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Chapter 504: 13

Chapter 13 - Setting Things Right.

Ulbert sits in Ainz's office looking down with an expression of a child who just got caught with a hand in a cookie jar. Ainz stares at him with flames in his eye sockets, wanting to jump out and burn Ulbert to a crisp.

"A skin of a sheep!" Ainz finally says.

"Well, technically…"

"Demiurge is running a fucking 'Unit 731' style facility, and you intentionally lied to me, told me it is a sheep farm!" Ainz interrupts him, rising his voice.

"The thing is, I permitted him to experiment on criminals I just didn't imagine he would go that far. Besides Tabula wasn't much better in his experiments." Ulbert says, still looking down.

"Tabula had a purpose in what he was doing. Demiurge made a living, walking armchair out of a human. You tell me what was a point of that?"

"I admit Demiurge overdid on the messed up part a bit. But it's not that bad, they are criminal scum anyway."

"You lied to me! That alone makes me question what else you are hiding from me and others?"

"Ainz, that was the only thing, I promise. I may skip out on detail or two but I have started nothing without your approval."

Ulbert says, sounding frantic. He had suspected that hiding the 'Happy Farm' will blow up in his face one day. Despite Ainz's skeletal face, Ulbert could read some of his expressions by the way flames in his eye sockets behaved, and Ainz was disappointed and angry at him.

"Then why do the events in Slane Theocracy strangely look like something you're doing?" Ainz asks another question in an accusatory tone.

"Oh that, funny thing, I planed a similar set of events, but they did it on their own without my interference," Ulbert says with a laugh.

"Hmm, somehow that sounds like something those fanatics would do. However, don't hide things from me anymore. If you do, I will get a goat fur rug in my office. I even know who can make me one efficiently." Ainz says, while pointing at the magical scroll on his table.

Ulbert snickers and says, "Got it. No more hiding information. I want to keep my magnificent fur for a while after all."

Ainz sighs heavily and says,

"I hope we don't need to repeat this conversation. On the other note, you can go forward with the Re-Estize plan. Just keep your new talent on a short leash. If she, as a regular human, could come up with such a plan, she is certainly dangerous."

"The princess is a gem among a pile of shit, but don't worry, I can keep her under control," Ulbert says in a much more relaxed tone.

"I hope so, by the sounds of it she is the second Demiurge in terms of how messed up in head she is."

"Renner is a pretty little Hellspawn, that's for sure. But she is also smart enough to know what will happen if she tries to cross us. If she does nothing stupid in the future, I even plan to reward her with a better race."

With Ulbert leaving his office, Ainz turns his attention on next the next order of business, namely finishing up the mission in Re-Estize. Ulbert was ready to start his plan and there was no need for Sebas' or Solution's presence in the capital.

He goes to pick up Albedo who was insistent on coming with him in fears of Sebas' betrayal. As usual, Ainz couldn't convince her that there was no danger and after lengthy arguing, just gave up and agreed to take her with him.

Ainz with Albedo beside him opens the gate to the mansion where Sebas and Solution are stationed and walk through it. Both already await them with making polite bows the moment Ainz steps through the gate. A light smile decorates Solution's face and Sebas has his usual neutral expression with few drops of sweat on his forehead betraying his mental state.

Even with a quick glance, Ainz could see their moods.

"Sebas, Solution, first, I want to thank you for your work. The solution, how would you like to be rewarded for your outstanding performance?"

Overjoyed by Ainz's praise, she answers,

"Lord Ainz, If I could keep one of the Six Arms, Edström as my food and humbly ask that she is healed once every week to not expire."

"Granted, you can ask the nurses to heal her when there is a need," Ainz says, and then turns his attention to Sebas.

"Sebas, I want to see your 'pets' before we discuss your reward."

"I will bring them at once, Lord Ainz," he responds with a strained voice.

Ainz with Albedo sit down on a coach as Albedo silently growls,

"He should be punished, not rewarded!"

"Albedo, let me handle this, and no rash actions," Ainz says calmly.

"Yes my beloved, I will restrain myself."

Sebas returns with two girls in tow. First, a blonde comes into view. She turns sheet white but somehow keeps composure and holds on to Sebas' sleeve. Finally, a brown-haired girl comes in, sees Ainz, shrieks, soils herself, and then passes out, falling to the floor.

