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47.5% Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE) / Chapter 17: 1 year later...

Chapter 17: 1 year later...

~Omnisient Pov~




"Move! Move Move! They'll be on us!" a masked man with a rifle shouted, his voice echoing through the dimly lit alleyway.

The similarly masked and armed men sprinted through the narrow passage, their footsteps pounding against the cobblestone street. Their hurried escape shattered the eerie silence of the early morning.

Behind them, faint sirens began to wail in the distance, growing louder with each passing second. The leader, the man with the rifle, glanced over his shoulder, his eyes wide with urgency.

"W-we need to split up!" another man panted, struggling to keep up.

"Not yet!" the leader barked back. "We stick to the damn plan."

The alley opened up to a deserted street. The men paused briefly, catching their breath, their eyes scanning for the next move. The leader pointed to an old, abandoned warehouse across the street.

"Over there. We'll regroup inside and figure out our next move." 

As they dashed to the warehouse, the steps around them grew closer. They burst through the rusty door, the creak echoing in the empty space. Inside, the warehouse was dark and filled with the remnants of forgotten machinery and stacks of old crates...

"Barricade the damn door." the leader ordered. Two men dragged a heavy metal beam across the entrance, creating a makeshift barrier.

"We can't stay here long," one of the men said, his voice shaking. "They'll find us."

"Just need a few minutes to catch our breath," the leader replied, pacing back and forth. He checked his rifle, making sure it was loaded. "Everyone keep your eyes open."

The men settled into uneasy silence in the dim light filtering through broken windows, their breaths were clearly heavy and labored. And the tension in the air was thick as if each second that passed was like an eternity.

Outside, the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder. The leader clenched his jaw, knowing their time was running out.

"Get ready!" he whispered, motioning for his men to take positions behind the crates and machinery. "If whatever was chasing behind finds us, we fight our way out."

Soon, the first hint of dawn began to creep through the windows, as if purposely casting eerie shadows across the warehouse floor... The men braced themselves, the silence outside almost deafening.

Suddenly, the barricaded door shook violently. And then... It stopped...

Soon a sharp breeze passed by, "I hope so too..." A voice behind all of them muttered and a voice none of them knew of. When they turned around, they saw him. Enigma, the figure clad in an all-black fitted suit, with a dark blue trenchcoat to boot...

In a panicked state, the leader shouted, "F-FIRE!!!!" Soon, a hail storm's worth of ammunition exploded in the warehouse, all targeted at him. But as soon as the bullets made contact with him, they all bounced off his suit with little trouble.



"S-shit! We're out of bullets!" One of the lackeys shouted. As he said this, the figure in front of them all began walking towards them, slowly.

"All 238 rounds... Wasted..." Enigma muttered under his breath. He then brushed off his trenchcoat as if there were dust on it. As if the rain of bullets earlier hadn't affected him in the slightest either. In an instant, he raised his left arm and with a flick of his wrist, his nails revealed themselves, resembling extremely sharp claws...

The men stepped back seeing this. Wondering what would happen to them now. Like their instincts warning them that what was going to happen next was dangerous.


With a swipe of his arm, coupled with speeds that far surpassed the speed of sound, flashes of pressurized air blasted the men away. Some of the men coughed up blood, while others were already out cold from the sheer impact of colliding in anything at the speed they were hit with.

"The officers are already on their way... Not like you guys can even move, but~ Stay put." he said, as he walked away, he flashed his wrists again, this time carving out a letter in the floor, 'E' before vanishing into thin air.

Soon, sirens were heard in the area, with signs of the authorities arriving at the scene...


~Ezra's Pov~




'Damn... I guess it's already been a year, huh...?' An entire year of surviving this universe, and all the shit that came with it. To think I lived this long. Much less, being an actual hero too.

I quickly grabbed my new suit. A prototype... Specifically V.4 at this point. It can now successfully withstand bullets... To a certain extent, something the previous version couldn't handle without being ripped to shreds...

Over the past year and a few months, I grew an extra two inches in height. I'm around 5'9". Other than the nice height gain, I wasn't that much bigger really, maybe a good bit broader and somewhat leaner. I was proud of my physique at the moment. Though, it's hard to maintain that sleeper-like build I wanted to keep. Baggier clothes can only do so much at this point.

Another thing I had gotten into was making my very own tech. Obviously. I started with tinkering with the idea of creating my own devices first. After learning about mechanical engineering a few months after I took up my way around coding.

With that, I set up my very own safety systems in a sense. 

Specifically. a crime detecting system, or C.D.S for short. It's a lame name, but it served its purpose. And did exactly as said on the tin; I was basically in the feed of the police, CIA, SWAT, street cameras, and all the jazz that made me know where everything was and what was going on.

Continuing on that; looking back, I must have spent countless nights fine-tuning the algorithms, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the system. It practically became almost second nature to just sift through every damn data in my spare time, cross-referencing details, and making connections that others might miss...

