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50% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 10: Internship with Stain

Chapter 10: Internship with Stain

While Razor had told him to rest Izuku started getting ready for tonight, and the week that came with it. His villain suit and mask had been repaired so he would be able to go out without anyone recognising him. He was still nervous though. He had heard about Stain's deeds as the hero-killer. He had killed at least seventeen and his most recent attack, which was during the festival, was on Ingenium. The turbo hero wasn't dead, he'd been found before that happened, however he was in critical condition. That's what Izuku learned from the news reports. What was strange however were the effects of Stain's murders in which crime rates actually decreased.

On a side note he was angry that Razor wasn't available (again) to tell him about herself. Apparently, she'd gone on another job for Sensei, or so Kurogiri said. It was either that or she was purposely avoiding him, though he somehow doubted it. It didn't seem like Razor to run from her problems.

Izuku packed his taser, grappling hook, some knives, some ice grenades (made by him) and several doses of his regeneration drug. He also had a bit of cash on him from Kurogiri to last him the week and a phone. He didn't know what he would be up against this week so it was best to be prepared.

"Well it's nearly 8. I'd better go and see Kurogiri," he said to himself before exiting the room.

Hosu City

"So you're here," the hero-killer greeted him. "Good then we can get started."

"Before we do, I'd like to know exactly what we'll be doing," Izuku replied. "If that's alright."

Stain frowned.

"Well to put it simply I'll be going through knife skills and working on your senses and mobility. I will also be attempting to teach you how to channel your killing intent," Stain explained.

Izuku was slightly surprised. Those were things that Razor could have taught him herself, so why would she want him to learn from this man. Maybe it really was just a way to give him a break from the League. However, he was curious about this killing intent.

"From the look in your eyes I can tell your wondering why Razor isn't going to teach you these things herself," Stain piped in.

"I must be really easy to read," Izuku cursed. "Cause I swear, everyone has always been able to guess my thoughts."

Stain ignored him.

"When she said this was an educational experience it wasn't a joke. While you are with me I shall be teaching you my way of life. The way I see the world," Stain told him.

He then started jumping from wall to wall until he was at the top of a building.

"Follow me," he called out to Izuku.

Seeing no reason to disobey Izuku started to do the same thing but used his grappling hook to bring him the rest of the way. As soon as he'd reached the top Stain motioned him to come over and sit with him on the edge.

"Before we start I think it would be best if we get to know each other a little first. So go on tell me a bit about yourself," Stain told Izuku.

Izuku hesitated for a moment. Then he decided that if he was going to work with this man he was going to have to get along with him.

"Well I'm 15. I lived with my mother until I joined the League. My hobbies are quirk analysis, science and reading. My work for the League involves the first two hobbies. Also, I don't know if Razor told you but I happen to be quirkless," Izuku told the hero-killler.

Stain didn't appear phased by this however.

"I'm 31. My parent's died a long time. Up until about a year ago I worked as a vigilante called Stendhal and eliminated criminals until a certain incident changed all of that. My hobbies include martial arts, listening to music and killing the false heroes that plague this society. By the way Razor did tell me you were quirkless but I couldn't care less about that. The fact that you do not possess the quirk doesn't mean that you are weak," Stain told him.

Izuku was slightly surprised at this. Most generally saw people like him as weak and worthless. Though there were exceptions in the case of Razor, Kurogiri and his mother. However, something Stain had just said caught his attention.

"When you say false heroes what do you mean?" Izuku asked.

Stains face contorted into one of anger.

"What I mean is everyone, with the exception of All Might, who bear the title hero are not heroes at all. All they care about is fame and money and nothing else. Female heroes parade around like sluts to increase their popularity and male heroes display their quirks like they're the most impressive thing in the world garnering attention. The only true hero in this society is All Might, who doesn't care about any of those things. As such, it is my duty to free this society of all its pretenders and make it a place of true heroes," Stain preached.

Thinking on what Stain just said Izuku couldn't help but agree with him. Most of the heroes were as he said. In fact it was the reason so many of his classmates, Bakugo included, wanted to become heroes. And, despite how he felt about the Symbol of Peace now, he was adamant enough to acknowledge him as a true hero.

"If you're goal is to eliminate all false heroes then why is Ingenium still alive? You don't seem like the sort of person that would leave things to chance," Izuku said.

"A vigilante by the name of the Crawler stopped me before I could. He told me that Ingenium was willing to help him master his quirk and even offer him a place at his agency as a sidekick, despite not having a hero license. It was also from him I learned that Ingenium was more interested in saving people, it was the reason why he was interested in taking the man as sidekick," Stain explained. "Had I known any of this I wouldn't have attacked him the way I did. He attacked me first though. However, there isn't anything I can do about it now."

Izuku was stunned at the information he'd just acquired. From the sound of things Ingenium seemed more like All Might as a hero rather than just the self-absorbed greedy 'heroes' that lived in society.

"If you are so hung up on heroes then why didn't you ever try to become one?" Izuku asked curiously.

"I did want to at one point. I was inspired by All Might when he debuted and worked hard become one. However, when I tried I entered a hero school I started to see how the world truly was, and that's what made me began my crusade today," Stain told him.

Izuku was starting to see the similarities between him and Stain. He had been the same once until shit happened and everything went to hell for him.

"I get what you mean. I used to look up to All Might as well and at one point I wanted to be a hero as well. I wanted to do it because I wanted to help people, not for the usual reasons most people," Izuku replied.

Stain stared at him in surprise.

"What changed?" Stain asked curiously. "Razor didn't tell me about your past or why you were really in the League?"

