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Chapter 2: Birthday!

After what felt like an everlasting experience in this cocoon wrapped fluid, Where I spent months on end sleeping and somehow getting my body nourished it was time. An almost like gravitational force started tugging me in a certain direction. This change was the only thing to ever happen to me in my time here so of course, I allowed it. Helping this "force" I followed along going where it took me. Eventually what seemed like a humongous hand pulled me out of this accursed fetus or what I called a cocoon-like fluid at the time.

'Finally! I'm free alas, on my way out of this wickedly smelly place


Being a fetus literally drove our MC to the brink of insanity, as he laughed maniacally in his head. This experience was by far the worst he ever endured. Slowly but surely making his way out of what our MC calls his mother's vagina a wickedly smelly place.

"It's a boy! Congratulations on your firstborn lord Jirou!"

"Congratulations madam Junko"

Jirou and Junko both admirably looked into each other eyes and kissed. Seeing the smile on each other's face. They both knew what they felt for their new family was real. Sooner or later the nurse separated son from mother by cutting the umbilical cord.

'EHHH?! I'm a baby!? Is this a joke, There's no way I really must've died and reborn into a Japanese household considering my parent's names' I thought.

The nurse got a warm wet towel and wiped off the excess blood and more of the baby and put him into some fresh newborn clothes then weighed and measured the babe's height.

"He's 7.5 lb and 20 inches tall he's kinda on the large side but he's healthy, this means he'll grow up nice and strong"

"The future awaits a splendid shinobi in the making" said Jirou little did he know how right he was.

The nurse for the first time placed the child into the mother's arms.

As Junko held her precious baby she felt something ominous, almost reminiscent of that demon clan and something extremely bright that it burned

The father also looked at his son but couldn't sense the things his wife felt, huh guess that's called women intuition.

"What should we name him'' said Jirou "Uchiha, Uchiha Illumi meaning to envelope all things in light," said Junko

'Ehh?!' was the last thing I thought before fainting.

—— —— —— —— ——

A week had passed since birth, And Illumi was feeling better than ever. He seemed to have become a baby and could even understand what people were saying, which was surprising, to say the least.

'I seem to have been reborn... but where am I?'

With that, he heard the sound of footsteps as his dad come to pick him up from his crib. When he saw his dad even though he was straight, he couldn't help but think that his dad was immensely handsome even more so than those male models in the magazines of his old world. A part of him was praying he got his father's looks.

"How's the youngest descendant of the Uchiha clan?"

As soon as Illumi heard those words he froze as his stomach sank he had butterflies in his stomach and grew goosebumps. When those words registered an almost Deku watching all might moment happened as he smiled ear to ear and sparkles entered his eyes.

'Wait what am I dreaming?! DID HE JUST SAY UCHIHA?!!' Illumi thought.

Illumi felt a foreign feeling heat up in his whole body...this was… excitement. He had never felt so happy in his whole life! Was he going to be reborn in the naruto world? Just like in the web novels he spent nights reading on his phone?

While Illumi couldn't hold the excitement in his face, Jirou smiled and said:


As soon as he said that his face lit up like never before. Finding it funny, he said the same thing a couple of times and realized his son was proud of his blood even before he was aware of it. With a feeling of pride swelling in his chest, Jirou lifted his son up in his arms and took him to his mother.

As soon as Jirou left the room, Illumi noticed the upside down fan embroidered on the back of his father's shirt. Making him feel even more excited.

'I wonder in which era I was born… This must be before Naruto's birth because there seems to be no tension in the Uchiha clan…'

'Knowing that I'll be in the shinobi world and in the uchiha clan nevertheless I have expectations and I need to be above those certain expectations to get leeway for my ideas, I steeled my nerves as I came to terms with it. Now I needed to act, even as a baby.'

While in his mother's embrace he started formulating ideas and plans. But first he needed information. This was going to be a huge challenge of course but it's what needed to be done. For now he just enjoyed the time with his parents he never had the chance to know of in his previous life.

—— —— —— —— ——

This past year went very quickly for Illumi. During the year he chose to show everyone his genius by speaking, talking and walking in his old world's fastest baby record's.

During his infancy he only cried for food or for

someone to change his diaper. He also performed deep meditation to pass time. Around his 3rd month he could sit-up straight due to his secret workout regimen of sit-ups, squats and practicing standing. Around his fourth month he said his first word which left his parents stunned. "Uchiha"

At 6 months he could walk and stand. Which showed his parents he has the potential to be the biggest prodigy of all of the uchiha clan let alone konoha itself. This gained the attention of the clan elders and the higher ups of the Uchiha clan.

