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84.61% Naruto's Chat Group (Naruto X Cultivation Chat Group) / Chapter 33: Side Story: DBZ

Chapter 33: Side Story: DBZ

"An experiment where affection towards Sakura is increased while everything is the same." Naruto said as he inputted the command


Alternative world:

In the vastness of space, Naruto was sitting on a large tree that he had created on the next planet over as he wanted to be alone.

Things had been hectic after the 4th war and he had learned many things over the years. He was 24 now and gained power that was beyond anyone's comprehension, he was literal monster in flesh.

But even with all that power, Naruto was not happy as he did gain his dream of peace throughout the world and become a Hokage but love was not fulfilled.

Sakura chose Sasuke over him even after all that, he didn't understand as Sasuke barely cared for more than any other friend and actually cared more for Naruto.

'That guy is definitely gay.'

She got married last month and Naruto couldn't bring himself to break this relationship, both were his friends so he gave up but love doesn't disappear so quickly and Naruto drank heavily to fill his empty heart.

He drank all kinds of alcohol while bringing down his defenses and unleashed all the sexual desires held back from the age of 9.

15 years of concentrated lust was a strong thing and Naruto moved like storm throughout the nations, having an experience with any good looking women that accepted his offer.

Naruto went for girls that he knew first and then for the unknowns, he was a living legend so there was no end of them.

Everyone got a try and he managed to make a new legend about himself in the lands that no one had ever created.

But once he was out of the funk and his mind had cleared, Naruto realized that he had left an ocean of women and future kids across the globe.

He felt relaxed and his mind had lost some connection to the feelings he held for Sakura, which was a good thing but he went for a higher step to leave it all behind.

Naruto put Konohamaru as the new Hokage and decided to leave the world for a vacation, he also gave orders to help the women he had impregnated since it was his duty to rebuild the clan.

"Well world, I won't be seeing you for a long time hopefully." Naruto muttered as he used the new technique that he had made, basing it on Kaguya's powers.

Naruto had finally mastered this technique and even the skills of his mother to inherit the legacy of the Uzumaki clan. It was hard but he finally made improvements on the skill and created Level 3 of Hiraishin, which made a portal to another world.

The tri pronged Kunai spun in mid air and portal appeared between them, it was similar to level 2 and only difference was the location.

Naruto looked towards home one more time and then flew through it.


In another world, a place filled with aliens and beings stronger than Naruto's world, things were not going right in the last year.

It had with warriors that would dominate and make the shinobi look like children with their physical and energy prowess but even then these fighters were getting the living stuffing beat out of them by two monsters that had come from space for the magical balls that granted wishes.

Okay, make it just one monster that was beating them as the other one was just watching with a bored expression.

Naruto arrived in the middle of the battlefield, his senses were hazy and out of touch while he was also drunk on his power for the last year so it was not a stretch to see the scene take place.

Nappa one of the monsters had fired at Gohan, who was paralyzed from fear and Naruto arrived in the same place as the Ki beam.

Naruto felt instant pain as his arm was vaporized with a single touch from the beam, no resistance. Naruto moved away so quickly that no one had realized his presence except the z warriors and looked down where his left arm should be, he was shocked.

'How the fuck?' Naruto cursed as his arm started healing and looked towards the people on the battlefield

Two enemies and five friendlies when they talk, 'Bloody hell, what is up with this?

I was thinking I had reached the apex of power and these guys just made it seem easy to injure my body.' Naruto wanted to cry as all his work was equal to a monk, the kid who was only five year old was also strong as him if he tried

Naruto realized that the only advantage he held was speed as the creatures moved very slow to him, he saw that the kid was about to die along with the green man so he moved.

Piccolo thought he was done for as the beam headed for him; the power had paralyzed his body or was it the plot.

But before pain could take him, Piccolo saw Nappa on his knee cry out in pain and a blonde man had appeared on the battlefield.

Naruto's clone had attacked Nappa with a staff made of truth seeking balls while he had returned the beam to Nappa's back with Hiraishin Level 2.

