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10% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 2: The League of Villains

Chapter 2: The League of Villains

Izuku opened his eyes. He was lying on a couch but made no attempt to move or examine his surroundings.

"I see you're awake, good," came a voice to Izuku's left.

He sat up and turned to see who it was talking. While doing so he saw that he was in some sort of bar. There were two people there. One was behind the counter wearing a classic bartender suit and whose head and hands looked like black mist. The other was a man with messy grey hair, dark trousers and top and, disturbingly, a disembodied hand covering his face.

"Is this heaven or hell?" Izuku asked lazily. "I honestly couldn't care less at this point".

The other displayed no reaction to this statement.

"You're not dead if that's what you think. Kurogiri here saved you before that happened. Oh names Tomura Shigaraki by the way, but just call me Shigaraki," replied the man with the hand on his face.

"I don't care about your names. Why did you bother saving me?" asked Izuku in a depressed voice.

"I asked Kurogiri to bring you here," said a deep voice.

Izuku turned slightly to see a tv with a man broadcasting himself on it. From what Izuku could see he had no face, no eyes, ears or even nose, just a mouth.

"Hello Izuku," the man greeted politely. "My name is All for One. This is the League of Villains."

Izuku was confused."The League of Villains?" he asked.

Izuku was fully aware these were criminals, dangerous people he should be afraid of, but for some reason he got the feeling they weren't here to hurt him. Curious he started to speak.

"Wait you were looking for me, what would you want with someone like me?" he asked still confused. All for One held up a burnt notebook and said "Tomura here found this while he was out and brought it to me. I must admit me and my associates were impressed by these notes of yours. You've got quite a talent."

Izuku was caught off guard by this statement. Someone was actually praising him, they actually believed that he had talent.

"It's also because of this that we would like you to work for us," All for One continued. "Personally I would like to make use of your abilities to further the status of our organisation. With what you are capable of I bel-".

"Hold on a minute," Izuku interrupted. "Do you even believe what you're saying."

Regardless of what he had heard Izuku felt it was too good to be true. The mere idea of someone needing him or even thinking he was an individual worth having seemed absurd. The two at the bar were taken back by this. All for One didn't react.

"What could you want with a quirkless reject like me?" Izuku asked. "There plenty of people out there with powerful quirks you could ask. So why me?"

No matter what anyone said quirkless people were and would looked down on by those with quirks (even those with a weak quirk). Someone who saw them as equals and disregarded societies view of them didn't exist. Not as far as Izuku knew.

All for One must have been able to tell what Izuku was thinking. "I'm guessing you've had a rough life in today's society?" he questioned.

Izuku said nothing. "Suicide rates for quirkless people are rather high," All for One continued. "Though they don't occur without reason. It takes a lot for them to reach that point. Young man if you are willing, would you mind telling us how you reached that point."

Izuku contemplated this for a moment. However he realized he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Well," Izuku started. And he told them. How he'd been bullied for years. How he desired to become a hero for a pure good reason. His encounter with All Might. What kacchan said to do. Basically how his entire world just shattered.

All for One seemed rather annoyed when All Might was mentioned but said nothing. When Izuku finished speaking All for One spoke again.

"Midoriya I understand what you're going through I really do. However, I meant what I said about you. The fact that you are quirkless is irrelevant. What I was impressed with was your intelligence and observational skills, not a quirk. Which is why I will ask again. Will you join us? If you do we will give the chance to be something this false society never did." He finished.

Just then, Izuku felt something in his heart he hadn't truly felt in a while. Hope. He felt hope. He felt a desire to live again.

"Alright I accept," he said simply. "But I have a few conditions."

"And what would those be," All for One asked.

"1. I will have free reign over what I do. 2. I would like to be provided with a living space as I have no desire to return home," he said thinking of his mother. "And finally, regardless of what happens in the League or whatever situation we are in, I will not have to kill anyone. That is one line I will not cross."

Tomura growled in annoyance. "There is no problem with any of those terms," All for One replied with a positive tone.

"Kurogiri give him one the vacant apartments close to here, don't worry about rent I own the building," All for One said, Kurogiri nodded in agreement.

"Not to kill the mood but," Tomura started, "since you're a villain now you'll need a code name."

Izuku thought about this for a moment and one came to mind, one he had held like a scar his back his whole life. "Call me Deku," he said in serious voice.

Meanwhile at an unknown location

"Are you sure about this All for One," asked a woman with green hair, eyes and green clothes from neck to foot. "I personally see nothing wrong with letting a quirkless child like him join us, but, Atrocity is quite against this. He may actually step in and kill the boy himself."

All for One however wasn't intimidated by this. "Worry not Viper I will deal with him if the need arises. You forget my dear he isn't nearly as powerful as me," he replied calmly.

"I suppose," she murmured. "Well anyway goodnight."

And just like that her image disappeared from the screen. Viper the Leagues chief scientist, her quirk was her name which basically allowed her to do anything a snake could and granted her immunity from all poisons. Atrocity was the Leagues other leader. He was cruel, sadistic, merciless and evil right down to the bone. His quirk was power stockpile, much like All Might's quirk One for All, however, like with him not nearly as powerful. He also possessed a strong version of society's view on quirkless people. He actually saw them as sacrificial lambs for experimentation and others practicing their quirks on.

"Let's see how far you will go Izuku Midoriya," thought All for One. "Can you survive our world?"

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