/ Urban / MY MUSE

MY MUSE Original


Urban 2 Chapters 2.7K Views

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~ Be my MUSE and the true color of mine. My art is just like a blank space without you in my arm ~

Marvin is a handsome man with a charm that can melt every girl's heart who sees him. Attractive, rich, a perfect adventurous man. Nothing is lacking in his life except one thing, his soul. He feels his soul was broken, broken because his parents always gave affection to his sister and not him.

A CEO of a large company engaged in the game industry and a programmer has finally found a way to make his shattered soul complete again.

I will find you, baby. You are precious to me.~ Arvin


Kalila is a sweet and beautiful girl who loves soft pastel colors. Her cheerful character and gentle demeanor turn quiet and introverted when a great tragedy breaks her heart.

An incident that made her have to lose everything, family, love, and tears. Can Kalila find solace in her broken heart?

Is God joking with my life? ~ Kalila


Gavin is a young designer who loves Kalila so much. Handsome and talented, he studied abroad and left Kalila. Gavin promises that when he returns, he will find the love he lost. He wanted her more than anything in the world.

I love you, Kalila. Wait for me to come back. ~ Gavin


For Arvin, Kalila is medicine, the only cure for his broken soul.

For Arvin, Gavin is a nuisance that must be eliminated.

For Kalila, Arvin is the first, an imperfect Muse in every stroke of her hand.

For Kalila, Gavin is special, because she had loved him once.

For Gavin, Kalila is the only one, love that must be achieved.

For Gavin, Arvin is his boss but also his love rival.

A story about a broken soul and a painful heart.— Belleame


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