Seeing the scene, Albedo's face twists in anger, and she gets up, taking out her bardiche. Ainz grabs her hand, calming her down again. Albedo sits down but still glares at the passed-out girl while griping her weapon.

To not drag out the situation any longer, Ainz addresses Sebas,

"I know why you spared their lives. Your creator, Touch Me, would have done the same in this situation. What I want to know is, why you hid it from me?" His voice carrying no anger, only disappointment.

The question tore up Sebas from inside. He was prepared to defend his choice to spare both girls, but his master already understood his motivations. He had kept a secret from the supreme one in a misguided fear of being misunderstood.

After a moment of silence, Sebas responds with a broken voice,

"My Lord, I have no excuse. I failed your trust."

Ainz can clearly see Sebas' face showing shame and guilt. Overall, it is just a minor insubordination but with Ulbert doing a similar thing Ainz fears things escalating and potentially being kept in the dark about much more serious issues.

While Ainz thinks about how to respond blonde girl besides Sebas switches from holding his sleeve to gently touching Sebas' hand to give some consolation to him. At the same time, he feels Albedo squeezing his own skeletal hand tighter as a response to the scene in front of them.

There is something oddly familiar about the blonde girl, the shape of her face and eyes. To not torment Sebas any longer, Ainz speaks again.

"I will let this go with just a warning this time. You are forgiven, Sebas. However, do not hide anything from me in the future."

"Thank you, Lord Ainz. I am not worthy of such forgiveness," Sebas says with a bow.

"Moving on, as a reward for your excellent work you may decide fates of these two women you have saved."

"Thank you, Lord Ainz. Tuare had expressed a wish to work for us. She has rudimentary maid skills and I believe that with proper training she could become an excellent maid." Sebas says, while motioning his free hand at the blonde girl beside him.

His expression grows darker as he looks at the other one lying unconscious on the floor, covered in her own piss.

"As for this one, seeing her disrespectful display, I can only ask a quick and painless death for her."

"You wish to dispose of her yourself or prefer others handling it?"

"I will do it myself Lord Ainz, she is my responsibility."

Ainz nods and then addresses Tuare.

"You wish to serve Nazarick even knowing that we are not humans?"

"Yes Lord Ainz, I wish to work under Lord Sebas." She answers with a barely audible voice, seemingly less scared than she was at the beginning.

"Then you will work under Sebas. I am curious about one thing, however. What is your full name?"

"It is Tuareninya Veyron, Lord."

After the deaths of the Swords of Darkness, Ainz had inspected their belongings, including the journal Ninya kept. He knew Ninya became an adventurer to find her lost sister and now, in a strange twist of fate, the lost sister stood in front of him.

"Interesting, Sebas, after returning to Nazarick, bring Tuare to Swords of Darkness. They are usually found in the arena. Your mission in the capital is concluded."

Ainz then stands up and with Albedo by his hand, returns to Nazarick via the gate.

After Ainz and Albedo leave, Sebas addresses Tuare while glancing on passed-out Lusja.

"Please wait in your room, you don't need to see this."

Knowing what will happen, Tuare lets go of his hand and leaves the room. Sebas kneels beside Lusja, thinking for a moment. She had disrespected his master, one who showed kindness to those who earned it. His own creator would still spare her, Lord Ainz probably would forgive her, but Albedo and others in Nazarick wouldn't. This was the best fate he could give to the girl who gave up.

Sebas gently takes her head, lifts it, and with a swift motion snaps her neck.

"May your eternal rest be peaceful, miss Lusja. I'm sorry it had to come to this."


The overall mood in the 'Dummy Nazarick' was quite low. Cocytus with Zenberu stands in the war room, discussing strategies for advance as more and more troops arrive outside. It gives Cocytus at least some distraction to not overthink how Lord Ainz will react to his failure.

Discussion on how to distribute a now much larger and stronger army was an enjoyable distraction for Zenberu too. He had heard little of the supreme leader of Nazarick, but overall fear Cocytus displayed didn't rise any desire to meet him.

Finally, one of the liches came in and informed that Lord Ainz will soon arrive. Zenberu follows Cocytus to the throne room and sees that Grand Marshal is already standing beside the throne with her usual relaxed expression.

