As soon as Xander's body had hit the floor, Phil, the teacher stood up from the floor and placed both of his hands over his head. The two kids looked around the same age, and Phil was overly confident that his students would succeed. Yet, somehow, this unknown kid had the strength to overpower his best student with just two moves.
Usually, a fight between any student vampires would be close, even with a skill gap. But this fight was different. It was as if they were watching completely different classes of vampires going against each other. Only a vampire Nobel would be able to do such a thing.
"Well, maybe this will be interesting, after all." A female leader said with a smile. She quickly licked her lips as if Peter was looking like a delicious piece of meat.
However, a few moments later, Xander had stood up from the floor and took another fighting stance. His face was covered in blood that had been gushing from his nose and was now all over his school uniform.
Second Chapter of the day.
Like i said due to me having to travel a lot today. Don't know if i will be able to do a third Chapter.
But hundred per cent everything will be back to normal.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the story so far on patreon.
I have a meeting with the studio for the webtoon tomorrow :)