/ Fantasy / My Sith System

My Sith System Original

My Sith System

Fantasy 2 Chapters 53.6K Views
Author: Allazar

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Freedon Nadd has done everything in his ability to make the Jedi order proud. He has trained both his saber ability and his force ability to great hights earning him the title “Prodigy”. However due to a mistake he’s on the run, exiled from the order, and forced to hide on a desolate wasteland of a planet called “korraban”. However the force has other plans and as he uncoveres an old Lord's tomb he hears the answer to all his problems.

“Ask me of my heritage, and I shall tell you. Ask me of my ambitions, and you shall know them. Ask me for my hand in battle, and I shall likely lend you both. But ask me the secrets of Sith alchemy, and I would ask you for three measures of blood: one from a person you love, one from a person you hate, and one from yourself”

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Author Allazar