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60% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 12: The Battle of Hosu

Chapter 12: The Battle of Hosu

Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Stain threw two knives at Nomu and jumped. Tenya and Crawler used their quirks to move to opposite sides to flank Nomu. Deku charged forward with great speed and his grappling hook out at the same time.

"If this thing is after me then it's probably only gonna focus on me," he informed everyone.

True to his word the creature flew up avoiding his grounded opponents and straight towards him with both fists held out straight. Deku flipped sideways to avoid it. There was a loud impact which sent everyone but Stain flying. The hero-killer came to the ground and attempted to slash Nomu only for it to recover quickly and dodge. It then directed a kick at Stain who moved gracefully to the side and directly next to Nomu. He then impaled the creature with his katana. Nomu wasn't even remotely fazed as it punched Stain away and moved quickly to grab him, fly up and throw him to the ground where he created a small crater. Stain grunted in pain and tried to get up. Nomu launched itself down to try and finish of Stain but he was saved by Crawler who had gotten back up and was moving around again.

"It's strong. We should have about nine minutes until the drug where's off," Deku thought.

Nomu removed the sword from its stomach and threw it away. Deku watched in horror as the wound regenerated like it had never happened.

"Regeneration and flight. This thing has multiple quirks," he realised.

"Everyone be careful, this thing has multiple quirks. Regeneration and flight are two but it may have others," he announced.

Having noticed Deku Nomu moved to attack him with his arm. Deku threw an ice grenade at the ground and moved to the side. Nomu tried to turn but it tripped and skidded across the ice and crashed into a wall.

"Deku lets aim for the head," Tenya called as he rushed forward using his quirk.

"Right," he agreed while running towards Nomu.

The two boys jumped and spun in opposite directions. Deku put all his strength into his left leg. Tenya used his special move 'Recipro Burst' to give him extra speed and power. The two kicks collided with Nomu's head simultaneously. The impact was so powerful it caused blood to burst from Nomu's head.

For a minute it didn't move. Tenya and Deku thought it may have been unconscious. Wanting to be sure they hadn't killed it Deku raised one of its arms and let it drop. There was no reaction. However, Nomu grabbed Deku and slammed him into Tenya. The two flew right back.

Nomu stood up. It began to regenerate its body again, but at a slower rate.

"If this thing has multiple quirks then maybe it's possible that shock absorption is one of them," Crawler stated.

"When did you get so smart?" Stain asked.

"Oh well," Crawler started. "Hey!"

Deku wondered how they could bicker at a time like this. That wasn't what concerned him though. What concerned him was that Nomu was healing at a slower rate than before. The drug couldn't have worn off yet, there should be at least five minutes left. He examined Nomu further. The head part of it had a brain like pattern and gas mask. Deku hadn't thought much of it before but what if that brain pattern was its actual brain. Since it had been damaged that was why it was taking so long to recover. Quirks were part of the body, and like every body part they were controlled by the brain. This was no different. It was surprising that such a weakness was made so obvious. Then again it was also pretty smart since it's something no one would anticipate.

"Everyone. The brain part of it is its actual brain, that's why the quirks are running slower," Deku announced.

As everyone processed this information Nomu fully recovered. As it did Stain threw two knives which struck its head perfectly. Rather than attacking Stain it removed the knives first so it could heal.

"Guess that proves your theory," Stain told Deku. "We'd better finish this quickly then. Crawler get me one my sword or one of those knives. I want to try something."

Crawler didn't question Stain, he just did what he said and grabbed his katana. Stain then licked the blood off it. At this Nomu froze completely. Stain grinned maliciously.

"It isn't immune to my quirk," he stated. "Let's end this now."

Stain and Crawler moved to attack while Izuku and Tenya recovered. Unfortunately Nomu flew up to dodge them. Stain couldn't believe his eyes. His quirk had only lasted for ten seconds. Regardless of blood type it should have lasted much longer. Nomu attacked Stain again but the latter dodged by jumping backward side to side against the the walls. Crawler wasn't so lucky. Nomu managed to successfully smash into him and pinned him to the ground. Crawler coughed up blood. Nomu was about to finish the man off when Stain threw two daggers at it. Nomu blocked them with its arms and threw them on the ground next to Crawler. Its attention had changed to the larger threat.

"That regeneration must be shortening the time my quirk goes for," Stain growled in anger. "However, if given the right moment it may be just what we need to win. Deku get ready. You and I are going to do 'that' move."

Deku stared at Stain in surprise. He knew what move he was talking about. It was one he had just learned recently. He hadn't practiced much with it though.

"Here we go," Stain yelled as he charged at Nomu.

Not having much choice Deku charged at the monster. The latter did the same. Deku took out a knife and his taser.

"This is a sort of fake out move that can only work when you've got at least two weapons. Though there's rarely ever a time when it's used. It can be pretty effective if you wanna blind an opponent and then take them down."

It had taken a while for Deku to get the hang of it but eventually he managed.