Then the black void of the Gate appears and everyone in the room besides Bukuma kneels in anticipation. Zenberu follows the example and kneels as well.

What came next shook Zenberu to the core. A personification of death itself stepped through the gate. Dark burning flames giving a passing glance at him were more frightening than anything he had felt before. The General, even the Grand Marshal, didn't compare to the sheer power this being radiated. If someone would tell him that supreme leader on Nazarick could wipe out his entire race with a snap of his fingers, Zenberu would believe it.

Lord Ainz stops at the throne as if judging it for a moment and then sits down with a motion of a natural ruler. He then speaks with a deep, regal voice.

"Cocytus, what is your conclusion of why the last battle was lost?"


"When did you notice this problem?"


"Why didn't you inform Bukuma of this weakness?"

Cocytus is silent for a while and then he answers with a low while voice staring at the floor,


"It was a test which you passed and failed at the same time. You clearly saw that given forces weren't enough but failed to communicate that fact. You must understand that neither mine nor Bukuma's orders are infallible laws carried out without questioning them. If you see something that you think is a flaw, speak out."

With Cocytus left in deep silent contemplation, Ainz turns his attention to Zenberu, who is too afraid to even look at him.

"I assume you are the chieftain of the conquered tribe?"

"Yes Lord Ainz, I am Zenberu, chieftain of Dragon Tusk."

"Tell me, Zenberu, how would you conquer the remaining tribes?"

"Your presence alone would be enough for them to surrender, Lord."

"I didn't ask how should I do it. I want to know how you would conquer them for me if you had armies that stand outside at your disposal?"

"I would surround them to show that there is no escape and then duel their strongest warrior to show my dominance."

"Can you defeat their strongest warrior?"

"I can't know for certain. One named Zaryusu is the wielder of a weapon, Forst Pain. He is a formidable warrior and might best me in a fight."

"Cocytus, what is your opinion of this plan?" Ainz asks.


"Then we will go with this plan. Cocytus, you will rule the forest of Tob after your conquest. Zenberu, you can be his right-hand man if you think you are up to the task. However, know this, you can't back out after you agree as this position will come with a certain gift. Do you accept?"

Ominous tone scared him. What kind of gift would he receive? The choice was obvious, as he was the weaker one: he would follow any command.

"I agree, Lord Ainz," Zenberu says after a short deliberation.

Ainz stands up from his throne and walks up to him, putting his skeletal hand on Zenberu's head. He is struck with pain as his whole body contorts and changes. His already impressive muscles grow, his scales get thicker and harder. After the pain subsides, the feeling remaining is incredible. He feels at least twice as powerful. A mere touch from this being, this God had made him so much more than he was before.

Ainz then reaches into his inventory space and pulls out two gauntlets, handing them to Zenberu. For him, they are just mid-level rare items, nothing special but in new worlds, such items are beyond national treasures.

With a power boost and new enchanted weapons, specially made for the monk class, a champion for Nazarick's side is prepared.

Ainz open's gate, and before leaving says.

"Failure is not an option. Bukuma, I trust you can continue overseeing this campaign?"

"Don't worry, Ainz, I will make sure everything goes according to plan."

With, "Excellent, I leave you to it then." Ainz steps through the gate.

Zenberu finally could let out a sigh of relief and stand up. With the anticipation of the incoming fight growing, he harbored a desire to not disappoint his superiors. Going from strongest in his tribe and slowly getting complacent to becoming a part of something larger and not even posing a threat promised an exciting future.


Hilma had spent the last few days on the border of a nervous breakdown. Things have gone from great to catastrophic. Reports came in that Zoran's carriage was found trashed and empty in the forested area. An unmistakable result of an ambush. The Six Arms gone without a trace after the attack on the old merchant's daughter.

And now a gathering of the all Eight fingers leaders was planned. Hilma knew she will have to explain her involvement in all of this and the moron, Cocco Doll, will be on the offensive, even though it was his fault, mostly.

Hilma tossed in her bed alone, not being able to sleep. Once she became the division chief, the price for bedding her was too high for most people, so she got used to sleeping alone. Also, age had slowly crept up on her as she had reached the age of thirty. Most of the nobles went for much younger women than her these days.

Zoran made the offer to run with him, and now he was most likely dead.

