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Chapter 2: MARY SHAW

This first horror story that actually happened has been in my family for generations and is a reminder that evil does exist and that we should not continue to deny it.


            For this reason, it has become a fierce fight between good and evil, Devil vs God but, more than that, it is an internal struggle that each one of us has to face and whatever happens, always choose the path of good.


            In this first story, we see that internal struggle, that human beings, at that time, must have and how they allowed themselves to be seduced by the Devil and his demons.


            The truth is, that I don't know when this started but, my family and I believe that it started in the 17th century.

          From what I was told, this story belongs to one of my ancestors, who was called Elizabetha Valerius, the first of my generation who had to fight evil, and the story, told by her and by Mary Shaw, is the following:


            "It was the 17th century, and it was a time in which women had an active participation in all meetings and we gave our points of view.


            For their part, the men gradually accepted that we participate actively, not only in the meetings; but also, giving advice, on any problem they have.


            In that century, so representative and important for us women, there was a good woman named Mary Shaw.


            She was the type of person who, was very loved by everyone who knew her and she had a brother named "Billy".


            Her little brother was the type of person who, loved puppets, was very excluded from the Society; and finally, he was molested by children and adolescents, older than him.


            Whenever he was disturbed, Mary would come out to defend him; so, "Billy" had only his older sister and his puppets.


            I remember that everything was going perfectly and that we got along well; until, things started to change.

            They all started accusing Mary of witchcraft and having made a pact with the Devil.


            In my head, and all my senses, they told me and I could not conceive the idea of ​​the atrocities they were saying against Mary, who has always been loyal and an excellent friend and advisor to all of us.


            I knew I had to convince them that the accusations they are making are pure lies; so, I went from house to house to convince them that Mary is good, but to no avail.


            From the immense appreciation, affection and consideration that they had and felt towards Mary, it was transformed into hatred and a deep contempt that, they decided to look for her, to her home.


            Before carrying out that plan, everyone got together, to plan well how things are going to be done and to convince everyone to participate in this.


            Each member of the families agreed to kill Mary Shaw, in whatever way, there were others who were against that cruelty and said openly that they would not participate in that carnage.

            They only needed to convince my family to participate in this brutal carnage.

            I had already said that, neither my family nor I would participate in that slaughter because it goes against everything that God has taught us but, I don't know what they used to convince the rest of my family.


            But they succeeded and before they left my family's house, they had been told to do everything possible to convince me to participate.


            I don't know the real reason why, my dad, decided to be absent suddenly but he did.


            He had invented a work trip that was too urgent and that he could not keep putting it off and he left without saying goodbye to me.


            My father went to France for two months and during those two months, the rest of my family have not stopped convincing me, in vain, to participate in that brutal slaughter.


            "I already said that I am not going to participate in this cruelty that they are going to commit and that it goes against everything that God has taught us; furthermore, I fully trust the honesty of my friend, Mary Shaw and I know that she would never do something like that "I told them, emphasizing every word and letting them know my disapproval of that monstrosity.

            "You should at least think about it. We agree to kill Mary Shaw, for being a witch and God knows what other things she has done," my mother told me, annoyed to see that I was against all that.


            "You, mention God so much, and yet you are going to do something that goes against what he has taught us! I can't believe you are a double-faced woman, mother," I said, annoyed to see my family's reaction. and of his determination that he participates in that monstrosity.


            I could not believe that my family is willing to participate in this cruelty that I find disgusting and stupid because they plan to kill her being innocent.

            Suddenly, I realized that they are not my family; rather, strangers, willing to commit all kinds of injustices against innocents.


            While I was alone, and in shock; suddenly, I heard a voice that, said to me the following: "Let them commit that outrage because I will see each one of them in hell," said that dark voice full of evil that I don't know who it was.


            "Who are you?" I asked very nervous, after hearing that voice.


            "You really don't know who I am?" That mysterious voice asked again.


            "I really don't know who you are," I replied, my voice shaking.


            "My name is VALAK", he replied and laughed so hard and in a sinister and macabre way.


