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50% Mystery On Crowteeth Mountain / Chapter 1: Crowteeth Mountain
Mystery On Crowteeth Mountain Mystery On Crowteeth Mountain original

Mystery On Crowteeth Mountain

Author: Tk4215

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Crowteeth Mountain

In a secluded area of northern Europe surrounded by fog all year long where the sun does not shine lay a forest forgotten by the rest of the world filled with twisted trees and poisonous plants. paths that led nowhere and others that led to one's demise, The creatures of the forest ate off of the poor souls of lost men and other queer things best left to The eerie mist encased the land creating a barrier to keep people out, unfortunately, from time to time others would come but they would never come out after being greeted from the forest inhabitants.behind the eerie forest lay a mountain reaching unimaginable heights .lying on top of this mountain was set a great stone castle.

In its former days, it was once a grand castle shining atop the mountain with towers so high a bird could not soar to the very top and its roots went deep down into the ground. the castle now seemingly abandoned was surrounded by thick thorn bushes and the fog was much thicker here, from the forest you wouldn't have seen it unless you were looking for it but who would Crow Teeth Castle had been abandoned for nearly a century.

its late inhabitants were the Crows, Descendants from royalty they had called the castle there home and ruled over the land until they started disappearing. one by one they all left.

Antoinette Crow died of The plague, Charles the Third was poisoned and Mary the second was assassinated. Avery Douglas the family friend had a chandelier fall on him. But with all the misfortune the crows still did not leave for all the other incidents made sense in away. that soon changed after teeth started appearing around the castle, fangs found in shoes, human teeth inside of cups, and trails of teeth leading into the forest but the one horrifying incident that drove them off was when the late William Crow went to check on his newborn the baby and found the child dead in its crib whilst being surrounded by teeth. The only clue they could find was a muddy boot print trail coming from an opened window inside the room yet it made no sense for the room was on the third floor. With the Crows Being Killed off the remaining Crows flew the coop as one might say and the others stayed behind not being scared o they were stubborn and not willing to leave their family home but every single one was killed off and found dead surrounded by teeth. Lady Agnes pushed down the stairs, Charles the fourth choked in the cellar and Sir Archibald Found torn up to bits in the dog house and the dogs were dead as well. Thus the castle was abandoned for all scared off or killed due to the curse of Crow teeth mountain as the locals had named it lost to time hidden amongst the forest behind the fog.

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