To finally get some sleep, she takes out a valerian root from the nightstand to make a cup of tea and leaves her bedroom. The first thing she realizes is that even for a night her mansion is unusually quiet. No drunken shouts, no moaning, not even loud talking. Have they come to off me before the meeting?

Then it hit her. She knew who have taken over her home. With quiet steps, she makes her way to the main hall and sees a silhouette of a man on the couch. Coming closer, the sharp ears and mowing spiked tail came into view. It wasn't a human waiting for her, but a demon. Wearing an orange striped suit and round glasses, he makes a professional smile and speaks.

"Miss Hilma, we have a business deal to discuss."

Hilma sits down across from him with her hands likely shaking. What are her options? To seduce, try to poison. Would it even work? Her only option was to submit and agree to basically everything.

"I see. Might I ask who you represent, Mr…?"

"My apologies for no proper introductions. My name is Demiurge and I'm sure you already know on whose behalf I'm here."

"I-I didn't order an attack on your associate. If anything, I wanted professional and beneficial trade."

"Oh, we know, that's why we have an offer for you. You will lead the Eight Fingers on our behalf and reorganize it to my master's vision."

"Yes! I will do it. Just tell me what needs to be done." Hilma says with a frantically raised voice.

"Your enthusiasm is noted. I'm sure my master will be pleased with your eagerness to cooperate."

Demiurge then stands up as a black void appears beside him and says,

"But first short orientation tour is in order, after you please." While motioning for Hilma to step through.

She goes through the gate with slow steps and appears in what looks like a large animal farm. Covered with only a thin nightgown, she shivers from the chilly night air. Demiurge takes off his suit's jacket and puts it on her shoulders, saying,

"My deepest apologies, I should have waited for you to prepare for a nightly walk."

The polite gesture confused Hilma. A demon with better manners than an average noble? The Jacket made from the fine silk feels pleasant on her shoulders. But the moment of serenity ends with a rude awakening when she notices a pile of human body parts.

What follows next is something she could imagine in her worst nightmares. Demiurge starts his tour and with great enthusiasm explains how human parts are processed and the ruthless efficiency of the entire process as they healed victims after each harvesting.

The eyes, lost of all sparks of life and intelligence, stare at her as she walks past the 'animals'. Genuine horror came when she recognized some of them as the missing Eight Fingers members. Now she understood the meaning of the gruesome tour. If she fails or betrays her new masters, she will become one of the harvested.

Then came another black void, and she ends up in a dark warm place. Demiurge lights a small lamp and countless numbers of cockroaches come into view. Hilma felt her insides twist as she saw them. Then her guide pointed to a few figures that lay unmoving.

The former members of the Six Arms. Zero, Malmvist, and Succulent are eaten from both inside and outside by the roaches. A dog-headed woman in a white suit-dress is healing them again and again as they are eaten. Hilma shivers uncontrollably as Demiurge observes her with a slight smirk.

"This concludes our brief tour. I will now take you home if you don't mind?"

Hilma can only nod as another gate appears, and she is back at her home. Demiurge takes back his jacket, gives her a folder with her tasks, bids her a pleasant night's sleep, and steps through the gate, leaving Hilma alone.

The moment gate disappears Hilma drops on her knees, hunched over, and violently vomits. Soon tears follow as she still gags with nothing to get out anymore. She can't fail, not in her worst nightmares, she could have imagined that she would be in service of someone, something so horrific. The polite and well-mannered demon made it even worse. They were fully aware of the atrocities they so casually committed.

Only when she calms down and sits on the couch, she notices a ring on a small table. It is unmistakably Zoran's ring.


Enri overlooks tables with a sigh. Nfirea, as usual, wasn't attending breakfast. She distributed stew among the goblins, leaving a portion for herself and Nemu, and then put some for Nfirea, too. Ever since he moved to Carne Enri was one taking care of him, she loved Nfirea even if he didn't notice it. For the most part, Nfirea was so absorbed in his work that he noticed nothing around him, but his smile and genuine gratitude could make Enri's day.

Goblins and Nemu eat happily and discuss who is Enri's favorite of the day by counting pieces of meat in each bowl. Even Nemu also was getting into that game, sometimes resulting in her not talking to Enri for the rest of day if she got an unfavorable amount of meat pieces in her portion.

After quickly eating her portion, Enri grabs the bowl she poured for Nfirea and walks to his laboratory. He had a house to sleep in, but he rarely went there.

