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70% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 14: Internship Aftermath

Chapter 14: Internship Aftermath

Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

It had been a week since the incident at Hosu and the students of UA were settling back in while at the same time preparing for exams.

Things weren't the same for three students though.

Ochaco Uraraka

Ochaco sighed as she walked along. The day had finished and she was just about to go home, but first she wanted to check in on Iida. Iida had been in detention since he returned. According to Mr. Aizawa he had crossed a certain line during his internship and was now receiving punishment for it. The entire class found incredibly strange since Iida was the type to follow all rules, not break them. He wasn't even allowed to tell them.

Iida aside something else had been on her mind. It was the villain who had saved her during the USJ incident, Deku. She had seen the news, he had been in Hosu fighting against the Nomu alongside the hero-killer and some vigilante called the 'Hauler'.

She had stopped thinking about him during the Sports Festival, however, during her internship she had slowly started to think of him again. She wondered where he was, what he was doing, she kept reminiscing about him saving her. When she saw the news about the attack on Hosu she thought about him even more. Her behaviour didn't go unnoticed. Gunhead, the one she interned with, asked her if she was worried about a friend of hers. She denied it of course but then he asked an even more awkward question. "Is it a boy you like?" The words were still present in her mind.

"Why did he have to go and ask something like that?" she thought frustrated.

She had denied it of course, however she only did so after a few seconds and rather franticly while blushing. Why she blushed? She didn't know. She didn't like Deku, not that way, they only met once for crying out loud.

However she couldn't stop thinking about him. Last night she actually had a dream about him.

Her friends were gone, she was all alone surrounded by villains who were going to kill her. She was terrified. One of the villains moved to kick her and that's when he showed up. Deku entered by delivering a flying side kick to his face. He then proceeded to beat up every other villain there until they were all down for the count. He then moved towards her and picked her up and started to carry her in a princess like fashion. She didn't know how to respond. He looked at her and said "Are you alright?" She blushed heavily and struggled to answer.

That's when she woke up, still blushing.

"Do I like him?" she wondered.

Honestly, she didn't know how she felt about Deku but she knew she didn't hate him. He was a villain sure but, part of her could see good in him, or at least she wanted to.

While walking she suddenly remembered where she was going and snapped back to reality.

"Come on focus," she told herself. "You're here to check on your friend."

She then proceeded to where Iida was.

Tenya Iida

Tenya was currently cleaning Power Loader's workshop where a lot of the Support Couse (including that infuriating girl Mei Hatsume) built their inventions. The entire room was sound proof so students could build new things without disrupting anyone. Naturally there were a lot of work tools lying around so he had a lot of cleaning to do.

Tenya didn't mind though, he had deserved it after what he did during his internship. While the remainder of it had gone smoothly his return to school the next day hadn't been pleasant.

Nezu and Aizawa berated him for his foolish actions and sentenced him to cleaning duty as detention. Aizawa was furious with him and informed him that this would doing this for a month (barring weekends as he would need to catch up on homework and study), though Tenya considered this rather merciful since he wasn't being expelled or suspended. And so here he was cleaning the workshop on his first evening, afterwards he was off to clean the toilets.

"I wonder what they're all doing right now," he thought.

He was of course referring to Deku and Stain. Koichi (Crawler), he knew was back with his own team. They had met during a visit to his brother who was asleep at the time. Tenya figured out who he was but said nothing. While he was committed to being a better and more honest hero he didn't see the problem with certain people trying to help others, even if they were vigilantes. That was one thing he'd learned during his encounter with them. And hey, who was he to judge. After the stunt he had pulled.

Koichi aside Tenya had often wondered about Stain and Deku as there had been no news of them. Stain appeared to be laying low for the moment as there had been no reports of hero deaths, at the moment. Deku had also made no appearances recently, though he hadn't made many before so it was likely he was laying low also. Despite his villain status Tenya was actually hoping he wouldn't get caught. He had helped him get back on the right track to being a true hero after all. His thoughts were interrupted by a certain brunette coming in.

"Hey Iida, just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing," Ochaco said.

"Thanks Uraraka, really," he replied. "There's not much to see though."

The brunette giggled.

"Aw don't be like that. I was just concerned," Ochaco said. "Still though, I can't believe you have detention. Just what did you do during your internship?"

Tenya shot her a look.

"You know I'm forbidden from speaking about that so please don't ask me," he told her. "Besides I'd rather not get into any more trouble."

This caused Ochaco to pout a bit. She should have known that Iida wouldn't just tell her. While she had come to check on him she was also curious about something, and she wasn't about to give up now.

"Was it something to do with the hero-killer?" she asked.

Tenya froze. It had been the most logical answer. She knew about his brother, she knew it had happened in Hosu, so she must have figured out why he interned there. Tenya mentally cursed himself.

