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Chapter 35: Final exams

A/N: I don't have good names for the chapters I'm writing ;-;


"M-made in China'?" Monoma's mouth twitched slightly. Doubling I tilted my head in an act of confusion

"Oh, that wasn't your hero name? Well you were never important enough for your name to matter Moneme-kun"

"Oh my-my-my, how arrogant!" Monoma proceeded to 'discreetly' place a hand on my shoulder and lean to my ear

"Can you afford to be this arrogant during the final exams? I doubt you would even get a passing score" He said while trying to suppress his laughter, I already knew of his ploy but I was actually quite curious if he could copy my skills.

"Perhaps you should worry about yourself, You are basically quirkless if you can't copy someone's quirk" I smirked, Midoriya who was seated nearby flinched. Monoma did as well, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Quirkless? How dare you! I possess the strongest quirk! just you wait until I get my hands on All Might. Then ill-" 


And just in time a large hand bonked Monoma stopping him from saying something that could get him cancelled. With a now unconscious Monoma held by his collar, Itsuka turned back to us with an apologetic smile.

"ehehe, sorry about that Monoma gets jealous really easily" She scratched her head in embarrassment.

"It's alright, we too have many eccentric people in our class" Momo sneakily glanced at Bakugo, which didn't go unnoticed by him, sending back a glare in return.

"Oh, you were talking about the final exam, right? I've got some juicy info from our seniors" Hearing the word 'Info' and 'final exam' many ears perked up like a cat's ears.

"Juicy info? how juicy? Must be at least H-cup, milky and smooth" I made a questionably tasteful joke, luckily I wasn't immediately slapped and shouted 'Hentai~' but the awkward silence was just as painful.

"eh... ahem, anyway I've heard from the seniors that the Practical part of the final exam will be tested using robots! Basically a more advanced version of the entrance exam" Itsuka clenched her fists, unfortunately for her she is most likely wrong, but hey we have to increase morale somehow. When our class heard the 'Juicy info' they sighed in relief, because most of us have experience decimating robots.

"So it's just robots? Where is the challenge? If that's it I'll just leave everyone in the dust!" Bakugo began complaining, he found the exam to be insulting. He will be the one to surpass All Might, and all they send to test him are some weak robots? preposterous! 

"Leave everyone in the dust'? be careful or you might 'bite the dust' instead" I pointed my chopsticks at him, openly challenging him. I could hear the groans of the others, I had a habit of picking a fight with him, but can you blame me? he's annoying -_-

"What'd you say? Bastard, I'd blow your annoying face up" Bakugo leaped from his seat, but before he could he was dragged back to his seat.

"Oi, you two, stop picking a fight every second. It's annoying" Surprisingly Shoto intervened, his calm and serious aura made the both of us calm down, unfortunately, the aura quickly dissipated as he slurped up his Soba.

"Damn, you all need to chill" Jiro commented, which made the others nod in agreement. Feeling a bit peckish I started to actually eat my now lukewarm food... I should've started eating it sooner... I wonder if there's a microwave in the faculty office...





Inside the faculty office's microwave, Nezu's tea cup has just finished brewing. Prompting Nezu to climb out of his seat and head to retrieve it.


"Nezu-chan, this faculty meeting must be important, after all, you are brewing tea using the microwave. so tell us, what is this meeting about?"

Ms. Midnight swung from left to right, the other teachers were silent letting Nezu enjoy his tea.

"As I said before, this meeting will be discussing the Final exams for the hero course students, we must iron out some things" Nezu answered with a small smile, he then turned toward the other teachers and asked

"Is there something you want to ask first before we begin?" 

Aizawa raised his hand from inside his sleeping bag, the bags under his eyes were getting bigger and bigger every day.

"Since when did we have a microwave?"



"Are there other questions?" Nezu turned towards the others, completely ignoring Aizawa. Seeing as he wasn't getting answers Aizawa returned to his nap

"ahem, I believe I have something to ask... I don't understand what the meeting is for" Ectoplasm raised his... uh nevermind....

Ectoplasm quickly elaborated "I don't see any reason for the final exams to have any issues. The writing exam is based on what they had already known and the practical exam will give them combat experience against those robots"

After sipping on his tea for a few seconds Nezu nodded subtly "I agree that the exams are all already ready, but I belive there has to be some changes. The hero course students already have combat experience, thus I wanted to change the practical exam a bit"

"*scoff* It's only class 1-A that has combat experience" Vlad King scoffed while grumbling, he was annoyed that class 1-A was outshining his class.

"Anyway, I already had a plan for how to change the practical exam... actually, All Might was the one who proposed the idea, would you like to present it?" Nezu turned towards All Might who was seated in one of the chairs, which was too small for him. having everyone's gaze turned at him All Might flinched slightly

"uh- umm- Ahem, it's alright Nezu-san, you can present it yourself"

"I see.. So what All Might came up with is, for the hero course students to acquire combat experience, they'll have to fight against one of the teachers! and totally for no other ulterior motives" Nezu grin widely before sipping on his tea, observing the small chaos he just created.

"Spar against us?" "Is it even safe?" "How are we going to grade them?" "What about quirk utilization?" "What type of microwave is it?"

Murmuring broke between the teachers, clearly not expecting to have to fight their own students, some of them even stared at All Might with a questioning gaze like 'How did you come up with such an idea?' 

