as members of their own clans mutilated each other and themselves in the most vicious ways possible.

Soon the sky moved again as countless Star Spawn took flight destroying the village below. Even the most powerful were powerless against the children of Cthulhu. That was when they saw it. The green form of a massive beast, whose wingspan passed the horizon, and whose head pierced the clouds. Some of the insane below worshiped the beast even as they were mutilated. Ino lost her lunch when she saw civilians present gifts to the massive beast in the forms of their own organs. Neatly removed from their own bodies with their bare hands.

Most of the people were deformed beyond recognition. As if the beast very presence corrupted and twisted their bodies into things man has no words for. The Star Spawn hungrily devoured those who were still sane enough to run. Even the animals were killing themselves. The buildings crumbled as they rot from the wrongness that was Cthulhu.

The most horrible thing was when the deranged worshipers would feast on the parts of Cthulhu that did not squirm back to their master, changing further into misshapen beasts. Their lips turned into tendrils that tied shut as their throat split vertically revealing a secondary mouth in the neck with long black teeth that moved like worms. Their arms withered and boneless bt also unnaturally long, belly swollen as cancerous eyes formed on their forms. Their appearance was both emaciated and bloated, in ways that cannot be fathomed by mortal minds.

The lakes and rivers turned thick and became green poisoned by that which is that should not be. Madness was the only kindness given to the pitiful vermin once known as man, now something else entirely. Though they could not directly look at Cthulhu, they could all feel that whatever he was, was so unnatural to existence that it's mere being destroyed everything in it's wake. As the vision began to fade, everyone got to see as the inky black sky open to reveal itself covered with billions of eyes that looked at the destruction below in pure delight. It was the Messager of the Outer Gods, one of Nyarlathoteps thousand other forms. The vision faded and they were back in the office.

Ino was on the ground crying. Hinata was curled in a fetal position. Her eyes closed tight and body shaking. Shikamaru and Choji's eyes were wide and they were frozen in place, breathing in the air as if they were taking their first breath. Kiba was hyperventilating and Akamaru shaking and whimpering as if he's been hit. Shino showed a visible reaction for once and had his sunglasses off. He was on the floor on his hands and knees with vomit under him. Surprisingly Sakura and Sasuke were only breathing heavy but otherwise fine.

"That is Cthulhu, the High Priest of the Great Old Ones, a truly unstoppable force who's power is many times greater than the strongest tailed beast a hundred times over. A mindless force of destruction whose horrific visage is so terrible that those who gaze at it lose their minds. He sleeps now at the bottom of the sea in a sunken city. In less than ten years he will rise from the depths and destroy all of humanity. Our only hope is to hold him off long enough until the stars are no longer right and he once again enters his death like slumber. If we fail then humanity is done for, if we succeed, then we delay Armageddon", said Naruto.

He waited as they slowly got their heads straight.

"That thing is why I have so many resources, and am trying so hard to make humanity as powerful as it can be. My plan is ambitious, and our chance of failure is much greater than our chance of success, but if we don't try then we will lose. If Cthulhu so much as steps one foot outside his city then the human race will no longer exist. No if we fail life on this entire planet will no longer exist", said Naruto.

"That, that is the thing you told me about. How the hell do we fight something like that", asked Shikamaru who's face was pale and sweat drenched his clothing.

"With everything we got. Make no mistakes, anything less than that and we will fail, and I am not sure with everything going according to plan if I am wasting my time or not, but I will try. I will not rest until each and every person in this room can walk up to an S-rank missing nin, and beat him within an inch of his life without breaking a sweat. And then I will make you stronger than that. Our enemy is a god as far as you are concerned. I will not lie. It will be difficult, beyond difficult. But we have to try", said Naruto.

Everyone slowly collected themselves. No one broke the silence at first, then Sakura decided to end it.

"Naruto is right, me and Sasuke have only been here for only a couple months, and right now I think I can take on a Kage and come out on top", said Sakura.

"Not to mention the fact that our combined strength could put the Sannin to shame. Well maybe, we'll see when we fight Orochimaru", said Sasuke.

"You really thing we have a chance in hell", asked Kiba.

"To be perfectly honest, no I don't. But I'll be damned if I am not going to give us the best one we could possibly have", said Naruto.

The door opened and several figures walked in and examined the still pale genin.

"So these are the squirts, well we will get them into shape soon enough", said a girl.

"Thank you Kin", said Naruto.

"Kin, wait the sound girl. Why is she here", asked Shikamaru.

"Kin here was used as a sacrifice to bring back the Kage against The Third. I resurrected her and she wants revenge against the Snake bastard", said Naruto.

Kin spun a kunai in her finger and looked at Shikamaru.

"I remember our fight, we should have another one. I promise you won't beat me this time", said Kin.

Shikamaru remained silent. They became aware of another person who was currently looking over them like they were mice in a cage.

"Well, they look like wimps. Maybe the curse seal would give them an edge", said Herbert.

"That will be their choice, besides we cannot recreate the seal perfectly. We barely have unlocked level one", said Naruto.

Herbert shrugged.

"Suit yourself", said Herbert.