In his eighth month he got an etiquette teacher to further his vocabulary and to teach their son political propaganda early on.

Finally around his 10th-12th month making a year he could make full sentences and even run. The Uchiha decided they wouldn't reveal their prodigy just yet in case the village gets scared of the next upcoming madara.

Although this was strange and abnormal, this was the shinobi world. Stranger things happened every day, this was a blessing for the Uchiha clan. So they didn't mind it but it did boggle their mind.

Illumi walked to the kitchen where his mother would usually be throughout the day. She was preparing breakfast. "Kaa-san is the food ready yet?"

"Not yet Illumi-kun, do you know what today is?" I simply shook my head to play along.

"Today's the day you, Fugaku and Kaname celebrate your first birthday."

Illumi was displeased with the vagueness of his mother's answer, but he decided to let it go for now either way. There was no need to push he'll find out in due time. But when it processed in his mind he was utterly shocked.

'Fu- Fugaku?!'

Fugaku Uchiha! Sasuke's father in the original story! Memories of the name of 'Wicked Eye' Fugaku that raised two of the world's most extraordinary shinobi the elemental nations ever witnessed ranged in his head. It was completely astonishing, really. Fugaku was one of Illumi's most favorite Uchiha characters. Definitely Top 15.

While on that train of thought, Illumi started to look forward to the day where he, too, would unlock his very own sharingan.

'Was I born in the same generation as the mighty Fugaku Uchiha? I can't believe this!'

All the excitement aside, Illumi started to put the pieces together. A part of this was that they were in the middle to the end of the first shinobi world war. Where Tobirama was still alive and acting hokage and hashirama just died, Tobirama would soon shortly die during Illumi's childhood, meaning he's four to six years away in age from the sannin if his calculations are correct.

[A/N: This was an guess or estimate doesn't mean any of his hypnosis or theories might be right]

'Nice, now I know where in the timeline I currently live. Although I am quite nervous about the upcoming shinobi wars. Whatever for now I'll set up a strong foundation to become a proper shinobi.'

This anxiety was short lived though, as his excitement for his first birthday replaced it almost instantly. This would be his first birthday as an official clan Uchiha member.

'I can't wait to meet Fugaku and whoever that Kaname guy is, I can't help but wonder who he is.'

—— —— —— —— ——

Later that day, the happy family of three made their way to the clan head's courtyard. When they got there, they noticed nearly the whole clan had come to celebrate the special occasion. The atmosphere was very good and the mood light. Illumi couldn't help but feel at home right off the bat.

This was a happy occasion, Which was much needed after the death of Kagami Uchiha along with the formation of the Konoha police department. The clan needed a break and some peace. The birthday came at a perfect time.

"Jirou! how are you doing younger brother! I haven't seen you in a while!"

Suddenly, a cheery voice was heard from one of the corners of the courtyard.

"Fujime! I'm doing great thank you, how are your wife and Fugaku?"

The man talking to Jirou was none other than Fugaku's dad, Sasuke's and Itachi's grandfather. A character unrevealed in canon. So Illumi had no idea of who he was at first. He was the current clan-head of the Uchiha's.

Looking at him, instead of the lady killer vibes his dad gave off, he looked more menacing someone to fear and had a strong, firm gaze. The gaze of a leader and a seasoned shinobi.

Slowly but surely, Illumi's personality was changing. the previous him would be scared shitless, but the new him looked death himself straight into the eyes and said piss off. No of course he didn't give fuck you eyes to his uncle, but simply held his ground showing his dominance in that intense stare off.

"So, care to introduce to the brat."

"Oh, of course Jirou sighed. Brother this is Illumi and Illumi Uncle Fujime."

"Nice to meet your acquaintance. I was wondering when you would visit me or speak to your only nephew since I've arrived and show some decency."

Jirou and Junko's jaw dropped. Meanwhile Fujime smirked.

"Tch, Only a year old and this cheeky. I'll have you know I'm the clan head. And no one this young had ever spoken to me like this.


This brought the attention of all surrounding Uchiha clan members. Just what was making the clan head laugh so hysterically.

Fujime broke into laughter and Illumi's parents couldn't help but laugh as well.

"From the way he eyed me as our eyes met I knew then he was a cheeky brat." Fujime laughed as he wiped a tear from his eyes.

