After i left Naruto's House i started going towards the Hokage's Office and on my way to that right next to his house i found his old jacket and i assumed that Boruto must have thrown it out.
After arriving at the Hokage's office i saw that the door was already open and Naruto and Shikamaru had been talking about something so as soon as i entered i stopped suppressing my chakra which should have alerted them of my presence and i then threw the scroll which i found in Kaguya's Palace at him, after coming back to this dimension i did try reading it with my Rinnegan but i couldn't, i obviously could have lied or wrote a fake scroll about what i found and could have given it to him but i remembered that the Whereabouts of where Momoshiki and Kinshiki take naruto are in this scroll so i needed it deciphered just in case.
Catching the Scroll Naruto looked at me and said "Sasuke, your back you said it might take a few days before you come back"
"Yeah i found Kaguya's Palace sooner than expected, i got that scroll there"
Naruto then opened the scroll and after a few seconds he said "I See"
Shikamaru feeling left out asked "So What does it say."
"I Don't know" Naruto said with a smile
"Dont Bother even i cant read it even with my Rinnegan, give it to the Cipher Corps they might be able to find something out."
Naruto and Shikamaru both nodded at this and Shikamaru then said "Sasuke You Said Kaguya's Palace right did you encounter any trouble when you retrieved the scroll?"
"How about i show the two of you what happened i said" i said and both of them instantly agreed.
So i activated my Mangekyo Sharingan and put both of them in a Genjutsu and showed them the fight through my memories.
Soon after the fight was over and i dropped the Genjutsu Shikamaru looked very much shocked and Naruto was also shocked but not as much as Shikamaru.
"Naruto im not going to lie to you, me and you might be the only two people who might actually stand a chance at doing anything to this Otsutsuki Kinshiki and that other guy and i feel that other guy is also stronger than Kaguya, no offence but i seriously doubt even the other Kage will be of any help." i said
"Your underestimating the Kage you know they aren't weak." Naruto said.
"Well not exactly Naruto, i do think what Sasuke is saying is true, you and Sasuke are pretty relative in speed and no else currently alive can exactly match you the two of you in that department or even hope to be able to react to stop your attacks at that speed and that guy was almost able to match Sasuke's Speed and he was pretty much as good as Sasuke with a Weapon and physically more stronger than anyone i have seen and the jutsu the other guy used had elements of Wood Style in it and he didn't appear to feel threated or even try to interfere in Sasuke's Fight with this Otsutsuki Kinshiki guy and i feel at the very least he is stronger than this Otsutsuki Kinshiki guy and this Otsutsuki Kinshiki did lose his hand two times but it was also pretty much instantly regenerated both times." Shikamaru said
All of us remained quite for a few seconds and Naruto then said "So how exactly are we meant to beat this guy if he can pretty much regenerate his arm even getting it cut in half."
"Every person has a weakness, a Chibaku Tensei should seal him away or a Chidori through his heart might also work, no matter how strong his Regeneration is if his heart is destroyed he shouldn't live and even if that doesn't work i can use my Rinnegan's Human Path and take his soul out and that should definitely work and im sure we will be able to take the other guy out if we go all out." i said
"Alright, I Guess i'll also start training again its been a while since i have trained." Naruto said
I then gave him his old jacket which i found infront his house, before he could say anything i said "I Found it near your house in the street."
I then left the Hokage's Office and just as i was leaving i saw Boruto arrive.
"Sasuke-San?, did you meet my dad" Boruto asked as he saw me
"My Business with him is over"
"I S-See"
"You wanted to beat up Naruto right?"
"Yeah" Boruto said confidently
He then continued and ran towards me and said "If your going to interfere im not going to hold back, ya kn-"
Just as he neared me i simply kicked him and sent him a few places back
'What the hell i didn't even see him coming' Boruto thought
"You will never be able to even get near him like that" i said
"Lets do this" Boruto said and made 3 clones and sent them to attack me, i easily dodged all their attacks and destroyed the clones and then held Boruto and said "See now you know the level of your abilities, go home before you get hurt" i said and dropped him.
"Your awesome" he said looking at me with stars in his eyes
He then continued "Sasuke-San please make me your student."
"Im not fit to be a teacher" i said
"Please... I Have to get back at my father no matter what it takes"
"Why would you go so far to rebel against your dad?" i asked
"He broke our man to man promise, he sent a shadow clone to my sister's birthday."
I very well could have argued but i decided against it, this kid truly had a lot of potential, when i was his age i was just slightly a bit stronger than him but i had to train every day after the massacre for that and this guy barely ever trained, if he had someone to train him early on he would have been a lot more stronger now.
"Can you do the Rasengan?" i asked, his Vanishing Rasengan was very helpful against momoshiki and it would be a jutsu that helped him a lot so i didn't wanna do something in which he wouldn't create it.
He stood quite for a few seconds so i said "You can't? Well then you can't be my student, learn the Rasengan and i will take you as my student."
He was disappointed for a second but as soon as i said i will take him as my student if he learnt the Rasengan he was very happy said "Alright i will go master it right away." and he then ran the other way.
'I need to get a new sword soon before they attack again, i really doubt any of the Kage can beat Kinshiki now so it most likely will be me and Naruto against both of them, well there is still sometime left before they come so i guess i can think about getting a sword tomorrow'.