/ アニメ&漫画 / My Hero Academia: Mineta's Redemption

My Hero Academia: Mineta's Redemption Original

My Hero Academia: Mineta's Redemption

アニメ&漫画 12 Chapters 450.3K Views
Author: RisingCaos

4.49 (11 ratings)

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What would you do if you were reincarnated as Mineta? Blake himself felt like he was cursed for having ended in this situation, he hated that character and thought that he was disgusting, but once he saw life through his eyes, something became clear and slowly but surely he started to understand him like he never felt he would.

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    zero_0_5943 Contributed 6
  2. darkmatter369
    darkmatter369 Contributed 5
  3. Dark_Incarnation
    Dark_Incarnation Contributed 4

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Never quit, this is now your author way

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-pretty dope. SI mineta that isnt perverted and above all plans and gets stronger through normal means and is smart. I like that. would like to see him use his meta knowledge for his advantage, like sciences and fictional shit and show it. like his plans, the process, the execution rather than glossing over like most ffs. SS idea is cool. perhaps some mutated captain America shit? -dont really like the happy friendly shit but it is done well and isnt too cringe nor annoying. so nice. would request MC to not be overly friendly not too cringe edgy but middle that suits his past from the first chps, plus he is an SI -Any relationships just build, no rush. And show progress.' suggestion: -Give the balls the ability of kinetic manipulation. ex: any force on balls, MC can absorb it to increase strength, etc like a nerfed version of shaw from x men -kidomaru from naruto could excrete some shit from sweat pores to create armour, something similar like that to allow MC to do same for his ability? and if you do this, some shit like trebols sticky thing?? or even katakuris shit? but nerfed. -Allow pop off to have the duplication ability through mitosis? like when he throws the ball, it immediately multiplies into thousands? and he can control its state of matter or just use it as a giant trap -Ability to control size of the balls, like make em small as a grain of sand or bloodcell [ like MC could transmute/breakdown a normal size ball into tiny tiny shit ] but increase the stickiness to an insane amount if he requires to do so. like an on off ability. without stickiness he can use it like the nanites from big hero six? -Ability to make the balls toxic, or poisonous or acidic -transmute his ball shit, like change state of matter to liquid or gas and ability to control viscosity and stickiness. -control the ball telekinetically? like yondus arrows for ex? MC can through and speed em up to insane speeds? --in all honesty I like minetas ability cause its weak but can be OP cause of bnha evolution thing for quirks, would like to see one of the shit I mentioned above or authors own shit that makes the quirk OP. [ even if it were a glass cannon- prefer MC is not GC but eh ] GL

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more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please more please

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Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More

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I really like the idea, please more, please more,please more, please more please more, please more please more, please more please more, please more please more, please more please more, please more.[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

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Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More Please More

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This story punches you in the gut, and now I feel bad!😭😭😭 Used to be Mineta Hater, but this story has changed my opinion. The grammar is top-standard, and the writing style is beautiful and captivating. It doesn’t matter if you hate mineta or not, since this is a fanfic. So stop hating the author on his opinion.

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😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😱😱😱😱😲😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😲😱😱😲😱😲😱😱😲😱😱😲 OH MYYYYYYYYYYYYY JUST WOWWWWWWWWWWW

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more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more

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Awesome fanfic please continue.............................................................................................................................

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Idea buena para empezar una historia, pero... Bueno cada uno empieza una historia como quiera, pero que sea de esta forma fue para (Mí) mala. Que es eso de que Mineta solo vivió como lo hizo en su vida pasada y espera un resultado diferente?

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Author RisingCaos