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15.38% My own Isekai story / Chapter 2: The beginning after the end

Chapter 2: The beginning after the end

In a fully white space, there resides the same young man from before with a calm expression as he rests on the floor, completely unaware that he's about to experience something that is completely beyond his dreams.

"Wake up child, you've already slept for way too long. A harsh destiny awaits you but fear not, cause only those with determination can prevail." A sweet and loving voice could be heard, a voice that could easily move millions if not billions with a simple word.

Affected by this sweet voice, the young man could only wake up regardless of how strong his slumber was, this is due to how weak mortal souls are when compared to those of Gods.

The young man slowly woke up and as soon as he did, he looked around with a calm expression. Upon finding himself in a completely unknown location the young man couldn't help but to ask. "Where am I?.... Is this death? Or am I perhaps in a dream?.... and arrrrhgg!.... What is this pain I feel?.... I heard a beautiful voice like none other telling me to wake up, just what is going on? Arrrhhgggg!!" the young man soon lost himself in his own thoughts as a sudden pain attacked him, not understanding all the thoughts that continually formed in his mind, the pain only increased.

In the midst of such pain, the young man who had already gotten up kneeled on the ground with various contractions and his veins could be seen on his very own soul, as a human and a mortal, this young man was facing something that no one should, his soul is very weak, in fact, the weakest among the ones present in {Sacred end} ritual.

"calm down! I have to calm!! *huff* *huff* *huff*" Breathing very heavily, the young man slowly calmed down as his soul faced the pain and it decreased bit by bit.

"Ok *sigh* one thing at a time, first..... Wait a second, I... I...." The young man fell into tears upon realizing something, he got distracted by all the new information and the pain so he only thought of it now.

"Who am I?!.... I don't even know my own identity!! How... just how am I supposed to live? In this weird place with no one, no knowledge, no identity!!" Thinking about his situation for a bit the young man who was in a fragile state of mind fell into frustration.

"Someone! Is there someone here!! Please, someone, help me!!!" Not knowing what else to do in such a situation the young man screamed for help but to no avail, since as expected no answer came to him.

The young man gave up after a while and just laid down on the floor with tears roaming his eyes for a while until he could once again compose himself.

"What do I do?.... Should I try to search for a way out?.... I have no other option after all" The young man decided to try and look for a way out, he knows that answers to his many questions won't come unless he finds a way out and someone to ask.

Not losing much time, the young man got up and moved from the spot where he was laying down and just started walking in one direction, since the place where he is, is nothing more than a fully white page with nothing in it.

Deciding that the best option is to just walk on a straight line until he finds something the young man just walked on for hours and hours straight.

"How long has it been? This so boring, but despite all the walking I'm not that tired, did I maybe exercise a lot in my daily life? Hehe, who am I trying to fool? With such a slender body I wouldn't doubt it if someone told me I have never exercised in my whole life." the young man having no other options found his only escape the be talking to himself.

"This place is so unreasonable! How will I have hope of ever leaving if I don't feel or see that I moved in the slightest.... Am I really moving?...." With this question now in his mind, the young man decided to leave something behind and so he took his shoes off and left them there, as for why his soul has clothes only God knows.

After leaving his shoes behind, only his socks remained and the young man continued walking not giving up in the slightest and determined to save himself, from this place that is sort of hellish for this young man.

-10 hours since the start-

The young man has no idea of how long he walked for but it seems to have worked since he hasn't met his shoes yet, or at least he hopes it's that way.

"I'm really tired! Just how long do I have to do this?!... I don't have to walk forever, I'll rest for a long time...." The young man decided to sit down and rest since it's been a long time since he started walking or so he believes.

In reality, he walked for a total of 4 hours but since he doesn't have a watch or a phone on his, there's no way for him to keep track of time.

"Lost in nothing, what can I do? Will I ever escape? Is there any reason why this is happening to me? Am I being punished for my actions in the past?... I really just wish I at least knew something about myself..." while in a very sad mood, the young man had no choice but to continue and hope that one day this will all end.

