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30% My Marvel Reincarnation. / Chapter 6: Tests & Realizations

Chapter 6: Tests & Realizations

[First Person POV]

I placed the last of my Dark Knight Suit back on the mannequin and the confiscated gun on a scanner bed for some tests. I want to head off to my private bathroom for a well-deserved shower. But not yet, not before running some other tests with Selene.

I told her to start analysing the Pym Particles while I also observed the effects of dropping a single eye-drop of the shrinking particles on an empty container followed shortly after by a single eye-drop of the enlarging particles.

After witnessing the Pym Particles in action I can only conclude that they run on both science and magic. I had studied Selene's scans during and after the experiment; it let me know what she was observing on multiple scales.

My comprehension allowed me to conclude that the particles add and subtract molecules, but not only that; they literally reduce the size of molecules. Hank had found a way to bridge science and magic by mistake and he didn't even know it.

I was surprised I couldn't instantly understand the magic involved but then again I wasn't actually observing a spell being performed or reading a book on it. I wasn't witnessing where the magic came from, just the effects it had.

Magic apparently isn't a physical power or ability; it was brought about by the mind and/or soul in conjunction with extra-dimensional energy. I have no doubt that learning the hand movements and muscle memory to perform magic will be easy as pie with my ability.

However the metaphysical soul/mind thing will actually take me some time to learn, unless I get near Professor-X.

But honestly I don't wanna be near him and his mind shenanigans until I master some form of mind protection from telepathy, don't need him knowing my secrets.

I imagine I'll have far greater comprehension than Steven Strange with everything I learn but the actual wisdom and power I attain will come through dedication to my savant like learning abilities.

I start wondering what will happen when I come into contact with The Ancient One, I'm wondering if it'll be Tilda Swinton or someone else. As I think about The Ancient One I can't help but wonder what their reaction to me will be.

Whoever it is they shouldn't want to harm me as I don't have any bad intentions for the world and if they were to tell me that I fuck up in some way and have to change or not do something or I'll destroy everything, I'd be open to talk.

That's all in the future tho; right now I have an idea for how we could make these Pym Particles. I relay my thoughts and calculations about them to Selene and tell her to start running her own calculations and simulations while I go into my room.

I checked my phone I left in there and have some messages about investments and stocks, the one that cause my attention tho was from Aunt May.

She started by thanking me for helping Peter and letting me know his temperature was gone and he was sleeping peacefully. She also said that he'll most likely be back next week just to be safe.

She also thanked me for my donation to the hospital before admonishing me for my and I quote; "ridiculous spending habits and frivolous disregard for the effects of said spending".

I told her that I made my own money and that I'd already earned back more than I spent. I told her if she or Ben ever needed stock/investment tips I'd be happy to help.

That didn't make her laugh or any happier to hear; apparently my charity days with the Parkers are done and I needed to learn to be smarter with my money no matter how much I had.

I took the hint and apologised for making her feel uncomfortable. I realize now that after 15 years of being in the 1% of wealthy people, I forgot that spending loads of money on anything you want and then just giving said thing to a friend wasn't normal.

May was fine with the clothes because my family and I were honest and had told her that we already had all new wardrobes and that we gave away our old clothes all the time. Just this time was for, what my mom thought, was my first friend and his family.

Selene was my first friend here, she was "born" fully formed, and she knew who and what she was and she embraced her existence with all she had. But most importantly she could keep up with me.

Before then I just had my tutors and instructors that I went through like a revolving door. The reason I went to school was because I wanted to start getting out there and stop, and I quote Selene here, "locking myself away, planning for a future that may not come".

I come back to myself after the split-second of personal realization and inner dialog.

I promised to curtail my spending and promised to stop with the presents. She replied in a straight forward, information relaying way that she happened to be baking a few pies on Sunday and that Peter would bring any extra with him to school on Monday for me.

I smiled as my mouth watered and replied with a very thankful text and wished her a good night and weekend before I went into my private bathroom to now have a celebratory shower. Life is good, I think to myself as I start the shower.


[Third Person POV]

While Lex was in the shower Selene was absorbed with calculations, simulations, schematics and scans. Lexs initial understanding of things he just happened to look at baffled her but what he could extrapolate from solid information was another thing.

His mental capacity was above her level, for now. He understood everything he took in, as he took it in. While she had to take a modicum of time to download, cross-reference and store the information into its proper place.

It all happened faster than a human could blink but she knew when she would voice her opinion on something they were working on, he'd already came to the same or a better conclusion.

Selene suddenly stopped her computations and began construction on a new piece of equipment, which would allow her and Lex to create their own Pym Particles themselves.

Selene was very pleased with herself, she also began construction of the various other machines they'll need for the items and devices they'll be making and modifying with Pym Particles.

As she was doing this she partitioned a part of herself to send a request to Lex to order more Ores and in what quantities they'll need them when she suddenly stopped everything and focused on Lex, she didn't have access to his private rooms and she needed to talk to him.

As she was about to call Lexs smart watch he called her from it while still in the shower, he'd clearly left it on the sink while he was showering so he was yelling over the water to talk to her.

"Selene! We don't need to buy anymore ores ever again"! He yelled excitedly. "You had the same thought too?" Selene asked him. "The particles ADD molecules to the things they enlarge, which shouldn't be impossible, which is why I think there's a component of magic involved"! He answers her.

Selene was sceptical about the existence of magic until she had studied her scans of the effects of Pym Particle on an object herself.

"So if we enlarge an ore, then harvest 99% of it and then enlarge it again we will have infinite amounts of any ore we have, or obtain". He continues. "My thoughts exactly Lex", Selene replies.

"I knew great minds think a like" Lex said back sounding clearer, he'd gotten out of the shower. "Lex with this, after Saturday we can make it, we'll have the ability to create the technology and the ores needed to make the Super metal you dreamed of." Selene said sounding excited.


[First Person POV]

That got my attention even more; I was focusing on what I wanted to make with all the material I no longer had to worry about, but her saying this snapped my attention to another dream I had, combining Adamantium & Vibranium together on a molecular level.

I plan to make my version of Proto-Adamantium in a molecular furnace I'll now be able to build with the help of Pym Particles, Adamantium and Vibranium themselves.

There will be an assortment of things that will need to be made out of these metals to go into the furnace itself, the only thing I'm missing to begin construction now is the Vibranium; I can't wait for Saturday.

I dry myself; get dressed in a fresh pair of black, expensive lounge pants and a tank top that somehow cost $90 then make my way out to the cave. The floor is clean, levelled and polished concrete; I don't actually want to walk around bare foot on a dirt and mud cave floor.

I have 2 days until I get the Vibranium, then probably a week to make the molecular forge and create the strongest metal in the universe. I decide to design some serious Nanobot's for my next upgrade, which I do for a little while before Selene reminds me it's time to go home and sleep.

I put on my smart watch, some runners with no socks, grabbed my shit and head home. As I'm driving I can't help but think that the final Dark Knight suit I designed will be completed a lot sooner than I planned.

This leads me to realize that when I'm finally ready to go Public I will have a near indestructible Superman suit to go with my powers. I'm happy and tired by the time I get home and flop into bed, it's been a long day.

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