"So.. how are the students expected to succeed in the test? They're fighting against us right?" Aizawa popped out of his sleeping bag with a question

"Don't worry, we will be going over it in this meeting" Nezu smiled, a mysterious light flashed in his eyes


"so damn tired..." I muttered to myself while shoveling food into my mouth, between training, studying, and hanging out I barely had any time to rest. Barely awake I wobbled the way to UA, my hair was messy, and clear bags were under my eyes, I looked like an overworked office worker. Arriving to class i plopped into my seat, I pinched my side to keep awake

"Damn, didn't know we had a zombie infection in our class" I heard Tokoyami comment while he himself kept from passing out, looking at our classmates about half of them looked tired... Wait wasn't the final exams today? 

Remembering that very important information I straightened my back and slight panic overtook me...

'If I have to fight one of the teachers I would die! literally!' 

Waiting in class for the teacher to arrive I was already envisioning my future. 'If I fail the exam- oh wait nothing happens...' Phew, I remembered that this is a shonen anime, failure isn't a thing for the main cast


"Good morning class, today the final exams will begin!" Ms.Midnight entered the class with a strange smile, she swung her hips yet there was nobody to see them.

"Today will be the written exam and tomorrow the practical! but remember not to slack off, rebellious chicks" Ms.Midnight chuckled a bit, making everyone groan in annoyance

'Raphael just do it for me... I'm gonna take a nap [Auto battle]'

[Autobattle function only activates in combat situations]



"I'm so excited for the practical exam! yippe! I can't wait to kick robot butt!" Mina boxed the air from excitement, seated on the bus taking us to the exam location. 

"I'm scared the exam would be harder than what were expecting... There could be different robots from the entrance exam, right? Ribbit" Tsuyu shook in her seat while placing a finger on her lip (The upper one, get yo mind outta the gutter)

"That could be possible... Maybe they have specialized Robots made to defeat us" Momo suddenly was struck with a realization. the final exams might not be as easy as they expected.

"Huh? Robots made to defeat us? Id like to see them try" Bakugo snorted as he looked out the window, a gigantic stadium was in the distance, and they were getting closer to a gigantic facility... USJ vibes

"Specialized robots? mutter mutter How would we defeat them? mutter mutter" Midoriya who was seemingly dazed suddenly started muttering, his notebook opened at supersonic speeds and he began writing... 

"How do you think the robots will be made to combat our quirks?" Tokoyami asked, some of us had less than obvious weaknesses. 

"Well give the robot a flashlight and it'd win against you"

"It's a shame... What is your weakness anyway?"

I could see Shoto Bakugo and Midoriya perk up, trying to eavesdrop. My quirk was the only one without an obvious weakness

"My weakness is..." I put on dramatic pause, I saw Bakugo on the edge of his seat, his eye staring at air but his ears were pointed at me

"Cute girls!" I immediately heard 3 distinct tongue clicks, baka-bak-shi do you truly expect me to expose myself to you all

"So your weakness is cute girls? pervert~" Jiro looked at me teasingly, i saw a competitive light in her eyes... is she challenging me?

"Why of course! that is why I could never defeat you~" My remark made Jiro freeze, don't fight a fight you can't win woman! 

"If I had such a powerful quirk, I wouldn't want such a stupid weakness" Jiro humphed, her ear-jacks pointed at me... I had a strange impulse to touch them... what do they feel like anyway?



We finally made it to our exam location, walking towards the entrance we saw 12 teachers waiting out the front...

"Why are there so many teachers here?" Uraraka tilted her head confusedly

"Why for safety of course! We can't have anyone injured during an exam," Iida walked in front of the class, his glasses glinting while pointing at the teachers

"All right! let's give it our all, we can't lose!" Kirishima breathed out his nose rapidly, he gave off a battle maniac vibe

"Let's go!" Mina fist-bumped him,


"Are you sure you're okay?" Tokoyami asked he was worried my injury might affect my exam

"I'm fine... and it was totally worth it" I massaged the red handprint on my cheek, I was already healing rapidly...

'It was soft'

"Khm khm-" Aizawa walked in front of us and stood still, his scarf started rustling and a white rat climbed out of it, Principal Nezu raised his hands up high

"It's nice to meet you! I am UA's principal, you can call me Nezu. Am I a bear? A rat? Who knows" His eyes turned to crescents before taking a seat on Aizawa's shoulder, making Aizawa groan slightly

"So cute!!!" The girls of our class instantly fell in love, Unfortunately for them. This chimera isn't as cute when he's scheming...

"So today you will have your practical exam! But we thought there needs to be a slight change, so we'll be testing you differently." 

Hearing this our class were thrown into disarray, all our planning into the garbage, Iida raised his hand up high

"Nezu-dono, How will you be testing us?" 

"Good question Iida-kun, the test will be very simple, you will be fighting your teachers"





The already confused class descended into panic. 

"How are we supposed to defeat the teachers???" Kaminari fell onto his knees, with his grades he was basically guaranteed to lose.

"Dont worry everyone" Nezu smiled softly, his voice calming them down he continued "You, of course, will be given a handicap, each teacher will be wearing weights! 2 students will be fighting a single teacher, and of course, the matchups are supposed to be fair don't worry" 

"So why don't we begin, we'll be announcing the teams but please remember I'm watching you!" Nezu said with a smile, but his gaze turned towards me. I felt a chill run up my spine! that rat has no good intentions...


A/N: Oh no~ a multi-chapter part, whatever shall I do...

sorry for the cliffhanger but my wrist hurts from writing... I had two exams this past week ;-;

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