And my little bunker? Yeah, it practically transformed into a small command center in and of itself, with an area with multiple screens displaying live feeds, maps, and alerts that I made myself by hand to potentially receive information on where to go.

'Speaking of alerts... I should be receiving one right no-'


'Speak of the devil. Oh~ I got 3.2 million dollars for this week's haul, not bad at all.'

Another thing I was interested in, was the stock exchange business. Of course, I didn't think It would've been so successful at first, but that's thanks to ECHO. She was the one who recommended me to invest in certain stocks. And now, I make hundreds of thousands to millions a week by practically doing nothing...

Finishing up my suit's diagnostics, I stood up.

'Alright... Looks like my suit is 98.83% fine. A little graze here and there, but I can find another allow to rectify that problem, hopefully soon.' 

'Oh, ECHO could you show me my statistics?'

[Of course Master;

Physical Age: 16 years / 481.55 years

Height: 5'7" --> 5'9" / 6'6"

Weight: 121.33 kg --> 176.1 kg (Effectively 76.53kg)

Physical Strength: 3.12 Tonnes --> 223.44 Tonnes / 223.44 Tonnes

Physicality: 13.45 --> 74.22 / 185.3

Perception/Reaction speeds: Mach 2.1 --> Mach 632.3 / Mach 1,334.1

Movement-Speed: 159.44 mph --> Mach 10.34 / Mach 12.33

Intelligence: Vey Intelligent --> Low Genius / Mid Genius]

'Not bad; My strength and movement speed are practically at their max now. My Physicality is nowhere near done, and my Intellect is nearing its peak as well...' That was a total sum up of everything so far.

A year's worth of training made me a force to be reckoned with, in a literal sense. My physicality is in the ranges of the low 70s; which means that I can resist forces powerful enough to destroy a small city, at least according to ECHO. Plus, I have enough stamina for a few weeks of fighting at my full strength without rest. So, I was pretty impressed by my longevity.

However, training now had its shortcomings. I still had stagnations that normal humans faced when reaching a certain point... Since I still had physical limits, it naturally became harder to grow stronger at the same rate, as well as find training equipment that could genuinely push me beyond my limits...

Now, I just focus on combat simulations with ECHO. Learning more martial arts and a few tricks. Learning how to use certain weapons like Katana, Bo-staff, Bows, Swords, and lastly, and my favorite, the Ton-fa. I'm currently in the process of making one from a combination of dense and heavy alloys, but so far, that aspect looks, grim...

On the topic of my limits, 'Hey, ECHO. I think it's time for me to exit my comfort zone... I think it's time I find more DNA.'

For the past year, I didn't inherently aim to get new powers. I felt myself becoming addicted to power gain. I didn't want that for myself. So, I prioritized hunting large criminal organizations in the area for the good of it.

And over time, I naturally tried other means to enhance myself. Those were the same things that gave powers to the guys I had defeated a year ago...

However, I realized that since I had them all already, abilities that is. The serum couldn't do much with my body, since ECHO practically made it perfect already. This was interesting news for me since that meant that the serum wasn't inherently adding new data, but simply purifying and in an odd sense re-ordering.

But, I think it's time to start my hunt again... And, I already had a few names on my list...

"Alright, I'm now initiating protocol H.U.N.T. Get me the latest news you have on powered individuals."


~Omniscient Pov~




"Whoah, he's hot," a red-haired woman passing by whispered to her friend. Both giggled to themselves, not knowing the person in question could hear them both.

Ezra had heard the comment as he walked towards the café where he worked. He smirked slightly but kept his focus on his destination. The early morning air was cool, and the streets were just beginning to stir with some life...

The café, the small but cozy place nestled between larger buildings, was starting to come alive with the clatter of dishes and the hum of conversation... Ezra smiled before pushing open the door, and immediately he was greeted by the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods.

The bell above the door jingled, announcing his arrival, "Morning, Ezra!" Lisa called out, his coworker, as she wiped down the counter. "Ready for another day?"

"Always," Ezra replied with a grin. He headed to the back to store his bag and don his apron. Despite the whirlwind called his double life, there was a certain comfort in the routine of the café.

As he stepped back into the main area, he noticed a few regulars already seated, sipping their drinks and chatting. He exchanged nods and smiles, his mind already shifting gears to the tasks ahead.

"Hey, Ezra," Lisa said as she joined him behind the counter. "You hear about the robbery last night? Crazy stuff. They say Enigma took down the robbers again."

Ezra raised an eyebrow, feigning the usual surprise, "Really? That's wild. I guess he's gotten quite a bit famous again." He's only been going by Enigma for the past three months after coming off the streets as just a nameless vigilante.

"Yeah I guess, but it's dangerous," Jenna replied, shaking her head. "I mean, what if he gets hurt? Or worse, ya' know? Who'll protect us then?"

Ezra nodded and smiled, keeping his thoughts to himself, "Let's just hope he knows what he's doing. For now, let's just get the day started."

