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The Dormitory

*Ring* *Ring*

(Mephisto): "Oh Okumura-kun let's end it here for today shall we? Your Dormitory is at the old Boys Dormitory behind the School. Just follow the path of the forest and you won't miss it~. Oh and your Room number is 602. Belial please take see Okumura-kun out."

The door opened and a thin man with slick black hair with a prominent curl on his forehead; a long pointed mustache and short beard with pointed ears appeared. He was wearing the typical attire of a butler with a long black tailcoat, lightly coloured bow tie and pinstripe trousers. When I look at him, I can tell he's a demon.

I think I've had enough of demons today.

Belial took me out of Mephisto's office and into the campus of the Academy

(Rin): "Thank yo-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Belial disappeared.

(Rin): "O... K..."

Well with nothing else to do, I decided I should walk to the dorm. I wonder what's Yukio's doing? He should be finished with the phone right about now.

-Mephisto's Pov-

After Rin left Mephisto's office.

(Mephisto): "Hello Mr Okumura, I assume you want my opinion on how today went~?"

(Yukio): "So what did you think?"

(Mephisto): "Well, you were a little stiff but for your first lesson, I think you did an excellent job~!"

(Yukio): "I didn't mean about me"

(Mephisto): "Yes, he seems to have the talent to become a Tamer and he already possesses methods on exorcising Demons. That power of his is extremely effective against the Demons, although he is currently wielding it out of pure fiery emotions, but he has good instincts and quick thinking. Once he learns how to control his Demon Nature properly, he will be a unique and the most powerful weapon for the True Cross Order."

He seems to have the right mindset with an incredible amount of goals to accomplish. He's interesting... Not many people would even aim for the five meisters. Those who do are candidates for the Paladin, but he doesn't want that. He seems to value his freedom the most. An interesting person.

(Yukio): "Then-"

(Mephisto): "However he still needs to be watched. We don't want the higher ups in the order finding out before he becomes useful."

There's no fun if they find out to soon, however...

(Mephisto): "Though of course it's only a Matter of time."

(Yukio): "I am aware. From now on I will protect my brother in fathers stead."

*Hangs up*

(Mephisto): "Dear me, you got too much tension in those shoulders, Mr Teacher. You should try to enjoy life a little and it's not just the Order we have to contend with. It won't be long before Satan makes his move."

Hehehe, the situation is getting very interesting. With the son of Satan becoming an Exorcist, aiming for the best yet not aiming for the top in ranks. Hehehe, learning all five meister just because you want to see the limit of your potential. A very interesting proposal but when you hit your limit, I hope you'll be able to bounce back and strive for over success, Young Okumura or should I say...

(Balial): "Sir, it's about time for the next episode of One Piece."

(Mephisto): "Belial! Why couldn't you tell me this earlier! I still have work to do! Ahh forget it! I'll have the Vice-Principal sort it out later."

-Yukio's Pov-

I don't ever want to live in fear of the dark again. For as long as I can remember I could see Demons, Nii-san hadn't awakened his powers back then but I received a mashou since I was born. Given to me by the still demon nii-san.

Father protected us since we were little, so it's my turn to protect nii-san.

I never want to be weak again.

-kamiki's Pov-

We finally got back after shopping. Ah it's warm in here. It was cold since it's still the beginning of April.

(Paku): "Hehehe."

(Kamiki): "You seem to be in a good mood today."

Paku's been like that since she's talked to Okumura-kun. Don't tell me...

(Kamiki): "You haven't fallen for him, have you?"

(Paku): "It's n-not like that! and Okumura-sensei also saved me so I want to treat him to something as well."

Yeah, Okumura-sensei left as soon as the lesson ended saying he had other things to do.

(Kamiki): "We should stay away from Okumura-kun. A Demon that wants to be an Exorcist must have his reasons but we shouldn't get involved with it."

I wouldn't be surprised if he was a spy for the illuminati but would they have such an obvious spy in a place like this?

(Paku): "Izumo you shouldn't say. I-I just want to be friends with him. Plus today was so much fun and Okumura-kun's surprisingly funny. Oh and didn't you blush when Okumura-kun complimented you?."

(Kamiki): "N-no I didn't."

That idiot Demon, what did he mean by I'm kind? I don't act like it, do I? I just can't stand people having a misunderstanding and I wanted to help Paku get over her fears of Demons. After all I convinced her to become an Exorcist and I don't want her to hate me for making her join this world.

(Paku): "Still though its still comes as a surprise that Okumura-kun and Yukio are twins. They look nothing alike."

(Kamiki): "Yeah. The younger brother is the teach whilst the older brother is the trouble maker."

Isn't it meant to be the other way around?

(Paku): "Trouble maker?"

(Kamiki): "Yeah have you seen how he looks. Compared to his brother he looks like a delinquent."

Even so, I still couldn't protect paku from the Goblins. I need to become an Exorcist as soon as possible and become a Tamer. For the sake of both Paku and Tsukumo.

(Paku): "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, Izumo. If he was a bad person he wouldn't have saved me."

Well whatever as long as Paku's happy, I'm happy. But I still don't trust that Okumura guy. He better not get Paku anymore involved than she is now.

-Rin's Pov-

I finally made it! The Old Boys Dormitory is located behind the School and in between those two is a Forest. And it was big! It took half an hour for me to get to the entrance but it was scary going through the forest during the night.

(Rin): "Guess I need to get used to this, huh."

I started thinking about training in the forest but let's save that for tomorrow. Tonight I just want to get some rest.