            I was shocked, completely paralyzed, I felt that my heart had frozen, I could not move, far from talking.


            The fear had won, and had taken, over my entire body, and my desperation to move was so strong that I did the humanly impossible to get out of the trance I was in at that moment.


            When I wanted to ask him more things, I don't really know why but, I noticed that it was gone.

          I really didn't know how to take that warning, so to speak. The simple fact that VALAK himself had spoken to me was a clear sign what they had planned, could all go wrong and have a rebound effect on them but evil.


            It was not just anyone who had spoken to me, it was VALAK and his warning was still echoing in my head.

            I knew I had to do something but, I didn't know what I was supposed to do.


            The first thing that, occurred to me, at that moment, was to tell the truth, and as soon as they heard it, they began to laugh at me and they thought I was crazy and my family also thought exactly the same.


            I knew it would be difficult for me to convince them of the truth but, I had to try.


            No matter how hard I tried, they didn't believe me and the worst thing was, they even dared to threaten me with jail time if I dared to arrest them.


            Before their reaction, I understood that they are neither my family nor my friends; rather, they are perfect strangers who were so easily swayed by rumors.


            I tried to stop them; so that, they would not commit that barbarity that they had planned to carry out, but every attempt I made to stop them, was useless, and to leave me alone, and to lock me up.


            "Why do they lock me up?" I asked annoyed, seeing the attitude of those who I believed and thought were my family and friends.


            "We lock you up because we don't want you to stop us on what we have planned to do," said John Piper, police chief and my dad's best friend.


            "Does my dad agree with this arbitrariness that they are committing against me?" I asked incredulous, intrigued and concerned by the answer that could be positive.


            "Yes, your dad agrees with us on everything," John Piper said, confirming what he had discussed with his best friend, who was my dad, weeks ago.


            I really couldn't believe what I was hearing! My dad, the man I admired the most, up to that point, agreed with all of this.

            I felt that, a part within my body had died, with this confession. I couldn't believe that, my own family are all strangers, and they were going to harm a good and innocent woman like Mary Shaw to me.


            Suddenly, I understood everything: his sudden trip for two months to France and how he had left, without saying goodbye to me.


            According to him, I am his spoiled daughter that he left, without saying goodbye to me; far from it, without telling me the truth.


            "With this, I must understand that my father also gave his consent to lock me up if I did not collaborate with you in this monstrosity?" I asked, still incredulous to believe all this.


            Suddenly I felt that this was not my life; far from it, that they were my family and friends.


            They knew that, the only way to stop me is, by locking me up, and who knows for how long.


            "Yes, your dad, and your whole family, have given us the go-ahead to lock you up, if you dared stop us," John Piper said, locking the cell where I was and making sure I couldn't escape.


            I said nothing more and allowed them to lock me up. As they did so, I couldn't help crying, because of the way they had treated me up to that point and because I realized that I am nothing to my own family.


            When John Piper finished making sure that there was no way he could get out of there, he left, not before, turning off all the lights, so that I would not figure out how to get out of there, to help and save Mary Shaw.


            When they got to her house, they forced her out of it. Mary, not knowing what was really happening, left the house and when she did, her hell began.

            They took her and tied her up as if she had committed some kind of crime. While Mary was tied up, she asked him to release her, to leave her alone but, in vain because, nobody wanted to listen to it.


            As if they were robots, they started setting it on fire. Mary, begged for mercy but, all made fun of her and Mary, she died burned, leaving her brother, alone and without any relative.


            But, before he died, she had said the following: "I will take revenge on each one of you, who until this moment, I thought you were my friends.


            Only Elizabetha Valerius, who believes in me, and all the children who are innocent and they will be saved. They are not to blame for the evils that you have created"


            Mary Shaw, paused and, in her last vestige of life, said the following: "I give myself to you Satan and the Devil, completely giving my soul, my blood and all that I am, in exchange for allowing me to live to take revenge on you all who have hurt me "


            With all this said, Mary Shaw died, giving herself completely to evil and letting all the good that was in her, completely disappear.