Stain really was intrigued by this boy. From the way he spoke about himself Deku seemed like another version of All Might. Strangely enough, Stain could see a bit of himself in the boy. Someone who had dreams and aspirations, only to have them shattered by the deeds of others.

Not really seeing a reason to keep it from him Izuku decided to tell him.

"Since you're curious I may as well tell you. It all started when I discovered I was quirkless," Izuku started.

And so he told him. How he'd been bullied for not having a quirk. How he had so badly wanted to be a hero but was put down every time. His encounter with All Might (though he left out the details of his weakness). How he tried to commit suicide at Bakugo's suggestion, which was also how he joined the League. He even talked about his training with Razor and how he had gotten revenge on Bakugo.

While he was listening Stain couldn't help but feel sympathy for Deku. At the same time he was also furious.

"Assaulting someone without power just to boost their own ego. Great now I have another reason to hate this society," Stain thought. "I swear some these false heroes and those who would become heroes are even bigger villains than most of the villains I've encountered."

He was slightly interested by the encounter with All Might. Despite what he said Stain figured there must have been a specific reason All Might acted the way he did. The Symbol of Peace wasn't type who looked down on others.

Stain himself had nothing against quirkless people. He also didn't see a reason why they couldn't become heroes. He may have relied on his quirk but most of the time he needed to use hand-to-hand combat to defeat his enemies. Quirkless people could've done the same. Society's view of them was pathetic. To make matters worse they were openly discriminated against in that they weren't accepted into most hero schools and had a hard time finding employment (due to the preference for quirks that were suited for the job). From Deku's description it seemed that even in schools they were made a mockery of and excluded from most activities.

"Your reasoning for becoming a villain is understandable. As for All Might, he may have had a specific reason for acting that way towards you. From everything I have seen of him he isn't the type of person to just look down on someone. He is a true hero that tries to instil those with hope, not despair," Stain told the boy sitting next to him.

Izuku pondered over what Stain had just said. All Might had been quirkless, maybe he had gone through something similar to him. That would explain why he seemed so hesitant when answering him. Stain was right. All Might wasn't the type to look down on someone. It didn't matter now though, he was a villain and nothing would change that. Having decided that Izuku leapt to his feet.

"Whatever the case let's get started. This is a learning experience, an internship if you want to call," he said.

Stain couldn't help but grin at the boy. He was enthusiastic he'd give him that. He leapt to his feet.

"Alright first I'm going to teach you how to channel killing intent. This might sound like a bad thing but it can be pretty damn useful," Stain explained.

At the bar

It had been an hour since Deku had gone out with Stain. Razor was currently drinking some red wine served by Kurogiri. Tomura was still out. Apparently he was still pissed off at Stain.

"Why did you ensure that Stain doesn't kill while he's out with Deku?" Kurogiri asked her.

Razor took a sip of her drink and spoke up.

"You know very well that he doesn't kill. Furthermore, he's already a member of the League that attacked students and teachers at UA, there's no reason to make him an accomplice to murder as well," she explained. "Believe me, once you cross that line there's no going back. When you kill, your soul becomes stained in a way that never cleans. I know better than anyone."

Kurogiri was slightly, but not entirely, surprised at this. He wouldn't say it, Razor wouldn't admit it, but she had grown to respect and slightly care about Izuku.

"Kurogiri what do you think of Izuku?" Razor asked him.

The black mist villain was taken slightly back at this.

"I think he's an intelligent, loyal and boy. He's passionate about what he does and he's one of the nicer members of the League," he responded.

"Yes he is a nice person," Razor said. "And he doesn't belong with the League."

Now Kurogiri was definitely surprised. It seemed that she was showing was the closest to her soft side.

"Is this because of what you saw in the video?" he asked.

"A little," she responded.

She and Kurogiri watched the video of Izuku's battle with that explosive little bastard. She watched with pride as her student stood his ground and fought using everything she'd taught him. She was even more proud when he actually defeated the little shit. However, when it came to the part where he saved that girl she suggested that they edit it out. Neither of them were mad with Izuku. They didn't care what he did, but they knew others would. It was then that Razor saw that despite how much he had changed with the League, deep down he was still a good person. He still possessed morality. Not that she cared, she had a certain degree of morality too, a certain line she wouldn't cross.

"You know, aside from the video, part of me thinks he would be better off as a hero," Razor told him. "He'd be one of the few that are actually in it to help people rather than the usual bullshit reasons."

Kurogiri said nothing. He knew this wasn't the place to be saying those things, yet part of him wanted to agree with her. At one point in his life he had wanted to become a hero like most. However 'that' event happened and he became a villain.

"I can understand where you're coming from. However, at the same time it isn't possible. That shithole of a society will never allow that. They would never accept someone like him as one of them. I know from experience," he explained to her.

Razor said nothing. She knew where this was coming from but said nothing.

"It was just a thought. Thanks for the drink," she said before walking off.

She had purposely avoided Izuku so that he could prepare for his week with Stain. She would still keep her promise though.

She thought a bit more about the type of person Izuku was and who he had been. An idiot that was more interested in helping others than himself. Razor sighed as it made her think of another person she knew all too well.

"He's just like you Toshinori. Why couldn't you have seen that?"

Shin3 Shin3


"Hi there. Well whatdid you think of that? Izuku and Stain arequite similar soI thoughtthey'd gowell together. Next chapterwill involvethe Nomuand Iida, Todorokiwon't appearhowever. Sincehe nevermet Izuku therewould havebeen noreason forhim to workwith hisfather. However,someone youwon't expect willbe turning up, though some of you may never have heardof that person.As for Kurogiri's backstory, that will be discussed later. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and please review."

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