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Meeting between Minato and Naruto!! Mikoto's resolve!

Naruto gazed at the door with a curious expression. When he saw a blond-haired man entering the room – the man he had seen in photos and on Hokage Mountain, the man he had longed to meet – Naruto was frozen with a shocked expression on his face.

He turned around to look at Tsunade, Kazutora and Mikoto, and looking into their encouraging expressions, Naruto opened his mouth, but no words came out of them.

Kazutora looked at Tsunade, and Mikoto, who nodded in response. They left the room with Sasuke, who was also confused by the situation, and they let Minato and Naruto talk alone.

In the room, they heard the cries and laughter of Naruto, and a gentle smile appeared on their faces.

"How did this happen?" Mikoto asked with a curious look on her face, and she wondered how Minato was revived.

"About that," Tsunade said as she looked at Mikoto and she understood what Tsunade meant. She created a Shadow clone, that took Sasuke to another room, and then looked at Kazutora, who applied a barrier around the room.

"It was for the other half of Kurama in him. We needed him for some stuff, so Kazutora used Impure World Reincarnation. It will also help Naruto in meeting Minato instead of meeting in future when he will grow up."

"But this method can't be used all the time since it requires sacrifice and the only reason Kazu used it is because there was no other choice."

Tsunade said with a glint in her eyes and Mikoto nodded at her words. She was amazed by such a technique and knowing that it required sacrifices, Mikoto didn't feel anything since many criminals can be used for it.

"Beside Minato, can Kushina be, too?" Mikoto asked with an expectant look on her face and she hoped that her friend would also meet her child. Hearing her, Tsunade looked at Kazutora who nodded and said, "We can summon her, but it would be better to ask Minato first."

"If he allows, then I will. Or maybe we can just ask Kushina herself." Kazutora said and their expression changed at his words.

"Ask her?" Mikoto asked with a frown on her face and Tsunade's eyes flickered as she remembered something.

"Do you mean the chakra they sealed in him?" Tsunade asked as she looked at Kazutora. He nodded in response and then explained the situation to Mikoto. She was amazed at Minato and Kushina's thoughtfulness and understood what they meant when they talked about meeting his parent when Naruto grew up.

"Let's talk about this matter after Minato is done with Naruto. Besides this, we have another thing to talk about." Kazutora said with a serious look appearing on his face. Tsunade's expression changed when she heard the words and she asked, "Are you sure?"

"Well, it's related to Sasuke so Mikoto should know," Kazutora said as he looked at Tsunade, who nodded with a sigh. Mikoto's expression changed when she heard their words, but she didn't say anything and waited for Kazutora to speak.

"I will let you know the past first so that you will have a better understanding of the situation," Kazutora said with his eyes changing, and Mikoto was stunned when she saw Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan in her eyes.

She wondered how he had EMS, and when Mikoto appeared in a dark place, she understood that Kazutora had pulled her in a Genjutsu.

Outside, Tsunade looked at Kazutora and asked, "What do you plan to do?"

"Securing as much assistance as possible while minimizing variables and potential issues? It's better to overprepare than underprepare," Kazutora stated emphatically, and Tsunade lowered her gaze upon hearing his words.

A thoughtful look appeared on Tsunade's face as she pondered over his words, and Tsunade asked, "What about others? Have you made plans for them too?"

"Mm, I can't directly increase base levels since their bodies aren't mature and forcefully increasing would shorten their lifespans. All I can do is give them methods that would enhance their strength with external chakra."

"You are right, unlike me who doesn't need care of these things, they have to since their bodies aren't mature," Tsunade nodded at his words and she saw Mikoto's eyes returning back to normal.

A cold look flashed in her eyes as she thought of everything Kazutora told her, and Mikoto asked, "What do I need to do?"

She didn't expect her son to be their Ancestor's reincarnation. Everything told by Kazutora had turned Mikoto's overview and knowing that there was something in her son influencing him, Mikoto didn't feel good.

She wanted it to disappear from her son and stop influencing him, but she knew that it wasn't possible.

"I have already sealed the chakra so there is no need to worry much regarding Indra's chakra. The reason why I decided to tell you is that you are trustworthy, and you can be a good help in the next event."

"Sister Mikoto, you should know that Mangekyo Sharingan has side effects, and your current strength isn't enough. So, I will help you in upgrading your Mangekyo Sharingan to Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and give you a seal that will let you use Sage Mode."

"That should increase your strength to Peak Kage or maybe Super Kage but if you want to reach Peak Kage level, you will have to awaken Rinnegan."

"For now, let's keep Rinnegan aside because it needs several things, and your body won't be able to handle it. Besides, if you don't plan on using it in future, then there is no need for you to awaken Rinnegan since it would be just wasting resources."

"What do you think, Sister Mikoto? In future, if you want power, I will help you in awakening Rinnegan but for now, let's keep the matter aside since only twenty days are left."

Kazutora said as he thought of various plans he had in his mind. It's not that he had problems in giving Rinnegan but with her current body, she won't be able to handle it. Instead, she might even die and it's the same for Izumi.

Rinnegan requires insanely high Spiritual Power, or you need to have insanely good Physique and Chakra levels.