            All who led Mary Shaw to her death were present, with the exception of, Elizabetha Valerius, who locked her up so they wouldn't stop them from her plan to kill Mary Shaw.


            After seeing Mary's charred body, they all went quietly to their respective houses, having full knowledge that Mary was really dead.


            They did not know how Mary managed to survive but, all the goodness that was in her, disappeared completely the moment they decided to burn her alive.


            Exactly four months have passed since that fateful day that, no one thought that their lives would change forever.


            The first one, who saw Mary was, in earlier times, her best friend Douglas Wallis.

            Douglas, like his family, were home quietly, enjoying a good dinner when someone knocked on the door.


            Douglas jumped up from the table and immediately headed for the door. When he opened it, he saw that there was no one outside and closed the door again.


            No one knows how, but before they could say anything, they had Mary in front of them.


            Mary was not alone; rather, she was accompanied by one of her little brother's dolls, which was very important to him.


            Mary, on the outside, was pale, skinny, with a black dress, white hair and totally red eyes, and on the inside, she was full of hatred for all who burned her alive.


           They felt that, something was not right and before they could say anything, Mary, she put them to sleep.


            Mary took advantage of the fact that they were asleep, she put the children away from the house because they are innocent of what their parents had done.


            As for Douglas and his wife Denisse, Mary tied them back to back and left them in a completely empty room and the key was at the other end of the room.


            Mary had bound them with handcuffs and chains so they couldn't get out of there so easily.

            When they were beginning to react, they could notice that they were completely tied up, in a practically empty room, they also saw that the key was at the other end of the room and finally, they saw that, to one side of them, there was a table with a doll dressed in a tuxedo and black hair and had the way any clown wore it.


            Before they could react, the doll turned on, by itself and a voice told them the following: "You know who I am and for the deluded, I am Mary who, according to all of you who pretended to be my friends, accused me of witchcraft and, of having made a pact with the Devil.


            When I was alive, I told them ad nauseam that I was innocent of all those charges but, nobody believed me.


            Now, I have come back to life because I did make a pact with the Devil and because I swore to avenge myself.


            Now back to our business: in front of you, you can see that there are two keys but only one of them is the one that will get you out of there.


            As you could also notice, the two are tied back to back; so, you will have to find a way to free yourself, find the right key and get out of there, before the house explodes with you inside it.


            Ah! By the way, before I go, don't worry about your children who are safe and far from here, not like you who, don't know whether or not you will have a future. "


            She ended up saying this with a ghoulish laugh that came from the depths of her being.

            Douglas and Denisse did not know what to do or say about it, the only thing about all that torture, what relieved them to know is, their children are safe, healthy and away from home.


            Now, more calmly, they could only think of a way to get out of there, and alive, before the house explodes.


            They tried, by all means to loosen up, to take those keys and see which of the two helped them out of there but, they couldn't let go without hurting the other.


            The two screamed in pain when the other tried to free himself from all ties.


            They tried for thirty minutes; of which seemed like an eternity.


            Between the two of them, they looked for every possible way to free themselves but the more they tried, the more they hurt.


            The married couple, had reached a point of despair that, they understood they were no longer going to try to free themselves, because that means, they had to continue hurting each other; so, all they had to do was wait until Mary kills them, burning them alive.


            So it was. Mary, seeing that they did not leave the house, began to burn the house with them inside and while she saw how they burned with the house, she laughed out loud but his laughter was rather devilish.


            When Mary realized that they were really dead and the house burned, she left without a trace.


            The degree of intensity of the deaths that, Mary committed against all who were once her friends, was increasing fastest.

            One by one, they were paying, in an extremely cruel way, for having burned it that, all experienced in their own flesh, the true terror, and the most frightening thing about knowing that, they were going to die in an extremely cruel way is that, nobody was going to help them.


            I learned from my family that, to the vast majority of those who, were once and in life, Mary's friends, she killed them herself, removing their skin, that was heartbreaking, to suffer in life, a death as horrible as that because, while Mary was doing that to them, they were conscious and tied up, screaming in pain and screaming for me to save them from her.