He first threw his knife at the monsters head. Nomu instinctively brought up left its arm to protect itself, temporarily blinding it. It was then Deku moved at max speed so that he was directly in front of Nomu. Using his taser he jammed it straight in Nomu's face and electrocuted him. The shock absorption was the only thing stopping its head from exploding. Nomu staggered slightly and swung its arm. Deku however used his grappling hook to soar up.

"How do you like it?" he shouted.

Stain, who had gotten behind Nomu, sliced off its legs, causing to fall flat on its stomach. Before it could react, Crawler (who looked like he was about to collapse from pain), had two of Stains daggers moved toward it at incredible speed.

"Improvise Special Move: Slip Slide Slice," he shouted as he slid over Nomu and sliced off both its arms simultaneously.

Nomu actually looked helpless. However, it still had its wings which it used to fly up slightly. Stain wasn't having it though. He licked the blood off his sword and paralysed Nomu in the air. As it started to fall Deku released his grappling hook and dived straight toward it while pulling his fist back to punch it. Tenya who had recovered from using his special move had a similar idea and used his quirk to leap into the sky.

"Recipro Extend," he shouted as the engines in his calves accelerated even more.

Deku put every last bit of strength he had to his right fist as Tenya did with his right knee. Their hits collided with Nomu's head causing even more blood to spill. The impact though broke Deku's hand and he and Tenya fell to the ground along with Nomu. Crawler pulled Tenya out of the way and Stain caught Deku.

Once Nomu crashed to the ground Stain wasted no time in cutting off its wings. Nomu lay motionless. It started to regenerate but stopped after a few seconds.

"The drugs after effects must have kicked in," Deku realised.

When he realised this he knew. It was over. They had won.

"Guys, we won," Deku announced. "Trust me. This thing is definitely down for the count."

He left out the part of the drug as that was League business. He didn't even want to think about what would happen to him (or his mother) if he just casually told people about this. His past was fine as long as he didn't reveal too much. While the other two looked convinced Stain kept up his guard just in case. Deku didn't blame him though.

On side note they each had different injuries. Tenya's leg was sprained and out of commission from using his quirk. Crawler's body was sore all over, he could have sworn some his ribs and internal organs had been damaged. Stains body was hurt from being thrown down but nothing more. Deku's right arm had problems also. The impact from Tenya's special move had broken his hand and burst several blood vessels in his arm causing him to feel immense pain. Fortunately, he still had some regeneration drug left over. The only reason they hadn't gotten smashed during the battle was because of the container they were kept in.

Taking out the medicine Deku injected himself first. He felt a sharp pain in his arm as it fully regenerated. After he was healed he moved to do the same to the others. After a few minutes they all appeared as though they hadn't been hurt in the first place.

"Hey um so what are we gonna do about that?" Crawler asked while pointing at Nomu.

"We should leave for the 'law enforcers'," Stain stated. "If not I will finish it off."

"I don't think that will be necessary," Tenya interjected who had his phone out. "I can notify the heroes. It seems their battle is over now. Someone has been broadcasting it live, whether it's the news or some crazy fan I don't know."

"If that's the case then the three of us should probably leave. We aren't heroes and Stain is a notorious serial killer so things might get bad if we stick around," Crawler informed. "By the way Tenya how are you going to explain your absence to your superiors? I mean the fact that you're here all dressed must mean that you're on an internship with someone. There's no way your absence at UA would go unnoticed."

Tenya said nothing.

"Tenya what are you going to do?" Deku asked. "What are you going to tell them?"

Tenya waited about a minute or so speaking again. He decided to be honest with them.

"I'm going to tell them the truth about what happened," he stated. "All of it."

"Won't you get in trouble for that?" Deku asked.

"Oh I will, a lot actually," he sighed. "But there's something I need to say to Stain first."

The Hero-Killer shifted slightly in response. Tenya turned to face him.

"You attacked my brother and I despise you for it, regardless of what happened here that hasn't changed. However, you were right about me. What I was trying to was the furthest act from being a hero. Crawler and Deku, you both helped me realise that and I'm grateful. However it's because of those things that I need to tell the truth," Tenya explained. "That's why, until I become a true hero, one worthy of the name Ingenium, I will accept the consequences of my actions. This will be my first step."

No one said anything. Crawler was looking proud of Tenya. Deku was grinning beneath his mask.

"He's learning. Willing to learn from his mistakes and try become a true hero," Stain thought. "Maybe there's hope for this false society after all."

"I still intend to catch you one day," Tenya stated.

"I look forward to it," Stain replied. "Stray from the path you are on however and I'll add you to my list."

"Ok guys we just survived death. Let's not ruin it by threatening each other," Crawler intervened.

Tenya then turned to Deku.

"Thanks especially for the advice you gave me. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have realised my flaws," he told him.

"There's no need to thank me. Remember I'm still a villain who attacked you and your classmates," Deku retorted.

"Still though thanks," Tenya said. "And it was just Bakugo so don't worry about it. If anything you defeating him had some good impacts."

Deku was surprised.

"Since you defeated him he's slightly changed. He doesn't underestimate his opponents now and he's willing to respect those who actually challenge him, even remembering their names," Tenya explained. "He's still foul mouthed and looks down on others but he's improving."