"Don't say another word. No point digging yourself in further when you've already gotten in far enough," he told himself.

"Look Iida I understand if you don't want to talk about it but," Ochaco started. "Could you at least tell me if you saw Deku? He's the villain who defeated Bakugo."

Tenya gave no response, fearing that he would give away information. Still though, now he was curious. What did Uraraka want with Deku?

"If you wish to tell her Mr. Iida then by all means do," came a voice from behind them.

The pair turned to see the principal standing behind them.

"Sir what are you-" Tenya started before Nezu interrupted him.

"I just happened to be walking by when I noticed the door was open," Nezu told them. "I even heard Ms. Uraraka try and pry about your punishment."

The latter started to fidget nervously.

"As to why I am letting you inform her, well it's because you both share something in common, or rather someone," he continued. "You both share an experience with that someone which you haven't shared with others. So just this once I'll allow it. However, Ms. Urararka you mustn't tell others of Iida's ordeal, if you did then he would be in trouble with the police."

The brunette nodded in response. Nezu took that as his que to leave and exited, unaware that Bakugo was hiding near the door listening in.

"So can you tell me what happened now?" Ochaco asked impatiently.

"Alright, alright," Tenya replied. "This is what happened when I was interning in Hosu."

And so he explained the entire ordeal to her. How he hunted Stain, how he nearly got killed, how Deku and Crawler helped him, how they fought against the Nomu and what happened afterward. Ochaco never once interrupted him when he spoke. She did have mixed feelings about it though.

She was glad Iida was safe but at the same time furious at what he had done. When it came to Deku it only made her more curious about him. She was convinced he wasn't a bad person but was confused as to why he was a villain at all.

"Okay now it's your turn. Why are you so hung up on Deku?" Tenya asked her.

He knew something must have happened between them if she was interested in him. Uraraka stared at the ground before speaking again.

"I met him during the USJ Incident," she said. "I was alone. The others were all scattered across the area so none of them could help me. There was a villain who caught me, from the way he was acting I could tell he was about to rape me. That's when Deku showed up injured, probably from his fight with Bakugo. Rather than help that villain he tased him unconscious and saved me. Ever since then he's been on my mind."

Tenya was stunned at what he had just learned. What happened to Uraraka aside he was stunned at what Deku had done. Back when he first met him he didn't think he was a bad person but now, now he was certain.

"This doesn't make any sense," Tenya said. "He isn't evil but he's a villain."

"I know right," Ochaco piped in. "All Might told me that villains vary in personality but with him."

"What is it?" Tenya asked curiously.

"Up until now I just thought villains were bad people who enjoyed hurting others and creating chaos. But now, now I'm starting to think that there's more to it than that. The same with heroes," she replied.

Tenya said nothing. He didn't even know how to respond to that. He had never really thought about it before. He had just accepted what he had been told growing up.

"She has a point," he thought. "Deku is a villain but wasn't evil. Koichi was a vigilante (which was technically a villain) but went around saving people. Stain is a cold-blooded murderer yet he actually believes he's doing society a favour. Then there are heroes like Mt. Lady and Captain Celebrity who only care about fame and wealth. Though there are also heroes like my brother and All Might who actually want to help people."

It was all so confusing.

"What are heroes and villains anyway?" Ochaco asked.

"Honesty, I don't know. I thought I did, but now I'm not so sure," he replied.

After that nothing more was said between them.

Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki was walking along as fast as he could. There were a lot of things racing through his mind right now. Most of this stemmed from the conversation he had just heard between four-eyes and round-face. What happened to them was surprising enough, not that he actually cared because he didn't. What was causing him to act this way now was the name of the villain he'd fought. He hadn't heard it from the police, he also hadn't been watching the news so hadn't known.

"Deku," he thought furiously. "That bastard I fought was fucking Deku. It isn't possible."

He still couldn't believe it. He remembered that asshole had similar eyes but he didn't think much of it then.

"Could they be the same?" he wondered.

He still found it impossible to believe. Deku was quirkless. Deku was weak and useless. Deku never fought back. Also, there was no way in hell he could ever beat him. But still, some of it made sense with him disappearing and having that name.

"What the fuck does he think he's doing?" he snarled. "That hero loving nerd decided to become a villain. Does he even realise the state he's put Inko in?"

Despite his hatred toward the boy that didn't actually extend to his mother. On occasion she had acted more as one to him than his own.

"If he has become a villain, if he was then the one who did that to me. Well, I'll have to remind that quirkless shit of his place," Katsuki growled.

Shin3 Shin3

Hi there. Well what did you think of that? I hope you all don't mind some of the changes I made to Tenya's personality, since it was a different encounter he had he also had a different outcome. Anyway, next chapter will see Izuku and Tomura talking. Please review.

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