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23.07% NARUTO : I am not a mob Character / Chapter 3: Massacres, Mistakes, and Memories

Chapter 3: Massacres, Mistakes, and Memories

'Uchiha massacre' is the first big plot of the story that happened before the story kicked off. It connected many different arcs and plots and gave a bigger and entirely new meaning to them as a whole. Many actions become justified whereas many change the entire point of view of viewers. This plot alone showed how deep, dark, and cruel the Ninja World was. Ryuma on the other hand never truly understood the weight of the situation that he was going to face and this understanding stuck with him way later.

As he was running towards his house he heard a clash of metallic equipment in the opposite direction of his house where the most important members of the Uchiha clan lived.

His heart was beating very loudly and by every second his anxiousness was growing up. He took the left turn and now his house was in his sight. He looked at the garden that his dad built. He instantly used the body flicker and appeared in front of his house gate. He opened the gate and rushed inside shouting 'DAD ' loudly. He rushed open every gate of all the rooms but found nothing until he opened the room connecting to their garden.

In front of Ryuma's eyes was a body piled with blood with his back wide open through a sword Slash. Almost all of the garden's grass surrounding the body was drenched in blood. From the looks of it, It was just as someone suddenly came behind him and attacked him without giving the victim any chance to show resistance.

"Daa…d… D…a..d.. "




" DADDDD!!", Ryuma shouted with his full might as tears swept through his eyes.

His mind was numb, his voice was all hoarse and he wasn't even able to think properly right now. In his mind, there was only one thought going on ' why..,. Whydid… why did this happen'. 

He was subconsciously blaming himself for all the things that happened. After all, it was not like he did not know what was going to happen but he still never told anyone or took anyone's help. 

' Is it all because I thought this was just a story plot? or does it happen because I didn't think all those memories were real enough? '


' Who was the real me? Is it the one whose memories I saw or was it me the son of Hibana Ryujin? '


"Why can't I change this fuvking reality even though I knew the things were gonna co… ?"Ryuma shouted as his voice stopped midway and the tear falling turned red. 


"wh… Y? "

"w… h… b.. y… ?" 


Ryuma stood there crouching on the tatami mat as his tears flowed down from his chin to the ground. Time passed as the whole room became quiet and only a sulking voice resounded throughout the room. 

In the silence of the room, Ryuma became unconscious and a dream appeared to him. This dream was quite familiar to him because it happened once more a year ago when he got those memories. 



In the dream, a small boy of age 7 can be seen in the corner of the dark room crouching on his knee and tightening his stomach with his hand. As tears were flowing down to his cheek he was trying not to make any sound. 

On the other side of the room, a river of blood was flowing down. At the epicenter of the room, a woman was lying bleeding heavily as many stabs can be seen on her stomach. Her face was facing towards the little boy with a little smile trying to cover the pain behind. Her fingers were making a gesture of silence which wasn't noticed by the man who was trying to tear her clothes away with a manic look on his face. Her eyes were unfocused and hollow suggesting that she was not alive anymore… 

Suddenly the main door burst open and many police officers could be seen entering inside. The site of the incident even scared the police officers off. As the police officers arrested the criminal and took the body to the hospital for reports they finally noticed the little boy still trying to stop his voice coming out and hiding in a corner… 



Instantly the scene cuts to a different place in the middle of the dark lane as the similar boy whose memories he was seeing all the time was sitting on his knees covered by a girl. The girl had black hair and black eyes with his hair a little longer than shoulder length. The boy looked at the girl and saw his hand that was touching her covered in blood. His eyes enlarged and tears started to flow as he realized what happened. He looked at his girlfriend and spoke 

" Kuro why??? Why did you cover me?  It should be me who should have died." 


The girl whose back can be seen pierced by broken pieces of big glass looked at the boy who was trying to stop her blood from flowing out. With a similar smile on his face which reminded the boy his mother from years ago spoke to him as she touched his cheek. 

" Ryu, I saved you because I loved you. The most in this world and it pains me to see you be ready to accept death without caring about me. 

Even though I am going earlier, please spend the rest of your time while fulfilling both your and mine dreams. This is my last wish, would you do it for me?" 

The boy tried to retaliate but stopped and gave the girl in his arms a nod. As the girl in his arms closed his eyes, Ryuma's eyes widened. 

The previous memories he receives of a man who traveled around the world and did all things he wanted, saved the lives of his patients with a smile and even slept in the hospital while watching anime. All the while he never noticed the pain that smile was carrying. But after experiencing the memories of his younger self Ryuma was finally able to think clearly. 