The Truth seeking balls ignored defenses and erased on the spiritual level if required, to resist its affect the foe would need defense to molecular attacks.

It was the only move that Naruto had, which could do anything to these monsters as everything else would barely scratch the baldy while do nothing to the dwarf.

The battlefield turned silent except Nappa's scream of pain and curses. The Z fighters concentrated on the man that helped them while Vegeta analyzed the new enemy.

He used the scouter and smiled, "It's just another rat with 2000 power level. Except this rat seems to be fast so I guess it is time to stop playing."

"I hope that you guys would consider a peaceful alternative or I need to kill you." Naruto muttered as he stood there without showing any emotion

"They want to kill us and have already destroyed a city. They are a race of barbarians that destroy lives." Tien screamed before the helper got killed by accident

Naruto looked at them and sighed, he really didn't like killing but life always forced his hand.

"Sorry" Naruto muttered and before the two saiyans could even move, there head was erased by the black balls of death

'For strong enemies these two lacked any sort of skills.' Naruto thought as the stronger an enemy got in his world; they had matching skills that were broken.

Kaguya wasn't strong but her moves would one shot most people and her ultimate move would even destroy a solar system, the downside it required a charge time.

Naruto looked at the world that seemed to have frozen; it was common theme when he saw with his eyes as his speed had increased the world had become stand still to him.

Naruto looked towards the warriors and analyzed them, touched them and studied them before returning to normal as he would never be able to communicate with his senses working at normal rate unless these warriors reached his speed zone.

The Z warriors looked at the field and saw the two monsters drop dead with their heads missing, 'What happened?'

Was their question and then realized that the man moved too fast plus possessed something that could destroy them.

"Thank you for helping us. I am Krillin, what about you?" Krillin shoved the negative feelings at the back of his head as they were already dead before this so he was not worried

Naruto smiled at the monk approaching him as he realized that these warriors were strong and control their powers so assumed he was hiding his level as well.

"You are welcome. My name is Naruto; you don't have to worry as I am a friend and just came out because you were having a problem." Naruto replied as he shook hands with him and felt the pressure from the hand

'These guys are naturally strong. Most people would break when I even pressed a bit but I feel like I would be the one breaking if that green man pressed my hand hard.' Naruto thought and felt really bad at the picture, it was not a beautiful scene

While Naruto was not happy with the loss of his crown as the strongest being, the Z warriors were happy that the battle had ended.

"Thanks, I will repay this favor." Tien muttered as he took away Chiaotzu

Piccolo took heavy breaths as he had come close to death and just lay down on the ground while Gohan stayed by his side, crying as he realized his teacher had almost died because of his mistake.

Naruto walked towards the corpses and used Mokuton to absorb their energy before it vanished, a vine appeared from his arm and plunged into the headless body and sucked them dry within seconds.

Naruto felt his power increased by a third from just killing two men this easily; it just made all his hard work a joke.

'Man, I need to work harder now. I sense worse enemies out there and they should probably cancel my advantage. I am so done if they are faster than me.' Naruto mused as he knew the only reason he won was speed, if Vegeta was faster than he would have dodged the attack and killed him with a single Ki blast or punch

Krillin looked towards his nightmares and realized they had disappeared, 'He must have destroyed the bodies.'

Krillin thought and then saw a brief glimpse of Naruto's power; it had increased to Nappa's level.

'He was hiding his power after all.' Krillin thought and decided to invite the man as he knew friends were needed or else next time they might actually die

"Do you have time; I was thinking we could celebrate the survival of the planet?" Krillin asked in a friendly tone

Naruto looked at him and then at the battlefield, there was a lone corpse of man in a comedic pose.

"Forget about him, he will come back after a year when we wish for him." Krillin replied as he saw Naruto's gaze

Naruto was absolutely confused as to how they treated death like nothing, it was new and annoying.

'I will just follow them and learn what I need before separating.' Naruto thought and nodded

"Okay" Naruto muttered as Yamcha's poor corpse sunk into the ground while the warriors left for Kame house


"People I have come bearing new of victory" Krillin declared as he landed on the small island

Roshi and Bulma along with the small animals came out of the house as they heard his voice and saw the new addition.

