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20% My Loyal Heart / Chapter 8: The day we mate...

Chapter 8: The day we mate...

~Daniel POV~

"We've mate before? 5 years ago? That will be before I mate my Ex-fiance right?" She ask me with so much surprise on her face. "Yes." I answer with a nod. "When? Where? Why didn't recall any of it?" She ask again with a confuse expression. "I will tell you the whole story. So, please stop crying, okay. Seing your tears hurt my heart and soul so much." I plead to her with my finger still helping wiping her teary eyes. She nod her head. I give her one more gentle kiss on her forehead. "Thank you." I say.

I started telling her how we mate. That is on the early morning of my 22nd birthday. I went out with my family 4, my Grandpa, Daddy, Mommy and of course my swore brother are coming along with us for a walk and morning exercise at new open South Lake recreational Park. We always going out together like this early in the morning. When we walk we will chatting among our self freely just like ordinary people. My family love it this way because we don't like to much attraction. That's when I saw something that attracted my attention. I saw a girl maybe around 20 years old trying to protect a little girl from being knock by car. Her hair tied up in high ponytail and the little girl is around 5 years old. I can see her furious face towards the driver of the car. "Mister, this is a park. Not some racing track that you can slam you car fuel escalator to the top speed. What if some kid or old citizen across this small road. What are you going to do to if you knock them as it happen just now? What if I not fast enough to save this little girl?" She say with madly and furious face. "I'm so sorry little miss. This wont happen again. But, you nagging just like a nanny now. You are so beautiful but you have a big mouth that so noisy like flies." the driver is teasing her. "Shut up. It's non of your business" she say with a glared. "Hahahaha. So cute."the driver say again. She bring the girl to the other side without turning back again to the driver.

"Little girl, what is your name? Where are your parent? You are not alone right?" She ask the girl with a really beautiful smile on her face. BBOOOOOMMM. That smiling face really like a timing Bomb inside my heart. 'OMG.. She is so beautiful..' I thought in my mind with a goofy smile curve up on my lips. "Boohoo... My name is Carol Hunter, I'm 5 years old. I runaway from my parent because I want to buy an ice-cream. My parent are too busy with their own world. They don't even listen to my requested. So, I going to buy it myself." the little girl says with her teary face. "It's okay for now, my name is Feeya, you can call me sister Feefee. Sister will bring you to buy Ice-cream. But, you have to listen to what sister Feefee gonna say. okay." Feeya say to Carol and she nods. "Okay, first thing is, in other time... promise me that you will never ever runaway from your parent side whenever you are outside. It's dangerous for a little girl like your age. What if something happen to you, your parent will never know about it. For example for what happen just now. What if I'm not fast enough to help you on time. Can you imagine the consequences?" Feeya give her with a very doting attitude on her face. It's was really motherly attitude that make my heart exploded even further. I can hear my own heart pumping so loud now. Carol is so focus to listened on every word that she say and nod her head vigorously. Feeya continue "Secondly, what if you got lost and your parent didn't know where they gonna find you. They will be worried, up sad and anxious from time to time. What if some bad guy take you and keep you as a hostage. Your parent will be up sad even more. Do you understand now why sister ask you not to runaway again?" She ask little Carol again. "I understand sister Feefee. But, I don't think that my parent will worried or up sad if I'm lost. They don't even care about me. They always ignore me and focus on their work. Every day I tried to ask them to be with me." Little carol says with tears in her eyes. "Don't say something like that. There's no way that your parent don't care. Your parent love you more than you know. No parent in this world don't love their own child. It's just that they are too focus on what they are doing that they don't even know that they had hurt your heart. I know that you are feeling hurt, but you need to forgive their mistake for not take good care of you. I know that in their heart they will always love you. Okay little Carol. Will you promise sister this. You gonna tell your parent about how you feel, so that they will know it." Feeya says to her with a loving smile on her sexy cherry lips.

