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Naruto's Revenge Naruto's Revenge original

Naruto's Revenge

Author: BlastHittheWall445

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Battle's Aftermath

Naruto x fem-Sasuke

A/N: I got this idea from another fanfiction called: 'The Wilting Leaf' by 'dontgiveashit13'. The fanfiction was canceled - though it doesn't matter cause I haven't even read the entire thing yet - but I found the idea to be very interesting, and I wanted to do my own version of it.

Warning: characters will be OOC (out of character)

*Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto*


It was over...Satsuki had won, and Naruto was defeated. But as Satsuki (A/N: Seriously, please tell me if you can think of better names for fem-Sasuke) walked away from Naruto's mangled body, she faltered.

Did she really want to leave him here, alone?

Kakashi would come get him soon, she assured herself.


She wasn't stupid. She saw how the people in the village treated Naruto. How they looked at him.

Did she- could she really leave Naruto like that? Leave him to their mercy as he desperately and futilely attempts to earn their approval.

Selfish as it may be, that wasn't what scared her most. What scared her most, was being alone.

She'd been alone for a long time now, and she thought she was used to it. But, as much as she hated to admit it, the thought of going off to Orochimaru, alone, scared her.

And if she left him here, then she'd be alone when she went to Orochimaru. She'd be trapped with a perverted pedophile on her own. Without Naruto.

Without the only person who had managed to weasel his way into her heart after her family's death.

Without the light of her life.

'No, no, I don't need him' Satsuki thought. 'He's just an idiot. He'll only slow me down.'

She hated it. She hated this feeling of dependency. She hated feeling like, without Naruto, her world would crumble. It made her feel weak. And she wasn't weak.

But it couldn't be helped. Ever since Naruto came into her life, he had given her something she hadn't felt since her family's death...

A sense of security. The feeling that he'd be there, no matter what.

Despite how much they bickered, she could tell. He cared for her. And she knew, almost despairingly, that he would be there. That she could count on him.

And without him, that sense of security, was non-existent.

She was so close to just walking away. To leaving him here for Kakashi to find later. But the aching in her heart wouldn't stop. And suddenly, memories flashed through her mind.

Memories of when she had caught glimpses of when Naruto wasn't wearing that stupid orange jacket. The scars. She thought she'd imagined them.

But it was with a start that she realized, those scars were real. And Naruto likely had a worse childhood than she'd originally assumed.

Her heart was threatening to jump out of her chest at this point. Kakashi could be here at any moment. Naruto was lying on the floor, broken. And if she left him, he'd likely experience more suffering. And she was scared...

Scared of leaving him to suffer

Scared of going off alone

Of being alone

So, she hesitantly picked Naruto up and placed him on her back. "If I'm walking through the flames of hell, you're coming with me."


"Oh, I see you brought a friend," Orochimaru said, smiling in his usual devious manner.

"The Idiot got hurt," was all she said.

Orochimaru chuckled. "Well then, Kabuto can heal him. Can't you?"

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

"Good. As for you, Satsuki, follow me. I'll show you to where you'll be staying."

As Satsuki was taken to her room, Kabuto was healing Naruto as he rested on a bed.

It was as he examined Naruto, that he discovered something on his body... A seal.

"How is he?" Orochimaru asked from the doorway. He had just shown Satsuki to her room.

"He's fine. He'll heal in due time. The nine-tails chakra is a benefit as well, of course," Kabuto said. "But I found something interesting while I was examining him."


"There's a seal. Not the one from the nine-tailed fox, but something else."

"I see... What have you been getting up to, my dear old friend?" Orochimaru said as he inspected Naruto's seal.


That's the end of the chapter. Originally, I wanted to make it longer and get to the point where Naruto finds out about the seal placed on him and all that. But I simply figured this would be a good place to end it.

But yeah, I hope you enjoyed it. I really like this idea, and so for the next couple of my installments, I'll probably be focusing on this.

And please excuse some of my bad grammar. I'm not gonna lie, I kind of rushed it. I was excited. And I'm kind of paranoid that if I don't write my ideas down quickly enough, I'll forget them.

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