After talking to the faculty members, I trained with Adrian again, then returned home. I headed to Leo's house to see if Leo is back yet.
"Uncle Evan, where's Leo?" I asked.
"Leo..." Uncle Evan turned his hands into fists. "Have been arrested."
"What?!" I exclaimed. "On what charge?"
"Arson and attempted manslaughter."
"But there's no probable cause!" I shouted.
"Yes. But the police can still hold a person for up to 48 hours before submitting to the judge the reason for arrest and the probable cause."
"So that's what you were planning, Mike." I thought, gritting my teeth. "You'll pay for this!"
[This section is written in Leo's POV] (Wednesday)
Leo waited for the whole day for the lawyer to come back. He was stuck inside a holding cell, alone. The lunch given by the police officers were unpalatable and malnutritious, making him starve. When Mr. Burner finally arrived, it was already 5pm.
"Mr. Burner, do you have any good news?" Leo asked in a hopeful tone.
"I'm afraid not, Leo." Mr. Burner replied.
Leo's face immediately turned ugly. "What happened."
"I was unable to get your release due to the fact that the prosecutors have not submitted the probable cause for the arrest yet." Mr. Burner's voice was stable, he reasoned with a slight sympathy.
"Then when can I get out of here?!" Leo shouted.
"Don't worry, the longest time they can hold you is 48 hours." Mr. Burner reassured.
"48 hours?!" Leo exclaimed.
"I'm afraid so. I'm already drafting a wrongful arrest lawsuit for you. We will file the lawsuit tomorrow morning, but it might take some time for the initial hearing with the judge. By that time, you would've already been released." Mr. Burner explained.
Leo laid on the hard metal bed inside the holding cell. The only thing in the cell was the bed and a open-air toilet. He was wondering what Hunter was doing to try to distract himself from his current predicament. He started imagining Hunter's ridiculously handsome face smiling at him, his magnificently sculpted upper body emnating a masculine charm, his erect c*ck that was thick and long leaking prec*m, his long legs and calves that were filled with strength. Leo immediately turned hard. He engaged himself within his imagination and lost himself to sleep.
[This section is in Hunter's POV]
When I woke up on Friday, Leo is still not released yet. Since he was arrested 2 days ago at 9am, he must be released by 8:59am today. However, the debate will have concluded by the time Leo arrived. Therefore, I informed the teachers before the opening ceremony that I will attend the debate in Leo's stead.
I sat on my usual seat within the gymnasium, with the seat on my left empty due to Leo's absence. After a few announcements made by the teachers, the Student Council President candidates and I are invited to come up to the stage.
The debate occurs for 1 hour in total. It consists of the 5-minute opening speech, made by each candidate, with no interruptions allowed. Then come the debate, where each candidate are allowed to examine or criticize other candidates' policies. The final 5 minute consists of the concluding speech, with no interruptions allowed.
I was standing on my podium, which is located the third from the right, with Mike Alexson on my right and another candidate on my left. The right most candidate get to start the speech first.
All of our speeches were simply rehashes of our speeches from Monday.
When the debates came, I was instantly attacked.
"Hunter Lee, it is highly responsible for a Student Coucil candidate to be absent during the debates. Why are you representing Leo on his behalf? Is he in police custody as the rumors suggested?" One of the candidates asked.
"Leo has caught a serious flu a few days ago, preventing him from attending this event. Louis Wong, please refrain from engaging in rumormongering. The rumors that Leo is an arsonist is completely false and honestly insulting. For a presidential candidate to ignore the facts and engage in baseless accusations is disgusting. Is this how a president to act? Accusing a student of crimes he did not commit? A representative of the student body should not be this petty and unreliable." I rebutted.
Louis' face immediately turned ugly, however he did not make a retort.
"Wow!" Mike clapped from his end, "I must say, this might be unrelated but it's the first time I've seen THE Hunter Lee spoke so much, and it's for Leo as well!"
The audience started laughing.
"But it remains the fact that Leo Wilson is not here right now. Although you might be temporarily representing him, how will we know if any policies you say will be adopted by Leo? Can you guarantee that everything you say in this debate is the will of Leo Wilson?" Mike asked.
"I can guarantee it." I replied curtly.
"How?" Mike said.
"Because he is mine, so everything I say is what he will say as well." I reluctantly said. Although this isn't technically true, this would effectively make Mike shut up for good, so I said it.
The women in the gymnasium started screaming in excitement. The hype around my groundbreaking announcement made Mike drop the topic and continued on.