"What happened?" Roshi asked as he eyed Naruto

"Our new friend helped us and killed the enemies so get ready to party all night." Krillin replied as he walked inside the hut to order the things to be delivered

"Where is Yamcha?" Bulma asked her eyes were red

"In a better place." Krillin replied without remorse

"Buhuhu, Yamcha"

"Stop your crying woman; he will be back next year." Roshi said as he walked up to Naruto

"Thank you for your assistance, accompany this old man over a drink."

Naruto observed the old man and found that he was a lot similar to his own master, 'A pervert but a strong pervert.'

Naruto smiled, he found this world truly fascinating and his heart was once again ablaze with challenge. If he had fought Nappa physically then he would have lost in a contest of power but won because of skill while fighting Vegeta would have been impossible because of the difference in strength.

The energy shielding his body would be too much for Naruto to handle and if Vegeta had gotten him with a galick gun or a charged beam then he would be vaporized instantly.

Nappa's beam wouldn't have destroyed his arm if Naruto was in his sage of six paths form at the beginning and now with the increase in power, Nappa could do everything and still wouldn't be able to do anything.

Naruto felt that his physicals had increased only slightly and the difference in power came from his energy levels increasing along with the density of the energy.

'I will need to work harder to increase my physical power or else I can't enjoy this energy increase. I am already full from just eating this much. How did they train to make their energy so dense and powerful while having such a low capacity?' Naruto mused as he shook hands with Roshi and followed him inside the hut

His eyed had stopped on Bulma for a second and felt that the guys were being too harsh so he approached.

"I am sorry for your loss. If you would like to then I am willing to listen." Naruto muttered gently while his clone followed Roshi inside

Bulma felt really sad that Yamcha had died, she was not used to people close to her dying and especially not her lover.

She was also angered by the complete indifference by the others at his death.


But was surprised by the man who had helped them survive, she was grateful to him but didn't think he would try to help her personally.

"Thanks" Bulma replied as she sat down on the beach with Naruto and made him listen to her problems, mundane and non important things that Naruto shifted with a clone within the first three minutes

'I am not wasting my sanity for a woman.' Naruto thought with a smile as he enjoyed the presence of these people

They were a lot different than the ones at home, they weren't worshipping him.

"When is Goku coming back?"

"In a few hours, he is so going to be disappointed." Roshi replied as he took swig from the mug and ate some pizza with pineapple toppings

"I prefer that over dying, you know how painful it is." Krillin shivered as he almost dropped the beer and caught it

Naruto had observed that these people talked a lot about Goku and understood that the man was the central figure of this gang, and world.

"Does Goku like to fight?"

"Like to fight is an understatement." Krillin replied as he took a bite from a burger

"A true fighting junkie" Roshi nodded

"Hmm, then he will challenge me I suppose." Naruto muttered and the two man stopped as they looked at him

"Please go easy on him" Krillin said as he didn't think Goku could grow to the level of Vegeta in such a small time frame

"No problem" Naruto smiled as he turned to look outside

"Everyone what happened to the saiyans?" Goku landed on the Island and rushed inside in a hurry

"They are dead"

Goku reacted slowly to that and took a moment to speak as he looked towards Naruto, "You killed them?"


"Awesome, thanks for helping my friends." Goku said with a happy expression, he had been in such a hurry because he knew none of his friends could survive this without help

"I don't mind and it was an interesting experience."

"Really then you don't mind if we have a spar. I am kind of really charged up now." Goku requested with a childish look, with expectation in his eyes

Naruto found the man to be really pure in a sense and he also reminded him of Lee, 'He will attack me like Lee even if I say no.'

"Okay, let's find a good place for the fight." Naruto replied as he walked outside the hut and the others followed

Naruto could sense that Goku was barely double the power of Nappa so he wouldn't have much trouble with him even if they fought directly as Naruto was used to fighting people much stronger than him.

Goku was within his limits but Naruto knew that he must have some method or else there shouldn't be any confidence in that face.