Now he was not unconsciously blaming himself because he finally remembered he had to live for those who loved him but in this life looking at his dad's corpse he made a vow to protect those he protected. 

Even though he was still crying, now he was calm going through all of his mistakes. 

Even though he thought no one would believe him but deep down he knew if he had talked over with his dad he would have understood him. 

Even though he said he was preparing for this event, did he ever prepare? 

At that moment it cracked him; his efforts were half-assed. As his both personalities which experienced extreme things blended together the kunai carried by Ryuma escaped his hand and dropped to the ground. 

As he looked at the ground trying to find the kunai he finally noticed the stain of blood droplets soaked by tatami mats. His unfocused eyes which looked just like a blank board suddenly became focused. He picked up his kunai and bowed to his father's dead body apologizing for all of the mistakes that he made. 





As he walked towards his father's corpse he saw his reflection on the door glass. A boy with black hair and deep red lifeless eyes with a structure of 9 magatamas placed in a ring-like pattern on it looked back at him. 

Ryuma knew these eyes very well. After all the moments he got to know about them in the series he was simply fascinated by the concept alone. But at this very moment, these eyes didn't attract him anymore…


At the same time on the outskirts of the village inside a dark underground room many movements were happening. Suddenly a man with bandages covering his right eye and a cross mark on his chin entered the room. At the sight of the man, all the moments happening in the room stopped. Every man standing in the room bowed on one knee as the man with the right eye bandaged walked on the podium. 

Danzo looked at his root members bowing in front of him and found deep satisfaction in his heart. Knowing that after today Hiruzen was probably gonna ban root, he had already prepared early. Danzo was thinking that just in a few minutes each one of those Uchiha pests would be gone except those two brothers. Even though he didn't like the Uchiha a single bit, it was not the same case with their eyes.

Looking at all the members of root beneath him he spoke, 

" Now you all have to go and collect all of the eyes of Uchiha members that have awoken their sharingan. Everything must be done fast before Anbu reaches the scene. Now depart!!! "

With the ending of Danzo's speech all of the root members instantly dispersed. Thinking of getting closer to his dream of achieving both wood releasing and sharingan an evil smile broke out on Danzo's face but before anyone could notice Danzo instantly wiped it away.


As Ryuma looked at his mangekyou sharingan he felt no joy. The price he paid for getting these was simply too high. 

When he found out his father's dead body in the garden he first denied the existence of it. He already saw it the moment he was opening the gate of his house but he denied the truth his eyes were seeing. He checked the whole house only to find out that it was the reality. 

He had thought at that moment what if he could alter this reality? If he could then he would have already undo what was in his front.

As Ryuma closed his mangekyou sharingan he felt a sudden chill on his neck he immediately used his kunai on his hand to block the attack coming from behind. The moment his body blocked the sword attack his body was already sent flying by the hit on his torso. 

Ryuma crashed into the garden wall just behind his father's body. At the moment of impact, he fractured his right hand while holding kunai. Blood bled out of Ryuma's mouth as he tried to stand up. Looking at the front Ryuma saw Obito who was in Tobi's attire.

At this moment all of the guilt vanished away from Ryuma's mind. He started making plans for his survival. He knew he could survive if he used his mangekyou sharingan ability but he cannot just show it there is no telling who else was watching him at this moment. He knew if things came to a bay he would instantly use his abilities instantly but now was not the right time.

 After making countless plans and counters in a span of a second Ryuma spoke, "Who the hell are you coward? Show yourself !!! If you're the killer of my father then you're not going alive today".

Even though Ryuma spoke about all of this, no reply came from the other side. As Ryuma watched carefully towards the room shrouded in darkness, Obito walked towards him out of the darkness. He was wearing full black clothes and a mask with a pattern on it. On his right hand was a Katana which had a little bit of blood on it.

As he came in the light he spoke "Now let's start"

Before Ryuma can understand the word properly Obito moves towards him. His speed far surpassed Ryuma and in defense of Obito's upcoming sword attack, Ryuma slightly moved backward which by no means dodged the attack. 

As Ryuma received another clean strike on his chest he knew he had to end this very quickly or it could be very bad. Ryuma instantly made a confrontation seal to collect chakra on his hand. As Obito's sword came crashing down for him one more time aiming for his heart, Ryuma's whole body released a purple lightning spark around him.