For the next 45 minutes, Mike repeatedly attacked Leo's policies. His mind was nimble and quick and was able to defend his own policies while attacking others at the same time. I was stuck in passive mode, since I do not know about Leo's policies in depth, causing me to be unable to say anything when Mike and the others struck at the weak points of Leo's policies.
After painstakingly enduring minute by minute, it was finally time for the closing argument. I simply rehashed what I said at the beginning and explained why people should elect Leo above others.
Although I have defended Leo's innocence in the arson case, there were still many people accusing him on the internet. However, posts of my 'declaration of love' to Leo quickly overran the school forum. There was actually someone who sneakily filmed my declaration and posted it online, immediately making it viral within seconds.
"At least this drowned out some of the unpleasant posts." I thought to myself.
After classes, basketball practice and training Adrian, I returned home to find Leo sleeping on my sofa in the living room.
"Leo?" I exclaimed. "What are you doing at my house?"
"I was released this morning and spent the whole day at my house already so I got bored and came here." Leo replied.
I took a look at him. Leo's pace was paler than before. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked physically skinnier than before.
Seeing Leo's current state made me feel sorry for him and at the same time my hatred for the perpetrator deepened.
"What happened to you?!" I shouted.
"Hm..." Leo stared at me groggily. "I just didn't like the food that they gave me."
I immediately headed to the kitchen to make Leo some porridge to warm his body.
Leo simply watched me cook without moving.
"Hunter?" Leo asked for attention.
"I like you." Leo said softly.
"Mhm." I furrowed my brows.
"Go out with me on Sunday." Leo pleaded.
I stared into Leo's eyes and sighed. "Fine."
Leo's face immediately brightened, his pale face became a little more colored.
After I finished cooking, I handed the porridge to Leo.
Leo took a sip, then said. "Mhm... I still like Hunter's cooking the best." He smiled sweetly.
I could not bare to look, so I tilted my head away from him.
Leo was already very sleepy due to his lack of sleep from the previous two days, so after he finished the food he immediately went into a food coma. I washed the bowl that was filled with porridge and carried Leo gently up to my room. I tucked him in my bed and kiss him on the forehead.
Later, I entered the master bedroom and made a call to a certain number.
"Hello?" The voice said in a lazy tone.
"We need to talk." I said. "Meet me at the XX Training Center tomorrow."
"Certainly, Mr. Hunter. What is it you would like to talk about?" The voice asked.
"I'll tell you that tomorrow." I hung up the call.
I headed back to my room and slowly sneaked onto my bed, laying myself next to Leo. I wrapped my hands around him and stared at his face. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of Leo and revenge.
The next morning I headed off to the XX Training Center again. Leo was still fast asleep when I headed out. When I arrived at the center, the person I talked to yesterday showed up at the front door waiting for me.
"It's great to see you again, Hunter." The person said in a pleased tone.
"Mr. Walker." I replied.
We headed to a normal office located somewhere inside the training facility. The office was completely empty, with the only office supplies being there being a desk and two chairs. I sat on the chair across from Mr. Walker. Mr. Walker sat down and simply smiled at me.
"How may I help you today, Hunter?" Mr. Walker asked.
"There are 3 things that I would like your help with." I stated.
"Go on."
"First. My father told me when he left that he will be back home in two weeks. It's been three weeks now and he still isn't home. Where is he?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you your father's location since the mission he is currently participating in is classified." Walker continued smiling. I found that smile to be very annoying. "However, I can decisively say that he will be back soon."
"How soon?"
"Soon." Mr. Walker reiterated. He looked like he did not want to continue on with this topic.
"Fine. Second thing. I want you to make a person called Joseph Parks confess that he committed the crime of arson this Tuesday on my school's campus."
Mr. Walker raised an eyebrow, "Did he actually commit the crime?"
"Yes he did. But I know he would not admit it. Please make him admit to his crimes and absolve Leo from all the accusations against him." I also briefly narrated to him my investigations from the previous few days.
"And how would you like me to do that, Hunter?" Mr. Walker asked, still smiling.
"I don't care how you make Joseph Parks talk and I don't care what methods are used. For the situation with Leo, you can get a signed affidavict from Parks stating that he committed the crime and post it all over the social media, the school online forum and our school board. Any other methods are fine as well as long as Leo won't get slandered again. Oh and absolve Leo a few days before the Student Council elections, I want to obtain some guilt votes from the students."
"Wow, you are very decisive, Hunter." Mr. Walker joked. "Ok. Consider it done. What else?"
"I want you to..."
After giving out my 3 requests, it is time for me to face something unpleasant: compensation.
"Mr. Walker, how would you like me to pay you back for your services?" I asked.
"With your body." Mr. Walker licked his lips and said pervertedly.