Enri knocks on the door and, not receiving an answer, opens the door and walks in. Nfirea is laying on the floor unconscious looking very pale. Enri drops the bowl and rushes to him. She tries to sit him up and shakes him lightly, trying to awaken him.

"Enfi, Enfi, please wake up!"

Enri panics and tears up, not knowing what to do at first, but then remembers the blue orb Nfirea used to talk with his master. She stands up and finds it right away, picking it up and trying to speak into the orb.


A deep voice answers.

"Who is this, where is Nfirea?"

"H-He is laying on the floor. I can't wake him up. Please help."

"Lupusregina must be in the village right now. Go outside and call for her to come and help the boy."

Enri puts down the orb and runs outside shouting for Lupus. A minute later she comes back with Lupus in tail.

Lupus, seeing the unconscious Nfirea on the floor, lets out a cheerful laugh.

"Oh my, your little lover boy kicked the bucked. You will have to become an old maiden Enri."

Then orb glows, and the deep voice is heard again.

"Lupusregina, did I just heard you being happy that my apprentice might have died?"

Enri hasn't seen the sadistic maid go so pale before. Her expression is one of absolute panic. She whimpers franticly.

"L-Lord T-Tabula, I-I was just joking."

"Stop joking around and help Nfirea!" Tabula says with a raised voice through the orb.

"Yes, right away."

Lupus kneels and inspects Nfirea, and then with a relieved sigh says.

"Lord Tabula, your apprentice is fine, he just spent all his mana and passed out."

"That's a relief. Look after him for now. I will come personally to see what happened."

Enri lets out a relieved sigh as well. Until panic sets in again from the realization that one of Lords will come soon.

Meanwhile, Tabula ends the conversation and exclaims,

"Dear, I will go to Carne village are you coming with me?"

Mariposa barges into Tabula's laboratory saying,

"Yes, of course, I will come with you. You know you need to disguise yourself as a human, right?"

"Human, yes, boy doesn't know our true nature."

"I will request a ring from Albedo for you right away."

Not even five minutes later Albedo herself shows up and runs up to Tabula.

"Father, here is the doppelganger ring. Ainz asked for you to be careful and not to blow the cover."

With the realization that his carelessness almost caused his friends lots of extra problems, he takes the ring and quietly answers,

"Thank you Albedo, I will be careful."

Albedo then turns to Mariposa and says,

"Please look after him," and leaves Tabula's quarters.

Tabula puts on the ring and, with some thinking, turns into a nordic-looking man with long blonde hair and a short beard in his early thirties. Mariposa, meanwhile, hides her succubus traits, making her horns, wings, and tail disappear and turning her yellow cat-like eyes into human-looking blue ones.

Both use the gate and arrive in Carne moments later. They are met with pale and bowing Lupusregina who seems to want to disappear into the earth. Besides her stands, Enri, who also is bowing, and Nfirea is sitting on the grass outside his laboratory.

Lupus is first to talk "Lord Tabula, Lady Mariposa, Nfirea is fine just tired. I'm very sorry for my attitude."

"I would appreciate it if you could spend your energy on more constructive actions than the humor of poor taste," Tabula responds, irritated with the maid's previous attitude.

Seeing that her husband is not realizing how pitifully poor Lupus looks, Mariposa speaks up.

"As long as Nfirea is fine, there is no harm done right." She then takes both Lupus and Enri by hands adding,

"Come girls, let us give them some space."

With all three of them walking off, tabula turns his attention to Nfirea and says,

"Nfirea my boy, how are you feeling, what happened?"

Nfirea struggles to get up but Tabula stops him by placing a hand on his shoulder and saying,

"Rest, there is no need for formalities."

"Thank you, Lord Tabula. I am sorry for making you worry. I tried to make a mana potion but during the enriching process I passed out."

"Mana potion! Right, you are low on mana."

Tabula then makes a small mana transfer, and Nfirea's complexion returns to his normal tone. Feeling much better boy jumps up and with great enthusiasm explains what he was doing while leading him inside the laboratory.

To Tabulas's surprise, Nfirea had found the process of how to make a minor mana potion by using only new world materials and modified enrichment spell designed from Tabulas notes. The only thing stopping Nfirea from succeeding was the lack of mana pool for a full cast of the spell.

