The next day, Leo have announced on various social media, the school online forum and the school board that he is going to hold a mixer at a karaoke bar next Sunday. The activities include but are not limited to: speed dating activities, karaoke, group dating, girlfriend interview with Hunter, etc. I was very reluctant to engage with the fangirls, but I've promised Leo to do this so I could not back out now.
Leo asked his dad to book the entire karaoke bar last night. Uncle Evan agreed with the condition that he must always get high marks and finish his homework in the future. Leo is also going to announce the Valentine's Day chocolate thing in an opportune time -- maybe sometime right before the actual elections. Due to the promises I made yesterday, Leo asked me to go out with him this Sunday. I sighed.
With all the preparations done, all that was left is to see what Mike Alexson will do in the next few days and plan for countermeasures.
Leo hummed gleefully as we headed off to school. Father, who left late last night, did not return home today. Therefore, I only had to make breakfast and lunch for myself. Leo held my arm around his and started tickling me as we walked along the pavement.
"Stop." I furrowed my brows. Although I'm not afraid of being tickled, I do not want to be seen doing these sorts of things in public. Leo, of course, ignored me.
In retaliation, I ticked him back. I landed my fingers across Leo's sides and under his armpits, before sliding my hand down his cute little stomach. "Stop! Hunter, it's so-! Ahahaha! Ticklish! Hmmmmm!" Leo wanted to stop himself from laughing and begged for me to stop.
"You reap what you sew." I replied, biting the tip of his ear.
Leo's ears immediately turned red. His eyes were watery after being tickled to death and his mouth was open, panting hard. I could not help but take a photo of his face and saved it into my files. After we arrived in school, there were many freshmen who surrounded Leo, shouting and screaming his name. "Long live Leo!"
I facepalmed. They were so happy just to have a glimpse and speak to a woman that I kind of feel sorry for them. This is what happens when you are controlled only by your hormones.
The women, on the other hand, blushed when they saw me and looked away. I almost attempted to roll my eyes but unfortunately, I have to maintain my stature.
Lunchtime. Rebecca saw us and raved. "Hahahaha! Girlfriend interview! Hahahahahaha!"
Instantly, James blushed.
I rolled my eyes, "Can you be quiet! This isn't even my idea to begin with. Besides, the whole interview thing is a hoax just to get the girls to attend the mixer, okay?"
It was then that James asked shyly, "C-can I attend the mixer as well?"
"Are you sure you can handle it, James?" Rebecca wrapped around James' shoulders and laughed. "Those girls are quite fierce you know? They might eat you up and throw you to the side after a night. It's better if you just stay with me. We should just go and study together at the library!"
"You're just saying that so you can copy my homework during the weekend and force me to tutor you Maths." James rolled his eyes.
While Rebecca and James were bickering, Leo started conversing with me.
"If Hunter actually gets a girlfriend next Sunday I will tell her all the things you did when we were children." Leo chided.
"I did not do anything in my childhood that would warrant any embarrassment." I retorted.
"Really, what about that time when you thought the girl was trying to steal my pencil, and you actually-" Leo started speaking with a cheeky smile.
"Stop!" I shouted. "That was because I thought she's trying to harm you!"
"She's just trying to get my attention."
"She could've just directly talked to you or something..."
Leo started talking about our childhood while I tried desparately to shut him up.
"Stop talking! I'm not gonna get a girlfriend anyways, that's too much of a pain." I seriously said.
"Not because you're in love with me?" Leo gave me a seductive smile.
"Who's in love with you." I rolled my eyes.
I returned at night to find my home empty. Waiting for my father, I started hand washing my father's blood stained shirt. I grabbed a large bowl filled with water and laundry detergent and started rubbing the stained part of the shirt.
The water started to be filled with a crimson color, with bubbles floating on top. After washing the shirt, I hanged it in the garage to make it dry quicker. Father returned after I finished washing his shirt.
"Welcome home, Father." I greeted.
Father nodded. When he walked past me to get up to the master bedroom, I found a faint smell of gunpowder coming from him. I followed Father to the master bedroom, helping him hold the trombone case while he changed. I opened the hidden room and placed the sniper rifle back inside gently. Then, I placed the case on the side.
After throwing all the dirty clothes to the laundry basket, Father headed to the bathroom completely naked. I followed him inside to help him. "Let me help you, Father."
Father nodded. He was used to being helped by me the past few years.
First, I took off my own clothes and threw them in the laundry basket, then I removed the cotton wool from Father's closed wound and turned on the shower, having it face away and waited for it to warm. I grabbed a body scrubber and dipped it in soap.
After Father sat on a small chair in the shower room, I soaked the body scrubber with water, before scrubbing Father's back. The gentle scrubbing motions gave Father a pleasant sensation.
