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My Hero Academia: Subjective Fantasy My Hero Academia: Subjective Fantasy original

My Hero Academia: Subjective Fantasy

Author: PinguGod_

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1

The day I will escape from here is getting closer.."

Hisato muttered as he sat down and leaned against a gigantic purple glowing tree.

"It has been 10 years since that accident, and yet here I am. Still stuck in this place." He looked at the blue sky. He clearly remembered it.


His parents had just been murdered right in front of his eyes while Hisato was just standing there. He didn't know what to do. It was as if his brain had shut down. His eyes were wide open as he looked at his now dead parents.

'It's all his fault. He should die, not mom and dad. It should have been HIM.' He grabbed his head as he began to have an enormous migraine. The surroundings began to change at a frightening speed, the ground began to shake and the house had long disappeared. The sky above was blood red and flames began to erupt from the cracks.

The murderer, who had been dragged into it, had slowly begun to melt. His skin began to drip off before splashing onto the ground.

He screamed his lungs out as he saw how his skin began to slowly melt away.

Hisato smiled as he looked at the murderer with rage in his eyes. In his hand, a sword appeared. He slowly approached the murderer. He wanted to kill him with his own hands.

The murderer looked at Hisato with fright in his eyes while he begged for mercy, yet to no avail. Soon, Hisato stood in front of the man who murdered his mother and father. He lifted the sword and decapitated the man.

Directly after decapitating the murderer, Hisato fell unconscious.

A day later, Hisato woke up from his 'slumber'. He looked around with his eyes wide open. A wow came out of his mouth as he looked around.

It was a big forest, and not just any forest. The trees were purple, and were glowing brightly. Lime green vines were hanging everywhere and beautifully coloured butterflies were flying everywhere. Blue mushrooms were covering the ground in various shapes and sizes.

Suddenly, Hisato stopped moving. He began to tremble and spontaneously vomited. In front of him, a headless corpse was laying on the ground with t's head laying next to it. An awful smell came from it.

Hisato kept looking at it. He vaguely remembered what happened before he lost consciousness. He did this… Hisato's breathing became rigid and he slowly stepped backwards. Then out of nowhere, the corpse disappeared. As if it had never existed. He began to take deep breaths in order to calm himself down.

Suddenly, a small black furred creature rubbed it's head against Hisato's leg. He looked to the side and his expression instantly brightened. "KURO!" He excitedly yelled. He hadn't expected that his cat would be here. The 4 year old boy hugged the cat and began to cry. "It's not fair! Why are mom and dad gone? I-it's not fair!" tears streamed down his cheeks as he slowly started to calm down.

"Thank you Kuro, for letting me hug you." He wiped the tears off. Kuro meowed before licking Hisato's hand. Hisato laughed a little before standing up. "It may be a little weird, but Kuro, do you know where we are?" He asked Kuro who looked at him with a confused look. "I guess you don't huh." He said before calmly stroking Kuro's fur.


"It was back then when I first stranded here, right Kuro?" He looked to his side where a small cat was curled up. Kuro looked at Hisato before seemingly nodding his head. "Bit by bit I began to learn about this place. I could have never expected that this miraculous place was actually really dangerous. Weird monsters I only saw in my fantasy roamed everywhere. They were pretty hostile." Hisato rubbed over his abdomen as he clearly remembered his first encounter with them.

He had almost died back then. Yet miraculously he survived. He even killed them. Hisato still doesn't understand how he pulled it off, but that didn't really matter to him. He was just happy that he survived.

"I can still somehow feel the pain from back then." He chuckled a bit. "It was also then when I discovered my ability. I was so excited back then. Now I just see this ability as a curse. That damned ability is responsible for everything here. Although I must say, I never expected that this same ability would be the one responsible for creating this hell hole."

He picked up a pebble and threw it into the horizon. "I am certainly happy that I mastered it to a certain extent. Unfortunately I still don't know how to get out of here, but I can at the very least enjoy my stay."

Suddenly, Kuro stood up and began to hiss. Hisato instantly became serious. "What's wrong Kuro?" He lifted his eyebrow.

Out of nowhere, a screech was heard from behind. Hisato instantly knew of who that screech belonged to. "Ah damn it! Why did that thing appear?"

Behind him stood a creepy blood-red creature standing on four stick-like thin arms. A tail growing from its back resembling stingers of a scorpion. Its thin neck extended to support a mouth which closely resembled the pincers of a crab.

This creature was the strongest and most dangerous monster here. Hisato had encountered it multiple times and had to flee every time.

The scorch screeched once again before it began to run towards Hisato at an alarming speed. Hisato utilised his ability before disappearing from the spot and appeared in front of the creature and grabbed it's neck.

"Although I may have not been your opponent in the past. Now, you are just pathetic. How the roles have reversed." Hisato mockingly said as he looked at the creature with a cold gaze.

It attempted to sting Hisato but was unsuccessful. "To be honest, I was going to look for you, but you saved me the effort. I am grateful for that since that means I can sleep more." "I must say, this ability of mine basically created this dimension. Which also means I can manipulate everything in it. I realised this recently, I am still wondering why I didn't think of this earlier."

Hisato slowly began to tear the neck into two pieces. "Farewell, you old devil." He said before tearing the neck into two pieces. He dropped the head side onto the ground. Blood splattered everywhere.

"YEEE! It's finally dead! Kuro! Let's take a nap now!" He said excitedly. Hisato had been longing for a good nap ever since he woke up.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck the ground. At the same location, the ground began to spin as if it was some sort of whirlpool. White mist began to radiate from the ground.

"What in the world is that?" Hisato asked while looking at it. He felt a hint of familiarity from it but couldn't identify it. It had turned into a vortex. A massive spinning vortex. Hisato suddenly felt a strong force pulling him towards the vortex. Fortunately, Hisato was able to resist it.

"MEOW!" A loud meow was heard as a small black furred creature soared past Hisato.

"KURO!" Hisato immediately stopped resisting and leaped forward, grabbing Kuro and holding him closely. "We will be alright Kuro! Don't worry!" Hisato said while holding Kuro.

The force pulling them into the vortex strengthened and instantly pulled them into the vortex, which disappeared the moment Hisato and Kuro entered...

PinguGod_ PinguGod_


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