"That's all?"
"I was joking! I was joking!" Mr. Walker raised his palms up in defeat. "God, you can't take a joke, can you? Just like your father."
Mr. Walker then turned serious. "You will owe me 2 favors. I can cash in those favors anytime I want. Is that alright with you?"
"That's fine, but I must know what the favors are at least a day before I commit to it. I must also have the power to refuse your favors if I decided that they're not beneficial to myself." I reasoned.
"Deal." Mr. Walker smiled. He took out his right hand. I raised my right hand in tandem and we both shook our hands. "May we have a pleasant partnership."
"Don't jinx it." I snorted.
After I finished my training and returned home, I found Leo working on my computer. He was posting things repeatedly all over the social media. When he found me staring at the computer, he said. "You did well in the debate yesterday." Leo complimented.
"It would have been better if you were up there." I replied.
"Mhm. Don't worry, I won't fall for a trap again." Leo puffed out his chest, acting brave.
I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair.
"Also, you will protect me right, since I am yours." Leo teased.
"Stop. I only said that to stop that ugly bastard from speaking." I said.
"Whatever you say, Hunter." Leo smirked, acting as if he did not believe me.
After surfing the net for awhile, he said to me, "I think we can get second at the primaries on Monday."
I nodded. "I think so too."
"Although I was caught in that arson scandal, I think that the lower year students would still prefer a junior representing them than that jackass and his corrupt father. Also, Mike would need to wrestle the votes with the upper years." Leo reasoned. "However, we will still be blown back from being a frontrunner due to the damage of my popularity."
We stopped talking about the future elections and headed down to play some video games. Afterwards, I cooked dinner for both of us and we headed off to sleep.
The next day, as I promised Leo I would go on a date with him, I reluctantly dressed up. I wore and black blazer with a white and blue a striped shirt and navy blue long khaki pants. I also brought a pair of sunglasses that was originally worn by my father. I gelled my hair to make it look more stylish and cut my fingernails.
Leo, meanwhile, headed back to his house to prepare as well. When I was finally done dressing up, he was already standing at my front entrance. I stared at Leo. He was wearing a white t-shirt that says: "I <3 Hunter" With the words being in black print and the heart in red. He wore a grey-colored damaged jeans and a N*ke A*r M*x.
"Let's go!" Leo said excitedly. I was pulled along by his hand.
We took a coach bus and headed to an amusement park filled with different attractions. Leo, who was a big fan of rollercoasters, immediately lined up for the most frightening-looking one, which had a huge initial drop and three circular loops and a final even longer drop. I, however, did not like to ride the rollercoaster but I was forced to come along anyway.
Leo started screaming as soon as the rollercoaster rushed downwards. His scream along with countless others and the sound of the wind completely caused me to become deaf. The unpleasant motion of swaying made me close my eyes.
After the ride, Leo wanted to go again but I forced him away, stating, "Why don't we take a look at the other attractions first."
Leo pouted but he complied. We later bought some cotton candy to eat, although most of them were eaten by Leo. Afterwards, we played the spinning teacup ride. I don't really get motion sick due to my training so I didn't feel anything during the ride, making me feel quite bored. Leo, however, was gladly enjoying the spins, shouting, "Hunter! My head is spinning!"
Later, we went to a haunted house. I originally hope this would bring me some enjoyment, but I was quickly disappointed. Leo and I walked inside, hearing the creepy soundtrack being blasted from somewhere and blood stains coated on the walls. However, since I've seen real blood stains before, the coatings here just look fake. The first monster that approached us suddenly was a ghost. Leo saw the ghost, but insted of crying, he laughed. "Pfft." Leo tried his best to stop laughing but failed. "Hunter! Hahahaha! The ghost's face is so funny! I'm dying!" He grabbed his stomach and gasped for breath. I rolled my eyes, feeling sorry for the employee behind the ghost.
We then saw a less than appealing serial killer who was carrying a chainsaw with both his hands, his whole body covered in blood. Leo yawned. "I'm bored, can we get out of here?" Leo asked.
"Rawwah! I'm going to kill you!" The serial killer roared.
"Okay. Whatever. Hunter, let's go." Leo nudged me.
I made an apologetic smile to the serial killer and continued walking. We then faced an ugly looking witch. The witch made a rotten laugh, stating, "Ooh! Fresh meat! I'm going to turn all of you into frogs and slice you up to pieces to make soup!"
"Oh, it must be terrible having that face." Leo made a face of sympathy. "It will be hard for you to get a boyfriend."
The person in the witch suit wanted to hit the customer.
I pushed Leo along to the exit.
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