Seeing the attack coming Obito with an insane speed Kamui those body parts where lightning was supposed to strike. But in those mere seconds, Ryuma moved towards him with his left hand wrapped in purple lightning and his limping right hand carrying a kunai on it. Ryuma aimed his left hand wrapped in purple lighting directly at Obito's heart. But Ryuma's hand instead of coming in contact with Obito simply passes through his chest. But at this moment when his hand passes through halfway on Obito's body Ryuma activates his mangekyou sharingan.

Instantly the purple lightning that was covering the left hand vanished and spawned on the right hand coating kunai with it. Ryuma, enduring the pain, moved his hand forcefully and threw the kunai. Due to a broken bone in the hand instead of the neck, Kunai flew toward the right shoulder.


As Obito saw the kunai covered in purple lightning coming toward his right shoulder he instantly tried Kamui on his right shoulder but at this moment something happened.

 Obito wasn't able to get what but the next moment he found out that the kunai carrying purple lightning Pierce's through his right shoulder which was made up of Hashirama cells. His whole right hand severed from his body collapsed on the ground and as he tried to move his whole body was paralyzed. 

His brain immediately gave answers about what happened. The fact that he wasn't able to use Kamui on his right shoulder means someone has interfered with his kamui which results in his body making contact with that kunai covered in purple lightning and getting paralyzed.

 Obito forced his chakra toward his eyes and instantly used Kamui to teleport his whole body out. Obito with the difference of milliseconds avoided the left hand of the same boy coated with lightning coming towards his neck. 


In an Underground cave with walls containing Uchiha's fan symbol Obito came out of his Kamui and with a *thud* his body fell to the ground.  Seeing the situation, the white and black Zetsu came out of the underground and said," Should we go and finish that brat ?"

"No, someone interfered with my Kamui just before that boy's kunai can touch me which means someone with eyes similar to mine stopped me," Obito spoke with a grim face inside his mask.

" So should we go and collect the rest of the eyes?" White Zetsu spoke.

"No, let's Stop for today. Prepare the arrangement for Itachi in Akatsuki and keep a watch on him and also prepared a right hand for me " Obito ordered.

" As your wish…." With the reply, both white and black Zetsu submerged under the ground.

Looking at his right hand, Obito remembered that black hair boy and his lightning. That just was very similar to a jutsu that he saw many times in his life. A picture of a white-haired boy covering his face comes to his mind but he disperses it and walks out of the cave before vanishing in a swirl….


Ryuma already prepared a plan in his and if in any circumstances it would have failed then he would have to use the susanoo to protect himself but hopefully it wasn't. 

The moment Ryuma's hand passed through Obito's body, Ryuma instantly used his left mangekyou sharingan eye technique, "heavenly negation".

The "heavenly negation" technique of his mangekyou sharingan allows him to cancel any jutsu cast on himself and cancel any jutsu in the process of casting just by looking at the caster's body.

With the help of heavenly negation, Ryuma stopped Obito from using Kamui and released the kunai with his limping right hand at the same time. But due to his bone being fractured he wasn't able to aim correctly and missed Obito's neck.

Looking at the pure white hand fallen on the ground, Ryuma picked it up. He knew what this hand was and he considered himself lucky to get this right after he awoke his mangekyou sharingan. Ryuma used his right eye ability "heavenly dream" and the hand created with Hashirama cells vanished in thin air. 

Even though it was a little bad that Obito survived cause if he had died then the future would have been so much easier but Ryuma knew he can't do anything now. Now the problem was with Obito being gone there was a high chance of Danzo getting more sharingan than in the original storyline which was bad. 

Ryuma with his left hand formed the seal of confrontation again and collected a huge amount of chakra on his left hand and converted it into purple lightning. With his left hand covered in purple lightning, Ryuma touched the ground and released all the lightning toward the houses situated on the left side of his house. 

Purple lightning traveled through the ground and came in contact with houses. With a purple spark, the wooden house caught flame immediately. In mere Seconds a quarter of the Uchiha clan compound caught on fire, alarming the whole Konoha earlier than expected.

Looking at the fire burning houses near his house a smile formed on Ryuma's face. After turning back he went where he crashed earlier and took the same position he was when he crashed. Ignoring the blood flowing from his big cut in his chest Ryuma used what little chakra was left to cast his right eye Power's 'heavenly dream' on himself and fell unconscious. 

xine_reader xine_reader

Woooooo finally edited the whole chapter.

It was close to 3k words fu$King insane.....


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