"Mhm..." He gently moaned in pleasure.
After scrubbing his back, I started gently scrubbing his front, facing my father while standing. Father closed his eyes and simply let me scrub him down. After cleaning his upper body, I started rubbing his private area and his lower body. I found a few new scars located on his knees and ankle.
I took the showerhead and had Father stand up, I scrubbed him all over, washing the bubbles away from his body.
Father headed out of the shower room while I continued showering by myself. By the time I headed out, only wearing my towel to cover my private area, Father had already wore his underwear and gone to sleep. I headed to my bedroom to grab my pyjamas and wore it on. Afterwards, I threw the towel in the laundry basket and climbed on the King-sized bed next to Father.
I scooched myself over, planting my face close to my father's chest and curled up onto a ball, completely placing my security in my father's hands.
I woke up early next day to make breakfast for my father and I. While eating, Father asked a strange question. "Did you talk to anyone from Ares International while I was gone?" He asked in a calm tone.
I nodded. "Yes. I've talked to Mr. Walker a while ago."
Father furrowed his brows. "What did you talk about?"
"I was trying to enquire your location since you still have not returned home after almost three weeks. I also wanted to ask when you will be coming back. Mr. Walker did not answer either questions." I replied in a gentle tone. I did not want my father to worry about matters relating to my school so I did not mention about the two favors that I owe Mr. Walker.
Father nodded. "Unless absolutely necessary, don't talk to Walker in the future. I don't want you to be involved in Ares' affairs."
I nodded back in acknowledgement.
Father took me to the XX Training Center as usual. However, instead of spending time with instructors, Father have booked a room and started training with me. We started from hand-to-hand combat to armed combat. Later, we headed to the gun ranges to practice our aim.
After lunch, both of us went to the training field to engage in obstacle training.
It was already nighttime by the time we arrived home.
"Father," I asked. "Can I go hang out with Leo tomorrow?"
Father nodded. "Take care of yourself and Leo when you go out."
"I will."
Father and I headed to sleep.
That night, I had a dream. It was quite memorable since I rarely dreamt. The dream was a nightmare. I was in a forest facing Mike Alexson. He had an arm wrapped around Leo's neck and a gun pointed at his head. I ran towards Leo, but I only seemed to be running further and further away from them. Mike gave me a sinister smile and pulled the trigger. Leo fell to the ground, blood oozing out of his head would, his face in complete shock.
"No!" I yelled, reaching my hand up and grasping the air. I was forced awake, my back filled with cold sweat, a deep fear penetrated my mind, making me feel helpless.
Father awoke and started rubbing my back. "It's okay. It's okay." He soothed.
I held my ear against Father's chest, counting his heartbeat. "1, 2, 3..." After I counted to 30, I've completely calmed down. Father hugged me, curving around me in a protective manner, while I fell to sleep again.
Leo arrived early Sunday morning to find me still asleep in my father's arms. I woke up, groggily rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked in a coarse voice.
"It's 8:00am!" Leo replied.
"Why are you here so early?" I gently placed Father's arms back to his side. Father, who was also forced awake, greeted Leo, "Good morning, Leo." He said gently.
Leo nodded. "Good morning, Uncle! I'm hear to take Hunter out to play!"
Father nodded. He gestured for me to go with Leo.
I headed to my room and grabbed a simple plan white t-shirt, a black blazer and black jeans. After removing my pyjamas and wearing my clothes quickly, I headed downstairs where Leo was waiting. I furrowed my brows. "You're way too early." I protested.
"Mhm. Mom and Dad went to church, but their sounds woke me up. So I decided to head here and hang out with you." Leo explained.
"But you didn't have to wake me up as well."
"C'mon. Family should share the same pain and sorrows!" Leo exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes. "So? Where are we going today?" I asked with impatience.
"I don't know." Leo shrugged. "I decided to let you decide."
I sighed. "Fine, let's head out for breakfast first."
After making breakfast at home for Father, I headed out with Leo to a diner. Leo grabbed a large breakfast with toast, scrambled eggs, 2 hash browns, bacon, sausage, tomatoes and potatoes, along with a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee.
I simply ordered an eggs benedict with a cup of coffee.
Leo was able to wolf down all his food before I was even finished with mine. He asked the waiter to refill his coffee several times. Then, he waited for me to finish and pay the bill.
Since Leo wanted me to plan for today's date, I simply took Leo to the park. On the large field, I started practicing tai chi. Leo tried to follow my motions, but simply failed and fell to the ground. Then, he simply stared at me and outed.
After an hour, I took Leo to the movie theater. This time, we selected a horror movie. We headed in and sat in the middle of the row at the very back. Leo was slightly excited for some reason. It was a few minutes later that I would find why Leo was acting like that before the movie started.
