Fuck. Even in the air, he wasn't secure. And one after the other, several projectiles were thrown at him. Dabi was able to look at one of it, it was actually concrete spikes thrown at him.
He needed to go up if he wanted to avoid them. But before he could, he felt a sudden pain from his right thigh. Dabi's eyes widened in horror as he winched in pain, one of the projectiles was stuck to his leg, and he was loosing mobility in the air.
He saw several other spikes thrown at him from below. And the girl was still in his arms, she would be injured as well. So, just like that, his body moved on its own, as he spun midair.
Several small spikes piercing his back, knocking the air out of him, he did the use some flames from his back to melt down the pointy edges, but with how many they were it was a futile effort.
He smashed into a rooftop, with the girl still balled up in his chest. He took the all the force himself landing on his back, not letting a scratch on her. But taking that much damage wasn't a smart move.
A low grown escaped his lips, as he tried to get up. And his lungs were basically begging him to stop. The bridge was a few blocks away. But he wasn't sure if he could make it.
"Are you alright?" The little girl asked with tears flowing down her face. The knot around the girl loosened as he moved away from him a little. "It's all my fault. If you didn't…"
"Hush, little girl," Dabi said, putting his back on a pillar. He winched when the wounds on his back flared up. "You can blame yourself when we are free. For now, just be strong."
The girl got up from his lap, keeping her head down. She looked at the sounds coming from afar, they were getting near. "Please just leave me… or they will hurt you."
Dabi sighed, how could they do this to a poor child. Were they even humans? He looked at the small girl, she was only five or six, he didn't know. But with how bad her condition was it was hard to guess her age.
She had white hair the same as his, but he was wearing the fake black colors so she wouldn't know. The other distinct feature was a small horn growing up from her forehead. Tears were flowing from the girl.
"What's your name?"
The girl looked at him as she wiped away her tears, "Eri."
"Eri-chan, that's a beautiful name." Dabi said, "Do you know the meaning of the word Eri?"
She shook her head, she was almost losing her breath due to the crying.
Dabi gave her a small smile, it was even harder for him to breathe. But with one of his hands, he wiped away the tears. "It's called 'blessing.' I am sure you are one. And don't listen to what those guys say, they are looser, that's why they hide…" Dabi was stopped midway, as he coughed. He tried to keep it low, but it still came out loud. He looked down at his hands, there was blood in them.
So now he was coughing blood. Just great. Dabi knew with his bleeding, he wasn't going to make it. But he still wanted to save this girl. That was his last wish, at least that way he could be someone's hero.
"What's your name, mister." The girl asked with a hiccup.
Dabi looked at her, giving a small smile. "Toya." He said. "But you have to keep it a secret okay." The girl nodded.
Dabi looked at the bridge. The way through the bridge wasn't that hard, if she ran straight, maybe. Suddenly Dabi felt his pain getting less, he frowned looking down. The girls hands glowed in white light as his pain started leaving by the seconds.
She had a healing quirk? No, it was different. Dabi knew how healing quirks felt on his skin, he had a lot of visits to 'personal doctors' when he was still training with his father. It was different. It felt different.
The wounds on his back started closing down and even the skin on his feet started regenerating. This was beyond a healing quirk. The wound on his left leg started to disappear and even the melted bars on his legs started to get off his skin. It was as if things were getting backwards.
No, this wasn't a healing quirk. It's time-reversal. And his theory was confirmed when even the metal bars started straightening even losing their rustiness in the process.
So, that's how they could make their quirk erasing bullets. Shit. Now everything adds up. He knew from the lab report previously given to him, it said that there were traces of DNA in the bullets. Now, he knew what they were doing.
They were using her as the main ingredient for the bullets.