The morning rush began, and Ezra fell into the rhythm of taking orders, making drinks, and chatting with customers. The familiar routine was a bit of a contrast to the adrenaline-fueled nights he spent as an anonymous vigilante. But he appreciated the balance it provided, grounding him in a semblance of normalcy.

As the café buzzed with activity, Ezra's mind wandered back to the C.D.S. and the alerts it had flagged earlier. He'd have to check on those later. For now, he focused on the tasks at hand, pouring lattes and serving pastries with a smile...

Earning blushes on the way.

The morning passed quickly, and as the rush died down, Ezra took a moment to catch his breath. He glanced out the window, watching the city come to life, people hurrying to and fro, each with their own stories and struggles...

However, he heard the doorbell ring again. Out of instinct, he looked up, and he was greeted by an auburn blond-haired blue-eyed beauty. Ezra scanned her where he stood, taking in every minute detail, she must have stood around 5'8". which was on the taller side for women; she was very mature-looking, maybe a year or two older than himself to boot.

Next, he saw the books in her arms, so he assumed she was likely here at the cafe to study or relax, maybe both... Still, he could count on his two hands on these surprisingly rare occasions; specifically on ones about the very rare amounts of times he was genuinely attracted to a woman, at least to this degree, and such he would openly admit if asked to.

However, he caught himself... 'C'mon man, get your shit together.' He quickly disrupted the thoughts he was developing and continued to his work. But, unbeknownst to him, she looked right back. Albeit, briefly...

Soon, he stopped and entered back into his work mode. Slowly she made her way over the register. Ezra straightened up, ready to take her order.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" he asked, his tone professional, but friendly.

She smiled with a hint of shyness evident in her eyes, "Hello, I'd like a cappuccino, please. And maybe a blueberry muffin?" She asked, almost unsure.

"Sure, coming right up," Ezra replied. He moved with practiced efficiency, preparing her order while stealing glances at her when he could. He couldn't help himself but look at her.

As he handed her the cappuccino and muffin, their fingers brushed briefly... There was a spark, a moment of connection that neither of them could ignore.

"Enjoy your time here, miss." Ezra said, his smile genuine.

"Thanks..." she replied, her eyes lingering on him for a moment before she found a table near the window.

Ezra watched her settle in with her books, sipping her cappuccino and nibbling on the muffin. He shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the next customer. But his thoughts for some reason kept drifting back towards her, a woman who had caught his attention, so effortlessly...

At first, he blamed his growing hormones, but now he knew he just liked her... Throughout the rest of the evening, she stole small glances in his direction, noting how he seemed engrossed in his work, yet she occasionally glanced upwards, meeting his eyes.

Throughout those small glances, she took her time, at first she noticed his face, he had sharp features, with healthy pale skin and lengthy dark hair that framed his features, coupled with his eyes that held a piercing blue-ish hue, 'He's so, handsome...' She slowly thought to herself.




There were not many men she could say that about in her head. Some of the guys she knew of or glanced at, she could very well easily call attractive, but not nearly as many she could actually call handsome, much less ones to this degree...

Not to mention his build. She stared at his body longer than she would dare care to admit. He may be an inch taller than herself, which didn't align with her ideal height in a man... Yet, he had felt much bigger than that.

First, he was very broad for his height. She could tell that he clearly liked exercising, emphasized by his flexing biceps, full-looking chest, and triceps she could barely catch a glimpse of, coupled with his sheer vascularity.

She shifted her legs, 'Mmm~' She moaned silently in her mind, her upper lips slightly biting down on the lower ones. Where her thoughts were anything but pleasant at the moment. She felt her eyes looming over him more as time passed...


She could feel her mind descending further.


And further...





The blond, known as Amber snapped out of her reverie, jolted by the sudden shout. She turned to see her friend, Lily, standing nearby with a knowing smirk on her face.

Her friend snapped again, "Earth to Amber?" Lily teased, waving a hand in front of her face. "You were zoning out there for a while."

Amber flushed, embarrassed to have been caught daydreaming. "S-sorry, I was just... Uhh, thinking, y-yeah."

"Yeah, I can definitely see that..." Lily replied with a wink. "Thinking very hard, it seems." A teasing tone in her speech.

"Urgh! Don't bother." Amber said to her friend.

She swiftly glanced back at Ezra, who was busy with another customer, completely unaware of the effect he had on her. She sighed, rubbing both her nose bridge and temples. Trying her best to regain her composure.

"Come on, let's find a good table," Lily said, guiding her to a spot by the window. "You can drool over your little barista crush later... Though, he is super handsome..."

Amber laughed nervously, but couldn't help stealing another glance at Ezra. There was something about him that drew her in, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Rather, what effect he had on every woman in the vicinity...

As she settled into her seat and opened her books, her mind kept drifting back towards him. She wondered what his story was, what kind of person he was outside of the café. At the moment, he seemed professional and sweet.

However, her curiosity was piqued, and now? She found herself wanting to know more about this random guy who had captured her attention so easily...









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