"So basically what you are saying is that he's slightly less of a dick than he was before," Deku said.

Tenya nodded. When he did Deku couldn't help but laugh at how direct and honest Tenya was about this. Tenya and Crawler even joined in but Stain remained silent.

On top of a building

Tomura was pissed as hell. Not only had the Nomu's been defeated but one had flown off left the scene. It completely ignored his orders and went off the moment he arrived. He heard sounds of impact a few streets away but couldn't see who it was fighting.

"So are you satisfied Tomura Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked.

"You'll know tomorrow when we see the news if we are on the front page," he stated furiously. "What about that Nomu though. Don't you think its behaviour was odd?"

"Yes actually. It looked as though it was searching for someone. Maybe there were a few flaws Viper didn't know about when it was made," Kurogiri suggested as he opened up a warp to the hideout. "Let's ask Sensei when we get back."

Tomura grunted in annoyance and followed him. He wasn't the only one pissed off about what had happened. At the exact same time a bee that had been observing the fight returned to its host. A girl who was a student and part-time villain at the same time.

"Atrocity is gonna be pissed about this," she said. "I didn't expect a student or that vigilante to be here. Seriously first he stops the distribution of 'Trigger' and now this, it's like he's stalking me. Well anyway I'd better get back. May as well get this report over and done with."

And with that Kuin Hachisuka headed off.

Back with the others

Tenya said goodbye to the three and headed to where Manual was. Boy was he going to get it. Still if he wanted to be a hero being honest was the first step.

Crawler had said he'd be checking in on his brother so he would see him soon. Stain and Deku left to continue their 'internship'. Despite what he felt about Stain he had to admit he actually liked Deku. If he wasn't a villain there may have been a chance they could be friends.

"Tenya where were you?" Manual yelled while running towards him. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

Tenya bowed his head in shame.

"I'm sorry. I betrayed your trust," he said.

Manual was taken off guard by this, though this was also because of the way Endeavor had been fighting. He was more angry and brutal than normal.

"Tenya, what did you do?" he asked despite already knowing the answer, he knew it was why Tenya had become an intern at his agency.

"This what happened," he started while still bowing his head.

The next day

The aftermath of the attack on Hosu had been rather quiet. The situation was different for each person though.

Koichi had stayed the night with Izuku and Stain in an abandoned apartment block which surprisingly wasn't all that bad. He was getting ready to leave but still had something to do first. It was something he had to say with Deku.

"Hey Deku I was just leaving but I wanted to give you something," he said while holding out a card.

It was his phone number and address. Deku took the card and stared at it. He then looked at Koichi.

"I know you're a villain right now but, if you ever want to stop and be a hero, well a vigilante really, then why don't you join my team. It would be great to have you there. You'd be the youngest though," he said.

He was surprised when he'd seen the boy's face, he couldn't have been much older than fifteen. Also he'd seen what type of person Deku was. He wasn't a villain, he was good, and Koichi couldn't help but feel that he would be better off as a hero. Stain who was eavesdropping on their conversation had been having similar thoughts throughout the week. In his mind Izuku seemed like someone who could be a true hero. However at the same time he also knew that he had been hurt by this society too many times to actually want it now. That League, regardless of how pathetic it was had actually saved him from the depths of despair. There was no going back for him.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm happy where I am," he said while accepting the card. "I'll let you know if I change my mind though."

Koichi was somewhat saddened by this but accepted his answer. He then said his goodbyes and left. He was going to have quite a story to tell his comrades when got back.

Stain was still tired after last night's ordeal and told Izuku that they would train later. He needed to talk with Razor about this. Fortunately Izuku made no complaints and went back to sleep.

Tenya was in the hospital for a check on his health.

Last night after he told his story Manual harshly berated him for acting out of revenge. However, after that he hugged him and was relieved that he wasn't harmed.

An hour later Tenya was questioned by the police about Stain and those with him. He told them everything he knew, about their quirks and their battle with Nomu. He felt like he was betraying them but knew he had to tell the truth. After that the police let him go. They released the story out to the public but left Tenya out of it. Due to his information he had been pardoned. He would still be punished, but by UA who had been informed about the incident. The story was bigger than the Nomu's the heroes fought.

Tenya wasn't looking forward to facing Aizawa but knew he had to face the consequences of his actions. Manual would be here shortly also to pick him up to go out on patrol. However, he made it clear that he would be keeping a closer watch on Tenya this time.

The information he had provided did catch the interest of Naomasa however. Knowing that All Might was interested in Deku he decided to go and take it to him, he had something he needed to talk about with him anyway, he also had the list of quirkless people he had requested to see.

On a side note Naomasa was curious as to why Nomu was after Deku (according to Tenya). He was a member of the League wasn't he so why was he suddenly a target? Or had he betrayed them? Those were questions he needed to find the answers to.

Shin3 Shin3

Hi there. Well what did you all think of that? I hoped you liked the fight scene, it was surprisingly easy to write out. Anyway the next chapter will see Izuku return to the League and will mainly feature All Might and Naomasa. Please review. Also, I may not be able to update for a while due to work.

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