Aizel and abin after their ride jumped out and overjoyed abin pushed jane to another ride.
Abin (excitedly) -mommy come fast see the flying chair is about to start, brother and me want to join them.
Jane (Sternly)-Bii, this is single holding swing, you will fall if you don't hold on properly.
Abin- mommy please i will, please say yes.
Aizel (trying to control him )- Bii..if mom is saying no then why are you pressurized her, it's ok you can ride another time.
Abin- No brother, everday will not like today, every time we planned for going out something came up and mumma many time cancelled our outing but today, i am not going to leave mumma and you also, we will enjoy the full day with mumma.
Jane knowing her pimpus heart's desire
unknowingly startled, she know that her cubbies always wanted her company for outing but beacuse of her designing work, she didn't get enough indivisual space for her cubbies.