I entered the Dormitory and looked around. The entrance is quite plain. There's a receptionist desk with a computer here with no receptionist. Opposite of the entrance is the Cafeteria where all the food is served.

(Rin): "Oh that reminds me. I wonder if he's here?"

I entered the Kitchen and started looking around. Hmm, he's not here. I closed my eyes and tried to see if I could sense his movement.

(Rin): "Found you!"

I ran towards where I felt his presence and a small shadow appeared.

(???): 'Who do you think you are invading my territory!'

What I look at is a small imp looking Demon with yellow eyes including the sclera with vertical slits for pupils, big purple ears, with its hair and chin goatee the same colour, wearing rags with stitches over his lower part of his body and for his massive hands. He looks surprisingly cute. If I remember correctly his name is Ukobach, a Demon of the stove that loves to cook. Wow his voice is more childish than I expected.

(Rin): "Sorry for coming here unannounced but I have a favour to ask of you. Is it possible for me to help out with the cooking?"

I need a place to cook if I'm gonna have packed lunch instead of buying from the canteen. I hope my plan works well else my freedom is gone forever.

(Ukobach): "You have some nerve to come up here and ask for favours. Let's decide this with your cooking skills. If you can make me satisfied than I'll let you do whatever you want in the kitchen as long as it's appropriate."

I seem to have made a deal with him. Oh boy I wanted to get some practise actually cooking before I go with my plan but this is not what I was expecting. Oh well, let's make the most out of Rins only talent.

We went to our stations and gathered the meals we decided to make.

We set the timer than the food war began. We have an hour to finish making our food than we get to taste each others food the winner is whoever gets the acknowledgement of the other.

-Yukio's Pov-

Hmm? Where's that noise coming from?

(Yukio): "Is Nii-san here already?"

I looked at the time and it's already past 9. If this was the normal dorm than Nii-san would've been in trouble.

(Rin): "What is that idiot doing?"

Since I got nothing else to do, other than waiting for Nii-san to help him on the assignment, I went down stairs. Just in case I bring my dual pistols in the situation it's a Demon other than Rin.

I headed downstairs as the noise gets louder and louder. *Boom*.

When I started getting closer I heard a loud bang. Shit. What happened?

I follow the noise all the way to the Cafeteria. What is happening in there? I look at the Kitchen counter and I see blue lights. Shit is Nii-san using his flames! I hear sounds like pots and pans being thrown around and I didn't notice it before, but I can smell the aroma of food in the air.

I put my back against the wall with one Pistol in my left hand whilst the other is on my belt in case I need it.

I open the door and...

(Yukio): "Nii-san! Eh?"

When I open the door I see Rin on the floor with a purple Imp looking demon lying on its back on the kitchen counter.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

I hear someone clapping and look to see Mephisto.

(Yukio): "Sir Pheles! What on earth is going on here?"

(Mephisto): "They had a frantic duel. Using their skill and strength! They matched the best of their abilities against each other, thus giving birth to a new friendship."

Huh? A cooking battle.

(Rin): "Ukobach. Your fried rice was amazing!"

(Ukobach): "Naka~!"

(Rin): "Let's be friends!"

(Ukobach): "En!"

Amazing... He's unbelievable in so many ways. I cant understand whats Ukobach is saying.

(Yukio): "Nii-san have you even checked out the rooms out yet?"

(Rin): "Oh, no. I wanted to check around the dorm first, but then I got into a food war with Ukobach."


(Yukio): "Well lets head back to our room. Oh, I forgot to mention, you and I are roommates."

(Rin): "Huh? Why's that"

(Yukio): "I insisted and they put us in the same room. Also were the only ones in the dorm. You're dangerous so I have to keep an eye on you."

(Rin): "Am I in prison or something?"

(Yukio): "Yep and I'm the warden. You want to be an Exorcist, so you should be able to bear it.

(Rin): "Bring it on."

(Yukio): "Now let's do today's homework."

(Rin): "Not right now! I ate to the point of blacking out."

-Rin's Pov-

During the food war me and Ukobach were testing everything we had. It started out fine but neither of us were willing to admit defeat, so we changed the types of food we made and we even challenged each over at the procedures like chopping the Lettuces, frying the vegetables, making the rice etc then we ate everything we made. It started with Curry, then Omelette rice, then Salad then... At some point I lost track of all the food I was making and I used Rin's.. my talent to the max to make everything out of my reservoir.

Before I knew it, I was on the floor and so was Ukobach but I feel like we made a bond between two chefs.

I didn't notice it during the fight but Mephisto was watching us at some point during the finale and Midori was just eating the leftovers.

(Rin): "Ukobach. Your Fried Rice was amazing!"

(Ukobach): "No, Rin, your Pork and Rice was amazing!"

(Rin): "Let's be friends!"

(Ukobach): "Sure!"

And with this my friendship with Ukobach is made, now wanna sleep.

(Yukio): "Now let's do today's homework."

(Rin): "Not right now! I ate to the point of blacking out."

Calm your horses, mate! I just ate enough for a family of rabbits! Haah, Tonights gonna be a long night.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Mephisto loves one piece", "Kamiki doesn't want Paku to like Rin", "Shokugeki no Rin", "So many Pov's", "New Bonds", "Homework!?!")

S_jay S_jay

Chapter 9 of MLIBE is out! Sorry for the slow plot pacing. Constructive criticism is much appreciated and if you have any mythological creatures you like, tell me and I'll see if I can somehow include it.

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