/ ชีวิตในเมือง / My step dad's obsessed with my p#ssy

My step dad's obsessed with my p#ssy Original

My step dad's obsessed with my p#ssy

Author: Nick_Prince_95

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My dad left us when I was only a months old and my mum had to raise me all on her own, I'd say she did a horrible job but hey, who knows? Maybe someday she'll marry a rich, handsome man that can help her.

Oh shut wait, too handsome!

"Your mother only married me for money, I'll take you for pleasure."

"Don't touch there!"

"Why? You can't tell me you don't want it."

"No, I can't but you're married! And my stepdad."

"Who cares? I don't."

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Wow you did an amazing job please write a Fourth chapter

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