"Fascinating, Nfirea my boy you are a genius," Tabula says, making Nfirea blush.

"It was your notes mostly, Lord Tabula."

"Oh, don't sell yourself short. Seeing this fascinating result I want to make you my official apprentice and offer a gift."

"A gift?"

"Yes, I can extend your mana pool to its limit but the process is painful."

"I will gladly accept it, Lord Tabula," Nfirea says with determination.

Tabula touches Nfirea's head, making the boy feel intense pain for a moment. Nfirea takes rapid breaths to not scream and after a moment of agony feels that his mana pool is almost six times larger than before and has a suspicion that he can cast at least third-tier spells now.

"Lord Tabula, this is fantastic. I sense my mana pool is so much larger now." Nfirea exclaims beaming.

Tabula lets out a gleeful chuckle and looks around, locating the unfinished mana potion. he motions at it and says,

"Let's finish it shall we."

While they work, Tabula receives a message from his wife,

{ Tell your dumbass apprentice to grow some balls and confess to the girl. They both are head over heels for each other. }

{ Should we really interfere with their personal life, dear? }

{ Just give him a bit of advice. It will benefit both your apprentice and the girl. }

{ I will try. }

Now, although straining, Nfirea can finish the enrichment spell, making a prototype mana potion. Tabula inspects it and then says.

"Wonderful work, my apprentice. I will talk with Lord Ainz about proper compensation for your success. Please write the full formula and spell details and give the paper to Lupusregina. I will take my leave now."

"I will do it right away. Thank you again Lord Tabula."

"You're welcome. Oh, one more thing. I may not be the best advisor on the topic, but that girl, she is a keeper. Don't let her get away."

Nfirea gets red-faced right away and says with a stutter,

"But what if she doesn't like me?"

Tabula puts a hand on his shoulder and in a fatherly manner says,

"I see in you a younger version of myself and let me tell you one thing. If a girl feeds you and takes care of things around you, she is waiting for you to realize that she likes you quite a lot."

He then gives a light slap on the boy's shoulder and walks out, leaving Nfirea deep in thought. Not long after he is interrupted with a knock and after the invite to come in, Enri opens the door and right away asks,

"Enfi, how do you feel, I was so worried?"

"I am fine, better than ever, in fact. Lord Tabula helped a lot."

Seeing Enri's relieved smile, Nfirea gulps and decides that it is time to confess.

"Enri, thank you for everything you have done. I… I..." he feels his cheeks burning and no words coming out again. Enri still looks at him with a smile, as if waiting for certain words. Nfirea looks at her and then blurts out,

"Enri, I love you."

For a moment, Nfirea is terrified of rejection as Enri stands silently. But a mere moment later she leaps in Nfirea's arms, kissing him.


After weeks of intense training, Swords of Darkness and Clementine got their first official task as the elimination team. Giant of the East who ruled eastern parts of the forest of Tob was deemed too stupid for any kind of diplomacy and thus needed to be eliminated.

Even though Swords of Darkness hated Clementine for a good reason, Peros sent them together, forcing them to work with her.

Fortunately, the travel distance wasn't too long as they were dropped off at the border of Nazarick's controlled territory.

Swords of Darkness felt a strange excitement about the upcoming slaughter they would perform. When they were still human, each battle came with anxiety and a sense of necessity in the grim tasks they performed as adventurers. Now serving to the God of Murder gave them a purpose, a drive to spread his will upon the world.

Compared to them, Clementine was on a different level. She was a sadistic serial killer before, but now she desired nothing more than to please her God. She crept along ahead of the rest of the group. As a loner by nature, she preferred it that way. Soon she would kill, soon she would honor her God by taking the lives of the unworthy.

After a half day's walk, they reached something resembling a clearing. Haphazardly cut down and torn out trees dropped in messy piles. A clumsy wooden structure in distance was worked on by trolls, with a large troll shouting chaotic orders at the rest of them.

"Mindless animals. They have no respect for nature." Dyne grumbles.

Clementine ignores Dyne and just says, addressing Peter.

"That big one seems to be our target. Any battle plan, boss?"

"I will take on the leader. Ninya, do the initial bombardment to scare the beasts. The rest of you clear up the remaining ones." Peter responds, taking two broadswords off his back.