After hearing his words, a thoughtful look appeared on Mikoto's face. She understood what he was trying to say, and Mikoto asked, "If I awaken Rinnegan, will I have a chance to fight and help you?"

Tsunade's expression changed as she heard the words, and now she was sure that something was wrong in the situation.

'Is he? No No! He has never said anything and doesn't go for married ones. Then, is she? Just what did Fugaku do to lose someone like Mikoto?'

Tsunade thought in her mind, and she looked at Kazutora thinking of the situation. Then, her eyes fell on Mikoto and the look in her eyes strengthened her words. Even Mikoto didn't know that she was looking with the same eyes as how Tsunade and others looked at him.

Tsunade, who had seen the look several times could clearly say that if before she really thought of Kazutora as his little brother, just like how she thought of Kushina as her little sister, but now the sibling feelings in her heart had distorted to 'sibling' feelings.

'Fugaku, you waste! Now another one is after him, and Kazu has a good impression of her.'

Tsunade inwardly clicked her tongue as she thought of it. The situation wasn't surprising to Tsunade since many women in Hospital had approached him for one-night stands and secret relationships, but Kazutora had denied them.

But it's different since Mikoto was practically a member of their group who knew many things that others didn't know.

'Sighh! Let's leave the matter for now. Since she hadn't said anything, she might be hiding herself.'

"Yes, you can help if you awaken Rinnegan. But are you sure about this, Sister Mikoto? You will be busy for the next 20 days, and even after that, you will have to get busy since I won't let you waste your Rinnegan."

"After Super Kage is Six Paths level, and there might be levels above it. The Otsutsuki coming aren't the only Otsutsuki and you will be involved in that matter."

"Would that be okay with you? I think you need to think more instead of deciding quickly."

Kazutora said after thinking pros and cons of the situation. Listening to his words, Mikoto smiled, and she said, "I am sure of it, Kazutora. As for the matter regarding Otsutsuki, how could I not help when I know that you all will be working for it for the safety of the world?"

"Besides, I believe that I need to step up since even Sasuke is involved in it without me knowing anything. I have had enough of being in the dark and just accepting everything instead of going out of the way to think and solve the problems."

"So, Kazutora, I am prepared for this and for the power, you can use me as you want," Mikoto said with a serious look appearing on her face, and her words stunned both of them. A sigh escaped his lips as Kazutora looked at Mikoto and said, "I guess I will accept your words. Lay down, Sister Mikoto."

"I will first start with upgrading your Mangekyo Sharingan."

Since she had accepted the situation, Kazutora decided to not think anymore. Tsunade was surprised by Mikoto's determination, and she again cursed Fugaku for being a waste and letting go of a woman like Mikoto.

Mikoto lay down on the floor, and Kazutora appeared beside her. He put his hand on her eyes, and Kazutora's eyes changed to Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Open your Mangekyo Sharingan," Mikoto, who was looking at Kazutora's palm, heard his words and she opened her Mangekyo Sharingan. As she did, Kazutora noticed the chakra around her eyes, and he started to absorb it.

Mikoto's expression changed as she sensed the chakra leaving her body, and she noticed the light in her eyes disappearing. Soon, she became blind, but Mikoto didn't panic since she trusted Kazutora and knew that he wouldn't do something bad to her.

Tsunade looked at the eyes that had lost the light, and she saw a black-coloured chakra in Kazutora's hand. Then, Kazutora took out her eyes and held them in his hand.

Kazutora sensed the EMS chakra in his body, and he transformed the EMS chakra to match Mikoto's MS chakra. He felt some pain in his eyes but soon Kazutora recovered it, and he merged the two chakras.

After Kazutora finished, he channelled the chakra back into the two eyes and infused a portion of his Six Paths chakra within them. He then reimplanted the eyes and placed his finger on her forehead. Seal marks began to spread across Mikoto's forehead, eventually enveloping her entire body.

The seal marks connected all the chakra nerves in her body, and a diamond mark appeared on her forehead. He sealed Six Paths Senjutsu Chakra in the Kama Seal on her forehead, and Kazutora removed his fingers. The seal's marks went back to the Kama seal, and Kazutora noticed her body state.

A smile appeared on his face when he noticed that the chakra in her body was moving to the seal, and then it was consumed by his Six Paths Senjutsu chakra. Then, his chakra would grow and release some chakra that would spread around her body and enhance it.

'The Natural Energy seal is working well too, and this way she wouldn't lose her vitality and lifespan. As time passes, her vitality will grow, and her body will get stronger by the Natural Energy.'

Kazutora thought in his mind, and he said, "Sister Mikoto, you can open your eyes now."

Hearing his words, Mikoto opened her eyes, and she noticed that light had returned to her eyes, and she wasn't blind anymore. A sigh escaped her lips and then Mikoto noticed something extra in her body.

She put her hand on her forehead, and Mikoto looked at Tsunade, who nodded in response.

"Try to see if it worked," Kazutora said, even though he was sure that it had worked. Mikoto looked at him for a moment and her eyes changed. The MS symbol from before had changed to something else, and Mikoto was stunned by the absurd amount of chakra Kazutora had.


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