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My Life Quest My Life Quest original

My Life Quest

Author: MuZikr

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

One hundred years ago, Earth was thrown into complete chaos. This chaos was caused by a phenomenon called 'World Fusion'. World Fusion was by the name said, was a phenomenon that caused Earth to fuse with another world. It was not a fusion between planets like Earth and Mars but it was between Earth and another Earth from different dimension or universe. However, world fusion not only happened on Earth but also other planets like Mars, Jupiter, Venus and etc. The fusion even happened to the sun and moon.

When World Fusion happened, everyone on Earth saw many Earth appeared in the sky and then the fusion started. After the World Fusion happened, humans found out that Earth becomes 10 times bigger than before. The continent in original Earth was not there anymore and many new continents appeared. The World Fusion terraformed original Earth to a completely new Earth.

However, before more research can be made, human's technology was crushed by monsters that mutated from the normal animals. The human tried to fight the monsters with weapons but it was to no avail. Luckily, at that time human suddenly gained what people who loves fantasy comics called magic and bit by bit, human managed to defeat the monsters.

Later on, humans found out that not only the Earth becomes bigger, but the living things on the other Earth also were on this new Earth. Other than mutated animals, original monsters from the other Earth can be found and they were much more dangerous than the mutated animals. Humans also found that other different intelligent beings like Elf, Dwarves and Beastman can be found on this new Earth. This new Earth turned into the world of fantasy but not as beautiful as what was pictured in comics and animations.


"Haha, so today our Daniel will awaken his magic," said Dean. Dean was Daniel oldest brother who was 7 years older than him. After he awaken, he gained so much famed in his generation since he gained a potential of one of the special elements, the time element. He immediately become Amery Kingdom national treasure and Amery Kingdom's King married him to one of his princesses.

"Don't embarrass us and awakened a useless potential," said Declan, Daniel's second brother who was 3 years older than him. He awakened a potential called conqueror. One of this potential's power gives him boost in leading people. There were a few other potentials with the same effects but conqueror was the best one.

"Declan, stop intimidating Daniel," said Delilah. Delilah was Daniel's sister and his oldest siblings. Delilah was 2 years older than Dean. She awakened the healer potential. Healer potential was not rare but it was seeking by many since it was a useful potential.

"Stop pressuring your brother. We can't control what we awaken. It will all be luck. Dean and Declan, you both got lucky and awakened a rare potential but that does not mean anything if you can't use it properly. Dean, the princess complained to me that you play around with your magic too much and Declan, you got too stubborn and not listening to anything your party member said," said their father with serious voice.

Dean and Declan did not say anything and went silent. It has become a tradition for Daniel's family to get together when someone awakened their power. Delilah, Dean and Daniel came back home because Daniel will awaken his power that day.

People will awaken their magic on their 15th birthday at the same time they were born. Daniel's birthday was on December and he awakened his power much later than most of his peers. His friends already made some fame for themselves but Daniel still stuck not being able to do anything.

"Dad, what do you think I will get?" asked Daniel to his dad.

"It is random. It will be all luck. Well, no matter what potential you awaken, I know you will be fine," said Daniel's dad.

"That's right, Daniel. All potential has their uses. So, you will be fine," said Daniel's mom.

They were talking to each other more waiting for Daniel's awakening to arrive. While talking, Daniel's body suddenly enveloped in light. The time for his awakening has come. The light went on for about 3 minutes and disappeared.

"Daniel! How is it? What is your potential?" asked Dean.

"Status open," said Daniel and a status of himself appeared.

Name: Daniel

Age: 15

Potential: Shooting

Level: 1/1

Daniel looked at his status and he got a disappointed face. "Urm~ I guess I am not as lucky as all of you. Sigh," said Daniel.

"What do you get?" asked Daniel's dad.

"My potential is shooting but my level limit is one," said Daniel.

"Shooting is good potential and your level limit can be raised so I don't think you are unlucky," said Declan.

"Urm~ My stats all G-. That will be super hard to raise," said Daniel.

"… I'm sure you will be fine. You just need to work harder than other people," said Dean trying to cheer Daniel.

G- is the lowest stats possible. In order to raise stat, people need to increase in level. Every level increase will increase one of the stats by one percent. Once the stat reached one hundred percent, the stat will increase to higher rank. There were other ways to increase stats and that was to train their body that will increase the stats that they wanted but this method was hard.

"I need to be at least at level 100 to increase one of my stats to G. That is reassuring," said Daniel with a mocking face.

"What stats do you get?" asked Declan.

"Attack, speed, accuracy, intelligent, magic and luck," said Daniel.

When someone awakened their power, they will get 6 stats relating to their potential. The stats obtain was different from person to another person. Their stats will usually determine the ways they use their potential.

"You got good stats but I guess you are unlucky. It is time for me to leave. Mom, dad, I am going," said Declan. He stood up and left the house.

"I think I am going back too," said Dean who followed Declan.

"Good luck Daniel," said Delilah and she also left the house.

"Daniel, you can come helping me if you decide not to develop your power," said Daniel's dad. "I can put you in the logistics team." Daniel's dad was a general in the military. He did not have a rare potential but he knows how to develop his power and becomes strong.

"Thank you, dad. Let me think about it first," said Daniel. Daniel left the living room and entered his room. He went to his bed and jumped on it. He put his face on the pillow and screamed to reduce his frustration. He looked at his room ceiling and check his stats again. "Why am I so unlucky?" said Daniel.

"But still, this system is amazing. This is just like games but reality is different than games. If the enemy slash you, you will bleed and possibly died. For someone like me without defense stat, our body is not much different than a normal human," said Daniel. He keeps fiddling with his system. He checked his stats, inventory, equipment, and lastly his quest menu.

At first, Daniel did not want to click on his quest menu as there will be nothing since he did not take any quest. The quest menu was simply a menu that recorded the quest taken by user. Daniel did not take any quest so the quest menu was empty. However, Daniel got curious how it looks like, so he decided to take a look. Daniel click on the quest menu. Daniel's eyes wide opened and he quickly get up from his bed.

"What is this? Why are there so many quests here?" said Daniel.

"Daily quest? Continuous Quest? Emergency Quest? Normal Quest? Life Quest?" said Daniel. According to books and people, there were only two types of quest. Completed quest and Uncompleted quest but Daniel quest menu was different.

"Let's check the emergency quest first. The name sound important and there is one quest inside," said Daniel. He clicked the emergency quest menu and a quest with red colored words appeared.

'A kitten was drowning at your koi pond. Save the kitten. Time Limit: 3 minutes 24 seconds. Completion: 0%. Reward: increase level limit by 2. Failed: The kitten died.' The system read.

"What?" Daniel quickly looked at the window and there indeed a kitten drowning at his koi pond. Daniel quickly rushed outside and saved the kitten from drowning.

"Phew~ luckily I was fast. Hey little guy, are you okay?" said Daniel while petting the kitten and wrapped it with thick towel. He went inside the house and put the kitten near the fireplace.

'Ting~ Quest complete. Reward obtains. Level limit increase to 3.' The system notified Daniel.

"Haha, this is great!" said Daniel with a big smile on his face.

MuZikr MuZikr

thank you for reading :)

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