            I also learned that a few people, no one knows how many, Mary, quartered and ate them, while they were alive.


            Little by little, those who were once Mary's friends were dying at her hands without mercy.


            The most chilling thing, about all that is that, Mary always walked with the same doll and it is, for that time, as if the doll had life.


            The witnesses who managed to flee from that hell, had told that, indeed, Mary went everywhere with a doll, if someone walked near them, the doll turned its head towards that person, as a sign that it wished the death of that person.


            The last ones who still had to pay for having distrusted Mary are: the Jekinson and the Petersen.


            Mary, full of anger towards them, for having mistrusted her, did everything until, she was able to corner them, in the same house, and thus begin the terrible revenge that she had prepared for them.


            They were really terrified by what Mary could do to them and no wonder; since, they already knew, from witnesses, what Mary is capable of doing to her enemies, to exact revenge, for what happened to her.

            At all times, Mary was also protecting her brother; so that, no one would retaliate against her. With the Jekinsons and Petersen, the degree of evil that Mary would have to use for them would be hard to see and hear.


          There was no time to fight for their own lives because, everything happened quickly.


         Mary, looked for the way, to render them unconscious; so that, she can tie them in such a way that they cannot escape.


            Both families, when they woke up, noticed that they had chains (the ones that they put on the condemned when they go to die in the electric chair), they had them on their respective necks and for the rest of their bodies, they had chains but, it was of another type, the ones used to chain people, inside the coffin.


            When they managed to see themselves in the mirrors in front of them, they noticed that, on their respective foreheads, they had a black metal crown and in the middle of them, they had quite a few nails, which were embedded inside their respective heads and that is why that, they were bleeding out.


            To end the horror show, diagonal to them, there was a doll, with black hair and the hair style is the same as clowns wear, he was wearing a tuxedo, he was wearing gloves and in the middle of his hands, he was holding a tape recorder.


            They did not understand what all that was and nor the reason for so many keys, they simply stared at their own place because they could not see clearly what was around them.


            They did not know how to explain what they were seeing with their own eyes but the most alarming and terrifying thing for them was seeing explosives in every corner of the room.

            Before they could react, they heard how someone turned on something that the doll had inside of it and began to speak:


            "As you can see, they are completely tied up and with you, there are several explosives, which I will explode, if you do not free yourself and leave there"


            When they finished listening, they knew that they did not have much time to free themselves and flee from that place that they did not know exactly where they were.


            No matter how many times you try, the result is the same, you will not be able to free yourself, without hurting the other; so, they had to make a decision and their two options were as follows:


1.    Allow to be killed without fighting.


2.    Fighting to free yourself, even if it means that you have to mortally wound the other.


            They had no choice, and opted for option two. Really, they were sad because, by doing that, they would have to sacrifice the life of any of them; until, they manage to free themselves from all that and flee from there, before it is too late.


            As they tried to get rid of all the ties they had, one by one died in the cruellest way; until, only two of eight remained from the Jekinson and Petersen families.


            The two members of each families were alive, were totally devastated by the deaths of their respective family members who had to drown their own tears in order to save themselves.


            In their despair, they did not realize that Mary, through the doll, was seeing everything; while, she began her plan to blow up the place.

            In a matter of seconds, the place already began to smell like gas and immediately afterwards, everything exploded with them inside.


            While that was happening, Mary was laughing devilishly, while they were dying and both were screaming in pain, seeing how their bodies were burning and they died in the most cruel way possible.


            As for Mary, all she said was, "Now, I can go to hell" and she disappeared.


            In all that moment, VALAK was, witnessing everything and helping Mary Shaw, to get revenge on them and when he did it, VALAK took all those souls to hell"


            Well, you may wonder, how does Elizabetha Valerius know all that? The answer is simple: because ghosts; including Mary Shaw, who helped her tell the story, would appear to her, to tell their stories of how they died; so, she could rest in peace.


            From that moment, Elizabetha swore that no one else would suffer a death as cruel as those who, in life, were her best friends.

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