Because of his new race and the hard training, he already has gained monstrous strength and could dual-wield two-handed weapons with relative ease. Plus, the heavy plate armor he wears makes him more than a match for the leader of the trolls.

Ninya chants, "Boosted magic - fireball," and shoots a large ball of flame towards the building. It connects with a loud explosion, tossing heavily burned trolls all around. It clearly gets the attention of the troll leader who turns around and roars. Ninya sends another fireball in the general direction of a larger group, giving heavy burns to even more trolls and killing an unfortunate ogre among them.

Peter charges for the troll leader while Clementine and Dyne choosing targets near him and Ninya with Lakrut sniping targets from distance with magic and enchanted bow, respectively.

Clementine does precise strikes her fire enchanted stilettos blinding and maiming nearest trolls. Dyne strikes nearest targets with a heavy war staff decorated with metal-like barbs and casts steel vines on further away targets. Vines quickly grab their targets and grow inside them, making victims wail in agony. The brutal attack shatters the morale of the trolls, making the remaining ones flee despite their leader roaring to kill the attackers.

Peter meanwhile holds his own against the immense troll leader, named Guu. Peter was caught by surprise when the troll countered his attack with an enchanted weapon of his own, making him take a few steps back. Still, Peter's superior speed was enough to inflict cauterized cuts to the troll. Feeling more and more pain, Guu gets clumsy. Trolls with their regeneration speed are not used to feeling pain for long.

Peter got an opening after a wide swing from the Guu and cut off his sword-wielding hand, making him defenseless. While Guu blinks in surprise, Peter goes for a final attack and plunges a sword into the giant troll's head, killing him instantly.

With battle ending Clementine drops on her knees and says a prayer.

"We offer these deaths as a tribute to the God of Murder. May he guide our hands to end the lives of the unworthy. Hail Lord Peros the, God of Murder."

Swords of Darkness listen to her brief prayer and feel compelled to join in, repeating the words.

"Hail Lord Peros, the God of Murder."

Bonus Story - Reunion.

Tuare walks beside Sebas through the stone corridor while holding his hand. Although monstrous denizens of Nazarick treated her with indifference, mostly, she felt safe in Sebas' presence. He had saved Tuare despite fearing possible punishment from his masters.

Nobody had told her who she will meet, but she already knew. A surge of painful memories was coming back in droves. Her hard life as a daughter of a simple farmer. How local noble raped her in front of her younger sister. She was taken away by the same noble because her family couldn't pay taxes. How she was sold off as a cheap piece of meat to be abused by everyone around her.

The irony of feeling safer among monsters than humans was not lost on her. She knew Sebas was not a human; it didn't matter to her.

They reached the end of the corridor, ending up in the sixth-floor arena. Her little sister, Ninya, trained with her team. They didn't notice her. Tuare and Sebas stood and watched how they battled summoned beasts. Tuare lets out a loud yelp when Ninya casts a fireball, killing a beast with an explosion.

It caught the team's attention and Ninya turns her head. For a moment she is not registering what she is seeing. With careful steps, she approaches Tuare, not fully believing that it isn't just a cruel joke. When the image of her sister doesn't disappear, she breaks into a run with a shout.


Ninya grabs and tightly hugs her long-lost sister, not even realizing how strong she is now. Tuare gasps,

"Celi, you are crushing me."

Ninya releases her grip and embraces her sister more lightly and sobs,

"Tuare, I finally found you."

While her sister is shedding happy tears, Tuare just hugs her back, but her own tears don't come. At some point in her life, crying or feeling something lost all meaning. She pats her little sister on back quietly saying.

"It's alright I'm here now Celi."

After breaking hug Ninya's expression changes to a serious one,

"Tuare, I don't go by that name anymore. When they… when they took you, I ran away from home to search for you. I called myself Ninya. That is how my team, my friends, know me. And… and there is another thing."

Ninya gets quiet for a while as Tuare looks at her questingly.

"I am not human anymore."

Ninya says and looks at her sister expecting shock or anger or anything, but nothing changes. Tuare just looks at her and then says,

"You are my sister it doesn't matter, human or not."

"It doesn't bother you?"

Tuare smiles lightly and shakes her head. Ninya smiles back, then grabs her sister's hand, dragging Tuare towards her team.

"Come, I introduce you to my friends, you going to like them."

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