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50% My Crafting World / Chapter 1: Awakening in the Unknown
My Crafting World My Crafting World original

My Crafting World

Author: Celestial_Chaos

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Awakening in the Unknown

John was enveloped by a deep darkness, a sense of emptiness that seemed to stretch for all eternity. There was no light, sound, or any recognizable sign of life. He floated in what could only be described as an infinite limbo, awaiting what came after death.

The absence of sensations was disturbing, but John had no choice but to accept his fate. However, everything changed abruptly when a spatial anomaly appeared before him. An invisible force pulled him with intensity, tearing through the darkness as if it were a cosmic curtain.

The vortex enveloped him, twisting the reality around him, and in the blink of an eye, John found himself in an entirely new place.

The air was different, the sunlight hitting his face in a strange way. John rose from the arid ground, looking around. An unusual landscape stretched before him: distant mountains, exotic vegetation, and a sky that displayed a deep shade of blue. Everything seemed similar to the world of his previous life but entirely different in some way, as if it were an imitation.

He also noticed his attire, a simple shirt and pants without pockets, along with ordinary footwear. He didn't feel the sensation of these clothes touching his skin, they seemed to be a part of his body.

Confused and disoriented, John walked to a nearby tree to inspect its properties and compare them with his memory. While doing so, he realized that something was attached to his arm. Upon closer inspection, he noticed a strange bracelet, emitting a soft luminescence. It seemed to be some kind of device. While trying to comprehend his situation, a holographic screen appeared before him.

System Activated

John blinked, processing the information. He gently touched the tree trunk; nothing happened. Then he held a leaf from a nearby bush; again, no response from the system. Determined to run more tests, he plucked the leaf, and immediately a message appeared on the screen.

Bush Leaves Registered

A surprised smile formed on John's face. He remembered a time when things like this only existed in science fiction on Earth. But this was not a world he knew.

Walking through the unknown landscape, John realized that every resource he managed to appropriate was documented.

Wheat Seed Registered

Apple Registered

Stick Registered

When he picked up a stone from the ground, the screen displayed:

Gravel Registered

Then an intriguing idea emerged in his mind. John picked up the stick and the gravel stone he had just registered. Whittling the wood stick, forming a sharp tip with his hands, he realized that he could combine them in a unique way.

Recipe Registered: Improvised Wooden Spear

Materials: Stick, Gravel.

With a sense of satisfaction, John examined the rudimentary spear he had created. He began to understand that the system was more than just a passive record, it was a guide for his survival in this new world.

After his initial surprise, he decided to address his condition first before further investigating his new gadget. Focusing more on his surroundings, he noticed there was no nearby animal life—no sounds of birds or wind rustling through the leaves. Everything seemed strangely quiet in the forest.

Armed with an improvised wooden spear, he began to walk in the hope of finding a nearby river, already concerned about his future needs for water and food. Although he arrived in this world without hunger or thirst, it wouldn't last for long. Fortunately, he had at least one apple in his left hand, and judging by how easily he found it, acquiring food in this world shouldn't be too difficult.

It took about 10 minutes to find a water source, a stream that ran at the edge of the forest, dividing the flat vegetative landscape from the rocky slope of a mountain. Standing at the edge, he scooped up some water with his hands and drank. The water had no taste or smell, as expected, but it had a faint blue color. Even in small quantities, like the amount he cupped in his hands, this fact was noticeable. However, he felt his body thanking him and satisfying his thirst with the water ingested, so there probably wasn't anything wrong with it.

Some fish were swimming rapidly, even though the river was shallow, but John wasn't hungry right now, so he didn't feel the need to expend energy on getting food immediately. With a water source nearby and a nearby forest, he decided that this environment was ideal for building a shelter. Even though he didn't feel cold or hot yet, he didn't want to risk spending the night without shelter and potentially getting hypothermia due to negligence.

John, far from being a survival expert, recognized the risky nature of his actions, which would certainly be disapproved of by any expert like Bear Grylls. However, lacking a survival guide, he strived to make decisions that would ensure his long-term survival.

John left an apple on the ground and thrust his spear next to it, using them as markers for his future shelter and a trap test for any sign of animal life or human activity. If the apple disappeared, there would be animal activity; if the spear was moved, probably something more than an animal had enough curiosity to remove it. Shifting his focus to his need for better materials, he collected a generous piece of flint from the stream's banks and carried it to a large rock a few dozen meters away.

Flint Registered

Skillfully breaking it into smaller pieces, with an almost oval piece in his hands, he patiently shaped it on the larger rock, forming sharp surfaces.

Recipe Registered: Improvised Flint Blade

Materials: Flint, Stone

Touching the newly created blade to his skin, he felt a slight sting, but stopping to admire the craftsmanship of his weapon, he noticed that the wound closed almost instantly, a very useful ability of his new body. However, as he began to feel hungry, he realized that the ability came with a price: his satiety.

John ventured into the forest to continue his preparations. Taking a thick branch and with the help of the blade, he carved a funnel-shaped hole, with a space large enough to fit his blade. After ensuring that the blade was securely fixed, the system issued an alert.

Recipe Registered: Improvised Flint Axe

Materials: Improvised Flint Blade, Branch*

Properly armed, John chose a less developed tree and began to strike the trunk with his improvised axe. In the process, he realized that he cut higher than planned, resulting in a massive stump and loss of material. As he exerted more effort, his hunger grew. He cut the fallen trunk into planks, obtaining enough material for a bed but still insufficient for a shelter. With reduced expectations, he planned to cut down three more trees to surround his bed with four walls, dispensing with the immediate need for a roof, as he did not notice dark clouds in the sky.

After finishing cutting the trees, his body clamored for food. With his arms trembling slightly, John felt anxious to eat something soon. Returning to the location of his previous marking, he found the spear and the apple intact. Moving forward, he left the planks on the ground and reached for the apple. Although it alleviated hunger, it did not completely extinguish it, but it would do for now. Returning to the forest, he became disheartened upon realizing the need for several trips to transport all the materials. John touched a plank, and surprisingly, his bracelet glowed, making it disappear. Incredulous, he demanded that the bracelet return the wood he worked so hard to obtain, and before he finished the sentence, the plank reappeared in his hand.

Fascinated, John concluded that the bracelet probably was not conscious, as it performed the task before being verbally expressed. The bracelet was reading his intentions. With a possible inventory in mind, he tested his theory mentally, forcing the intention to store a plank, which disappeared instantly. He continued with the other planks until the area was completely cleared. When trying to store a tree, he noticed that the system did not respond, leading him to formulate theories about the size of the object or the need to be registered in the system beforehand. But he dismissed the possibility of registering the item "tree" because, from his observation of the system, it only registered components. Therefore, he could possibly obtain records of trunk, leaves, and branches, but not of the tree.

While he pondered his theories, the sky darkened. According to his observations, he arrived in this world in the middle of the day, and with most of his time spent on exploration and crafting, John felt the urgency to secure shelter before it got dark, completely unaware of the terrible changes the night brought.

Celestial_Chaos Celestial_Chaos

I updated the chapter to compensate for the lack of content, my first work, I hope you like it.

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