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Naruto-Butterflies that Kill Naruto-Butterflies that Kill original

Naruto-Butterflies that Kill

Author: Ammorol

© WebNovel

Ch.1 - Butterflies that kill

Naruto walked dispiritedly out of the academy after being lectured by Iruka Sensei about his grades and his choice of wardrobe, specifically its color, orange.

"Sure I don't have the best grades in class, but whats wrong with the color orange, it's great, the color of the gods even." Naruto said out loud to himself as he walked towards the forest.

" 'naruto, orange is no color for a ninja' he says, 'Naruto, orange will just reveal you to the enemy he says'" naruto mumbled under his breath while doing his best impression of Iruka sensei, though a poor one.

he looked for clearing in the forest next to the river and started picking up sticks and making a hole placing them inside and brought up a lighter, and held it to the wood until it caught fire.

he stood up and made his way to a bush and rummaged around it for a couple of seconds and brought out a fishing rod dug a bit around the river until he found a worm, which he attached to the end of his hook and flung far as his small hands could muster, into the river.

naruto sighs as the hook sinks in.

his stomach grumbles

"Great, now i'm hungry, i dont know how long these dumb fish may take"

he says as he frowns while staring at the river.

his stomach grumbles again

"Alright, that's it! maybe I can find something to eat in the forest."

he jumps up and place his fishing rod in between two rocks and sprints into the forest

and begins searching for some kind of edible looking plant, as he is walking in the forest he notices a bright orange and black striped butterfly pass him by, he ignored it and continued to look for food, in the distance he notices an apple tree and begins to run in its direction in excitement

as naruto is sprinting through the forest he starts to see alot more orange butterflies, some about the size of his hand and others the size of his head

he stops as he begins to stare at an orange butterfly the size of him in the distance

"wow, thats huge"

he says as he begins to admire the beautiful bright orange butterfly fly slowly through the trees, without a care in the world

and in the very next second watches it proppell its wings forward with such force he could feel the wind, orange dust is thrown forwards by its wings and spreads with the wind in front of it, the force of its wings sending it backwards,

That's when naruto notices that where the orange butterfly once was, was now a big panther, and watches it get pushed to the ground by the wind the butterflies wings just created

the panther lands on the groundgracefully and in position to lunge again, while the orange butterfly is flying around and on the trees in an agile manner, while not particularly hard to keep up with visually did lull him into watching it a bit fascinated, which may have been the same thoughts the panther had because the panther stood, ready to lunge but that's all it did

The panther stood on guard, muscles ready at the opportunity to pounce, but it was too focused on the butterflies movements, its dance

naruto watched the butterfly dance and all of a sudden come to a stop, it just flew in place and looked at the panther from a distance

and the panther pounced

and then it fell in the middle of its jump, and whined lightly

and the orange butterfly slowly flew down to the panther

"what happened?" asked naruto to nobody in particular as he watched in wonder and awe

meanwhile all around naruto hundreds of orange butterflies of different sizes flew towards the panther, while there were rather big ones, none compared to the size of the orange butterfly that the panther was battling

he watched them fly towards the panther, and they gathered around

none moved, except the butterfly that battled the panther, it landed on it and in one quick and decisive motion tore into the throat of the panther

and almost as if it were a race, all the butterflies flew towards the panther in rapid motions and bit into it

naruto watched hundreds of butterflies pile up on the panther, so much so that he lost vision of the dead panther and saw nothing but butterflies where the panther once lay, and he watched as a couple of mere seconds later, all of them fly off slowly, leaving nothing but the skeleton of what once was the panther.

"That was Awesome! what the heck"

he could feel the smile that was on his face, he stood there for a second, replaying what he saw in his head, hunger long forgotten, he ran out of the forest and back to the village, he didn't stop until he reached the library where he spent the rest of the day reading books, the first one which showed a picture of an orange butterfly.

" The Monarch Butterfly... Poison... a variant species of the monarch butterfly reside within the forest of death, many differences from the regular species include size, like those from the forest of death are considerably larger than the non-varient species, they are also able to eject their poison at predators and prey alike, they also ingest poisonous plants which in turn increase their resistance and poison strength, and lastly, they are carnivorous."

naruto jumped from his seat as his excitement grew, 'this is too cool', he kept reading and flipped the page rapidly

" Aposematism is the advertising by an animal to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating. This unprofitability may consist of any defenses which make the prey difficult to kill and eat, such as toxicity, venom, foul taste or smell, sharp spines, or aggressive nature.

Monarch butterflies coloring keeps predators away as they instinctively know they are dangerous to kill and not worth the effort, while the prey is attracted by the bright coloring and potential free meal, this is the primary method the monarch butterflies located in the forest of death use to kill their prey, if their prey survives the initial confrontation they will then display a dance to their adversary in an attempt to distract them, it may appear they are just flying around randomly, but they move their wings rhythmically and attract the targets attention and fly around in a coordinated manner, then stop to engage in combat, usually by that time their poison has entered their prey's system and when they engage an attack it is too late, the majority of their poison is strong enough to make their targets paralyzed if not, dead."

the blonde boy sat there and stared at the book for a second and looked at the picture of the monarch butterflies, eyes shining as he ran his finger through the butterfly's picture

he then looked down to his orange jumpsuit and a thought began to form.

'Why would he need to be super stealthy and wear black and be silent to be a ninja?

isn't a ninja's greatest feature unpredictability that's why they are sneaky right? well,i'm unpredictable detebayo! yeah! I'll make them notice me then before they know it they've already lost!'

naruto sat there in the library smiling, for once he felt great, he felt inspired, focused, he could feel it, this was going to make him strong, this was how he became hokage

he was never one to read, he hated books, but the more he read the more he couldn't stop, he sat there and read about poisonous plants and animals located around knonoha, and then he began to read on shinobi, that's where he came to see the photo of the three legendary sannin, three of the most powerful shinobi to ever grace konoha, and within pages of their accomplishments he came accross the name

"Hanzo of the Salamander"

he read about this legendary ninja that had a venom sac of a salamander implanted into him, he read about his achievements, his conquers and his usage of venom, he read about a ninja called Chiyo, and another called Sasori which utilized poisons in their puppets.

He read anything related to poison that he could, by the time he knew it it was already dark outside and he was getting kicked out of the library,

he walked home slowly, in the darkness and looked up at the dark sky, and the bright moon, he always knew what he wanted, but now, he knew exactly how he was going to get there, he no longer felt aimless, everything just clicked, he would become strong, now he knew how.

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