Whenever there was a scary scene, Leo would act scared and lean towards me, holding my hand and touching me all over. His acting was so fake that I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Leo would lean his head towards me, violently grab my arm and hold my hand. One time he would even try to touch my crotch before I slapped his hand away.
I had to endure Leo's antics for two entire hours. After heading out of the theater, I found myself exhausted while Leo was jumping around, feeling very cheerful.
Leo was already hungry even though he just ate a huge breakfast. We headed to a Japanese restaurant that served ramen and sat down. Leo ordered a traditional tonkotsu ramen, while I ordered a shoyu ramen with gyoza on the side. I also ordered two original flavored Ramune for both of us.
Leo wolfed all the ramen down, yelling, "Delicious!"
He even chugged down all the tonkotsu soup. He then stole several of my gyoza but stopped after my hard stare. "You're eating too much. How do you not get fat?"
"It's my metabolism." Leo grinned. "Besides, we don't get to go out often, so why don't we enjoy it to the fullest?"
I rolled my eyes. "Fine."
After paying for the bill, we headed to an aquarium. Leo was particularly fond with dolphins, so we also watched a dolphin show while inside. Leo hugged my arm and pointed at the dolphins cheerfully while I watched. "Look, Hunter! They're sooo cute! I want to pet them!" Leo shouted.
I simply nodded. I took a glance at Leo's content face and found it hard to look away. I subconsciously poked Leo's nose. Leo shook my finger off and continued watching the dolphins with shining eyes.
Later, Leo begged me to buy a dolphin plushie for him, so I took the largest one and gave it to him. The plushie was as tall as Leo's body. Leo had to use both arms to hug the dolphin in order to carry it with him. Due to the inconvenience, I simply asked the sales clerk to mail the plushie to Leo's house.
Then, we headed up a nearby mountain to hike. The mountain was not that tall, and there were also many paved trails, making it quite easy for most people to walk. Leo, who was not that athletic, was panting while I walked slowly for him to catch up. "Hunter *pant pant* are we *pant* there yet?" Leo asked, trying his hardest to speak and talk at the same time.
"Almost." I nodded. Seeing Leo's complexion, who looked like he was dying, I headed towards him and had him piggyback on my shoulders. I crouched down with my back facing him while he climed up onto my shoulders, his ankle being held by my hands.
I walked quickly to the top of the mountain just in time to see the sunset.
The mountain had a panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. The orange-colored sun looked like an egg yolk, it's reflection gleaming from the sea. We sat down on the paved ground next to each other. Leo leaned his head on my shoulder, gazing at the sunset.
"Hunter?" Leo said softly close to my ears.
"I want you to promise me something." He said gently.
"What it is?" I asked in an annoyed tone.
"Promise me you'll be happy." Leo said.
"What do you mean?"
Leo stared straight into my eyes with a loving gaze, penetrating straight to my soul. I felt very uncomfortable, not knowing what to do with myself.
"Find someone that can live with you happily ever after. I want you to smile every day from the bottom of your heart. Not like how you are now." Leo smiled, but there were tears coming out of his eyes.
I instantly felt very complicated. "I..." I did not know what to say.
"Hunter. Am I able to make you happy?" Leo looked at me pleadingly, expecting a certain answer.
I simply stared at him and sighed. "I don't like doing these things." I thought. "Leo really like making me do things that are annoying."
I grabbed the back of Leo's head and pushed him towards me, giving him a good, hard kiss.
Leo's eyes instantly widened, he was startled, but he felt joy coming from the bottom of his heart.
The kiss lasted for less than five seconds, but it seemed like an entire lifetime. Here, at the top of the mountain, facing the descending sun, I knowingly kissed Leo.
After I released him, I asked in a coarse voice, "Does that answer your question?" I subconsciously made a slight smile.
Leo nodded happily, seemingly content. He felt like he's floating in the sky at that time. His heart was beating rapidly, his breath quickened. "Hunter. I want you." Leo pleaded.
I leaned close and pecked the corner of his lips, stating, "Don't be like this, Leo. We're still minors."
Leo came and hugged me. We stayed in that position for a long time, until the sun fully fell beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Leo felt tired after hiking for so long, so he fell asleep as I carried him down the mountain. The wind is getting chilly without the sun, so I removed my blazer and placed it on top of Leo's body. I took Leo in the princess carry position, my arm solidly holding Leo tight, not letting him go. With my blazer on top, Leo felt extremely warm, feeling the heat emnating from my body. He peacefully slept until we arrived at a nice restaurant.
I gently placed Leo onto a chair outside the restaurant and woke him up. Then, I headed to the reception to ask for a table for 2 indoors. Leo was still dreaming about the kiss we shared on the mountain, regretful that he did not take a photo, marking the occasion. "But there will be plenty of times in the future." Leo thought to himself.
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