"My body feels lighter than usual."
This was the first thing that I had thought to myself when I woke up today. As I opened my eyes, I looked around and gazed upon the rather familiar scenery. However, even though I've laid on this bed, slept in this room many times since I was child, the room itself was still not my own.
"Strange, I thought I returned back to my own home yesterday night to sleep in my own bedroom. How did I manage to wake up in Leo's bed instead?" I thought to myself, squinting as the morning sun shined through the window.
There was a peculiar feeling within my mind, as though something was wrong, but I have no idea what it was. Once I stepped out of the bed, I couldn't help but wobble a little bit, unable to balance myself for a few seconds there. Initially, I had attributed my misstep as a result of my brain still not working in peak condition, but instantly rejected the idea since my body had been trained to remain steady at all times.
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