The young man fell asleep with a lot of unanswered questions in his mind and felt that his hope and desire to survive are the only things that keep him going.

[Contestant number 3,000,464,476,976#. Prologue trial..... Failed. Restarting from savepoint..... No savepoint found. Restarting from the beginning point..... Error found. The contestant has been found to have special protection, an additional 10 seconds to wake up before the trial is restarted if contestant wakes up the failure will be nullified]


"Mom, let me sleep! I only need some days." the young man said as he slept, unaware of the process going on around him.




[Contestant number 3,000,464,476,976#. Has missed an additional 10 seconds chance. The process of restarting will now commence... Complete. Transferring contestant to initial spot.]

Just like that, an unknown floating screen gave warnings to the young man who was too deep in his sleep to wake up.

-21 hours since the start-

After an 11 hours sleep, the young man woke up and calmly got up.

"Well, another day in white space starts" More determined than yesterday the young man got up and immediately got on the way, but then he remembered something.

"Am I going in the correct direction? How could I forgot to mark the correct direction before going to sleep!!.... I can't panic.... I have to try again, I'm feeling better than yesterday and the pain no longer bothers me, also thankfully I don't seem to feel hunger, well enough, I can't lose any more time" The young man realized his mistake but it would be of no use to cry over spilled milk, so he decided that whatever the outcome he would deal with it.

So the young man started walking and once more in this empty space, he walked for hours until he found something that made him very frustrated.

"No! Why am I so unlucky?! Why did I have to literally go the opposite direction to the one I should be going!?!" The young man let out his complaints as he looked at his shoes that look the same way he left them.

"*Sigh* you know what? I'll, I'll just take this one with me." sighing and giving up in getting mad, the young man decided to take one of his shoes to avoid making the same mistake then just turned to the same direction he came from and resumed walking.

-1 day since the start-

It has been 3 hours since the young man woke up and resumed walking, he has no other option but to walk, his tiredness is not on the level one would normally be after walking for 3 hours which the young man himself isn't aware since he doesn't know how much time has passed, but he assumes that it's been one day and some hours which is not so far fetched from the truth.

Now that both the concept of time and space are broken, the young man is very lost on what to think of reality in general. He wishes for all of this to be a dream but he's not going to wait and find out, he knows that if one wants the problems to go away something must be done otherwise only more problems await.

-1 day and 5 hours since the start-

By now the young man has been walking for 8 hours and his soul is tired, but he doesn't intend to stop for a little tiredness.

"I can't stop now, I have to go on, I don't have any other choice. There's nothing here and no clue to how I can work it out of here, my only way of getting out is to find an exit myself!" The young man keeps convincing himself that he's doing all he can and it's not a lie but it's also not absolutely true, yet if we consider it from his point of view it's actually absolutely correct.

So not giving up the young man continued on his path, without stopping.

-1 day and 9 hours since the start-

It's been 4 hours and the young man is still walking, by now he has already gotten used to the feeling of tiredness. Not giving himself any rest the young man didn't want to accept that there's no way out and he'll persist for as long as he can.

"I can't stop! I can't stop! I can't stop!" the young man keeps telling himself.

-2 days and 4 hours since the start-

The young man has been walking for a total of 31 hours now, and things are very hard on him. His soul is now barely able to walk and every single step he takes is more painful than the last one.


Before he knew it, the young man fell down of exhaustion but that didn't stop him with his right foot's shoe on his left hand, the young man used his arm and his legs to crawl forward.

"I'll get out of here!" the last bit of strength the young man shouted weakly and before he fainted he positioned his shoe in front of himself pointing towards the right direction, to avoid the same mistake as before.

After putting his shoe down the young man no longer had strength, he fainted into a deep sleep.

At that exact moment, a floating screen appeared.

[Contestant number 3,000,464,476,976#. Prologue trial..... Failed. Restarting from savepoint.... Savepoint has been found. Securing teleportation to savepoint.... Process complete]

Once again, the young man disappeared leaving only his right foot's shoe behind.

Darkias07 Darkias07

what an unlucky guy. Thanks for reading.

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