"That's it.. I've given up. I'm not fighting this feeling anymore. I'm fallen deep in the sea of love to that beautiful girl. She's gonna be my wife. She's gonna be the mother of my 12 children." I don't even realize that I say that out loud in front of everyone of my family. "Hahahahaha... " I heard everyone started laughing at my face. 'OMG.. Am I saying those out loud???' I'm gonna digging a big whole and jump to hide my self. "Owh My dear Hubby, our son fallen deep in the sea of Love... You hear that... I really want to see who's that girl that has been attract the attention of my cold blood son. Is it that girl that talking to the little girl." mommy says already figuring out who's the girl that attracted me just now.

"It's seem it that way my dear wifey.. See how he's blushing while looking at her is enough to show us that. Don't you guys agreed with me?" says my Daddy to my others family. "Why don't you go to her and help her to looked for the that little girl parent." suggest Kelvin to me. I look at them one by one. They all giving me a nod. So I walk to her. My heart is pumping like crazy. " Is there anything I can help you Little miss?" I ask her. She's now looking at me with a daze look on her face. 'Yup.. that's the expression I want to see.. Are you fallen in love to me too... My Love... ' I thought in my mind. "I'm Daniel Stephan, by the way. I just saw what happen just now. So, I'm offering a hand to help you. Maybe I can help you to find her parent." I say to her. "Thank your Mr. Stephan. I will really appreciate if you can help too." she say with a smile. "Call me Daniel please and you are miss?"I ask again even though I already know. "I'm Feeya Valerie Fredy Joseph, call me Feeya. I have to ask Carol her parent name first, than we can go to the Park security office." she says. She once again bow down to talk to the little girl with a doting smile on her face. "Okay now little carol, can you tell sister Feefee your parent's name." both of us holding each side of Carol hand and headed toward the security office. I can every eyes of people are looking at us three. When I look around, I can see their eyes seem to express their envies towards both us. I know they probably thinking that are a family three with Carol as our daughter. 'I like it that way so that no other people trying to covet my girl. I will kill any other man that will try to woo her.' I say it in my mind.

When we arrive at the security office, Feeya give them the details on what happen. So the security now checking the data entry on their system and found Carol parent contact no. They call them and ask them to go the security office. After a short while, there come an anxious voice coming to the office. "Thank God that you are find sweety." say Mrs. Hunter."Why you runaway from us? It's good that you been found by this kind couple, if not, what will happen to you." says Mr. Hunter to Carol with a worried expression. "I'm sorry daddy, but both you always ignoring me, both of you always busy with your work, even today on your day off. You both ignore me when I ask to buy me an ice-cream. So I going to buy it myself." says carol with her head bowing down. "Sir, madam, I'm sorry to interrupt you. I just want to say this to both of you now. I can see you guys are a very hardworking people. But, please give a little bit of your time and attention to your loving little daughter. She's only 5 years old. She need her parent attention and love the most in her life in order for her to grow up into a charming child. Please bring your work life into your house because it's really hurt your precious little daughter heart so much. She even thought that you both did not even care about her existent anymore."Feeya says straight to the point without even care what this parent gonna say to her. I can see that she is the type of girl that speak her mind out loud and do not like to lie. I love her that way. It's easier to communicate with this type of girl, I tought. Mr. and Mrs Hunter look at each and than take little carol in their hug "Daddy and mommy wanna say sorry to you my sweety carol. We've both has been neglecting your feeling every now and than. We're sorry okay. So, Can we redeem ourself to bring you to have fun today?" says Mr. Hunter to carol. " Yes daddy and Thank you sister Feefee. Can I have both of your no, so that I invite you and bro Daniel to my birthday party next week." Carol look at Feeya in expectant eyes. I give Carol my no and look at Feeya. She is writing her phone no that I can clearly see it. With my good memory, I can remember it instantly. I save it in my phone directly after that. I can't miss it. "Thank You very much to both of your for saving our child Miss Feeya and Mr Daniel, And thank you for kind advise too. We've really appreciated it." say Mr. Hunter to us. We say good bye after a few minute of chatting.

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