"Anyway, I would like you to meet Dr. Herbert West, my top scientist and science advisor. He is also the Jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox from another dimension, unlike me. Well lets just say his methods have brought the fox under his control", said Naruto.

"Or to put it simply, I made the fox my bitch", said Herbert.

"Behave Herbert", said Naruto.

"You're no fun", said Herbert.

Naruto sighed and turned back to the others who were looking at the scene before them with confusion. Though they were still nerved wracked after the vision Naruto showed them, they were starting to calm. Naruto smiled.

"Kin will show you where you will stay, after that enjoy the village. You may use the training grounds if you wish", said Naruto.

They left, still somewhat shaken. Sakura and Sasuke staid behind as did Herbert.

"Sasuke, how are you after the procedure", asked Naruto.

"I feel stronger than ever, but tainted at the same time. It is difficult to describe", said Sasuke.

"I know the feeling well, It has been with me for as long as I can remember", said Naruto.

He got out from his seat and examined Sasuke to see if he was fine. Luckly the seal holding the Zero Tails was stable.

"We'll see what you can do later, for now you need to rest. Why don't you two get reacquainted with our old friends, I would but after making them see Cthulhu I doubt they want to see me", said Naruto.

"I have to admit, even I was a little sick after that. And we had dinner with the Shadowed man", said Sakura.

"The vision was a stable one, without the mental effects of Cthulhu, though it would still be disturbing. But you all had to see what we are up against, now you understand the danger", said Naruto.

"We knew the dangers for a long time Naruto, don't worry about it you can count on us", said Sakura.

"If this moment of sickening friendship is over, I have to tell you something", said Herbert.

Naruto sighed and turned to Herbert.

"The mermaid people Deidara brought in. I don't know why but none of our psionics can read their mind. Both Konohamaru and Xel tried and failed. They seem to have some kind of mental defence that blocks it", said Herbert.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"That is interesting. This requires study. This could give us immunity to the madness effects of Cthulhu", said Naruto.

Herbert shrugged.

"Maybe, either way I am studying them carefully. But you might want to talk to one of them. They might be convinced to join us", said Herbert.

"What of the other prisoners", asked Naruto.

"Zaku seemed hesitant to betray Orochimaru, but is otherwise quiet. Kabuto has not spoken for a long time. The other three are more loose-lipped but are otherwise quite secretive. Samples from the big one with bi polar disorder might allow us to improve the curse seals, could be useful", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded.

"Alright, see what you can do. I am going to pay the mermaids a visit", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded.

Cut. Slice. Examine. Remove. Replace. Humanity's brain was a simple thing. Large in relation to the body, though otherwise filled with problems. Not that any species had a perfect brain. The design was simple. It is three pounds for the adults. Two hemispheres, four lobes, a six-layered cerebral cortex, and other primitive features. To even function the human brain needs up to consume twenty percent of the energy human bodies use, mostly glucose. The brain used more energy than any other organ in their frail human form. These brains were being examined before being placed in jars by the Mi-go. The Fungi from Yugoth with out a doubt were the masters of the school of surgery. Even within their own species there was variation among them from what they could do with the proper tools. Some so far off that it would be difficult to truely call them the same species. But they were. They removed the strange snake creatures brains with inhuman ease, not damaging them in the slightest and placed them in special canisters for storage. For the volunteers they allowed their own brain to be placed into the bodies for direct control. In the past this procedure was used to better understand their enemies and attack them from within if necessary. However there was something wrong.

The scientist caste of the Mi-go could not seem to create a body that lasted long for Mi-go minds. It was as if the body of both the serpent humans and normal humans that were collected had something within them that caused the Mi-go to fail to control their bodies. Extensive study of the bodies revealed a unique system of nerves carrying some unknown energy that was quite remarkable. It's mechanics were astounding. Most of these microscopic tubes seemed to concentrate on the abdominal regions of the body.

The energy within these tubes allowed manipulation by the humans to create a unknown energy with multiple purposes. The usage of which was similar to splitting an atom, but without the resulting explosion. Instead that energy allowed the humans to do nearly anything they wished. the substance seemed to also cause unique mutation in the humans, allowing them to perform feats no others could do. These 'blood lines' as the humans call it was hereditary, and gave humanity variation among themselves, similar to the variation among the Mi-go, though where the Mi-go's variation came from surgery, the human variation came from this strange energy they produced naturally.

The Mi-go, ever the scientist they were wondered if it was possible to give their members this power. Initial tests were unsuccessful, however none of their members actually died from them. After all the Mi-go were very good at surgery. eventually they came up with the idea on removing the network from the humans and transplanting it into themselves so their bodies could walk around in the human bodies more easily when stealth was needed. The humans died from this, but not from the surgery, for the Mi-go long ago mastered the field, but because their bodies could not survive without this energy. It made little difference to the Mi-go. The next part would be to transplant the network into a Mi-go while making sure the subject survived. The Mi-go were very good at surgery, and thus the rise of new Mi-go with the ability to mold and use chakra were born. All this was done in less than a day. The Mi-go are VERY good at surgery.

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