"I haven't laughed that way in ages. Say what kid a guy like me outta like someone of the likes of you"

"Hmphf", I said as I folded my arms. "Even a bat can see the excellence shining brimmingly bright in me. After all, my name is Illumi.


"He's a uchiha for sure," one man said.

"Yeah" another one agreed.

Meanwhile half the clan was marveled by this child's intellect. Which one year old do you know who's smart enough to be as arrogant as this child, at one year's old it's simply unheard of.

Sounds of laughter flooded the Uchiha Courtyard. His words came off so disrespectful and arrogant, but he's so small, a regular child on their first birthday is supposed to be in their mother's arms. Not being arrogant and disrespectful especially to the Clan head of all people even if he was his uncle.

'Whew' I thought as I wiped the sweat from my forehead mentally. 'That was a close one. I thought I was gonna die there for a second, especially so when everyone gathered around me. It was my intent to copy the Uchiha's trademark arrogance and to come off funny, maybe a little intelligent as well, but who knew it was gonna work so well'

Everyone gathered around my mother and father to praise me and asked what they did to raise such a prodigy. Meanwhile I walked around to see if I could find baby Fugaku and even Kaname.

"Hey brat" Illumi turned around to see Fujime with Fugaku in his hands and a woman next to him with another baby as well.

Baby Fugaku made eye contact with me as he made a deep frown. The other baby saw me and just giggled and tried to reach for my face.

"These are your little cousins Fugaku and Kaname. This is Lady Katsuyu, wife of the late Kagami Uchiha."

"Nice to meet your acquaintance my lady." I said as I took a short bow, grabbed her arm and kissed it gently. Lady Katsuyu had long black hair in a long ponytail with big black eyes, a beauty of a smile and curves and thighs to make any man shy.

She laughed a little "Oh how polite and a charmer as well, you definitely remind me of a younger version of your father." 'I thought holy shit my dad must've been a stud.'

Meanwhile Uncle Fujime eyes twitched in annoyance and maybe a hint of envy. "Of course my lady I learn from the best. My sincere condolences to you and yours." I said as I tickled her baby as Kaname giggled he looked just like shisui. If I didn't know any better I would've thought he was a girl.

She showed a hint of sadness at the condolences I gave her but she stayed strong. "You must be a strong woman to deal with the loss of a husband and raise his son, while keeping your thoughts clear and head high."

My words had an effect on her. She seemed more determined to keep her head up and her Uchiha courage high as she strengthened her resolve.

"Your right." She bawled her hand into an fist in determination and spoke once more. "You're no ordinary child, you're wise beyond your appearance may give you'll be the savior of the Uchiha clan and restore our glory and respect."

It was no secret after Madara defected that the Uchiha was looked down upon and things have been spiraling down ever since then.

"Thank you for your kind words madam, I'll see you around" I looked at Uncle Fujime in acknowledgment as I walked off.

'So I met Itachi and Sasuke's dad and Shisui's father as well' It aligned well with the timeline… oh, whatever, that's for the future anyway. For now, he was just happy that he had so many people to call family. Fugaku was his cousin and Kaname was his unrelated cousin as well.

The night went by quickly and the clan dispersed one by one after eating together until they were satisfied.

—— —— —— —— ——

Three years went by like a breeze, and Illumi was now close to being four years old. The clan labeled him as a genius, as he has the intellect of an adult who could have deep intellectual conversations, he has already started training Uchiha's clan taijutsu and beating freshly genin made shinobi in their clan at it.

Fujime, the clan head, praised him for his work ethic since he always either studied, trained or meditated. He was proud of his generation's prospects since Illumi wasn't the only one excelling and making a name for themselves.

Although not as bright or as strong as Illumi, Fugaku is smarter than the average child his age and has an indomitable will, which was a trait that would help him grow in the future. Closely behind the two the most underrated of the three was Kaname while the most lacking in skill between the three with the right instructor or Sensei his potential would definitely show itself.

The Uchiha were in high spirits, as the future was looking exceptionally bright once again for their clan.

Illumi was happier than could be, this was his dream come true and with each and every day he was one step closer to his dream and goal. It was heaven on earth for him, a true paradise. He started to get more attached to his family and clan.

But little did he know that something would ruin this perfect paradise on his fourth birthday. Something that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

visxiin visxiin

Thank you for sticking with me this chapter was incredibly long for me to write it was almost 3000 words. If you have any concerns or things and plots you want added into the story let me know!

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