'He must have skill like 8 gates.' Naruto concluded and flew far away from the island to fight over the ocean

Goku talked a lot and asked him about many things that he vaguely answered. Naruto was hoping to get his secret so he didn't mind the battle.

Goku was filled with excitement and looked towards his foe, who was only giving off any energy level that was half his level.

'What great skill.' Goku thought as he was sure that most people couldn't hide their Ki from him

"Let us start" Naruto muttered and rushed him with a strange move, his figure spun fast and collided with his lower body

Goku found himself getting dragged by the attack and tried to get out but was kicked in the chin, which sent him flying into the atmosphere with a dazed mind.

Naruto followed that with a meteor drive as he plummeted towards the approaching Goku with an axe kick to his shoulder and Goku was sent into the depths of the ocean.

Goku wasn't even able to react to the fighter and was getting rag dolled by the superior fighter while Naruto was hurting from hurting his foe.

His fists and legs hurt from each hit, luckily he could heal or else this fight would be already over with him crippled from hitting that hard body.

'Man, this is really annoying. Guess we need to increase the heat.' Naruto thought as he increased the chakra strength and utilized unrivalled strength from his bijuu side

Steam continued to come out of his body and the power increased from the pressure. Naruto knew Goku wasn't hurt by his attacks till now so he went with this and appeared near him under water and before he could even get into a standing position, Naruto gave him a right hook to the face.

Goku was sent deep into the ground from the force and the water exploded revealing both fighters. The attack had broken Goku's nose and made him loose some teeth.

Naruto decided to stop as the battle wasn't fun when the other side couldn't fight back and returned his senses to Goku's level.

Goku stood up and spit out some blood, his mind was still dazed from the impacts that he hadn't time to react to.

'He is too fast. How do I fight him? His attacks were light in the start but the last one was powerful. I can win with Kiaoken but my speed would still be beneath him.' Goku was in a dilemma but decided that it didn't matter much because it was just a spar

"Kiaoken times 3" Goku screamed as red energy covered his body and he bulked up slightly

Naruto saw Goku become three times stronger instantly and was shocked at the rate of increase, 'he can't last with that. His body is still too weak for the technique.'

Naruto analyzed and decided to fight Goku directly using a dream world, everyone present entered his genjutsu without realizing and Naruto fought Goku directly hand to hand and matching each blow equally.

On the outside Naruto saw Goku glowing red and approached his body, touching him everywhere and entering his mind.

'So that's how it works' Naruto thought as he gained two new skills from Goku, Kiaoken and Spirit bomb. In one day he had gained four techniques, two from Krillin namely Solar flare and Destructo disc

"Okay now I need to change the battlefield and damage his body to show the battle." Naruto changed the battlefield to match the illusion results so that no one will know

He beat the defenseless Goku and sent him hurling into the ocean which matched the illusion and Goku woke when he hit the water, his body in a lot of pain.

Goku felt his bones broken and saw a hole in his leg, where it seemed to have been pierced by Naruto's foot.

"This was so good. We need to fight again later after I increase my speed." Goku muttered with difficulty but with a satisfied smile as he rose back to the surface and fished out a senzu bean

'This guy is worse than Lee. Brother, I am sorry that I compared you to this monster.' Naruto thought with an awkward smile as he saw Goku's energy increase

'How did that happen?' Naruto was confused by this event as this was just cheating


While on the beach, Naruto clone was thinking of stuffing the sand into his ear.

"You know, I found Yamcha cheating on me last month."

"Oh, that's disgusting."

"Right! I was loyal to him and even then he gave into his urges." Bulma said as she looked at him, she had forgiven the man because he was her first love

"Then why did you still follow him. Did he start the relation with the intent of polygamy?"

"No way"

"Then you are too defenseless." Naruto muttered as he patted her head while giving her a cleanup of the mind and body, she was basically too tired at the moment so it would help

Bulma found herself suddenly encased in golden energy and felt comfortable beyond words, it was just so good and she felt the need to sleep as it was so peaceful and safe.

Naruto felt Bulma fall asleep and had her lay down on his lap while he connected with the world through his sage mode.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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